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In emblem of the good and ample cheer We wish you'll always be possessed of here ! Then pledge us , in the friendly cup . And let the wine go round , We all will take a kindly sup , And raise a joyful sound . The R . W . M . returned thanks , in the following terms : —
To our Brother Secretary I feel greatly obliged , and return my best thanks for his appropriate and complimentary lines , on this occasion . — Long may his muse continue to spread her inspiring mantle over him . The R . W . M . then drank of the Cup , and proposed the honours . — The Cup was then returned to the R . W . P . Master , who having drunk ,, conveyed it round to the Brethren respectively . While the Cup was circulating , the following song , written for the occasion , by the Laureat , was sung by the Brethren : —
TUNE— " The King—God bless Him . ' " A bumper of Malmsey our solace shall be , In token of hearty good will ; And while we thus quaff it , in friendship for thee , The Cup we shall often refill ; For while the heart glows , and the bosom o ' erflows , And the Mason ' s best feelings possess him , One after another our Master we'll greet—Here ' s a health to our Chief—God bless him ! :
Come , let the full Cup circulate all around , 'Tis sacred to brotherly love ; May peace and prosperity ever abound , And blessings from Heaven above Be poured on the head of our Worshipful Chief
That misfortune may ne ' er dispossess him Of all the bright laurels that now he has won , Here ' s a health to our Chief—God bless him 1 This meeting is hallow'd , by friendship ' s dear name , And noted on History ' s page , We present him this tribute to hand down his fame ' To posterity ' s furthermost age ;
Then let three times three loud resound in this Hall ,. And with nine mystic cheers we'll address him- ; He loves all his Brothers—he ' s loved too by all ; Here ' s a health to our Chief—God bless !
Hurrah!—Hurrah!—Hurrah ! He loves all his Brethren—he ' s loved too by all ;; Here ' s a health to our Chief—God bless him ! The honours were then returned , and the Cup handed back to the R . W . Master by the R . W . P . Master , amid loud and repeated cheers and acclamations of the Brethren . The ceremony was then concluded with the following prayer : —
" O Lord God , there is no God like unto thee , either in Heaven above , or on earth beneath . May thine eyes ever be over the Brethren now assembled in this Lodge , by day and by night . And may iudis-VOL . v . 3 z
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
In emblem of the good and ample cheer We wish you'll always be possessed of here ! Then pledge us , in the friendly cup . And let the wine go round , We all will take a kindly sup , And raise a joyful sound . The R . W . M . returned thanks , in the following terms : —
To our Brother Secretary I feel greatly obliged , and return my best thanks for his appropriate and complimentary lines , on this occasion . — Long may his muse continue to spread her inspiring mantle over him . The R . W . M . then drank of the Cup , and proposed the honours . — The Cup was then returned to the R . W . P . Master , who having drunk ,, conveyed it round to the Brethren respectively . While the Cup was circulating , the following song , written for the occasion , by the Laureat , was sung by the Brethren : —
TUNE— " The King—God bless Him . ' " A bumper of Malmsey our solace shall be , In token of hearty good will ; And while we thus quaff it , in friendship for thee , The Cup we shall often refill ; For while the heart glows , and the bosom o ' erflows , And the Mason ' s best feelings possess him , One after another our Master we'll greet—Here ' s a health to our Chief—God bless him ! :
Come , let the full Cup circulate all around , 'Tis sacred to brotherly love ; May peace and prosperity ever abound , And blessings from Heaven above Be poured on the head of our Worshipful Chief
That misfortune may ne ' er dispossess him Of all the bright laurels that now he has won , Here ' s a health to our Chief—God bless him 1 This meeting is hallow'd , by friendship ' s dear name , And noted on History ' s page , We present him this tribute to hand down his fame ' To posterity ' s furthermost age ;
Then let three times three loud resound in this Hall ,. And with nine mystic cheers we'll address him- ; He loves all his Brothers—he ' s loved too by all ; Here ' s a health to our Chief—God bless !
Hurrah!—Hurrah!—Hurrah ! He loves all his Brethren—he ' s loved too by all ;; Here ' s a health to our Chief—God bless him ! The honours were then returned , and the Cup handed back to the R . W . Master by the R . W . P . Master , amid loud and repeated cheers and acclamations of the Brethren . The ceremony was then concluded with the following prayer : —
" O Lord God , there is no God like unto thee , either in Heaven above , or on earth beneath . May thine eyes ever be over the Brethren now assembled in this Lodge , by day and by night . And may iudis-VOL . v . 3 z