Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 12 of 17 →
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WORCESTER . — Thc Masonic Ball . —Feb . 20 . —Shortly after nine o ' clock the assembly room of the Guildhall was thronged with a galaxy of beauty , loveliness , and fashion , the fair guests being didy supported by a proportionate number of gay gallants , amongst whom the hosp itable Masons , the generous hosts of the evening , shone most eminently conspicuous , being adorned with the various and rich insignia—jewels , collarsscarfsaprons , and other badges—of their ancient and honourable
, , Fraternity . The company numbered in the whole , we understood , about four hundred and seventy , so that , as it may be imagined , the large room , which was decorated with more than usual care , was filled almost to inconvenience . We cannot attempt to give any thing like a complete list of the company present ; but we noticed a few of the most distinguished guests , amongst whom were the Earl and Countess
Beauchamp , Lord Southwell , and the Count and Countess San Damiano ; Hon . W . Coventry and family ; Baroness de Thoren ; the Misses Lechmere , Sir O . P . Wakeman , Bart ., Miss Peel , A . Skey , Esq ., J . W . Isaac , Esq ., Mrs . and the Misses Farley , J . H . Allen , Esq ., W . Dent , Esq . Marriott , Esq ., and the Misses Marriott , Conyngham Burton , Esq ., Mrs . and Miss Hawkes , W . Ellis , Esq ., J . M . GutchEsq . J . ParkerEsq . J . OwenEsq . W . CandlerEsq . ( who
, , , , , , , , appeared as Master ofthe Worcestershire Hounds , ) M . Pierpoint , Esq ., and Mrs . Pierpoint , J . P . Sheppard , Esq ., and the Misses Sheppard , Dr ., Mrs ., and Miss Maiden , Dr . James Nash , E . A . Turley , Esq ., Edgar Sheppard , Esq ., and Mrs . E . Sheppard , Rev . T . L . Wheeler , Rev . J . Webster C , Sidebottom , Esq ., H . B . Peake , Esq ., Mrs . and the
Misses Kent , and a host of others . VVe have not mentioned the names of any of the Masons , nor of the ladies who graced them . At the risk , however , of committing a solecism , we cannot refrain from mentioning the splendid appearance of the . Worshipful Master of the Lodge , R . Rising , Esq ., ancl Past Master , James Knight , Esq ., who were each richly attired and decorated with splendid jewels , and wore the crosshandled swords of Knights Templar , having attained that eminent degree in the Order of Masonry ; nor should we omit to notice the
peculiarly chaste appearance of the decorations of J . B . Hyde , Esq ., and the other Past Masters of the Lodge . Dancing commenced shortly after the hour above named ; and fair forms flitted through the mazy intricacies of the quadrille , whirled the giddy round of the waltz , revelled in the all-absorbing Polka , or languished through the voluptuous windings of the Spanish national dances until half-past onewhen the gay assemblage was summoned to a scene
, of more than oriental magnificence . The two side rooms adjoining the Assembly-room having been appropriated , the one as a tea and coffee and the other as a card-room , the lower or entrance hall was fitted up as a refectory , the courts on the west side of-the hall being concealed by massive and tastefully arranged draperies ; above tbe windows on the eastern side were placed carved and gilt cornice poles , from which depended curtains richly fringed ; the spaces between the windows
were occupied with draperies gracefully festooned . Each end of the hall was brilliantly illuminated with devices in gas , the rest of the light required being supplied by chandeliers bearing argand lamps , numerous table lamps , wax lights , and in front of each of the three principal Chairs , an enormous wax taper on a richly carved candelabrum . The
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WORCESTER . — Thc Masonic Ball . —Feb . 20 . —Shortly after nine o ' clock the assembly room of the Guildhall was thronged with a galaxy of beauty , loveliness , and fashion , the fair guests being didy supported by a proportionate number of gay gallants , amongst whom the hosp itable Masons , the generous hosts of the evening , shone most eminently conspicuous , being adorned with the various and rich insignia—jewels , collarsscarfsaprons , and other badges—of their ancient and honourable
, , Fraternity . The company numbered in the whole , we understood , about four hundred and seventy , so that , as it may be imagined , the large room , which was decorated with more than usual care , was filled almost to inconvenience . We cannot attempt to give any thing like a complete list of the company present ; but we noticed a few of the most distinguished guests , amongst whom were the Earl and Countess
Beauchamp , Lord Southwell , and the Count and Countess San Damiano ; Hon . W . Coventry and family ; Baroness de Thoren ; the Misses Lechmere , Sir O . P . Wakeman , Bart ., Miss Peel , A . Skey , Esq ., J . W . Isaac , Esq ., Mrs . and the Misses Farley , J . H . Allen , Esq ., W . Dent , Esq . Marriott , Esq ., and the Misses Marriott , Conyngham Burton , Esq ., Mrs . and Miss Hawkes , W . Ellis , Esq ., J . M . GutchEsq . J . ParkerEsq . J . OwenEsq . W . CandlerEsq . ( who
, , , , , , , , appeared as Master ofthe Worcestershire Hounds , ) M . Pierpoint , Esq ., and Mrs . Pierpoint , J . P . Sheppard , Esq ., and the Misses Sheppard , Dr ., Mrs ., and Miss Maiden , Dr . James Nash , E . A . Turley , Esq ., Edgar Sheppard , Esq ., and Mrs . E . Sheppard , Rev . T . L . Wheeler , Rev . J . Webster C , Sidebottom , Esq ., H . B . Peake , Esq ., Mrs . and the
Misses Kent , and a host of others . VVe have not mentioned the names of any of the Masons , nor of the ladies who graced them . At the risk , however , of committing a solecism , we cannot refrain from mentioning the splendid appearance of the . Worshipful Master of the Lodge , R . Rising , Esq ., ancl Past Master , James Knight , Esq ., who were each richly attired and decorated with splendid jewels , and wore the crosshandled swords of Knights Templar , having attained that eminent degree in the Order of Masonry ; nor should we omit to notice the
peculiarly chaste appearance of the decorations of J . B . Hyde , Esq ., and the other Past Masters of the Lodge . Dancing commenced shortly after the hour above named ; and fair forms flitted through the mazy intricacies of the quadrille , whirled the giddy round of the waltz , revelled in the all-absorbing Polka , or languished through the voluptuous windings of the Spanish national dances until half-past onewhen the gay assemblage was summoned to a scene
, of more than oriental magnificence . The two side rooms adjoining the Assembly-room having been appropriated , the one as a tea and coffee and the other as a card-room , the lower or entrance hall was fitted up as a refectory , the courts on the west side of-the hall being concealed by massive and tastefully arranged draperies ; above tbe windows on the eastern side were placed carved and gilt cornice poles , from which depended curtains richly fringed ; the spaces between the windows
were occupied with draperies gracefully festooned . Each end of the hall was brilliantly illuminated with devices in gas , the rest of the light required being supplied by chandeliers bearing argand lamps , numerous table lamps , wax lights , and in front of each of the three principal Chairs , an enormous wax taper on a richly carved candelabrum . The