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Bro . B . Sharp ; Grand Pursuivant , Bro . J . Bossom ; Grand Stewards , Bros . H . Gibbs , J . Wyatt , R . Cattlev , Wor . Coll ., Rev . W . Bousfield , Line . Coll ., H . E . C . Stapyltcn , Univ . Coll ., ancl T . Randall . The P . G . M . having thanked the Brethern for their attendance , the Lodge was closed in clue form and order . In the afternoon of the same day the Brethren of the Apollo Lodge gave their anniversary dinner in the banquet room at the Masonic Hall .
The Master of the Apollo Lodge , Bro . the Rev . C . J . Meredith , presided ; supported by the Provincial Grand Master , Bro . the Rev . C . J . Ridley ; a Past Master of the Apollo Lodge , Bro . J . Boyd , ancl the present W . M . ofthe Alfred , Bro . W . Thompson , and the Officers and Brethren of the two Lodges , amounting to about fifty , ancl Bro . Greenbank , the distinguished Professor of Elocution . The usual preliminary toasts were givenafter which the Chairman gave the "Provincial Grand
, Master , the Rev . Bro . C . J . Ridley" ( loud cheers ) , and he proposed his health in a double capacity , as a Member of the Apollo Lodge , over which he hacl presided with so much success ancl so much ability ( cheers ) , and as Provincial Grand Master . The toast was received with Masonic honours and cheering . On its
subsiding The P . G . M . ( who was prevented by a sudden attack of sciatica from dining , but who joined the party on the removal of the cloth ) said , he felt the greatest pleasure in meeting the Brethren on the present occasion , and regretted it hacl been diminished by a circumstance which prevented his joining the festive board at an earlier moment . He had come from London expressly to hold a Provincial Grand Lodge . He concluded an admirable address by observing , that the Masonic principle would work its way , whether it was in our own country or in far distant lands—be it Northern climes where wintry storms prevail , or in the sunny South , to use the poet ' s words ,
" Where showers fall as though they weep , And winds breathe as a child asleep . ' ' The P . G . M . again rose and said , he begged to propose the health of one who was deserving of all praise ancl all commendation , the W . M . of the Apollo Lodge , Bro . Meredith ( loud ancl continued cheering ) . If any thing afforded him ( the P . G . M . ) additional pleasure in attending this meeting , it was the knowledge that he had the privilege of proposing
the health of one who was so highly esteemed , and who so justly deserved their approbation , not only for his zeal in Masonry , but for the way in which he carried out its principles ( loud cheers ) . The W . M . said , if in proposing to their consideration the health of the P . G . M . who was so worthy of their approbation , he felt a degree of diffidence , how much more so must he feel at the present moment in rising to acknowledge those encomiums and compliments which had
been made in his behalf . He wished he was deserving of but half of what had been kindly said of him , but his endeavour had been in the discharge of his duty not to sink the Apollo Lodge in estimation if he could not raise it In conclusion , he begged to propose the health of his predecessor , Past Master Boyd , and the Past Masters of the Apollo Lodge ( much cheering ) . Bro . BOYD , P . M ., acknowledged the compliment . The CHAIRMAN proposed the health of the Worshipful Master , the Officers and Brethren of the Alfred Lodge , and remarked that in that
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Bro . B . Sharp ; Grand Pursuivant , Bro . J . Bossom ; Grand Stewards , Bros . H . Gibbs , J . Wyatt , R . Cattlev , Wor . Coll ., Rev . W . Bousfield , Line . Coll ., H . E . C . Stapyltcn , Univ . Coll ., ancl T . Randall . The P . G . M . having thanked the Brethern for their attendance , the Lodge was closed in clue form and order . In the afternoon of the same day the Brethren of the Apollo Lodge gave their anniversary dinner in the banquet room at the Masonic Hall .
The Master of the Apollo Lodge , Bro . the Rev . C . J . Meredith , presided ; supported by the Provincial Grand Master , Bro . the Rev . C . J . Ridley ; a Past Master of the Apollo Lodge , Bro . J . Boyd , ancl the present W . M . ofthe Alfred , Bro . W . Thompson , and the Officers and Brethren of the two Lodges , amounting to about fifty , ancl Bro . Greenbank , the distinguished Professor of Elocution . The usual preliminary toasts were givenafter which the Chairman gave the "Provincial Grand
, Master , the Rev . Bro . C . J . Ridley" ( loud cheers ) , and he proposed his health in a double capacity , as a Member of the Apollo Lodge , over which he hacl presided with so much success ancl so much ability ( cheers ) , and as Provincial Grand Master . The toast was received with Masonic honours and cheering . On its
subsiding The P . G . M . ( who was prevented by a sudden attack of sciatica from dining , but who joined the party on the removal of the cloth ) said , he felt the greatest pleasure in meeting the Brethren on the present occasion , and regretted it hacl been diminished by a circumstance which prevented his joining the festive board at an earlier moment . He had come from London expressly to hold a Provincial Grand Lodge . He concluded an admirable address by observing , that the Masonic principle would work its way , whether it was in our own country or in far distant lands—be it Northern climes where wintry storms prevail , or in the sunny South , to use the poet ' s words ,
" Where showers fall as though they weep , And winds breathe as a child asleep . ' ' The P . G . M . again rose and said , he begged to propose the health of one who was deserving of all praise ancl all commendation , the W . M . of the Apollo Lodge , Bro . Meredith ( loud ancl continued cheering ) . If any thing afforded him ( the P . G . M . ) additional pleasure in attending this meeting , it was the knowledge that he had the privilege of proposing
the health of one who was so highly esteemed , and who so justly deserved their approbation , not only for his zeal in Masonry , but for the way in which he carried out its principles ( loud cheers ) . The W . M . said , if in proposing to their consideration the health of the P . G . M . who was so worthy of their approbation , he felt a degree of diffidence , how much more so must he feel at the present moment in rising to acknowledge those encomiums and compliments which had
been made in his behalf . He wished he was deserving of but half of what had been kindly said of him , but his endeavour had been in the discharge of his duty not to sink the Apollo Lodge in estimation if he could not raise it In conclusion , he begged to propose the health of his predecessor , Past Master Boyd , and the Past Masters of the Apollo Lodge ( much cheering ) . Bro . BOYD , P . M ., acknowledged the compliment . The CHAIRMAN proposed the health of the Worshipful Master , the Officers and Brethren of the Alfred Lodge , and remarked that in that