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Proxy-Master . John Finlayson , R . AV . Master . Thereafter the Brethren partook of a sumptuous supper , and enjoyed themselves under the veil of their ancient Order , until the doors of their spacious hall were thrown open for the hall , which commenced at nine o ' clock .
TO CORRESPONDENTS . Oun correspondents from Dublin . Cork , Limerick , Kilkenny , Carlow and Belfast will excuse our not inserting their letters on the unhappy dissention now prevailing ; they have , however , been perused with tlie attention their interest demands , as our comments on the subject will sufficiently prove . Ax EYE-WITNESS will pardon our declining to insert his report of the Grand Lodge of March ; we candidly confess that to attempt to bring on any motion—no matter IIOAV temperate—to investigate the causes of dissention , so soon after the late Grand Lodge , was impolitic . " Dat veniam cor vis , vex . it censura Columbia "—a fowler may be caught in his own net . Time , that softens asperity , is IIOAV the only medium . Some may tire of being violent—others may become more patient—many will awake—among them a few who have heart and soul . AVe are not of those who despair ; our creed is Freemasonry , which teaches
a far different course of action . SunscRiBBns in Derry and other places are requested to apply to Mr . Joshua Porter , 72 , Graf ton-street , Dublin , who will regularly supply all orders . It may be well , to ensure punctual ity , to enquire of the booksellers in their respective towns , the name of their Dublin agent , through whose hands Mr . Porter will send the F . Q . Review : we are aware that certain parties are opposed to a mirror that reflects their own mistakes , and think to injure it by the intimation that its circulation has ceased—a mean and unworthy artifice . Unless DEATH shall anticipate us , we shall ourselves , in proper time , announce our editorial dissolution , and inscribe on our figurative tomb a suitable epitaph .
"Wfi understand that the Grand Lodge of Ireland has decreed that . the Deacons , Wardens and Musters of Lodges must pass an examination , proving that the first are competent to initiate , the second to pass , and tlie third to make , pass , and raise . Will some intelligent correspondent inform us on this point .
" If it be aught toward the general good , Set honour in one eye , and death i'the other , And I will look on both indifferently : For , let the gods so speed me , as I love The name of honour more than I fe . ir death . "
DUBLIN . —It would appear both by correspondence from tbe Sister Isle , and by many personal communications , that the differences in opinion regarding the Grand Chapter . and original Chapter of Prince Masons in Ireland , still exist in all their unseemly virulence ; that neither those who are considered as disputants of power , nor those who , being fortuitously placed in the van , and from whom consequently is naturally expected an example of temperate forbearance , feel sufficiently
ivnbue & with the holy and bei _ . igT _ a . T-t spirit of Masonry . The latter will not gracefully draw the mantle over irritations which , by such concealment would not be felt , but which by being suffered to fester , through improper exposure and unkindness , become moral ulcers disgraceful to behold ; and although it could be wished that the errors should be corrected by being taught a lesson of moral obedience , some palliation ( although no reason ) may be adduced , shewing that obedience in Masonry may sometimes become worse than passive from necessity , instead of being active from principle .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Proxy-Master . John Finlayson , R . AV . Master . Thereafter the Brethren partook of a sumptuous supper , and enjoyed themselves under the veil of their ancient Order , until the doors of their spacious hall were thrown open for the hall , which commenced at nine o ' clock .
TO CORRESPONDENTS . Oun correspondents from Dublin . Cork , Limerick , Kilkenny , Carlow and Belfast will excuse our not inserting their letters on the unhappy dissention now prevailing ; they have , however , been perused with tlie attention their interest demands , as our comments on the subject will sufficiently prove . Ax EYE-WITNESS will pardon our declining to insert his report of the Grand Lodge of March ; we candidly confess that to attempt to bring on any motion—no matter IIOAV temperate—to investigate the causes of dissention , so soon after the late Grand Lodge , was impolitic . " Dat veniam cor vis , vex . it censura Columbia "—a fowler may be caught in his own net . Time , that softens asperity , is IIOAV the only medium . Some may tire of being violent—others may become more patient—many will awake—among them a few who have heart and soul . AVe are not of those who despair ; our creed is Freemasonry , which teaches
a far different course of action . SunscRiBBns in Derry and other places are requested to apply to Mr . Joshua Porter , 72 , Graf ton-street , Dublin , who will regularly supply all orders . It may be well , to ensure punctual ity , to enquire of the booksellers in their respective towns , the name of their Dublin agent , through whose hands Mr . Porter will send the F . Q . Review : we are aware that certain parties are opposed to a mirror that reflects their own mistakes , and think to injure it by the intimation that its circulation has ceased—a mean and unworthy artifice . Unless DEATH shall anticipate us , we shall ourselves , in proper time , announce our editorial dissolution , and inscribe on our figurative tomb a suitable epitaph .
"Wfi understand that the Grand Lodge of Ireland has decreed that . the Deacons , Wardens and Musters of Lodges must pass an examination , proving that the first are competent to initiate , the second to pass , and tlie third to make , pass , and raise . Will some intelligent correspondent inform us on this point .
" If it be aught toward the general good , Set honour in one eye , and death i'the other , And I will look on both indifferently : For , let the gods so speed me , as I love The name of honour more than I fe . ir death . "
DUBLIN . —It would appear both by correspondence from tbe Sister Isle , and by many personal communications , that the differences in opinion regarding the Grand Chapter . and original Chapter of Prince Masons in Ireland , still exist in all their unseemly virulence ; that neither those who are considered as disputants of power , nor those who , being fortuitously placed in the van , and from whom consequently is naturally expected an example of temperate forbearance , feel sufficiently
ivnbue & with the holy and bei _ . igT _ a . T-t spirit of Masonry . The latter will not gracefully draw the mantle over irritations which , by such concealment would not be felt , but which by being suffered to fester , through improper exposure and unkindness , become moral ulcers disgraceful to behold ; and although it could be wished that the errors should be corrected by being taught a lesson of moral obedience , some palliation ( although no reason ) may be adduced , shewing that obedience in Masonry may sometimes become worse than passive from necessity , instead of being active from principle .