Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 10 of 19 →
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STAFFORD , Nov . 21 . —Provincial Grand Lodge and Festival at Stafford . —After an interval of about eight years , a Grand Lodge for this Province was held by regular summons iu the Shire Hall , Stafford , for the purpose of installing the R . AV . the P . G . M . for Staffordshire , the Honourable Colonel Anson , M . P . for the Southern Division of the county . The Grand Lodge was not opened until one o ' clock in due formwith solemn prayerto enable the Brethren to arrive from a
, , distance , which they did in great numbers . The imposing ceremony of the Installation was performed with much dignity and impressiveness by the AV . Brothers AVhite , G . S ., and Dr . Crucefix ; and the Prov . Grand Master , on taking the Chair , was saluted b y the Officers and Brethren privileged to be present in Grancl Lodge , with all the Masonic honours due to his high rank and elevation . The AA ' orshiful MastersOfficersand Brethren of the following
p , , Lodges in the Province obeyed the mandate of the P . G . M . to be in attendance : —Nos . 115 , 143 , 427 , 431 , 435 , 606 , 607 , 670 , 674 , 707 , 660 . Among the numerous visitors were , C . It . Colvile , Esq ., MP ., D . P . G . M . for Derbyshire , and friends ; Bro . White , G . S . ; Bro . Dr . Crucefix , P . G . D . ; G . Holyoake , Esq ., S . S . Briscoe , Esq ., Colonel
Hogg and brother , with representatives from Lodges at Birmingham , Dudley , Kidderminster ; Bro . Lambert , P . G . D . of the Eastern Province of Lancashire , & c , & c . The R . AV . the P . Grand Master , invested the following Brethren to be P . Grand Officers : —Bro . C . fl . Vernon , P . M . 607 ; Bro . R . Fenton , P . M . 674 , Prov . G . AVardens . P . G . Chaplain , Bro . the Rev . Dr . Slade , AV . M ., 607 ; P . G . Treasurer
Bro . AV . Lloyd , AV . M ., 707 ; P . G . Registrar , Bro . W " . Arnold , P . M . 670 ; P . G . Secretary , Bro . C S . Clarke , P . M ., 607 . P . G . S . D . Bro . T . Boulton , P . M ., 427 ; P . G . J . D . Bro . J . AV . Harris , P . M ., 607 . P . G . Sup . AVorks , Bro . L . G . Hales , P . M ., 660 ; P . G- Director of Ceremonies Bro . J . Stirrop , J . W ., 427 : P . G . Sword Bearer , Bro . AV . Dibb , P . M ., 427 ; P . G . Organist , Bro . E . Bond , P . M ., 431 . P . G . Pursuivant Baker 660
, Bro . G . , P . M ., . P . G . Stewards , Brothers G . H . Fourdrinier , P . M ., 660 ; C . L . Greaves , S . AV ., 115 ; S . M . Turner , AV . M ., 674 . All business being terminated , the P . Grand Lodge was closed in due form and with solemn prayer . A procession was formed soon after three o ' clock in the Shire Hall , from whence the Brethren proceeded to the Swan Hotel , clothed as in the Grand Lodge ; and at four o ' clock , 150 Brethren sat down to banquet at the Swan Hotel , the arrangements for which had been admirably made under the stewardship of Bro . Brutton . The game was kindly presented by the G . M . Colonel Anson .
