Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 16 of 17 →
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BunLEion S ALTERTON , Rolle ' s Arms . Lodge of Harmony . No . 509 , Dec . 30 . —The annual festival was commemorated , when the W . M . Brolher John AVilliams was installed in the chair by Brother W . S . Wish , P . M ., ancl the other officers duly appointed and invested .
RYDE , ISLE OF AVIGHT . Fast Medina Lodge , No . 204 , Dec . 26 . — The Lodge met in full force at their Lodge room for the purpose of installing as W . M . for the ensuing year Bro . the Rev . AVm . Moore , one of the oldest ancl most respected members of the Lodge , and also to celebrate the festival . Many visitors from the Newport and Cowes Lodges were present . The ceremony of installation was performed by Bro . J . Hearn , the retiring Master , ancl D . P . G . M . of the Island , ancl at its conclusion the Brethren partook of a banquet at the Royal Pier Hotel . The sacred character of Bro . Moore ' s profession , and his station in society in Ryde , are likely to be of great service to this already flourishing and increasing Lodge .
March 2 . —Some few weeks since the Right Worshipful P . G . M ., the Earl of Yarborough , received a request from the Royal Victoria Yacht Club , that he would summon a Grand Lodge of his Province to meet ancl assist His Royal Highness Prince Albert in laying the foundation stone of the Club House , ancl which His Royal Highness hacl graciously signified his intention of doing on this clay , and accordingly the necessary summonses were issued . The Brethren began to assemble at the Town Hall about twelve
o ' clock , but a general feeling of regret prevailed at the absence of the Right Worshipful Prov . G . M ., who was unable through illness to be in attendance . Shortly after one o ' clock , the D . P . G . M ., J . H . Hearne , Esq ., of Newport , entered the Lodge room . The Lodge having been opened , ancl some preliminary business gone through , the order was given for forming the procession , and which was speedily arranged in the street adjoining the Town Hall , including several distinguished
Brethren of the Prov . Grand Lodge of Hants . The D . P . G . M . beinnsupported on each side by a Brother ofthe Province of Hants . The procession included upwards of one hundred and fifty Brethren . The Masonic procession was followed by another , composed ofthe Magistrates ancl authorities , ancl principal inhabitants of the town , and proceeded to the bottom of the Pier , where they awaited the arrival of His Royal Highness , who landed shortly after three o ' clock , and having taken his
appointed place , the procession was once more set in motion on its return up the pier until the head of it reached the Royal Pier Hotel , when a halt was made , ancl a double line having been formed , His Royal Hi <*_ iness , preceded by his standard , borne by a Captain in the Navy , and accompanied by his suite and several distinguished and noble visitors of the Yacht Club , was led through the procession to the door of the hotel where an address was presented from the Town . The band then took the leadfollowed bHis Hi
, y Royal ghness and suite towards the scite . The order of the Masonic procession was then reversed , the Prov . Grand Lodge immediately following His Royal Highness into the ground , and taking their stations around him . The whole procession having entered ancl taken their appointed stations , a bottle containing coins was handed to His Royal Hin-hness by Bro . G . G . Downes , the secretary of the club , and it having been deposited by His Royal Highness in the cavity , a brass plate , bearing an inscription , was laid over it . The silver trowel was then handed to
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BunLEion S ALTERTON , Rolle ' s Arms . Lodge of Harmony . No . 509 , Dec . 30 . —The annual festival was commemorated , when the W . M . Brolher John AVilliams was installed in the chair by Brother W . S . Wish , P . M ., ancl the other officers duly appointed and invested .
RYDE , ISLE OF AVIGHT . Fast Medina Lodge , No . 204 , Dec . 26 . — The Lodge met in full force at their Lodge room for the purpose of installing as W . M . for the ensuing year Bro . the Rev . AVm . Moore , one of the oldest ancl most respected members of the Lodge , and also to celebrate the festival . Many visitors from the Newport and Cowes Lodges were present . The ceremony of installation was performed by Bro . J . Hearn , the retiring Master , ancl D . P . G . M . of the Island , ancl at its conclusion the Brethren partook of a banquet at the Royal Pier Hotel . The sacred character of Bro . Moore ' s profession , and his station in society in Ryde , are likely to be of great service to this already flourishing and increasing Lodge .
March 2 . —Some few weeks since the Right Worshipful P . G . M ., the Earl of Yarborough , received a request from the Royal Victoria Yacht Club , that he would summon a Grand Lodge of his Province to meet ancl assist His Royal Highness Prince Albert in laying the foundation stone of the Club House , ancl which His Royal Highness hacl graciously signified his intention of doing on this clay , and accordingly the necessary summonses were issued . The Brethren began to assemble at the Town Hall about twelve
o ' clock , but a general feeling of regret prevailed at the absence of the Right Worshipful Prov . G . M ., who was unable through illness to be in attendance . Shortly after one o ' clock , the D . P . G . M ., J . H . Hearne , Esq ., of Newport , entered the Lodge room . The Lodge having been opened , ancl some preliminary business gone through , the order was given for forming the procession , and which was speedily arranged in the street adjoining the Town Hall , including several distinguished
Brethren of the Prov . Grand Lodge of Hants . The D . P . G . M . beinnsupported on each side by a Brother ofthe Province of Hants . The procession included upwards of one hundred and fifty Brethren . The Masonic procession was followed by another , composed ofthe Magistrates ancl authorities , ancl principal inhabitants of the town , and proceeded to the bottom of the Pier , where they awaited the arrival of His Royal Highness , who landed shortly after three o ' clock , and having taken his
appointed place , the procession was once more set in motion on its return up the pier until the head of it reached the Royal Pier Hotel , when a halt was made , ancl a double line having been formed , His Royal Hi <*_ iness , preceded by his standard , borne by a Captain in the Navy , and accompanied by his suite and several distinguished and noble visitors of the Yacht Club , was led through the procession to the door of the hotel where an address was presented from the Town . The band then took the leadfollowed bHis Hi
, y Royal ghness and suite towards the scite . The order of the Masonic procession was then reversed , the Prov . Grand Lodge immediately following His Royal Highness into the ground , and taking their stations around him . The whole procession having entered ancl taken their appointed stations , a bottle containing coins was handed to His Royal Hin-hness by Bro . G . G . Downes , the secretary of the club , and it having been deposited by His Royal Highness in the cavity , a brass plate , bearing an inscription , was laid over it . The silver trowel was then handed to