Article WORKS OX FJ1EE1IAS0NRY . on Sale at Bro.... Page 1 of 1 Article WORKS OX FJ1EE1IAS0NRY . on Sale at Bro.... Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Works Ox Fj1ee1ias0nry . On Sale At Bro....
WORKS OX FJ 1 EE 1 IAS 0 NRY . on Sale at Bro . It . SPEXCER ' s . 314 . Hiah Holborn . London .
Freemasons' Pocket Book and Calendar for 1844 , 3 s . Freemasons' Pocket Companion , with Chronology , Entered Apprentice ' s Sons , Sec , by Bro . W . B . Mant , M . A ., Arch , of Down , Sec , 2 s , 6 d . Freemasons' Quarterly Review , 3 s each number .
, 1834 to 1843 , 0 vols , b . jiind in half blue calf gilt masonic tooling , , £ 0 15 s . Early History of Freemasonry in England , copied from a MS . in the British Museum , with a Glossary by J . 0 . HalliwcII , Esq ., F . B . S . 2 nd . edition , Svo 2 s . Od . Lebanon , or A "Light" from the Lebanon Lodge at Gloucester , being explanatory Lectures on the Spirituality of Freemasonry , by Bro . Joel Nash , Svo . 3 s . Gd , Masonic Minstrel -. a Collection of upwards of 200 Son"S , Odes . & c . with a list of Toasts Ss . ( id . bds ., -Is . bd . ° Oration delivered at
tho Jubilee of tho Sunkspore Lodge , Warwick , on August 10 th , 1841 , by Bro . Jas . Sharp , Jim ., W . M . price Is Sermon , preached Dec . 27 lh . 183 D , by the Rev . Bro . H . B . Slade , D . D ., Sec . Od . Preached at Portsmouth , July 4 th , 1842 , by the Her . Brother T . T . Haverlieltl , Od . Sermon , preached at Lincoln , Aug . Slst , 1843 , by tho Rev . Bro . J . O . IJakeyne , M . A ., P . G . J . W . for Lincoln , with an engraving of the Ancient Painted Glass Window
, ( with Masonic emblems ) in Lincoln Cathedra ] , 8 vo . Is . ; — preached upon tho occasion of The Dedication of the Silurian Lodge , Newport , Monmouthshire , by the Bov . Bro . G . Roberts , B . A . & c . 8 vo , Is . 1 st . — " The Chief Corner Stone , " 2 nd"The Only Foundation , " 3 rd— "The Spiritual Temple , " forming a series , preached before the P . G . Lodge of Dorset , in 1841-2-3 , by Bro . the Eev . W . J . Percy , JZ . A , V . G . Chaplain for Dorset , Svo . bds . 3 s .
Just Published , a new Edition with considerable improvements , price 10 s ed . demy Svo .. 10 s . royal Svo , bds ., of " The Antiquities of Freemasonry , " comprising illustrations of the Five Grand Periods of lilsisonry , from the Creation of the World , to the Dedication of King Solomon ' s Temple . BY the Tlev . G . Oliver , D . D ., P . D . P . G . M . for Lincoln , & c . Bound in blue calf , with gilt Masonic Tooling , 8 vo . IGs ., voyal 8 vo . 24 s . tlie latter forming a handsome Lodge present . Oliver ' s ( Eev G . ) History of Initiation , in 12 Lectures , 1001 810 lobds
Svo . s . ( . royal . ' s . . ; bound in blue call ; with gilt Masonic Tooling , 8 vo . los . Gd ., royal 8 vo . 34 s . ; the latter forming a handsome Lodge present , uniform irlth " The Antiquities . " ¦ — Star in the East , fcap . Svo . 3 s . Gd bds . ; full bound with gilt Masonic Tooling , 10 s . 1842 History of Freemasonry from 1 S 20 to 1841 , I 2 mo . 4 s . 1841 Signs and Symbols , in Twelve Lectures , Svo . 0 s . boards- masonic binding los . Gd . 1837
, Theocratic Philosophy of Freomasonrv , in Twelve Locturos , 8 vo . 10 s . Gd . boards ; IDs . Gd . bound with gilt Masonic tooling 1840 Account of the Centenary of Witham Lodge , No S 74 , June 9 th , 1842 ; with the Ceremo- - nies , Orations & c . Svo . Is Gd .
Works Ox Fj1ee1ias0nry . On Sale At Bro....
