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Our Jewish Brethren, Also Sit Lux.
TO TIIE EDITOR . Sin AND BROTHER , —In the Freemasons' Quarterly Bevicw for December , IS 45 , I have read with much interest the tone expressed , and the umbrage felt by the Grand Lodge of England , respecting the unmasonic conduct of the Grand Lodge of Berlin , by refusing admittance to our Jewish Brethren . I have also perused in the same periodical tiie communication of " Sit Lux , " which seems to be chiefly founded on part of a speech of the Rev . Bro . Oliver , upon the occasion of a testimonial being presented to him in Lincoln , when that worthy Brother said— " In 1813 or 1814 a numerous and flourishing Lodue was hold ,
amongst the members were several Jewish Masons , and they possessed sufficient influence to direct the committee to withdraw from the lectures every reference to Christianity . " ' * Sit Lux" seems ( if I understand him rightly ) not over warm to the Jewish Masons , if its origin be Christian ; and asks— " is Masonry or is it not of Christian origin ?" In Blue Masonry every member of the Craft will find in his certificate that the date of Masonry commenced four thousand years previous lo Christianity ; the same in the Royal Arch degree ; the priestlorder
y commenced three thousand three hundred and thirty-six years before Christianity , consequently if these dates are correct , and we have no shade of proof to the contrary , Masonry must have been established amongst the Jews ; all the ceremonies , particularly in the Royal Arch degree , historical , emblematical , ancl mystical bear too strong a character to contradict , and proves it was introduced , cultivated , ancl cherished by the then unchristian kings , princes , ancl most influential individuals of
those times , four thousand years before Christianity , consequently the degrees of Entered Apprentice , Fellowcraft , Master Mason , ancl Royal Arch degree are of Jewish origin ; ancl on what ground can the Lodge of Berlin , or any other Lodge , assume or arrogate to itself , with justice , the right of expelling a Jewish Brother from their meetings ? when at that very time , perhaps ( particularly in the Royal Arch degree ) , every signal respect and loyalty is expressed in memory towards Moses , Abraham , Isaac , ancl Jacob . Any Lodge which can thus act inconsistently , hy refusing a Jewish Mason admittance , acts unconstitutionally , and proves its utter ignorance of Masonic duty and brotherly love . — " Junclus amor virtute local miner rp . the . ra Fratvcs "
The higher degrees of Masonry are of Christian origin , viz ., Knights of St . John of Jerusalem , Knights of Malta , Knights Templars , & c , the latter ' s certificate commences with the words— " In the name of the . most Holy and undivided Trinity , Father , Son , and Holy Ghost , " ( at least my certificate of Knight Templar , granted to me by 1 . otlge , No . 272 , at Belfast , under the registry of the * Grand Lodge of " Ireland , does ) , this and the drinking vessel , in which the Knight Templar
pledges himself , are proofs in evidence of these degrees being of Christian origin , from these degrees Jews are excluded , ancl none but Christians can or willbe admitted . TheOrder of Kni ght Templars commenced about seven hundred and twenty-eight years ago , at the time of the crusades , and as those Knights hacl frequently occasion to cross the seas ancl divers countries of non-believers in Christianity , they were instructed and provided with certain passwords , signs , and tokens , to pass their way unmolested , among the Algerines and Moorish Masons , and a
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Jewish Brethren, Also Sit Lux.
TO TIIE EDITOR . Sin AND BROTHER , —In the Freemasons' Quarterly Bevicw for December , IS 45 , I have read with much interest the tone expressed , and the umbrage felt by the Grand Lodge of England , respecting the unmasonic conduct of the Grand Lodge of Berlin , by refusing admittance to our Jewish Brethren . I have also perused in the same periodical tiie communication of " Sit Lux , " which seems to be chiefly founded on part of a speech of the Rev . Bro . Oliver , upon the occasion of a testimonial being presented to him in Lincoln , when that worthy Brother said— " In 1813 or 1814 a numerous and flourishing Lodue was hold ,
amongst the members were several Jewish Masons , and they possessed sufficient influence to direct the committee to withdraw from the lectures every reference to Christianity . " ' * Sit Lux" seems ( if I understand him rightly ) not over warm to the Jewish Masons , if its origin be Christian ; and asks— " is Masonry or is it not of Christian origin ?" In Blue Masonry every member of the Craft will find in his certificate that the date of Masonry commenced four thousand years previous lo Christianity ; the same in the Royal Arch degree ; the priestlorder
y commenced three thousand three hundred and thirty-six years before Christianity , consequently if these dates are correct , and we have no shade of proof to the contrary , Masonry must have been established amongst the Jews ; all the ceremonies , particularly in the Royal Arch degree , historical , emblematical , ancl mystical bear too strong a character to contradict , and proves it was introduced , cultivated , ancl cherished by the then unchristian kings , princes , ancl most influential individuals of
those times , four thousand years before Christianity , consequently the degrees of Entered Apprentice , Fellowcraft , Master Mason , ancl Royal Arch degree are of Jewish origin ; ancl on what ground can the Lodge of Berlin , or any other Lodge , assume or arrogate to itself , with justice , the right of expelling a Jewish Brother from their meetings ? when at that very time , perhaps ( particularly in the Royal Arch degree ) , every signal respect and loyalty is expressed in memory towards Moses , Abraham , Isaac , ancl Jacob . Any Lodge which can thus act inconsistently , hy refusing a Jewish Mason admittance , acts unconstitutionally , and proves its utter ignorance of Masonic duty and brotherly love . — " Junclus amor virtute local miner rp . the . ra Fratvcs "
The higher degrees of Masonry are of Christian origin , viz ., Knights of St . John of Jerusalem , Knights of Malta , Knights Templars , & c , the latter ' s certificate commences with the words— " In the name of the . most Holy and undivided Trinity , Father , Son , and Holy Ghost , " ( at least my certificate of Knight Templar , granted to me by 1 . otlge , No . 272 , at Belfast , under the registry of the * Grand Lodge of " Ireland , does ) , this and the drinking vessel , in which the Knight Templar
pledges himself , are proofs in evidence of these degrees being of Christian origin , from these degrees Jews are excluded , ancl none but Christians can or willbe admitted . TheOrder of Kni ght Templars commenced about seven hundred and twenty-eight years ago , at the time of the crusades , and as those Knights hacl frequently occasion to cross the seas ancl divers countries of non-believers in Christianity , they were instructed and provided with certain passwords , signs , and tokens , to pass their way unmolested , among the Algerines and Moorish Masons , and a