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the earnest hope that so long a period as eight years should not again he allowed to elapse without a festive re-union of the Members of this celebrated Society . EDINBURGH , Jan . —A pro re nata meeting of St . Stephen ' s Lodge was held , at which , in consequence of the death of the late Councillor Macauley , who had been chosen to preside , the Brethren proceeded to fill up the vacancy ; when Br . Alexander Sutherland , bookseller ,
Leithstreet , was hy acclamation called to the chair of R . W . M . This election gave great satisfaction ; and the general approbation of the selection was exemplified on the occasion of the visit of Grancl Lodge on Thursday the 25 th ult . to the Lodge of St . James , when the Members of St . Stephen ' s appeared in full force , headed hy their newly-elected Master . Mar . 1 The Lodge Edinburgh St . Andrew , held their annual
convivial meeting in the Lodge-room , Regent Hotel , AVaterloo-place . The R . AA' . Master Bro . John Steventon in the chair . A very numerous assemblage of the Bretliren were present on the occasion , and were visited by deputations from the Sister Lodges of the city . After supper the usual Masonic toasts were drunk , and the evening spent with harmony . EDINBURGH PRIORY OF THE TEMPLE . —Comp . Shand , Advocate
, Deputy Master of St . David's Lodge , and four other gentlemen , were recently admitted into the communion of the Scottish Templars . NORTH BERWICK . —The Brethren of St- Baldred ' s Lodge entertained the ladies of that place , and their friends , to a ball , when about two hundred ladies and gentlemen attended . The company assembled about eight o ' clock , under the direction of Baillie Grieve . Mr . M'Culloch ' s band was in attendance , ancl enlivened the company with their stirring
music . GREENOCK , Dec . 27 . —John ' s Lodge was held here this evening with extraordinary display . Having dined in the hall of the Buck ' s Head Inn , the Lodge was afterwards opened in the large hall of the Exchange-buildings . Precisely at eight o ' clock , in the absence of the R . W . M . Bro . Dow , Bro . Keith , Depute Master , took the chair . The Lodge having opened in clue form , the band struck up " Old Hundred , " the Brethren all standing : after which a deputation from Glasgow
Kilwinning , No . 4 , under the direction of Bro . Mein , their Senior AVarden , was admitted , followed by a deputation from Glasgow St . Mungo , under the care of Bro . M'Donald , their R . W . M . These deputitions were very warmly received ; the Lodge-room was crowded with a large assemblage of Masons , and at one time no less than four hundred must have been present . The toasts of the evening were well given and received . Bro . Mein observedin reply to a toastthat such a display of
, , grandeur , with so chaste ancl simple a manner , he had never witnessed . Bro . M'Donald ' s reply was rather amusing ; and so enchanted did he seem , that his mind wandered in fairy land ; but by a little prompting he was brought back to his perpendicular , and wound up his expressions by assuring the Lodge that to witness such another meeting he would not hesitate to cross the Atlantic- Many toasts and songs were given throughout the night . The ladies received their usual
compliment , and the band sung in grand style " Here ' s a health to all good Lasses . " High twelve being announced by Bro . Campbell , the Senior Warden , Bro . Todd , the Junior Warden , requested leave to call off the Brethren ; but previous to doing so , the AV . Depute Master sung " St .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
the earnest hope that so long a period as eight years should not again he allowed to elapse without a festive re-union of the Members of this celebrated Society . EDINBURGH , Jan . —A pro re nata meeting of St . Stephen ' s Lodge was held , at which , in consequence of the death of the late Councillor Macauley , who had been chosen to preside , the Brethren proceeded to fill up the vacancy ; when Br . Alexander Sutherland , bookseller ,
Leithstreet , was hy acclamation called to the chair of R . W . M . This election gave great satisfaction ; and the general approbation of the selection was exemplified on the occasion of the visit of Grancl Lodge on Thursday the 25 th ult . to the Lodge of St . James , when the Members of St . Stephen ' s appeared in full force , headed hy their newly-elected Master . Mar . 1 The Lodge Edinburgh St . Andrew , held their annual
convivial meeting in the Lodge-room , Regent Hotel , AVaterloo-place . The R . AA' . Master Bro . John Steventon in the chair . A very numerous assemblage of the Bretliren were present on the occasion , and were visited by deputations from the Sister Lodges of the city . After supper the usual Masonic toasts were drunk , and the evening spent with harmony . EDINBURGH PRIORY OF THE TEMPLE . —Comp . Shand , Advocate
, Deputy Master of St . David's Lodge , and four other gentlemen , were recently admitted into the communion of the Scottish Templars . NORTH BERWICK . —The Brethren of St- Baldred ' s Lodge entertained the ladies of that place , and their friends , to a ball , when about two hundred ladies and gentlemen attended . The company assembled about eight o ' clock , under the direction of Baillie Grieve . Mr . M'Culloch ' s band was in attendance , ancl enlivened the company with their stirring
music . GREENOCK , Dec . 27 . —John ' s Lodge was held here this evening with extraordinary display . Having dined in the hall of the Buck ' s Head Inn , the Lodge was afterwards opened in the large hall of the Exchange-buildings . Precisely at eight o ' clock , in the absence of the R . W . M . Bro . Dow , Bro . Keith , Depute Master , took the chair . The Lodge having opened in clue form , the band struck up " Old Hundred , " the Brethren all standing : after which a deputation from Glasgow
Kilwinning , No . 4 , under the direction of Bro . Mein , their Senior AVarden , was admitted , followed by a deputation from Glasgow St . Mungo , under the care of Bro . M'Donald , their R . W . M . These deputitions were very warmly received ; the Lodge-room was crowded with a large assemblage of Masons , and at one time no less than four hundred must have been present . The toasts of the evening were well given and received . Bro . Mein observedin reply to a toastthat such a display of
, , grandeur , with so chaste ancl simple a manner , he had never witnessed . Bro . M'Donald ' s reply was rather amusing ; and so enchanted did he seem , that his mind wandered in fairy land ; but by a little prompting he was brought back to his perpendicular , and wound up his expressions by assuring the Lodge that to witness such another meeting he would not hesitate to cross the Atlantic- Many toasts and songs were given throughout the night . The ladies received their usual
compliment , and the band sung in grand style " Here ' s a health to all good Lasses . " High twelve being announced by Bro . Campbell , the Senior Warden , Bro . Todd , the Junior Warden , requested leave to call off the Brethren ; but previous to doing so , the AV . Depute Master sung " St .