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afternoon with Masonic honours . A number of the Lodges walked in procession , Sheriff Alison acting as Deputy Provincial Grand Master . The Trustees and others interested in the road dined in the evening in Mr . Comrie ' s Hotel , George-square . PETERHEAD , Sept- 26 . —On Tuesday the'foundation of the new and handsome buildingsintended for the Peterhead Academywas laid
, , , with all due Masonic honours , by the Right Hon . the Earl of Erroll , Lord Lieutenant of the county , in presence of an immense assemblage of the inhabitants of the town , and many of the gentry of the surrounding country . The ceremony was highly interesting , and the whole proceedings were concluded in the most satisfactory manner , affording the greatest satisfaction to all present .
IT being our first object that the Freemasons' Quarterly Review should be considered as the organ of the Craft at large—until any truly generous rivalry shall evoke amongst Masons in any part of the world , a spirit and a power to conduct a journal of their own , in which case we should he too happy to exchange all honorable means of confraternity to sustain and upholcl , not to supplant and destroy , an excellent undertaking —so we claim allpossible indulgence in favour of our motives , and , perhaps ,
some forbearance , when there may appear to be any lack of knowledge respecting matters Masonic in the distance . It should , however , be borne in mind , that if we do not receive information , the fault rests , not with us , but with those who fail to report . We hope , ere many months elapse , to be arraigned , in due form , at the bar of " Masonic Opinion" in Dublin , when if a verdict of honourable acquittal be not recorded in our favour we may , by aid of counsel , learned in the . ( Masonic !) law , at least be able to prove certain charges against us " not proven . "
The Constitution of the Supreme Council of Rites for Ireland , as approved of b y the Grand President , His Grace the Duke of Leinster , and Supreme Grand Council , is in course of circulation among the dignitaries of the Order ; at present , we abstain from any remarks . DUBLIN , ST , JOHN ' DAY . —A Committee having been named in Grand Lodge for the purpose of adopting such measures as would be the means of preventing Masonic processions , in case such were
contemplated , the following circular of prohibition , was forwarded by the Deputy Grand Secretary , addressed " To the Masters , Wardens , and Brethren of the different Lodges . " Grand Lodge Rooms , Commercial Buildings , Dublin . Sir and Brother , —I am directed b y the Grand Masonic Lodge of Ireland , to remind you , that all processions having been prohibited , you are particularly enjoined to abstain therefrom on the approaching
festival of St . John ; and I am further instructed to express the determination of the Grand Lodge to visit with the most severe Masonic punishment , ail Members of the Order who may transgress this injunction . By Order , 18 June , 1838 . J . FOWLER , D . G . S .
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afternoon with Masonic honours . A number of the Lodges walked in procession , Sheriff Alison acting as Deputy Provincial Grand Master . The Trustees and others interested in the road dined in the evening in Mr . Comrie ' s Hotel , George-square . PETERHEAD , Sept- 26 . —On Tuesday the'foundation of the new and handsome buildingsintended for the Peterhead Academywas laid
, , , with all due Masonic honours , by the Right Hon . the Earl of Erroll , Lord Lieutenant of the county , in presence of an immense assemblage of the inhabitants of the town , and many of the gentry of the surrounding country . The ceremony was highly interesting , and the whole proceedings were concluded in the most satisfactory manner , affording the greatest satisfaction to all present .
IT being our first object that the Freemasons' Quarterly Review should be considered as the organ of the Craft at large—until any truly generous rivalry shall evoke amongst Masons in any part of the world , a spirit and a power to conduct a journal of their own , in which case we should he too happy to exchange all honorable means of confraternity to sustain and upholcl , not to supplant and destroy , an excellent undertaking —so we claim allpossible indulgence in favour of our motives , and , perhaps ,
some forbearance , when there may appear to be any lack of knowledge respecting matters Masonic in the distance . It should , however , be borne in mind , that if we do not receive information , the fault rests , not with us , but with those who fail to report . We hope , ere many months elapse , to be arraigned , in due form , at the bar of " Masonic Opinion" in Dublin , when if a verdict of honourable acquittal be not recorded in our favour we may , by aid of counsel , learned in the . ( Masonic !) law , at least be able to prove certain charges against us " not proven . "
The Constitution of the Supreme Council of Rites for Ireland , as approved of b y the Grand President , His Grace the Duke of Leinster , and Supreme Grand Council , is in course of circulation among the dignitaries of the Order ; at present , we abstain from any remarks . DUBLIN , ST , JOHN ' DAY . —A Committee having been named in Grand Lodge for the purpose of adopting such measures as would be the means of preventing Masonic processions , in case such were
contemplated , the following circular of prohibition , was forwarded by the Deputy Grand Secretary , addressed " To the Masters , Wardens , and Brethren of the different Lodges . " Grand Lodge Rooms , Commercial Buildings , Dublin . Sir and Brother , —I am directed b y the Grand Masonic Lodge of Ireland , to remind you , that all processions having been prohibited , you are particularly enjoined to abstain therefrom on the approaching
festival of St . John ; and I am further instructed to express the determination of the Grand Lodge to visit with the most severe Masonic punishment , ail Members of the Order who may transgress this injunction . By Order , 18 June , 1838 . J . FOWLER , D . G . S .