Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 16 →
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announcement , however , was not received with the cordiality expected by many , and which may be accounted for in this way , that , although Masonry flourishes here to a great extent , owing to the number of members of the University who are enrolled in it , yet most of them being here but for a time , their absence deprives Masonry of the materials for a Grand Lodge , absolutely necessary to render it effective for the Craft , and imposing to the unitiated . AVe believe that this was felt
by the late excellent Acting P . G . M ., and may account for his never attempting it . In the course of the day the new P . G . M . conferred the honorary office of Deputy Grand Master of this province upon Bro . H . F . Rowe , P . M . OXFORD . —For some time past the meetings of this fraternity have heen but thinly attended , and excited but little interest , which may have
been in some measure attributable to the want of an Acting Provincial ¦ Grand Master . This deficiency has lately been supplied by the appointment of Brother Hall , from the Grand Lodge . Steps were taken to ensure a full attendance at the annual celebration of St . John ' s Day . Bro . Haskins naving previously acceded to the unanimous wish of the Brethren to serve the office of AVorshipful Master , the Lodge was opened at ten o ' clock , for the purpose of installing that gentleman , after which he nominated his officers .
The AVorshipful Master having very eloquently ancl forcibly addressed the Brethren as to their duties , and the beauties of that system to which they were attached , adjourned the Lodge until the afternoon , when the celebration of their annual festival would take place . About five o ' clock the Brethren proceeded in due order from the Lodge to the banquet-room . The AVorshipful Master was supported by his Officers , as well as many , also , of the Provincial Lodge , ancl several
visiting Brethren , including the Town Clerk , Brother Hester . The Chairman then introduced , in his usual happy style , the customary loyal toasts , ancl proposed , in a highly complimentary manner , " The health of the Visiting Brethren . " Bro . Alderman SADLER acknowledged the toast , and expressed the gratification it afforded him in being present at a meeting so large and influentialand presided over bone whom he had known from
, y his childhood , and for whom he , in common with all who were acquainted with him , entertained the highest respect . He hailed his appointment to the chair as a sign of better clays for Freemasonry , and as a guarantee that , for the future , it would be carried on with that spirit and satisfaction which distinguished it a few years ago . Bro . Sadler concluded by wishing prosperity to the Lodge , and his hope that the Master woultl meet with all the support he so deservedly merited .
The CHAIRMAN proposed the health of the late AVorshipful Master , Bro . Blake , who acknowledged the compliment paid him , and returned it by giving '' the Worshipful Master and worth y Chairman of the day . " The toast was drank with the utmost enthusiasm , which lasted some considerable time . On its subsiding the Chairman rose , ancl expressed the hi gh gratification which he felt in acting as Master of a Lodge in the town of which he was a native , and being surrounded by
many who ivere his companions in childhood and his friends in riper years . He confessed that he had been prejudiced against Freemasonry , but experience abroad had convinced him of his error , and satisfied him that there was something in it beyond the mere name . —( cheers ) . He
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announcement , however , was not received with the cordiality expected by many , and which may be accounted for in this way , that , although Masonry flourishes here to a great extent , owing to the number of members of the University who are enrolled in it , yet most of them being here but for a time , their absence deprives Masonry of the materials for a Grand Lodge , absolutely necessary to render it effective for the Craft , and imposing to the unitiated . AVe believe that this was felt
by the late excellent Acting P . G . M ., and may account for his never attempting it . In the course of the day the new P . G . M . conferred the honorary office of Deputy Grand Master of this province upon Bro . H . F . Rowe , P . M . OXFORD . —For some time past the meetings of this fraternity have heen but thinly attended , and excited but little interest , which may have
been in some measure attributable to the want of an Acting Provincial ¦ Grand Master . This deficiency has lately been supplied by the appointment of Brother Hall , from the Grand Lodge . Steps were taken to ensure a full attendance at the annual celebration of St . John ' s Day . Bro . Haskins naving previously acceded to the unanimous wish of the Brethren to serve the office of AVorshipful Master , the Lodge was opened at ten o ' clock , for the purpose of installing that gentleman , after which he nominated his officers .
The AVorshipful Master having very eloquently ancl forcibly addressed the Brethren as to their duties , and the beauties of that system to which they were attached , adjourned the Lodge until the afternoon , when the celebration of their annual festival would take place . About five o ' clock the Brethren proceeded in due order from the Lodge to the banquet-room . The AVorshipful Master was supported by his Officers , as well as many , also , of the Provincial Lodge , ancl several
visiting Brethren , including the Town Clerk , Brother Hester . The Chairman then introduced , in his usual happy style , the customary loyal toasts , ancl proposed , in a highly complimentary manner , " The health of the Visiting Brethren . " Bro . Alderman SADLER acknowledged the toast , and expressed the gratification it afforded him in being present at a meeting so large and influentialand presided over bone whom he had known from
, y his childhood , and for whom he , in common with all who were acquainted with him , entertained the highest respect . He hailed his appointment to the chair as a sign of better clays for Freemasonry , and as a guarantee that , for the future , it would be carried on with that spirit and satisfaction which distinguished it a few years ago . Bro . Sadler concluded by wishing prosperity to the Lodge , and his hope that the Master woultl meet with all the support he so deservedly merited .
The CHAIRMAN proposed the health of the late AVorshipful Master , Bro . Blake , who acknowledged the compliment paid him , and returned it by giving '' the Worshipful Master and worth y Chairman of the day . " The toast was drank with the utmost enthusiasm , which lasted some considerable time . On its subsiding the Chairman rose , ancl expressed the hi gh gratification which he felt in acting as Master of a Lodge in the town of which he was a native , and being surrounded by
many who ivere his companions in childhood and his friends in riper years . He confessed that he had been prejudiced against Freemasonry , but experience abroad had convinced him of his error , and satisfied him that there was something in it beyond the mere name . —( cheers ) . He