Oliver ' s ( Rev . G . ) History of the Witham Lodge , with Sermon preached tut Laying the Foundation Stone o ! the Masonic Hall , loth April 1811 , 8 vo . Is . Gd . — ¦ Ornaments , Furniture , and Jewels ; a Sermon preached 15 th September , 1841 , Svo . Gd , Preston's Illustrations of Masonry , with Dr . Oliver's History of Freemasonry to 184 ] , hound iu one vol . 13 s ., or handsomely bound in blue calf , with gilt Masonic Tooling , 18 s . 1840-1 Ragon , ( J . M . ) Conrs Philosophkjue et Intt'rprefatif des
: Initiations Anciennes et Modei-nes , 8 vo . 7 s . Gd . Rosenberg's ( D . ) Masonic & Synoptical Tableau , in French j and English , illustrating the Mystical Reasonings , and rendering them perfectly clear to the Initiated , ' 5 s . on I a sheet ' , Sandy's ( W . ) Short View of tho History of Freemasonry , 1 8 vo . 3 s . 1 S 2 U Scriptural Extracts , for the use of Royal Arch Masons and Chapters ; as directed by the Grand Chapter to bo read during the Ritual of Exaltation . 4 to ., price 4 s .
sowed ; 5 s . half bd . ; 7 s . whole bd . ; 10 s . bd . in a luck-ease Sketch of the History of the Knights Temp'urs , by Bro . Ja-- . Burnes , L L . D ., Grand Prior of Aquitaine , lee , embellished with an elegantly printed Dedication in Gold and Colours , to His late It . II . the Duke of Sussex , Grand Prior of England ; Emblazoned Armorial Bearings of the Chevaliers of the Order in Scotland ; 2 'ortrait of Sir Sidney Smith , K . T ., and numerous other illustrations . 4 to ., hound in white vellum papergilt edgeswith giltK . T . Cross on sidesi ' lflslS 40
, , ,... The Book of Constitutions , with 12 plates , bound in blue calf gilt edges , price 8 s . ; half-bound 5 s . ; cloth 3 s . Cd . The Royal Arch Regulations , with 14 plates , bd . in Masonic cf . g . edg . 7 s . Gd . ; hf .-bd . 4 s . Od ; elotli 2 s . Gd . N . B . —The above "Book of Constitutions and E . A . Regulations , " bound together in Masonic gilt cloth , lis . ; half Masonic calf gilt , 8 s . ; whole Masonic calf gilt edges , 12 s . The Entered Apprentice ' s Song , from tho 2 nd edition of
the Book of Constitutions , Is . per dozen . N . B , — Printed the size of tlie Freemasons' Calendar . Harris's ( J . ) Royal Arch Tracing Boards , in two colored designs , bound in lock-case , 12 s . Craft Tracing Boards , in three coloured designs bound in lock-case , los . N . B . The five Designs bound together in lock-ease , 24 s . Portrait of his late R . H . the Duke of Sussex , as If . IV . O . 31 ., in full Masonic Costume ; size ISJ by 14 inches , Price 7 s . Gd ., 10 s . and I-2 s . Caligraphio Portrait of His late RIIthe Duke of
¦ . . Sussex , in Masonic Costume , drawn on stone by L . G . Eosenthal , size 2 G by 20 £ inches ; price with Biogrnphical Key , 7 s . Gd . Song , The Aged Brothers , written by Brother J . F , Smith , set to music by Bro . B . Negri , Is . The Grey Head , written by Bro . D . Jerrold , set to music by O , IV . Reeve , 2 s . Charity , written by Bro . Lee Stevens , set lo music by Bro . B . Negri , is . Three timi's Three , written by TVco . J . E . Carpeiv . er , composed by B . J . llarroway , 2 s . Gd .
Lately published , a Lithographic Portrait of the REV . GEORGE OLIVER , D , D , by Bro . O . G . BJSJLASEEB . A mosl excellent likeness . 5 s . Plain ; 7 s . Gd , India Panel : Portrait of BRO . RICHARD SMITH , D . l' . G . Master for Bristol , in Masonic Costume , 7 s . Gd ., and 10 s . Gd . ; in Plain Dress , 5 s . and 7 s . Gd . Lithographed from Branwhite's Picture in Freemason ' s Hull , Bristol . Jast published , price 7 s . Gd . bds ., 0 s . Gd . half bd ., 12 s Gd . whole bd ., with gilt Masonic Tooling , THE SPIRIT OF MASONRY , by W . HUTCIIIXSO " , F . A . S . : a new edition , with copious Notes , Critical and Explanatory , by the Rev . Q . OLIVEU , D . D ., & c—N . B . Tho above work was originally published under the sanction of Lord Petre , Grand Master , and other Grand Oflicers . Also Just Published , uniform in size , price and binding—THE MASONIC MANUAL ; or Lectures on Freemasonry , by the Rev . J . ASIIE , D . D ., a new Edition , with Annotations and Remarks by Dit . OLIVER . Nearly ready , price 7 s . Gd ., bound in cloth , a new Edition of the HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY , and of the GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND , Continued to the present time , with Copious Appendix of Masonic Forms , Documents , Sec . By W . ALEX . LAURIE , C . T ., F . S . A ., Secretary to the Grand Lodge of Scotland . * , * Asa great many Lodges , at / tome and abroad , arc forming MASONIC LIBRARIES , Brother Syenecr 7 <> ill feel a pleasure in forwarding Lists of Ken : and Old Works on Freemasonry he has on . Sale . BKO . R . SPEWCEE , BOOKSELLER , BINDER , AND STATIONER IN GENERAL , Has a large assortment constantly on sale of BIBLES , PRAYER , BOOKS , CHURCH SERVICES , with and without Cases , COMPANIONS TO THE ALTAR , Sec , in plain , elegant , and velvet bindings , WORKS for PRESENTS , or the PRIVATE LIBRARY , in elegant and plain binding . „„^ LBUMS ' SCB'U * ROOKS , MANUSCRIPT BOOKS , MUSIC BOOKS , PORTFOLIOS , Sec , in neat vnrictv . — MERCHANTS' and other ACCOUNT BOOKS , Bound and Ruled to any pattern . VISITING and COMPLIMENTARY CARD PLATES Engraved and Printed . Country and Exportation Orders executed -witii punctuality and dispatch ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Works Ox Fj1ee1ias0nry . On Sale At Bro....
