Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 7 of 14 →
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most anxious to proceed immediately to work ; they will however brobably yield to tbe opinion of experienced companions , who have considered it better to postpone the opening of the chapter until it shall be duly and constitutionally consecrated .
Jan . 25 . — Grand Masonic Ball . —This delightful ball was held in the Music Saloon , and presented a most brilliant and beautiful appearance . The room was decorated with evergreens , interspersed with several banners , bearing loyal and constitutional devices . The Union Jack was conspicuous , and the masonic emblems , tastefully executed in silver letters , were placed in prominent positions . The banners of several lodges were suspended around the Saloon . The admission of non-members had been arranged by permission of
the Deputy Provincial Grand Master . Members of the Craft appeared in masonic clothing , adorned with their jewels , which added greatly to the novelty of the scene , —the mystic apron considerably exciting the curiosity of the softer sex . We say nothing about tbe arrangements of the dance , the attentions of the stewards , or the other et ceti : ras of ordinary ball etiquette , because at masonic assemblies , those things are always done correctly , and cur particularizing them would be a needless labour . When we name a masonic ball we mention the ne-plas-ullra of what balls should be , and this was one of the best .
The sum of ten pounds , the proceeds of the recent masonic ball , will be given to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Annuity Fund , through the medium of two Yorkshire lodges . The committee has selected a member of the Doncaster lodge , as one life governor , and leaves the choice of the other to tbe D . P . G . M ., Bro . Charles Lee . A donation of five pounds to the fund , entitles the donor to a life governorship .
DURHAM . —Dec . 15 . —Granby Lodge . —The members met to celebrate the Festival of St . John the Evangelist , at the City Tavern , and to elect the Master and other officers for the ensuing year . Nearly thirty brethren were present . After dinner , the election of officers took place : when Bro . J . 11 . Forster was chosen VV . M ., Bro . Shields , Treasurer ; and Bro . Sutcliffe , Tyler . Bro . D . P . G M . Alan Hutchinson subsequentl y rose to present to
the retiring W . M ., Bro . William Stoker , a splendid and valuable gold watch and appendages , which had been purchased by subscription amongst the brethren of the lodge , in acknowledgment of his long and able services in the chair , and of his zeal for the interests of this lodge and the welfare of Masonry in general . Bro . Hutchinson prefaced his address by observing that the subscription had been commenced by those who , from their more frequent attendance at the lodge , had enjoyed
thc best opportunities of observing how the duties of the Master had been performed . It was then brought before other members of the lodge , who could only know his merits from the report of others , who testified to them from their own experience . They also conceived that he was entitled to some expression of their opinion as to the manner in which he had conducted the business of the lodge . Not alone had the lodge greatly increased in numbers and respectability under his mastership , but he had rendered most important services to the treasurer in watching over and promoting its financial prosperity , which was such as but few lodges enjoyed . His time as a medical
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most anxious to proceed immediately to work ; they will however brobably yield to tbe opinion of experienced companions , who have considered it better to postpone the opening of the chapter until it shall be duly and constitutionally consecrated .
Jan . 25 . — Grand Masonic Ball . —This delightful ball was held in the Music Saloon , and presented a most brilliant and beautiful appearance . The room was decorated with evergreens , interspersed with several banners , bearing loyal and constitutional devices . The Union Jack was conspicuous , and the masonic emblems , tastefully executed in silver letters , were placed in prominent positions . The banners of several lodges were suspended around the Saloon . The admission of non-members had been arranged by permission of
the Deputy Provincial Grand Master . Members of the Craft appeared in masonic clothing , adorned with their jewels , which added greatly to the novelty of the scene , —the mystic apron considerably exciting the curiosity of the softer sex . We say nothing about tbe arrangements of the dance , the attentions of the stewards , or the other et ceti : ras of ordinary ball etiquette , because at masonic assemblies , those things are always done correctly , and cur particularizing them would be a needless labour . When we name a masonic ball we mention the ne-plas-ullra of what balls should be , and this was one of the best .
The sum of ten pounds , the proceeds of the recent masonic ball , will be given to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Annuity Fund , through the medium of two Yorkshire lodges . The committee has selected a member of the Doncaster lodge , as one life governor , and leaves the choice of the other to tbe D . P . G . M ., Bro . Charles Lee . A donation of five pounds to the fund , entitles the donor to a life governorship .
DURHAM . —Dec . 15 . —Granby Lodge . —The members met to celebrate the Festival of St . John the Evangelist , at the City Tavern , and to elect the Master and other officers for the ensuing year . Nearly thirty brethren were present . After dinner , the election of officers took place : when Bro . J . 11 . Forster was chosen VV . M ., Bro . Shields , Treasurer ; and Bro . Sutcliffe , Tyler . Bro . D . P . G M . Alan Hutchinson subsequentl y rose to present to
the retiring W . M ., Bro . William Stoker , a splendid and valuable gold watch and appendages , which had been purchased by subscription amongst the brethren of the lodge , in acknowledgment of his long and able services in the chair , and of his zeal for the interests of this lodge and the welfare of Masonry in general . Bro . Hutchinson prefaced his address by observing that the subscription had been commenced by those who , from their more frequent attendance at the lodge , had enjoyed
thc best opportunities of observing how the duties of the Master had been performed . It was then brought before other members of the lodge , who could only know his merits from the report of others , who testified to them from their own experience . They also conceived that he was entitled to some expression of their opinion as to the manner in which he had conducted the business of the lodge . Not alone had the lodge greatly increased in numbers and respectability under his mastership , but he had rendered most important services to the treasurer in watching over and promoting its financial prosperity , which was such as but few lodges enjoyed . His time as a medical