Article GENERAL MEETINGS. ← Page 6 of 14 →
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General Meetings.
LONDON LIFE ASSOCIATION . —The half-yearly General Court was held on the 24 th January , at the offices in King William-street . The chair was taken by Mr . Charles Franks . The auditor ' s report showed , that including a balance of 22 , 345 / . 13 * . 8 d ., the receipts for the half year ending the 31 st December last amounted to 264 , 372 / . 3 * . Id . In the same period 38 , 999 / . had been paid in discharge of claims on policies 95651 . 19 s . 5 d . had been invested in the purchase of policies ,
, , 70 , 541 / . 14 * . advanced on mortgage , in addition to 14 , 445 / . upon policies of the association ; whilst the remaining items of salaries , pensions , purchase of stock , income-tax , & c , left a balance in favour of the association upon the half-year of 22 , 867 / . 4 * . 6 d . The income arising from funded property and other assets on the 31 st December last was 95 , 767 / . 19 s ., and 299 , 519 / . 9 s . 3 d . from 4 , 730 existing policies ; total 299 , 287 / . 8 * . 3 d . The accounts having been unanimously passed , the
proceedings terminated . ENGLISH WIDOWS' FUND AND GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE ASSOCIATION . —The first annual general meeting took place at the office , on the 25 th January , Edward Esdaile , Esq ., in the chair . The Chairman having introduced the object of the meeting , the Secretary read the report , which stated that " from the commencement of the Association to the 31 st December 1848 two hundred and eight
, , proposals had been made , of which one hundred and sixty-eight had resulted in policies amounting to 38 , 682 / . 9 * ., and producing an annual income of 1 , 221 / . 4 * . 5 d ., and several remained for completion . One annuity had been likewise purchased of the value of 499 / . The Directors had declined proposals amounting to 8 , 199 / .
Notwithstanding the heavy mortality during the past year , the Directors had to report only one death , amounting to the small sum of 100 / . The Directors have further to apprize the shareholders , that proposals have been received since the close of the year , amounting to 2 , 400 / . The Directors had appointed a highly influential local board at Manchester , had taken measures to establish others at Nottingham and elsewhere , and had organized an efficient agency throughout England and Wales . Applications for agencies had been received from IrelandScotlandand
, , Holland ; but for the present the Directors had resolved to confine their operations to England and Wales . Major-General Sir George Pollock and Thomas Lawson Jenkins , Esq ., resigned their seats at the board ; and Augustus Frederick Bayford , Esq ., LL . D ., Thomas Neufville Crosse , Esq ., and Frederick William Green , Esq ., retired , and offered themselves for re-election . The Directors recommended , in lieu of the Director resigned , William Hamilton , Esq ., and proposed
Henry White , Esq ., of Lincoln ' s Inn Fields , as auditor . In pursuance of the deed , interest at five per cent , has been calculated on the paid up capital , to the 31 st December , payable to the shareholders after the 1 st February . " The Report having been unanimously adopted , the CHAIRMAN said , that amongst the policies the classification of trades and professions amounted to between eighty ancl ninety , sixty of which had been
practically debarred from the benefits of Life Assurance by existing offices . ANTHONY STEVENSON , Esq ., expressed his thanks that the Directors had shown a determination to economise , although he believed that economy might be carried too far ; referred to the classes for which the Institution was chiefly founded , and hoped that the Directors will take active steps to appeal to those classes , and suggested lecturing as a
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General Meetings.
LONDON LIFE ASSOCIATION . —The half-yearly General Court was held on the 24 th January , at the offices in King William-street . The chair was taken by Mr . Charles Franks . The auditor ' s report showed , that including a balance of 22 , 345 / . 13 * . 8 d ., the receipts for the half year ending the 31 st December last amounted to 264 , 372 / . 3 * . Id . In the same period 38 , 999 / . had been paid in discharge of claims on policies 95651 . 19 s . 5 d . had been invested in the purchase of policies ,
, , 70 , 541 / . 14 * . advanced on mortgage , in addition to 14 , 445 / . upon policies of the association ; whilst the remaining items of salaries , pensions , purchase of stock , income-tax , & c , left a balance in favour of the association upon the half-year of 22 , 867 / . 4 * . 6 d . The income arising from funded property and other assets on the 31 st December last was 95 , 767 / . 19 s ., and 299 , 519 / . 9 s . 3 d . from 4 , 730 existing policies ; total 299 , 287 / . 8 * . 3 d . The accounts having been unanimously passed , the
proceedings terminated . ENGLISH WIDOWS' FUND AND GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE ASSOCIATION . —The first annual general meeting took place at the office , on the 25 th January , Edward Esdaile , Esq ., in the chair . The Chairman having introduced the object of the meeting , the Secretary read the report , which stated that " from the commencement of the Association to the 31 st December 1848 two hundred and eight
, , proposals had been made , of which one hundred and sixty-eight had resulted in policies amounting to 38 , 682 / . 9 * ., and producing an annual income of 1 , 221 / . 4 * . 5 d ., and several remained for completion . One annuity had been likewise purchased of the value of 499 / . The Directors had declined proposals amounting to 8 , 199 / .
Notwithstanding the heavy mortality during the past year , the Directors had to report only one death , amounting to the small sum of 100 / . The Directors have further to apprize the shareholders , that proposals have been received since the close of the year , amounting to 2 , 400 / . The Directors had appointed a highly influential local board at Manchester , had taken measures to establish others at Nottingham and elsewhere , and had organized an efficient agency throughout England and Wales . Applications for agencies had been received from IrelandScotlandand
, , Holland ; but for the present the Directors had resolved to confine their operations to England and Wales . Major-General Sir George Pollock and Thomas Lawson Jenkins , Esq ., resigned their seats at the board ; and Augustus Frederick Bayford , Esq ., LL . D ., Thomas Neufville Crosse , Esq ., and Frederick William Green , Esq ., retired , and offered themselves for re-election . The Directors recommended , in lieu of the Director resigned , William Hamilton , Esq ., and proposed
Henry White , Esq ., of Lincoln ' s Inn Fields , as auditor . In pursuance of the deed , interest at five per cent , has been calculated on the paid up capital , to the 31 st December , payable to the shareholders after the 1 st February . " The Report having been unanimously adopted , the CHAIRMAN said , that amongst the policies the classification of trades and professions amounted to between eighty ancl ninety , sixty of which had been
practically debarred from the benefits of Life Assurance by existing offices . ANTHONY STEVENSON , Esq ., expressed his thanks that the Directors had shown a determination to economise , although he believed that economy might be carried too far ; referred to the classes for which the Institution was chiefly founded , and hoped that the Directors will take active steps to appeal to those classes , and suggested lecturing as a