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Hon . James Earl of Dalhousie , Past Grand Master ; the Right Hon . George Earl of Rothes , Depute Grand Master ; Sir Thomas Dick Lauder of Fountainhall , Bart ., Substitute Grand Master ; Admiral Sir David Milne , K C . B ., Senior Grand Warden ; Sir John Muir Mackenzie of Delvin , Bart ., Junior Grand Warden ; Sir William Forbes and Co . bankers , Grand Treasurers ; William Alexander Lawrie , Esq ., Grand Secretary ; John MaitlandEsq ., Grand Clerk ; James Graham
, , Esq . of Leitchtown , Senior Grand Deacon ; Sir Charles Gordon of Drhnnin , Junior Grand Deacon ; the Rev . Alexander Stewart , Minister of Douglas , Grand Chaplain ; William Burn , Esq ., Grand Architect ; Robert Gilfillan , Esq ., Bard ; William Cunningham , Esq ., Jeweller ; Mr . John Lorimer , Grand Bible Bearer ; Alexander Menzies , Grand Marshal ; John Tinsley , Assistant Grand Marshal ; Donald Ross and William Petrie , Grand Tylers .
The following removals and appointments of Provincial Grand Blasters were made : — 1 . Walter Frederick Campbell of Shawfield , Esq ., M . P ., Provincial Grand Master of Argylshire and the Isles , vice Sir Reginald Macdonald Seton Stewart , deceased . 2 . Most Noble the Marquis of Douglas , to Middle Ward of Lanarkshire , vice W . F . Campbell , Esq ., M . P ., removed to Argyllshire .
3 . Sir Norman Macdonald Lockhart , Bart ., of Lee and Carnwath , to the Upper Ward of Lanarkshire , vice the Marquis of Douglas , removed to Middle Ward-4 . The Right Hon . the Earl of Rothes , & c . to the Province of Fife , vice the Earl of Rosslyn , deceased . 5 . The Hon . Fox Maule , M . P . to the Province of Elgin and Moray , vice Sir Thomas Dick Lauder , Bart ., resigned , and appointed Substitute Grand Master .
In the evening , the Brethren celebrated the Festival of St . Andrew , in the Assembly Rooms , the M . W . the Right Hon . Sir J . Forrest of Comiston , Bart ., Grand Master , in the chair , supported by the Earl of Dalhousie , Earl of Rothes , Admiral Sir D . Milne , K . C . B ., James Graham , Esq ., of Leitchtown , Captain D . Boswell of Wardie , & c . and a numerous assemblage of the Brethren . In proposing the memory of the much-lamented Sir John Hay , Bart ., the late Substitute Grand Masterhis Lordship pronounced a high eulogium upon that excellent
, and truly amiable Brother , who , he stated , " had for a period of nearly eleven years , so ably discharged the duties of his high office , with a kindliness of feeling , and with a blandness and urbanity of manner , which gained for him the respect and affectionate regard of all his Brethren . " GRAND LODGE . —At the quarterly communication in May last , the M . W . G . M . the Earl of Dalhousie in the chair , the thanks of the
Grand Lodge of Scotland were voted by acclamation to Brother Dr . Burnes , P . G . M . for Western India , in testimony of the high sense entertained by his Brethren , of the great and unprecedented exertions of Dr . Burnes , in extending the benefits of Freemasonry throughout the East , under the ancient banner of the Scottish Craft . Would that there were but a few more such as he , to disseminate our excellent System over the other quarters of the globe . ' AUTUMNAL EQUINOX . —The Companions of the Edinburgh Royal Arch Chapter , convened for the Election of Office Bearers , when the Rt . Hon .
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Hon . James Earl of Dalhousie , Past Grand Master ; the Right Hon . George Earl of Rothes , Depute Grand Master ; Sir Thomas Dick Lauder of Fountainhall , Bart ., Substitute Grand Master ; Admiral Sir David Milne , K C . B ., Senior Grand Warden ; Sir John Muir Mackenzie of Delvin , Bart ., Junior Grand Warden ; Sir William Forbes and Co . bankers , Grand Treasurers ; William Alexander Lawrie , Esq ., Grand Secretary ; John MaitlandEsq ., Grand Clerk ; James Graham
, , Esq . of Leitchtown , Senior Grand Deacon ; Sir Charles Gordon of Drhnnin , Junior Grand Deacon ; the Rev . Alexander Stewart , Minister of Douglas , Grand Chaplain ; William Burn , Esq ., Grand Architect ; Robert Gilfillan , Esq ., Bard ; William Cunningham , Esq ., Jeweller ; Mr . John Lorimer , Grand Bible Bearer ; Alexander Menzies , Grand Marshal ; John Tinsley , Assistant Grand Marshal ; Donald Ross and William Petrie , Grand Tylers .
The following removals and appointments of Provincial Grand Blasters were made : — 1 . Walter Frederick Campbell of Shawfield , Esq ., M . P ., Provincial Grand Master of Argylshire and the Isles , vice Sir Reginald Macdonald Seton Stewart , deceased . 2 . Most Noble the Marquis of Douglas , to Middle Ward of Lanarkshire , vice W . F . Campbell , Esq ., M . P ., removed to Argyllshire .
3 . Sir Norman Macdonald Lockhart , Bart ., of Lee and Carnwath , to the Upper Ward of Lanarkshire , vice the Marquis of Douglas , removed to Middle Ward-4 . The Right Hon . the Earl of Rothes , & c . to the Province of Fife , vice the Earl of Rosslyn , deceased . 5 . The Hon . Fox Maule , M . P . to the Province of Elgin and Moray , vice Sir Thomas Dick Lauder , Bart ., resigned , and appointed Substitute Grand Master .
In the evening , the Brethren celebrated the Festival of St . Andrew , in the Assembly Rooms , the M . W . the Right Hon . Sir J . Forrest of Comiston , Bart ., Grand Master , in the chair , supported by the Earl of Dalhousie , Earl of Rothes , Admiral Sir D . Milne , K . C . B ., James Graham , Esq ., of Leitchtown , Captain D . Boswell of Wardie , & c . and a numerous assemblage of the Brethren . In proposing the memory of the much-lamented Sir John Hay , Bart ., the late Substitute Grand Masterhis Lordship pronounced a high eulogium upon that excellent
, and truly amiable Brother , who , he stated , " had for a period of nearly eleven years , so ably discharged the duties of his high office , with a kindliness of feeling , and with a blandness and urbanity of manner , which gained for him the respect and affectionate regard of all his Brethren . " GRAND LODGE . —At the quarterly communication in May last , the M . W . G . M . the Earl of Dalhousie in the chair , the thanks of the
Grand Lodge of Scotland were voted by acclamation to Brother Dr . Burnes , P . G . M . for Western India , in testimony of the high sense entertained by his Brethren , of the great and unprecedented exertions of Dr . Burnes , in extending the benefits of Freemasonry throughout the East , under the ancient banner of the Scottish Craft . Would that there were but a few more such as he , to disseminate our excellent System over the other quarters of the globe . ' AUTUMNAL EQUINOX . —The Companions of the Edinburgh Royal Arch Chapter , convened for the Election of Office Bearers , when the Rt . Hon .