Such a gathering and such an entertainment had not been known in the Province among the Fraternity for many a day . In the list of loyal and appropriate toasts were : the Queen , a daughter and niece of Grand Masters ; her Majesty ' s Royal Consort : the Prince of AVales ; the Queen Dowager , a Mason ' s widow , and patroness of the Girls' School ; the memory of the late M . AV . G . M ., drank in solemn silence ; Lords Zetland and Salisbury ; Viscount IngestreP . S . G . AV . of
, England ; the W . Bro . White , G . S ., with thanks for his most efficient services ; the R . AA ' . the P . G . M . for Staffordshire , with all the honours ; the R . AV . the P . G . M . for Derbyshire , C . Colvile , Esq ., M . P ., and other G . Officers of that Province present ; the P . Grand Chaplain , Dr . Slade , ¦ VOL . i . 4 i >
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STAFFORD , Nov . 21 . —Provincial Grand Lodge and Festival at Stafford . —After an interval of about eight years , a Grand Lodge for this Province was held by regular summons iu the Shire Hall , Stafford , for the purpose of installing the R . AV . the P . G . M . for Staffordshire , the Honourable Colonel Anson , M . P . for the Southern Division of the county . The Grand Lodge was not opened until one o ' clock in due formwith solemn prayerto enable the Brethren to arrive from a
, , distance , which they did in great numbers . The imposing ceremony of the Installation was performed with much dignity and impressiveness by the AV . Brothers AVhite , G . S ., and Dr . Crucefix ; and the Prov . Grand Master , on taking the Chair , was saluted b y the Officers and Brethren privileged to be present in Grancl Lodge , with all the Masonic honours due to his high rank and elevation . The AA ' orshiful MastersOfficersand Brethren of the following
p , , Lodges in the Province obeyed the mandate of the P . G . M . to be in attendance : —Nos . 115 , 143 , 427 , 431 , 435 , 606 , 607 , 670 , 674 , 707 , 660 . Among the numerous visitors were , C . It . Colvile , Esq ., MP ., D . P . G . M . for Derbyshire , and friends ; Bro . White , G . S . ; Bro . Dr . Crucefix , P . G . D . ; G . Holyoake , Esq ., S . S . Briscoe , Esq ., Colonel
Hogg and brother , with representatives from Lodges at Birmingham , Dudley , Kidderminster ; Bro . Lambert , P . G . D . of the Eastern Province of Lancashire , & c , & c . The R . AV . the P . Grand Master , invested the following Brethren to be P . Grand Officers : —Bro . C . fl . Vernon , P . M . 607 ; Bro . R . Fenton , P . M . 674 , Prov . G . AVardens . P . G . Chaplain , Bro . the Rev . Dr . Slade , AV . M ., 607 ; P . G . Treasurer
Bro . AV . Lloyd , AV . M ., 707 ; P . G . Registrar , Bro . W " . Arnold , P . M . 670 ; P . G . Secretary , Bro . C S . Clarke , P . M ., 607 . P . G . S . D . Bro . T . Boulton , P . M ., 427 ; P . G . J . D . Bro . J . AV . Harris , P . M ., 607 . P . G . Sup . AVorks , Bro . L . G . Hales , P . M ., 660 ; P . G- Director of Ceremonies Bro . J . Stirrop , J . W ., 427 : P . G . Sword Bearer , Bro . AV . Dibb , P . M ., 427 ; P . G . Organist , Bro . E . Bond , P . M ., 431 . P . G . Pursuivant Baker 660
, Bro . G . , P . M ., . P . G . Stewards , Brothers G . H . Fourdrinier , P . M ., 660 ; C . L . Greaves , S . AV ., 115 ; S . M . Turner , AV . M ., 674 . All business being terminated , the P . Grand Lodge was closed in due form and with solemn prayer . A procession was formed soon after three o ' clock in the Shire Hall , from whence the Brethren proceeded to the Swan Hotel , clothed as in the Grand Lodge ; and at four o ' clock , 150 Brethren sat down to banquet at the Swan Hotel , the arrangements for which had been admirably made under the stewardship of Bro . Brutton . The game was kindly presented by the G . M . Colonel Anson .
Such a gathering and such an entertainment had not been known in the Province among the Fraternity for many a day . In the list of loyal and appropriate toasts were : the Queen , a daughter and niece of Grand Masters ; her Majesty ' s Royal Consort : the Prince of AVales ; the Queen Dowager , a Mason ' s widow , and patroness of the Girls' School ; the memory of the late M . AV . G . M ., drank in solemn silence ; Lords Zetland and Salisbury ; Viscount IngestreP . S . G . AV . of
, England ; the W . Bro . White , G . S ., with thanks for his most efficient services ; the R . AA ' . the P . G . M . for Staffordshire , with all the honours ; the R . AV . the P . G . M . for Derbyshire , C . Colvile , Esq ., M . P ., and other G . Officers of that Province present ; the P . Grand Chaplain , Dr . Slade , ¦ VOL . i . 4 i >