Article GENTLEMEN'S DRESS. T? VERY article of GE... Page 1 of 1 Article EIGHT DAY" CLOCKS. TO STRIKE THE HOURS A... Page 1 of 1 Article RUNDELL'S RESTORATIVE PILLS. nPHE superi... Page 1 of 1
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Gentlemen's Dress. T? Very Article Of Ge...
GENTLEMEN'S DRESS . T ? VERY article of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS for the present Season , cut to fit in the - " most approved style of fashion , and made in the best manner , at the under-mentioned moderate prices , for cash , at J . ALBERT'S ,
TAILOR AND DRAPER , 52 , King William-street , London-bridge . £ s . d . £ s . d . Superfine coloured Cloth Dress Coats , from . . S 10 0 to 3 0 0 3 7 0
Ditto , for the finest Saxony , Black or Blue . Frock Coat , faced with silk , and velvet collar . . 215 0 to 318 0 Various excellent and new materials for Trousers . 0180 to 180 The largest stock of any house in the trade , of the most fashionable Waistcoats . . . . 0 10 0 to I 8 0 Young Gentlemen ' s Suits , Servants' Liveries , & c . made on the shortest notice , and upon such terms as will ensure future favours . 52 , King William-street , City .
Eight Day" Clocks. To Strike The Hours A...
EIGHT DAY" CLOCKS . TO STRIKE THE HOURS AND HALF-HOURS , FIVE GUINEAS EACH . THEY are in elegant cases , about 7 jj inches high , suitable either to stand on a bracket or mantle-piece . Warranted at T . Cox SAVORV ' , Working Goldsmith , & c . & c . 47 , Covnhill , London .
Rundell's Restorative Pills. Nphe Superi...
RUNDELL'S RESTORATIVE PILLS . nPHE superiority of these Pills has acquired for them an established reputation : — - * ¦ Mild in their operation and effective in their results , , they constitute a safe and unfailing VEGETABLE ANTIBILIOUS MEDICINE , requiring no confinement nor the observance of any particular regimen , and therefore especially adapted to the use of those whose occupation will not allow of interruption , and to whom time is of importance ; and are particularly recommended to the Traveller—the Tourist—the Man of
Businessand the Bon-vivant . By gently acting on the alimentary canal , the effect of Rundell's Restorative Pills will be , speedily to relieve the bowels—to give tone to the stomach—and to keep up the perfect performance of the digestive function , thereby accomplishing the removal of visceral obstruction , the purification of the blood , and the restoration of all the secretions , so essential to the cure of disease and the establishment of health . Sold by appointment by Barclay and Sons , 95 , Farringdon ststreet ; Sanger , 150 , Oxford-street ; Johnston , 68 , Comhill ; Chapman , ticav the Angel , Islington ; and all Medicine Vendors in Town and Country . —In Boxes , Is . l ^ d . each .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Gentlemen's Dress. T? Very Article Of Ge...
GENTLEMEN'S DRESS . T ? VERY article of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS for the present Season , cut to fit in the - " most approved style of fashion , and made in the best manner , at the under-mentioned moderate prices , for cash , at J . ALBERT'S ,
TAILOR AND DRAPER , 52 , King William-street , London-bridge . £ s . d . £ s . d . Superfine coloured Cloth Dress Coats , from . . S 10 0 to 3 0 0 3 7 0
Ditto , for the finest Saxony , Black or Blue . Frock Coat , faced with silk , and velvet collar . . 215 0 to 318 0 Various excellent and new materials for Trousers . 0180 to 180 The largest stock of any house in the trade , of the most fashionable Waistcoats . . . . 0 10 0 to I 8 0 Young Gentlemen ' s Suits , Servants' Liveries , & c . made on the shortest notice , and upon such terms as will ensure future favours . 52 , King William-street , City .
Eight Day" Clocks. To Strike The Hours A...
EIGHT DAY" CLOCKS . TO STRIKE THE HOURS AND HALF-HOURS , FIVE GUINEAS EACH . THEY are in elegant cases , about 7 jj inches high , suitable either to stand on a bracket or mantle-piece . Warranted at T . Cox SAVORV ' , Working Goldsmith , & c . & c . 47 , Covnhill , London .
Rundell's Restorative Pills. Nphe Superi...
RUNDELL'S RESTORATIVE PILLS . nPHE superiority of these Pills has acquired for them an established reputation : — - * ¦ Mild in their operation and effective in their results , , they constitute a safe and unfailing VEGETABLE ANTIBILIOUS MEDICINE , requiring no confinement nor the observance of any particular regimen , and therefore especially adapted to the use of those whose occupation will not allow of interruption , and to whom time is of importance ; and are particularly recommended to the Traveller—the Tourist—the Man of
Businessand the Bon-vivant . By gently acting on the alimentary canal , the effect of Rundell's Restorative Pills will be , speedily to relieve the bowels—to give tone to the stomach—and to keep up the perfect performance of the digestive function , thereby accomplishing the removal of visceral obstruction , the purification of the blood , and the restoration of all the secretions , so essential to the cure of disease and the establishment of health . Sold by appointment by Barclay and Sons , 95 , Farringdon ststreet ; Sanger , 150 , Oxford-street ; Johnston , 68 , Comhill ; Chapman , ticav the Angel , Islington ; and all Medicine Vendors in Town and Country . —In Boxes , Is . l ^ d . each .