Article FREEMASONRY. BROTHER J. P. A C K L A M, ... Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRV. W. EVANS, MASONIC JEWELLER ... Page 1 of 1 Article FUEEJIASONRY. "JVrASONIC CLOTHING, FURNI... Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY. R O Y A L A R C II. COMPANI... Page 1 of 1
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Freemasonry. Brother J. P. A C K L A M, ...
FREEMASONRY . BROTHER J . P . A C K L A M , MASONIC JEWEL , FURNITURE , AND CLOTHING MANUFACTURER , T > ESPECTFULLY solicits the Orders and Patronage of the Craft . He has always A 5 ' ready on sale a Collection of Jewels and Clothing , for ( raft , Royal Arch Masonry , Knight Templars , & c . As he is the real maker , aud every article is manufactured on bis premises , and under his personal inspection , the Fraternity may rely on being furnished in precise conformity with the authorised Constitutions of the different Orders . 138 , Strand , opposite Catherine Street .
Freemasonrv. W. Evans, Masonic Jeweller ...
FREEMASONRV . W . EVANS , MASONIC JEWELLER AND CLOTHING MANUFACTURER , No . 6 , GREAT NEWPORT STREET , LONG ACRE , Four Doors from St . Martin ' s Lane , London , removed from A o . 28 , New Street ,
Covent Garden . | 3 BOTHER WILLIAM EVANS begs leave most respectfully to return his sincere thanks to his Friends , and the Masonic Craft in general , for all past favours , and to inform them that he has removed his business to No . 6 , Great Newport Street , Long Acre , ( four doors from St . Martin ' s Lane ) , where his endeavours will continue to be exerted to merit their patronage and support . Tlie Brethren may rely on being supplied with articles of the best quality , and on
the same reasonable terms as heretofore . Furniture , & c . for Craft , Royal Arch , and the other Degrees , made to order , on the shortest possible notice . Brother WILLIAM EVANS requests , as a particular favour , ( his means being very limited ) , that all orders for goods may be accompanied by an order lor payment , in London : and his friends may rest assured of the utmost possible expedition , as well as care , in the perfect execution of the same .
All letters requiring information respecting any business in the Masonic line , will be punctually answered , and prices stated . N . B . The Medal of his late Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , M . W . G . Master , is now complete , and can be obtained of Brother Evans , who will forward them , free of expense , to any part of the United Kingdom , on receipt of a post-office order , at the following prices : s . d . Bronze . . . 10 6 Silver 21 0
Fueejiasonry. "Jvrasonic Clothing, Furni...
FUEEJIASONRY . "JVrASONIC CLOTHING , FURNITURE , and PARAPHERNALIA requisite for - * - ¦* - Craft , Royal Arch , and Knight Templars , supplied on Reasonable Terms by Bro . J . NICIIOLLS , 14 , \ Vell Street , Jewin Street , Cripplegate . N . B . —Orders punctually attended to for the FREEMASONS' QUARTERIA' R EVIEW , aud other Masonic Works .
Freemasonry. R O Y A L A R C Ii. Compani...
FREEMASONRY . R O Y A L A R C II . COMPANION WM . POVEY begs to announce , to the Companions of the HOLY ^ ROYAL Anon , that he has disposed of , to Bro . SPENCER , Masonic Librarian , 314 , High Holborn , the SELECTION OF SCRIPTURE HEADINGS , as directed by the GRAND CHAPTER to be read at the Exaltation of Companions , and Installation of
Principals , and begs respectfully to impress on the minds of Principals of Chapters and others , the necessity that exists for their possessing themselves as early as possible with them , as the readiest mode of complying with the regulations of the Supre ' . ne Grand Chapter . Ncatlv bound in morocco , lo * .: ami oti ; cnvi :- < -, * . am ! Is .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry. Brother J. P. A C K L A M, ...
FREEMASONRY . BROTHER J . P . A C K L A M , MASONIC JEWEL , FURNITURE , AND CLOTHING MANUFACTURER , T > ESPECTFULLY solicits the Orders and Patronage of the Craft . He has always A 5 ' ready on sale a Collection of Jewels and Clothing , for ( raft , Royal Arch Masonry , Knight Templars , & c . As he is the real maker , aud every article is manufactured on bis premises , and under his personal inspection , the Fraternity may rely on being furnished in precise conformity with the authorised Constitutions of the different Orders . 138 , Strand , opposite Catherine Street .
Freemasonrv. W. Evans, Masonic Jeweller ...
FREEMASONRV . W . EVANS , MASONIC JEWELLER AND CLOTHING MANUFACTURER , No . 6 , GREAT NEWPORT STREET , LONG ACRE , Four Doors from St . Martin ' s Lane , London , removed from A o . 28 , New Street ,
Covent Garden . | 3 BOTHER WILLIAM EVANS begs leave most respectfully to return his sincere thanks to his Friends , and the Masonic Craft in general , for all past favours , and to inform them that he has removed his business to No . 6 , Great Newport Street , Long Acre , ( four doors from St . Martin ' s Lane ) , where his endeavours will continue to be exerted to merit their patronage and support . Tlie Brethren may rely on being supplied with articles of the best quality , and on
the same reasonable terms as heretofore . Furniture , & c . for Craft , Royal Arch , and the other Degrees , made to order , on the shortest possible notice . Brother WILLIAM EVANS requests , as a particular favour , ( his means being very limited ) , that all orders for goods may be accompanied by an order lor payment , in London : and his friends may rest assured of the utmost possible expedition , as well as care , in the perfect execution of the same .
All letters requiring information respecting any business in the Masonic line , will be punctually answered , and prices stated . N . B . The Medal of his late Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , M . W . G . Master , is now complete , and can be obtained of Brother Evans , who will forward them , free of expense , to any part of the United Kingdom , on receipt of a post-office order , at the following prices : s . d . Bronze . . . 10 6 Silver 21 0
Fueejiasonry. "Jvrasonic Clothing, Furni...
FUEEJIASONRY . "JVrASONIC CLOTHING , FURNITURE , and PARAPHERNALIA requisite for - * - ¦* - Craft , Royal Arch , and Knight Templars , supplied on Reasonable Terms by Bro . J . NICIIOLLS , 14 , \ Vell Street , Jewin Street , Cripplegate . N . B . —Orders punctually attended to for the FREEMASONS' QUARTERIA' R EVIEW , aud other Masonic Works .
Freemasonry. R O Y A L A R C Ii. Compani...
FREEMASONRY . R O Y A L A R C II . COMPANION WM . POVEY begs to announce , to the Companions of the HOLY ^ ROYAL Anon , that he has disposed of , to Bro . SPENCER , Masonic Librarian , 314 , High Holborn , the SELECTION OF SCRIPTURE HEADINGS , as directed by the GRAND CHAPTER to be read at the Exaltation of Companions , and Installation of
Principals , and begs respectfully to impress on the minds of Principals of Chapters and others , the necessity that exists for their possessing themselves as early as possible with them , as the readiest mode of complying with the regulations of the Supre ' . ne Grand Chapter . Ncatlv bound in morocco , lo * .: ami oti ; cnvi :- < -, * . am ! Is .