Article UNITED GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND. ← Page 2 of 10 →
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United Grand Lodge Of England.
rifle , M . D ., Crucefix , M . D Rowe , M . D ., Norris , Thomson , Philipe , Havers , Evans , Lawrence , & c . The Grand Lodge having been opened in ample form , and the laws as usual , being read , ' Bro . SCARBOROUGH begged to call attention to the authorised Grand Lodge report which had just made its appearance . It was well known that he ( Bro . S . ) had had considerable difficulty and much trouble tr >
onngthe Masonic Library question before the Craft , and ultimately throwing it open to . the brethren In doing so , it had been expressly agreed , ami publicly decided , that notice thereof should be inserted in the Grand Lodge report , but in the one he held in his hand , no such notice was given , although one of the clauses of the law upon the subiect said it was not to be omitted . He thought that was not giving the library its fair chance of the advantages he hoped would accrue to the brethren from it .
The GRAND MASTER had no doubt that the Grand Secretary had heard the remarks of Bro . Scarborough , and would take care for the future . He ( the G . M . ) was not aware how the omission occurred but he would remind Bro . Scarborough that the minutes of the last Grand Lodge had not yet been read , and until that had been done , no business could be entered into .
The minutes of the last Quarterly Communication were then read Un being put for confirmation , JhSlt , Atn , Er \ wouW , . ¦ -f ** - - Grand Lod ge a few minutes , while he submit ed a question winch seemed to involve a great princi ple , and on which be should bes gladI to elicit an opinion from Grand Lodge or from the . U W . G . U . On the minutes just read , it was stated , that at the fast Quarterly Communication it had been moved , seconded and carried that the debate certain
, on a question which he did not now TW fi ° ln , J houl ( 1 £ ^ urned He mean t no disrespect to the Deputy Grand Master , but he thought such a question should not have been entertained Pie was aware that they ought to assimilate their proceedings as nearly as possible to the legislative assemblies of the realm bu there ivas his difference , that we met but once in three months unless especially summonedwhile those assemblies met If
, daily ? W ? n iV" ^ , T T aS ad J ° llrament could be entertained : any " dozen determine , } brethren might entirel y and effectuall y stay the business of Grand Lodge , anil the machinery of the Craft , which had but a limited time now devoted to its consideration , and business would be stopped . I his was a subject of importance , and he called attention
The GRAND MASTER would , in reply , state that while he had doubts th . n ^ Tr i " l talmn ? q «« tions of adjournment , he yet thought anfef T ?? Ty ? qT ? C ° » eCt in allowi "S ^ under the circumstances . It had been objected that Bro . Cooke had not been served with notice to appear , and therefore it was proposed to adjourn the debate to SI ! : \ ° PP ortu *? ty of legally serving the notice , and proving such tfZZ the s f lsfac 1 tIon ° «™ nd Lodge . These were peculia ? conen tertaned ' OT CIrcurastances , the motion was ,
« . H ° Wr vr T u P ° P- ? sed the m S ht Hon . the Earl of Zetland as M . VV G . M . for the ensuing year . The few short sentences thc brother uttered were quite inaudible . eiucuces tnc Bro . iMuRGKRinr- ; -: seconded the proposition .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
United Grand Lodge Of England.
rifle , M . D ., Crucefix , M . D Rowe , M . D ., Norris , Thomson , Philipe , Havers , Evans , Lawrence , & c . The Grand Lodge having been opened in ample form , and the laws as usual , being read , ' Bro . SCARBOROUGH begged to call attention to the authorised Grand Lodge report which had just made its appearance . It was well known that he ( Bro . S . ) had had considerable difficulty and much trouble tr >
onngthe Masonic Library question before the Craft , and ultimately throwing it open to . the brethren In doing so , it had been expressly agreed , ami publicly decided , that notice thereof should be inserted in the Grand Lodge report , but in the one he held in his hand , no such notice was given , although one of the clauses of the law upon the subiect said it was not to be omitted . He thought that was not giving the library its fair chance of the advantages he hoped would accrue to the brethren from it .
The GRAND MASTER had no doubt that the Grand Secretary had heard the remarks of Bro . Scarborough , and would take care for the future . He ( the G . M . ) was not aware how the omission occurred but he would remind Bro . Scarborough that the minutes of the last Grand Lodge had not yet been read , and until that had been done , no business could be entered into .
The minutes of the last Quarterly Communication were then read Un being put for confirmation , JhSlt , Atn , Er \ wouW , . ¦ -f ** - - Grand Lod ge a few minutes , while he submit ed a question winch seemed to involve a great princi ple , and on which be should bes gladI to elicit an opinion from Grand Lodge or from the . U W . G . U . On the minutes just read , it was stated , that at the fast Quarterly Communication it had been moved , seconded and carried that the debate certain
, on a question which he did not now TW fi ° ln , J houl ( 1 £ ^ urned He mean t no disrespect to the Deputy Grand Master , but he thought such a question should not have been entertained Pie was aware that they ought to assimilate their proceedings as nearly as possible to the legislative assemblies of the realm bu there ivas his difference , that we met but once in three months unless especially summonedwhile those assemblies met If
, daily ? W ? n iV" ^ , T T aS ad J ° llrament could be entertained : any " dozen determine , } brethren might entirel y and effectuall y stay the business of Grand Lodge , anil the machinery of the Craft , which had but a limited time now devoted to its consideration , and business would be stopped . I his was a subject of importance , and he called attention
The GRAND MASTER would , in reply , state that while he had doubts th . n ^ Tr i " l talmn ? q «« tions of adjournment , he yet thought anfef T ?? Ty ? qT ? C ° » eCt in allowi "S ^ under the circumstances . It had been objected that Bro . Cooke had not been served with notice to appear , and therefore it was proposed to adjourn the debate to SI ! : \ ° PP ortu *? ty of legally serving the notice , and proving such tfZZ the s f lsfac 1 tIon ° «™ nd Lodge . These were peculia ? conen tertaned ' OT CIrcurastances , the motion was ,
« . H ° Wr vr T u P ° P- ? sed the m S ht Hon . the Earl of Zetland as M . VV G . M . for the ensuing year . The few short sentences thc brother uttered were quite inaudible . eiucuces tnc Bro . iMuRGKRinr- ; -: seconded the proposition .