Article GENERAL MEETINGS. ← Page 12 of 14 →
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General Meetings.
-drew notice of trial , and no further proceedings can now be taken without the payment by the plaintiff of costs to a considerable amount . " A vote of thanks to Mr . Rogers , for his able conduct in the chair , having been unanimously passed , the meeting separated .
1 EMPERANCE AND GENERAL PROVIDENT INSTITUTION . — -A meeting of members and friends of this institulion was held in London , on the 23 rd of February . Tea was provided for the occasion , of which about two hundred and fifty ladies and gentlemen partook . The Rev . W . R . Baker in the chair . The secretary ( Theodore Compton , Esq ., ) communicated some very interesting particulars relative to the advantages of Life Assurance , and introduced a list of statistics , by which it appeared that the rate of mortality in this office had been less than one
half that of other offices . In one of the most successful Life Offices , it appeared that the deaths in eight years had been four per cent ., while in the " Temperance Provident Institution " it had been less than two per cent . Some interesting statements were also made of the mortality among the different classes . In the class of clerks , the usual rate of mortality was about two per cent , per annum . In the " Temperance Provident Institution" during the last eiht yearsout of one hundred
, g , and thirty-six clerks assured , the only death was that of a person aged seventy-four years . In the class of tailors , an occupation not generally considered healthy , out of one hundred and forty-eight persons assured , not a single death has occurred in eight years . Several valuable suggestions were made by various speakers , and the greatest harmony and good feeling pervaded the meeting ;
BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY . —The Annual Meeting of this Company was held at Radley ' s Hotel , Feb . 27 , 1849 . John Gover , Esq ., in the chair . Second Annual Report . — " The Directors have the pleasure to inform the members that the following policies have been executed during the last year : —General Life Assurances , four hundred and four policies , 63 , 137 / . ; Investment Assurances , four hundred and eighty-four policies ,
34 , 227 / . ; total , eight hundred and eighty-eight policies , 97 , 364 / . The average number of policies executed monthly , during the fourteen months whicli elapsed from the commencement of the Company ' s operations up to the last annual meeting , was forty-two . During the last twelve months , the -monthly average of policies executed has been seventy-four , showing an increase both gratifying and encouraging to the future prospects of the Company . In addition to these policiestwo hundred and
, seventy-one proposals for Life Assurance have been received , some of which are in process of completion , and others have been declined , for various causes , the Directors , while desirous to extend the business of the Company , being still more solicitous that such extension should be perfectly safe . The whole number of policies executed during the twenty-six months of the Company ' s operations , has been—General Life Assurance , seven hundred and thirty-seven policies , 121 , 780 / . ;
Investment Assurance , seven hundred and forty-four policies , 50 , 937 / . ; total , one thousand four hundred and eighty-one policies , 172 , 717 / . One death has occurred during the last year , making a claim on the Company ' s funds to the extent of 100 / . The increasing income of the Company has enabled the Directors to pay off nearly one half the sum advanced at the commencement of the Company , to aid its establishment . An arrangement has been made with the Directors of the British Empire Mutual Fire Assurance Society , for dividing the rent
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General Meetings.
-drew notice of trial , and no further proceedings can now be taken without the payment by the plaintiff of costs to a considerable amount . " A vote of thanks to Mr . Rogers , for his able conduct in the chair , having been unanimously passed , the meeting separated .
1 EMPERANCE AND GENERAL PROVIDENT INSTITUTION . — -A meeting of members and friends of this institulion was held in London , on the 23 rd of February . Tea was provided for the occasion , of which about two hundred and fifty ladies and gentlemen partook . The Rev . W . R . Baker in the chair . The secretary ( Theodore Compton , Esq ., ) communicated some very interesting particulars relative to the advantages of Life Assurance , and introduced a list of statistics , by which it appeared that the rate of mortality in this office had been less than one
half that of other offices . In one of the most successful Life Offices , it appeared that the deaths in eight years had been four per cent ., while in the " Temperance Provident Institution " it had been less than two per cent . Some interesting statements were also made of the mortality among the different classes . In the class of clerks , the usual rate of mortality was about two per cent , per annum . In the " Temperance Provident Institution" during the last eiht yearsout of one hundred
, g , and thirty-six clerks assured , the only death was that of a person aged seventy-four years . In the class of tailors , an occupation not generally considered healthy , out of one hundred and forty-eight persons assured , not a single death has occurred in eight years . Several valuable suggestions were made by various speakers , and the greatest harmony and good feeling pervaded the meeting ;
BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY . —The Annual Meeting of this Company was held at Radley ' s Hotel , Feb . 27 , 1849 . John Gover , Esq ., in the chair . Second Annual Report . — " The Directors have the pleasure to inform the members that the following policies have been executed during the last year : —General Life Assurances , four hundred and four policies , 63 , 137 / . ; Investment Assurances , four hundred and eighty-four policies ,
34 , 227 / . ; total , eight hundred and eighty-eight policies , 97 , 364 / . The average number of policies executed monthly , during the fourteen months whicli elapsed from the commencement of the Company ' s operations up to the last annual meeting , was forty-two . During the last twelve months , the -monthly average of policies executed has been seventy-four , showing an increase both gratifying and encouraging to the future prospects of the Company . In addition to these policiestwo hundred and
, seventy-one proposals for Life Assurance have been received , some of which are in process of completion , and others have been declined , for various causes , the Directors , while desirous to extend the business of the Company , being still more solicitous that such extension should be perfectly safe . The whole number of policies executed during the twenty-six months of the Company ' s operations , has been—General Life Assurance , seven hundred and thirty-seven policies , 121 , 780 / . ;
Investment Assurance , seven hundred and forty-four policies , 50 , 937 / . ; total , one thousand four hundred and eighty-one policies , 172 , 717 / . One death has occurred during the last year , making a claim on the Company ' s funds to the extent of 100 / . The increasing income of the Company has enabled the Directors to pay off nearly one half the sum advanced at the commencement of the Company , to aid its establishment . An arrangement has been made with the Directors of the British Empire Mutual Fire Assurance Society , for dividing the rent