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filled its hig hest office no less than six times ( cheers ) , which was the best testimony of the high estimation in which he was held by the Brethren . Nor could he overlook the great services rendered by the W . M . of the past year , Bro . Jubber , who had done all in his power to promote the best interests of the Lodge . There was a circumstance , too , on which P . M . Jubber might pride himself , that during his year of office , he had initiated more Brethren than any previous Master . ( Cheers ) . P . M . MUSGROVE acknowledged the toast .
P . M . J UBBER begged to propose ' the health of the Worshipful Master , and felt that it was unnecessary that he should dwell on his merits ; the Lodge could not but feel highly gratified that they had elected a Brother so hig h in character ancl firm in principle to fulfil the duties of Worship ful Master for the year ensuing ( loud cheers ) . THE WORSHIPFUL M ASTER replied at some length , and concluded by stating that he would endeavour to discharge the duties uprightly and with a due regard to the character and dignity of the Lodge , so that ht be able to return the
when he had completed his year of office he mig badge of honour as pure and unsullied as he hacl received it from his predecessor , P . M . Jubber . ( The W . M . sat down amid much cheering . ) The CHAIRMAN then proposed the health of the Senior Warden and the Officers for the year . Bro . BELCHER , S . W ., acknowledged the toast . The CHAIRMAN begged to propose prosperity to their Sister Lodge , the Apollo ; and afterwards gave the " Stewards , " and expressed the great satisfaction which they had given in all they had undertaken . Bro . HickmanP . M ., acknowledged the toast .
, Among the many toasts that followed were— " Success to the Masonic Charities , " " The Officers of the past year , " " The Mayor and Corporation , " "The Vice-Chancellor ancl prosperity to the University , " " The City Members , " " The County Members , " " The Ladies , " " Our next merry meeting , " & c . Feb . 18 . —There was a large attendance of the Brethren of the City ancl University Lodges . The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , the P . G . M . congratulated the Brethren
on the progress which Masonry had made in the province since they were last assembled . After paying a tribute of respect to the memory and virtues of a deeply lamented Brother ( Bro . E . Standen of this city ) , who had been snatched from them since their last Provincial Meeting , he stated that had it pleased the Great Architect of the Universe to spare his life it was his intention to have conferred upon him the highest honour which as P . G . M . he had in his power to bestow , as a mark of the esteem which he entertained for him . The P . G . M . then appointed the following to be his officers for the year . The appointments which have been made from both Lodges , have given the
greatest satisfaction to all . Senior Grand Warden , Bro . T . Walker ; Junior Grand Warden , Bro . Rev . C . J . Meredith , Line . Coll . ; Grand Chaplain , Bro . J . T . B . Landon , Magd . Coll . ; Grand Registrar , Bro . W . Thompson ; Grand Secretary , Bro . Rev . G . T . Thomas , Wore . Coll . ; Assistant Secretary , Bro . J . G . Betteris ; Senior Grand Deacon , Bro H . Jubber ; Junior Grand Deacon , Bro . S . Burstall , Univ . Coll . ; Grand Superintendant of Works , Bro . G . Saunders , Wor . Coll . ; Grand Sword Bearer , A . C . Masters , Univ . Coll . ; Grand Director of Ceremonies , Bro . R . J . Spiers ; Grand Organist , VOL . TV _ v
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filled its hig hest office no less than six times ( cheers ) , which was the best testimony of the high estimation in which he was held by the Brethren . Nor could he overlook the great services rendered by the W . M . of the past year , Bro . Jubber , who had done all in his power to promote the best interests of the Lodge . There was a circumstance , too , on which P . M . Jubber might pride himself , that during his year of office , he had initiated more Brethren than any previous Master . ( Cheers ) . P . M . MUSGROVE acknowledged the toast .
P . M . J UBBER begged to propose ' the health of the Worshipful Master , and felt that it was unnecessary that he should dwell on his merits ; the Lodge could not but feel highly gratified that they had elected a Brother so hig h in character ancl firm in principle to fulfil the duties of Worship ful Master for the year ensuing ( loud cheers ) . THE WORSHIPFUL M ASTER replied at some length , and concluded by stating that he would endeavour to discharge the duties uprightly and with a due regard to the character and dignity of the Lodge , so that ht be able to return the
when he had completed his year of office he mig badge of honour as pure and unsullied as he hacl received it from his predecessor , P . M . Jubber . ( The W . M . sat down amid much cheering . ) The CHAIRMAN then proposed the health of the Senior Warden and the Officers for the year . Bro . BELCHER , S . W ., acknowledged the toast . The CHAIRMAN begged to propose prosperity to their Sister Lodge , the Apollo ; and afterwards gave the " Stewards , " and expressed the great satisfaction which they had given in all they had undertaken . Bro . HickmanP . M ., acknowledged the toast .
, Among the many toasts that followed were— " Success to the Masonic Charities , " " The Officers of the past year , " " The Mayor and Corporation , " "The Vice-Chancellor ancl prosperity to the University , " " The City Members , " " The County Members , " " The Ladies , " " Our next merry meeting , " & c . Feb . 18 . —There was a large attendance of the Brethren of the City ancl University Lodges . The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , the P . G . M . congratulated the Brethren
on the progress which Masonry had made in the province since they were last assembled . After paying a tribute of respect to the memory and virtues of a deeply lamented Brother ( Bro . E . Standen of this city ) , who had been snatched from them since their last Provincial Meeting , he stated that had it pleased the Great Architect of the Universe to spare his life it was his intention to have conferred upon him the highest honour which as P . G . M . he had in his power to bestow , as a mark of the esteem which he entertained for him . The P . G . M . then appointed the following to be his officers for the year . The appointments which have been made from both Lodges , have given the
greatest satisfaction to all . Senior Grand Warden , Bro . T . Walker ; Junior Grand Warden , Bro . Rev . C . J . Meredith , Line . Coll . ; Grand Chaplain , Bro . J . T . B . Landon , Magd . Coll . ; Grand Registrar , Bro . W . Thompson ; Grand Secretary , Bro . Rev . G . T . Thomas , Wore . Coll . ; Assistant Secretary , Bro . J . G . Betteris ; Senior Grand Deacon , Bro H . Jubber ; Junior Grand Deacon , Bro . S . Burstall , Univ . Coll . ; Grand Superintendant of Works , Bro . G . Saunders , Wor . Coll . ; Grand Sword Bearer , A . C . Masters , Univ . Coll . ; Grand Director of Ceremonies , Bro . R . J . Spiers ; Grand Organist , VOL . TV _ v