Article AMERICA—UNITED STATES. ← Page 2 of 5 →
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America—United States.
"Bro . Ole Bull , —Your mission to our country will shortl y close , You brought with you the free spirit of your mother-land , which has harmonized with the free spirit of our own . You have made known the sweet melodies of ' The Mountains of Norway' amidst' The Solitude of the Prairies' of America ; you will carry back a transcript of the music of 'Niagara ; ' you will leave behind you your tribute of
respect to ' The Memory of AVashington' ( applause ) : and you will be followed by the'Mothers ' Prayer' and the'Orphans' gratitude ; ' and the world will learn that while they talk about the union of states and nations by bands of iron , there is a band stronger than iron , which unites the hearts of the true men and the free men of every clime by the indissoluble ties of Fraternal love . " Bro . Herring concluded amidst continued plaudits .
Bro . OLE BULL , who was evidently deeply moved , made a brief reply , but he spoke so low as to be quite inaudible to us at the commencement . When we caught his words , he was referring to his latest composition , of which he said : — " The tribute to the 'Memory of Washington'is not mv own . It
is the tribute of the people of Norway which I only echo . The principles for which the people of this country drew their swords and shed their blood , electrified the people of Norway and animated them in their exertions for liberty . The admiration of the Norwegians for the ' institutions of America , ancl for their great Founder , was early implanted in my heart , and the admiration of AVashington and the love of liberty are impressed there , and are eternal . "
The audience , at the conclusion of this speech burst forth with the ' most vociferous applause , which continued for several minutes . At the conclusion of the concert this was renewed with even increased fervour . He terminated the " Polacca Guerriera" with a most brilliant movement , which , during its performance , enthralled the attention of the audience , but as the last notes died away , there was one simultaneous and overwhelming burst of applauseand again and again he
, was called out to receive their boisterous ancl enthusiastic adieu . We have listened most of us , probably for the last time , to the magic tones of this master-spirit : but he is linked with so many beautiful associations , that memory will delight to cling to them , and the recollections of him and of his farewell will remain untarnished , when the ' rust of Time has obliterated less cherished impressions .
BOSTON , MASSACHUSETTS . —The Grand Lodge of this State has commenced most important relations with the Grand Lodge of England , as is shown by the following edicts : — " From the East of the Most AA ' orshipful Grand Lodge of Free ' and Accepted Masons in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts , in North America . " AVhereas the said Grand Lodge , recognising their paternal relations
to the Most Worshipful United Grand Lodge of England , and desirous of increasing , of strengthening , and perpetuating the bonds of Fraternal union between the two Grand Lodges ; and haying full trust and confidence in the personal worth and Masonic skill and fidelity of the ' Reverend Brother William James Carver , of London , did , at their Quarterly Communication in June last , by unanimous vote , resolve that the said Brother Carver should be appointed the resident Representavoi ,. IV . B
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
America—United States.
"Bro . Ole Bull , —Your mission to our country will shortl y close , You brought with you the free spirit of your mother-land , which has harmonized with the free spirit of our own . You have made known the sweet melodies of ' The Mountains of Norway' amidst' The Solitude of the Prairies' of America ; you will carry back a transcript of the music of 'Niagara ; ' you will leave behind you your tribute of
respect to ' The Memory of AVashington' ( applause ) : and you will be followed by the'Mothers ' Prayer' and the'Orphans' gratitude ; ' and the world will learn that while they talk about the union of states and nations by bands of iron , there is a band stronger than iron , which unites the hearts of the true men and the free men of every clime by the indissoluble ties of Fraternal love . " Bro . Herring concluded amidst continued plaudits .
Bro . OLE BULL , who was evidently deeply moved , made a brief reply , but he spoke so low as to be quite inaudible to us at the commencement . When we caught his words , he was referring to his latest composition , of which he said : — " The tribute to the 'Memory of Washington'is not mv own . It
is the tribute of the people of Norway which I only echo . The principles for which the people of this country drew their swords and shed their blood , electrified the people of Norway and animated them in their exertions for liberty . The admiration of the Norwegians for the ' institutions of America , ancl for their great Founder , was early implanted in my heart , and the admiration of AVashington and the love of liberty are impressed there , and are eternal . "
The audience , at the conclusion of this speech burst forth with the ' most vociferous applause , which continued for several minutes . At the conclusion of the concert this was renewed with even increased fervour . He terminated the " Polacca Guerriera" with a most brilliant movement , which , during its performance , enthralled the attention of the audience , but as the last notes died away , there was one simultaneous and overwhelming burst of applauseand again and again he
, was called out to receive their boisterous ancl enthusiastic adieu . We have listened most of us , probably for the last time , to the magic tones of this master-spirit : but he is linked with so many beautiful associations , that memory will delight to cling to them , and the recollections of him and of his farewell will remain untarnished , when the ' rust of Time has obliterated less cherished impressions .
BOSTON , MASSACHUSETTS . —The Grand Lodge of this State has commenced most important relations with the Grand Lodge of England , as is shown by the following edicts : — " From the East of the Most AA ' orshipful Grand Lodge of Free ' and Accepted Masons in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts , in North America . " AVhereas the said Grand Lodge , recognising their paternal relations
to the Most Worshipful United Grand Lodge of England , and desirous of increasing , of strengthening , and perpetuating the bonds of Fraternal union between the two Grand Lodges ; and haying full trust and confidence in the personal worth and Masonic skill and fidelity of the ' Reverend Brother William James Carver , of London , did , at their Quarterly Communication in June last , by unanimous vote , resolve that the said Brother Carver should be appointed the resident Representavoi ,. IV . B