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Britannia Life Assurance Company,
No . 1 , PRINCES-STREET , BANK , LONDON , Empowered b y Special Act of Parliament , IV . Vict . cap . IX .
HJtmtorg . William Bardgett , Esq . Robert Eglinton , Esq . Samuel Bevington , Esq . Erasmus Robert Foster , Esq . William Fecbney Black , Esq . Alex . Robert Irvine , Esq . John Brightman , Esq . . Peter Morrison , Esq . ¦ George Cohen , Esq . Henry Lewis Smale , Esq . Millis Coventry , Esq . Thomas Teed , Esq .
John Drewett , Esq . Auditors . —J . B . Bevington , Esq . —F . P . Cockerill , Esq . —J . D . Dow , Esq . Medical Officer . —J . Clendinning , M . D ., F . R . S . j 16 , Wimpole-street , Cavendish-square . Standing Counsel . —The Hon . John Ashley , New-Square , Lincoln ' s-Inn . Mr . Serjeant Murphy , M . P ., Temple . Solicitor . —William Bevan , Esq ., Old Jewry . ' Bankers . —Messrs . Drewett and Fowler , Princes-Street , Bank .
This Institution is empowered by a special Act of Parliament , and is so constituted as to afford the benefits of Life Assurance in their fullest extent to Policy-holders , and to present greater facilities and accommodation than are usually offered by other Companies . ASSURANCES MAY EITHER BE EFFECTED BY PARTIES ON THEIR OWN LIV . ES , OR BY PAHTJES INTERESTED THEREIN ON THE LLVES OF OTHERS . The effect of an Assurance on u person's own life is to create at once a Property in Reversion , which can by no other means be realized . Take , for instance , the case of a person at the age of Thirty , who , by the payment of 51 . 3 s . id . to the Britannia Life Assurance
Company , can become at once possessed of a bequeathable property , amounting to £ 1000 , subject only to the condition of his continuing the same payment quarterly during the remainder of his . life—a condition which may be fulfilled by the mere saving of EIGHT SHILLINGS weekly in bis expenditure . Thus , by the exertion of a very slight degree of ' economy —such , indeed , as can scarcely be felt as an inconvenience , be may at once realise a capital of £ 10 ( 10 , which he can bequeath or dispose of in any way be may think proper . A Table of Decreasing Rates' of Premium on a novel and reinarhable plan ; the Policyholder having the option of discontinuing the payment of alt further Premiums after TWENTY ,
FIFTEEN , TEN , and even FIVE gears ; uixd the Policy still remaining in force—in the Jirst cast , . / ' or the full amount originally assured ; and in either of the three other cases , for a portion of the same , according to a fixed arid , equitable scale endorsed upon the . Policy " .-. : ' ' •'¦ Increasing Rutes of Premium on a new and remarkable plan for securing Loans or Debts ; a less immediate payment being required on a Policy for the tohble term of Life , than in any o ther Office . Age of the Assured in every case admitted in the . Policy . ¦ ¦ ¦• .- - . , -. All claims payable within one Month after proof of death . ' Medical Attendants remunerated in all cases for their reports . E xtract from Increasing Rates of Premium , for an Assurance of . £ 100 for Whole Term . . ... of Life .-..-.,.-.-.--: — - - ¦¦ : - : . . . : < --.
-. .. .. Annual Premiums payable during ; , -. , .,... ..... \ ae lst ^ 2 nc ' ^ 3 rt * ^' I ' ' ' ^' Remainder :. ° ' Years . Years . Years . - Years . of Life . £ s . d . £ s . d . £ s . d . £ s . d , £ c d . 20 1 11 1 5 10 1 10 11 1 10 9 2 3 8 30 ¦ 1 0 4 1 12 2 t 19 1 2 71 2 17 6
. - 40 1 16 1 2 4 4 2 14 G 3 7 3 4 3 4 50 2 10 7 3 9 4 4 5 5 5 0 3 0 13 7 Detailed Prospectuses , and every requisite information as to the mode of effecting Assurances , may be obtained at the Office . PETER MORRISON , Resident Director . A Board of Directors attend daily at Two o ' clock , for the dispatch of Business .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Britannia Life Assurance Company,
No . 1 , PRINCES-STREET , BANK , LONDON , Empowered b y Special Act of Parliament , IV . Vict . cap . IX .
