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soluble friendship , unanimity , and brotherly love , the cement and basis of our Order , always subsist among the members of the Caledonia Lodge . " " Hear Thou then our prayers in Heaven , and when Thou hearest , forgive and bless . — ' So MOTE IT BE . '—Amen . " The and salver costwe are informed 100 / they are
cup , , . currency ; neat and chaste , and of the best workmanship . The cup is bell-shaped , and has , on one side , the Masonic Arms of the Lodge of Scotland , and the private Arms of the Plonourable William Stevenson , with the compass and square , surmounted by the All-seeing eye , placed between them ; thereby constituting a suitable , emblematical , and appropriate Masonic link betwixt the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Scotland , the Riht Worshipful Masterand the Craft in general—Andon the
g , . , other side , the following inscription : — " This Cup was presented to Brother "William Stevenson , Right Worshipful Master of the Caledonia Lodge , No . 324 , St . George ' s , Grenada—by the Brethren thereof , as a testimony of his zeal in promoting the welfare of the Lodge , and the Craft in general , 17 April , A . D . 1 S 38 , and of Masonry , 583 S . "
TO CORRESPONDENTS . Messrs . Pittar , Lattey and Co ., Calcutta , have an ample number always on hand of Ulis Review ; complaints , therefore , of a want of supply must be groundless . BRO . MAJOR MACDONALD . —We have replied in general as directed . BRO . Dr . BURNES . —The directions shall be attended to . P . M . and others .. —We have received the various communications , and shall avail ourselves of the advice of Bro . A . Grant in endeavouring to carry them into effect .
We regret that want of space , and the lateness of delivery , prevents our republishing the % vell written letter of a " Wandering Brother of 270 , " which appeared in the Calcutta Englishman , but we have endeavoured to collect and to embody its spirit in our general lemarlts . Accounts from Calcutta of a late date represent affairs in not a very flattering state . It is not asserted that there has been an actual falling off ' yetunder existing circumstancesMasonry would not benefit b
; , , y an accession of members . It . will naturally be asked how this can be ? Briefly , then , the principal disadvantages under which Masons labour in Bengal , arise from the want of a resident Provincial Grand Master . It will be obvious to the most unreflecting mind , that where for a period of ten years no controlling power has existed , indifference and indiscipline will insinuate themselves into the different branches of the systemwhich should be bound bthe same lawsguided bthe same
, y , y customs , and cemented together by an indissoluble and infrangible fraternity . Some proceedings of two Lodges in Calcutta ( we trust the hint will be taken as it is intended ) have been irregular . We refrain for the present from entering into a detail of the circumstances that have elicited these remarks . Suffice it to say that it is unconstitutional on the part of any Lodge to deny admission to any Brethren , regularly and
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soluble friendship , unanimity , and brotherly love , the cement and basis of our Order , always subsist among the members of the Caledonia Lodge . " " Hear Thou then our prayers in Heaven , and when Thou hearest , forgive and bless . — ' So MOTE IT BE . '—Amen . " The and salver costwe are informed 100 / they are
cup , , . currency ; neat and chaste , and of the best workmanship . The cup is bell-shaped , and has , on one side , the Masonic Arms of the Lodge of Scotland , and the private Arms of the Plonourable William Stevenson , with the compass and square , surmounted by the All-seeing eye , placed between them ; thereby constituting a suitable , emblematical , and appropriate Masonic link betwixt the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Scotland , the Riht Worshipful Masterand the Craft in general—Andon the
g , . , other side , the following inscription : — " This Cup was presented to Brother "William Stevenson , Right Worshipful Master of the Caledonia Lodge , No . 324 , St . George ' s , Grenada—by the Brethren thereof , as a testimony of his zeal in promoting the welfare of the Lodge , and the Craft in general , 17 April , A . D . 1 S 38 , and of Masonry , 583 S . "
TO CORRESPONDENTS . Messrs . Pittar , Lattey and Co ., Calcutta , have an ample number always on hand of Ulis Review ; complaints , therefore , of a want of supply must be groundless . BRO . MAJOR MACDONALD . —We have replied in general as directed . BRO . Dr . BURNES . —The directions shall be attended to . P . M . and others .. —We have received the various communications , and shall avail ourselves of the advice of Bro . A . Grant in endeavouring to carry them into effect .
We regret that want of space , and the lateness of delivery , prevents our republishing the % vell written letter of a " Wandering Brother of 270 , " which appeared in the Calcutta Englishman , but we have endeavoured to collect and to embody its spirit in our general lemarlts . Accounts from Calcutta of a late date represent affairs in not a very flattering state . It is not asserted that there has been an actual falling off ' yetunder existing circumstancesMasonry would not benefit b
; , , y an accession of members . It . will naturally be asked how this can be ? Briefly , then , the principal disadvantages under which Masons labour in Bengal , arise from the want of a resident Provincial Grand Master . It will be obvious to the most unreflecting mind , that where for a period of ten years no controlling power has existed , indifference and indiscipline will insinuate themselves into the different branches of the systemwhich should be bound bthe same lawsguided bthe same
, y , y customs , and cemented together by an indissoluble and infrangible fraternity . Some proceedings of two Lodges in Calcutta ( we trust the hint will be taken as it is intended ) have been irregular . We refrain for the present from entering into a detail of the circumstances that have elicited these remarks . Suffice it to say that it is unconstitutional on the part of any Lodge to deny admission to any Brethren , regularly and