Article THE REPORTER. ← Page 2 of 4 →
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The Reporter.
3 " " * ' (**>» *>"> ¦ 12—Brother Nevill retired from , and Brother bkilbeck entered upon , their respective offices with equal honour . Gratitude and hope were the kindred spirits that graced by their influence the proceedings of one of the best conducted installations it has been our duty to record ; nor , had we time , should the general description of it pass unnoticed . Some advantage is gained bv the elegance of the
J ^ ouge lurmture , and the proportions of the Temple , but the general pwpnety which was observable , demands our unqualified praise . 1 lie banquet exceeded hospitality , and the frank courtesy of the ih-ethren gave even a charm to excess . About fifty Brethren sat down , including Brothers Dobie and Crucefix , Brothers Norris , P . M . G S L and numerous visitors .
In prefacing the first toast , the W . M . glanced cursorily at the advantages of Masonry in cementing the bonds of amity and peace . He drew 1 3 CtU 1 ? / W fMingB in uniting the most apparently discordant elements , and adverted emphatically to the presence of Col . Bekir Bev , a Mahometan chief , who was at that instant in their company , partaking of the joyousness of a fraternal banquet . The W . M . concluded a very happy address by proposing the maiden Oueen of a fi-Pe . p-t ™
ana with Masonic honours- ( great cheers ) . The Grand Master and tie usual routine of toasts , were then successively given . I he health of Brothers Dobie and Crucefix were proposed , Brother Dobie acknowled ged the compliment in a brief spirited manner , pay-II , ? 7 v " ^ eulo »« m upon the Old Union Lodge , upon their eputation discipline and hospitality . He would ( he said ) have called upon Brother Crucefix had he been presentto have aided him in this
, , expression of his honest sentiments , had that Brother not been compelled to leave the room to preside at an important Masonic meeting under the same roof- ( general cheering ) . The installation day of 1838 will be long remembered b y the members and visitors with equal pride and satistaction . r
MOIRA LODGE , ( 109 ) , Dec . 7 .-, The anniversary festival of this Lodge was celebrated at the London Tavern , Bishopsgate Street , on Friday , the 7 th of December , on which occasion the W . M . for the year ensuing was installed . Ihe proceedings in the Lod ge were characterized by great splendour and effect , there being nearly seventy Brethien present to aid m the ceremony of installation . After the initiation of two candidates by the late talented Master , Brother Walton , the Master-elect Brother Parbury installed
George , was as W . M . for the year ensuing . The honours were paid to the W . M . in the most effective and imposing manner . Brother Bigg , P . M ., performed the ceremony of installation . l he Brethren then proceeded to the banquet , which was served up in a n ' l w -, ? " y and raa S ivificence never surpassed on such an occasion . 1 He \ VM . was supported by about forty-five members of the Moira , and twenty-five visiting Brethrenamongst whom of the most
, were some distinguished Craft Masons . The W . M . ( Brother Parbury ) presided with much ability and judgment . Several eloquent addresses were delivered , particularly by the W . M . ; the immediate P . M ., Brother J . Walton ; Brother H . Phillips ; Brother James Phillios : and Brother
Watson , W . M . of the Honour and Generosity . The harmony of the evening was promoted by the delightful vocal efforts of Brothers Jolly , l'itzwih : ams , Atkins , and Jones ; and the whole of the proceedings were unique , and worthy the high distinction of the Moira Lodge . VOL . v . 3
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Reporter.
3 " " * ' (**>» *>"> ¦ 12—Brother Nevill retired from , and Brother bkilbeck entered upon , their respective offices with equal honour . Gratitude and hope were the kindred spirits that graced by their influence the proceedings of one of the best conducted installations it has been our duty to record ; nor , had we time , should the general description of it pass unnoticed . Some advantage is gained bv the elegance of the
J ^ ouge lurmture , and the proportions of the Temple , but the general pwpnety which was observable , demands our unqualified praise . 1 lie banquet exceeded hospitality , and the frank courtesy of the ih-ethren gave even a charm to excess . About fifty Brethren sat down , including Brothers Dobie and Crucefix , Brothers Norris , P . M . G S L and numerous visitors .
In prefacing the first toast , the W . M . glanced cursorily at the advantages of Masonry in cementing the bonds of amity and peace . He drew 1 3 CtU 1 ? / W fMingB in uniting the most apparently discordant elements , and adverted emphatically to the presence of Col . Bekir Bev , a Mahometan chief , who was at that instant in their company , partaking of the joyousness of a fraternal banquet . The W . M . concluded a very happy address by proposing the maiden Oueen of a fi-Pe . p-t ™
ana with Masonic honours- ( great cheers ) . The Grand Master and tie usual routine of toasts , were then successively given . I he health of Brothers Dobie and Crucefix were proposed , Brother Dobie acknowled ged the compliment in a brief spirited manner , pay-II , ? 7 v " ^ eulo »« m upon the Old Union Lodge , upon their eputation discipline and hospitality . He would ( he said ) have called upon Brother Crucefix had he been presentto have aided him in this
, , expression of his honest sentiments , had that Brother not been compelled to leave the room to preside at an important Masonic meeting under the same roof- ( general cheering ) . The installation day of 1838 will be long remembered b y the members and visitors with equal pride and satistaction . r
MOIRA LODGE , ( 109 ) , Dec . 7 .-, The anniversary festival of this Lodge was celebrated at the London Tavern , Bishopsgate Street , on Friday , the 7 th of December , on which occasion the W . M . for the year ensuing was installed . Ihe proceedings in the Lod ge were characterized by great splendour and effect , there being nearly seventy Brethien present to aid m the ceremony of installation . After the initiation of two candidates by the late talented Master , Brother Walton , the Master-elect Brother Parbury installed
George , was as W . M . for the year ensuing . The honours were paid to the W . M . in the most effective and imposing manner . Brother Bigg , P . M ., performed the ceremony of installation . l he Brethren then proceeded to the banquet , which was served up in a n ' l w -, ? " y and raa S ivificence never surpassed on such an occasion . 1 He \ VM . was supported by about forty-five members of the Moira , and twenty-five visiting Brethrenamongst whom of the most
, were some distinguished Craft Masons . The W . M . ( Brother Parbury ) presided with much ability and judgment . Several eloquent addresses were delivered , particularly by the W . M . ; the immediate P . M ., Brother J . Walton ; Brother H . Phillips ; Brother James Phillios : and Brother
Watson , W . M . of the Honour and Generosity . The harmony of the evening was promoted by the delightful vocal efforts of Brothers Jolly , l'itzwih : ams , Atkins , and Jones ; and the whole of the proceedings were unique , and worthy the high distinction of the Moira Lodge . VOL . v . 3