HJtmtorg . William Bardgett , Esq . Robert Eglinton , Esq . Samuel Bevington , Esq . Erasmus Robert Foster , Esq . William Fecbney Black , Esq . Alex . Robert Irvine , Esq . John Brightman , Esq . . Peter Morrison , Esq . ¦ George Cohen , Esq . Henry Lewis Smale , Esq . Millis Coventry , Esq . Thomas Teed , Esq .
John Drewett , Esq . Auditors . —J . B . Bevington , Esq . —F . P . Cockerill , Esq . —J . D . Dow , Esq . Medical Officer . —J . Clendinning , M . D ., F . R . S . j 16 , Wimpole-street , Cavendish-square . Standing Counsel . —The Hon . John Ashley , New-Square , Lincoln ' s-Inn . Mr . Serjeant Murphy , M . P ., Temple . Solicitor . —William Bevan , Esq ., Old Jewry . ' Bankers . —Messrs . Drewett and Fowler , Princes-Street , Bank .
This Institution is empowered by a special Act of Parliament , and is so constituted as to afford the benefits of Life Assurance in their fullest extent to Policy-holders , and to present greater facilities and accommodation than are usually offered by other Companies . ASSURANCES MAY EITHER BE EFFECTED BY PARTIES ON THEIR OWN LIV . ES , OR BY PAHTJES INTERESTED THEREIN ON THE LLVES OF OTHERS . The effect of an Assurance on u person's own life is to create at once a Property in Reversion , which can by no other means be realized . Take , for instance , the case of a person at the age of Thirty , who , by the payment of 51 . 3 s . id . to the Britannia Life Assurance
Company , can become at once possessed of a bequeathable property , amounting to £ 1000 , subject only to the condition of his continuing the same payment quarterly during the remainder of his . life—a condition which may be fulfilled by the mere saving of EIGHT SHILLINGS weekly in bis expenditure . Thus , by the exertion of a very slight degree of ' economy —such , indeed , as can scarcely be felt as an inconvenience , be may at once realise a capital of £ 10 ( 10 , which he can bequeath or dispose of in any way be may think proper . A Table of Decreasing Rates' of Premium on a novel and reinarhable plan ; the Policyholder having the option of discontinuing the payment of alt further Premiums after TWENTY ,
FIFTEEN , TEN , and even FIVE gears ; uixd the Policy still remaining in force—in the Jirst cast , . / ' or the full amount originally assured ; and in either of the three other cases , for a portion of the same , according to a fixed arid , equitable scale endorsed upon the . Policy " .-. : ' ' •'¦ Increasing Rutes of Premium on a new and remarkable plan for securing Loans or Debts ; a less immediate payment being required on a Policy for the tohble term of Life , than in any o ther Office . Age of the Assured in every case admitted in the . Policy . ¦ ¦ ¦• .- - . , -. All claims payable within one Month after proof of death . ' Medical Attendants remunerated in all cases for their reports . E xtract from Increasing Rates of Premium , for an Assurance of . £ 100 for Whole Term . . ... of Life .-..-.,.-.-.--: — - - ¦¦ : - : . . . : < --.
-. .. .. Annual Premiums payable during ; , -. , .,... ..... \ ae lst ^ 2 nc ' ^ 3 rt * ^' I ' ' ' ^' Remainder :. ° ' Years . Years . Years . - Years . of Life . £ s . d . £ s . d . £ s . d . £ s . d , £ c d . 20 1 11 1 5 10 1 10 11 1 10 9 2 3 8 30 ¦ 1 0 4 1 12 2 t 19 1 2 71 2 17 6
. - 40 1 16 1 2 4 4 2 14 G 3 7 3 4 3 4 50 2 10 7 3 9 4 4 5 5 5 0 3 0 13 7 Detailed Prospectuses , and every requisite information as to the mode of effecting Assurances , may be obtained at the Office . PETER MORRISON , Resident Director . A Board of Directors attend daily at Two o ' clock , for the dispatch of Business .