WORKS OX FJ 1 EE 1 IAS 0 NRY . on Sale at Bro . It . SPEXCER ' s . 314 . Hiah Holborn . London .
Freemasons' Pocket Book and Calendar for 1844 , 3 s . Freemasons' Pocket Companion , with Chronology , Entered Apprentice ' s Sons , Sec , by Bro . W . B . Mant , M . A ., Arch , of Down , Sec , 2 s , 6 d . Freemasons' Quarterly Review , 3 s each number .
, 1834 to 1843 , 0 vols , b . jiind in half blue calf gilt masonic tooling , , £ 0 15 s . Early History of Freemasonry in England , copied from a MS . in the British Museum , with a Glossary by J . 0 . HalliwcII , Esq ., F . B . S . 2 nd . edition , Svo 2 s . Od . Lebanon , or A "Light" from the Lebanon Lodge at Gloucester , being explanatory Lectures on the Spirituality of Freemasonry , by Bro . Joel Nash , Svo . 3 s . Gd , Masonic Minstrel -. a Collection of upwards of 200 Son"S , Odes . & c . with a list of Toasts Ss . ( id . bds ., -Is . bd . ° Oration delivered at
tho Jubilee of tho Sunkspore Lodge , Warwick , on August 10 th , 1841 , by Bro . Jas . Sharp , Jim ., W . M . price Is Sermon , preached Dec . 27 lh . 183 D , by the Rev . Bro . H . B . Slade , D . D ., Sec . Od . Preached at Portsmouth , July 4 th , 1842 , by the Her . Brother T . T . Haverlieltl , Od . Sermon , preached at Lincoln , Aug . Slst , 1843 , by tho Rev . Bro . J . O . IJakeyne , M . A ., P . G . J . W . for Lincoln , with an engraving of the Ancient Painted Glass Window
, ( with Masonic emblems ) in Lincoln Cathedra ] , 8 vo . Is . ; — preached upon tho occasion of The Dedication of the Silurian Lodge , Newport , Monmouthshire , by the Bov . Bro . G . Roberts , B . A . & c . 8 vo , Is . 1 st . — " The Chief Corner Stone , " 2 nd"The Only Foundation , " 3 rd— "The Spiritual Temple , " forming a series , preached before the P . G . Lodge of Dorset , in 1841-2-3 , by Bro . the Eev . W . J . Percy , JZ . A , V . G . Chaplain for Dorset , Svo . bds . 3 s .
Just Published , a new Edition with considerable improvements , price 10 s ed . demy Svo .. 10 s . royal Svo , bds ., of " The Antiquities of Freemasonry , " comprising illustrations of the Five Grand Periods of lilsisonry , from the Creation of the World , to the Dedication of King Solomon ' s Temple . BY the Tlev . G . Oliver , D . D ., P . D . P . G . M . for Lincoln , & c . Bound in blue calf , with gilt Masonic Tooling , 8 vo . IGs ., voyal 8 vo . 24 s . tlie latter forming a handsome Lodge present . Oliver ' s ( Eev G . ) History of Initiation , in 12 Lectures , 1001 810 lobds
Svo . s . ( . royal . ' s . . ; bound in blue call ; with gilt Masonic Tooling , 8 vo . los . Gd ., royal 8 vo . 34 s . ; the latter forming a handsome Lodge present , uniform irlth " The Antiquities . " ¦ — Star in the East , fcap . Svo . 3 s . Gd bds . ; full bound with gilt Masonic Tooling , 10 s . 1842 History of Freemasonry from 1 S 20 to 1841 , I 2 mo . 4 s . 1841 Signs and Symbols , in Twelve Lectures , Svo . 0 s . boards- masonic binding los . Gd . 1837
, Theocratic Philosophy of Freomasonrv , in Twelve Locturos , 8 vo . 10 s . Gd . boards ; IDs . Gd . bound with gilt Masonic tooling 1840 Account of the Centenary of Witham Lodge , No S 74 , June 9 th , 1842 ; with the Ceremo- - nies , Orations & c . Svo . Is Gd .
