Article FREEMASONRY. Shortly will be Published, ... Page 1 of 1 Article CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. PUNCH'S HOLIDAY LETT... Page 1 of 1
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Freemasonry. Shortly Will Be Published, ...
FREEMASONRY . Shortly will be Published , ( by particular desire ) , Dedicated to the R . IF " . William Eliot , Esq ., Provincial Grand Master for Dorsetshire ; to the Provincial Grand Lodge , and the Brethren in general , THREE SERMONS ,
Forming a Series , preached before the PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE of DORSET , at their Annual Meetings , holden At SHAFTESBURY , AUGUST 17 th , 1841 ; At WEYMOUTH , JULY 21 st , 1842 ; At SHERBORNE , AUGUST 16 th , 1843 . BY BROTHER THE REV . W . J . PERCY , M . A .,
of St . John ' s College , Cambridge ; Curate of Piddlehinton , Dorset ; P . M . of the Lodge of Benevolence 459 ; and Provincial Grand Chaplain for Dorsetshire . SERMON 1 . "THE CHIEF CORNER STONE "—St . Mark , xii ., v . lo and ] 1 . 2 . " THE ONLY FOUNDATION "—1 st Corinthians , hi ., v . 11 . 3 . " THE SPIRITUAL TEMPLE "—Ephesians , ii ., v . 19—22 . Price of the three SermonsStitched in Blue Paper Cover 2 . ? . ; and in Blue Clothwith
, , , Masonic Emblems , 3 s . The Profit to be devoted to the Masonic Charities . Subscribers' Names , and Orders for the Work , will be received by the W . M . of the Lodge of Benevolence , 439 , Sherborne , Dorset ; to wdiom all communications are to be addressed ; by the W . M . of the several Lodges of the Province , also by the Publisher , Brother RICHARD SPENCER , Masonic Bookseller , 314 , High Holborn , London , and all other Booksellers .
Christmas Holidays. Punch's Holiday Lett...
CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS . PUNCH'S HOLIDAY LETTER . MY DEAR PUBLIC , — It is with the most unfeigned satisfaction I now write to inform you that the completion of my FIFTH VOLUME is fixed for Saturday , the 23 rd instant .
I am happy to inform you that I have again obtained ttiis year the PRIZE for WRITING , and that I have completely beaten MASTER GiBissin my ARITHMETIC . The weekl y specimens I have sent you of my Drawing , will , I hope , satisfy you of my proficiency in this branch of my studies . Deeply impressed with the paternal care you lavish on me , I feel myself bound ( in five volumes ) to cultivate assiduouslv those parts , ( monthly parts ) , which you have encouraged me to put forth ; and I am preparing to make exertions out of number , which will appear in the numberless numbers
that I intend issuing . Messrs . BRADBURY & EVANS , in whose establishment I am placed , beg leave to present their compliments ( of the season ) to you , and to call your attention to the fact , that the whole of my valuable lessons are to be learned for the weekly sum of Three Pence , which includes WRITING , DRAWING , MORAL PHILOSOPHY , LAW , ' POETRY the USE OF THE GLOBES , the ABUSES OF THE WORLD , and the usual BRANCHES —that is to say Six ENTIRE LEAVES—OF THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE .
On the 16 th instant , it is my intention to present you with a CHRISTMAS PIECE , which I trust will meet your approbation , and hoping that in the ensuing holidays , we shall have much enjoyment in each other ' s society , I remain , dear Public , PUNCH OFFICE , 194 , Strand , Your dutiful and affectionate December 9 , 1843 . PUNCH . P . S . —I forgot to tell you that my ALMANACK will be ready on the 30 th instant , and will be the admiration of the whole World .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry. Shortly Will Be Published, ...
FREEMASONRY . Shortly will be Published , ( by particular desire ) , Dedicated to the R . IF " . William Eliot , Esq ., Provincial Grand Master for Dorsetshire ; to the Provincial Grand Lodge , and the Brethren in general , THREE SERMONS ,
Forming a Series , preached before the PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE of DORSET , at their Annual Meetings , holden At SHAFTESBURY , AUGUST 17 th , 1841 ; At WEYMOUTH , JULY 21 st , 1842 ; At SHERBORNE , AUGUST 16 th , 1843 . BY BROTHER THE REV . W . J . PERCY , M . A .,
of St . John ' s College , Cambridge ; Curate of Piddlehinton , Dorset ; P . M . of the Lodge of Benevolence 459 ; and Provincial Grand Chaplain for Dorsetshire . SERMON 1 . "THE CHIEF CORNER STONE "—St . Mark , xii ., v . lo and ] 1 . 2 . " THE ONLY FOUNDATION "—1 st Corinthians , hi ., v . 11 . 3 . " THE SPIRITUAL TEMPLE "—Ephesians , ii ., v . 19—22 . Price of the three SermonsStitched in Blue Paper Cover 2 . ? . ; and in Blue Clothwith
, , , Masonic Emblems , 3 s . The Profit to be devoted to the Masonic Charities . Subscribers' Names , and Orders for the Work , will be received by the W . M . of the Lodge of Benevolence , 439 , Sherborne , Dorset ; to wdiom all communications are to be addressed ; by the W . M . of the several Lodges of the Province , also by the Publisher , Brother RICHARD SPENCER , Masonic Bookseller , 314 , High Holborn , London , and all other Booksellers .
Christmas Holidays. Punch's Holiday Lett...
CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS . PUNCH'S HOLIDAY LETTER . MY DEAR PUBLIC , — It is with the most unfeigned satisfaction I now write to inform you that the completion of my FIFTH VOLUME is fixed for Saturday , the 23 rd instant .
I am happy to inform you that I have again obtained ttiis year the PRIZE for WRITING , and that I have completely beaten MASTER GiBissin my ARITHMETIC . The weekl y specimens I have sent you of my Drawing , will , I hope , satisfy you of my proficiency in this branch of my studies . Deeply impressed with the paternal care you lavish on me , I feel myself bound ( in five volumes ) to cultivate assiduouslv those parts , ( monthly parts ) , which you have encouraged me to put forth ; and I am preparing to make exertions out of number , which will appear in the numberless numbers
that I intend issuing . Messrs . BRADBURY & EVANS , in whose establishment I am placed , beg leave to present their compliments ( of the season ) to you , and to call your attention to the fact , that the whole of my valuable lessons are to be learned for the weekly sum of Three Pence , which includes WRITING , DRAWING , MORAL PHILOSOPHY , LAW , ' POETRY the USE OF THE GLOBES , the ABUSES OF THE WORLD , and the usual BRANCHES —that is to say Six ENTIRE LEAVES—OF THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE .
On the 16 th instant , it is my intention to present you with a CHRISTMAS PIECE , which I trust will meet your approbation , and hoping that in the ensuing holidays , we shall have much enjoyment in each other ' s society , I remain , dear Public , PUNCH OFFICE , 194 , Strand , Your dutiful and affectionate December 9 , 1843 . PUNCH . P . S . —I forgot to tell you that my ALMANACK will be ready on the 30 th instant , and will be the admiration of the whole World .