Works Ox Fj1ee1ias0nry . On Sale At Bro....
Oliver ' s ( Rev . G . ) History of the Witham Lodge , with Sermon preached tut Laying the Foundation Stone o ! the Masonic Hall , loth April 1811 , 8 vo . Is . Gd . — ¦ Ornaments , Furniture , and Jewels ; a Sermon preached 15 th September , 1841 , Svo . Gd , Preston's Illustrations of Masonry , with Dr . Oliver's History of Freemasonry to 184 ] , hound iu one vol . 13 s ., or handsomely bound in blue calf , with gilt Masonic Tooling , 18 s . 1840-1 Ragon , ( J . M . ) Conrs Philosophkjue et Intt'rprefatif des
: Initiations Anciennes et Modei-nes , 8 vo . 7 s . Gd . Rosenberg's ( D . ) Masonic & Synoptical Tableau , in French j and English , illustrating the Mystical Reasonings , and rendering them perfectly clear to the Initiated , ' 5 s . on I a sheet ' , Sandy's ( W . ) Short View of tho History of Freemasonry , 1 8 vo . 3 s . 1 S 2 U Scriptural Extracts , for the use of Royal Arch Masons and Chapters ; as directed by the Grand Chapter to bo read during the Ritual of Exaltation . 4 to ., price 4 s .
sowed ; 5 s . half bd . ; 7 s . whole bd . ; 10 s . bd . in a luck-ease Sketch of the History of the Knights Temp'urs , by Bro . Ja-- . Burnes , L L . D ., Grand Prior of Aquitaine , lee , embellished with an elegantly printed Dedication in Gold and Colours , to His late It . II . the Duke of Sussex , Grand Prior of England ; Emblazoned Armorial Bearings of the Chevaliers of the Order in Scotland ; 2 'ortrait of Sir Sidney Smith , K . T ., and numerous other illustrations . 4 to ., hound in white vellum papergilt edgeswith giltK . T . Cross on sidesi ' lflslS 40
, , ,... The Book of Constitutions , with 12 plates , bound in blue calf gilt edges , price 8 s . ; half-bound 5 s . ; cloth 3 s . Cd . The Royal Arch Regulations , with 14 plates , bd . in Masonic cf . g . edg . 7 s . Gd . ; hf .-bd . 4 s . Od ; elotli 2 s . Gd . N . B . —The above "Book of Constitutions and E . A . Regulations , " bound together in Masonic gilt cloth , lis . ; half Masonic calf gilt , 8 s . ; whole Masonic calf gilt edges , 12 s . The Entered Apprentice ' s Song , from tho 2 nd edition of
the Book of Constitutions , Is . per dozen . N . B , — Printed the size of tlie Freemasons' Calendar . Harris's ( J . ) Royal Arch Tracing Boards , in two colored designs , bound in lock-case , 12 s . Craft Tracing Boards , in three coloured designs bound in lock-case , los . N . B . The five Designs bound together in lock-ease , 24 s . Portrait of his late R . H . the Duke of Sussex , as If . IV . O . 31 ., in full Masonic Costume ; size ISJ by 14 inches , Price 7 s . Gd ., 10 s . and I-2 s . Caligraphio Portrait of His late RIIthe Duke of
¦ . . Sussex , in Masonic Costume , drawn on stone by L . G . Eosenthal , size 2 G by 20 £ inches ; price with Biogrnphical Key , 7 s . Gd . Song , The Aged Brothers , written by Brother J . F , Smith , set to music by Bro . B . Negri , Is . The Grey Head , written by Bro . D . Jerrold , set to music by O , IV . Reeve , 2 s . Charity , written by Bro . Lee Stevens , set lo music by Bro . B . Negri , is . Three timi's Three , written by TVco . J . E . Carpeiv . er , composed by B . J . llarroway , 2 s . Gd .
Lately published , a Lithographic Portrait of the REV . GEORGE OLIVER , D , D , by Bro . O . G . BJSJLASEEB . A mosl excellent likeness . 5 s . Plain ; 7 s . Gd , India Panel : Portrait of BRO . RICHARD SMITH , D . l' . G . Master for Bristol , in Masonic Costume , 7 s . Gd ., and 10 s . Gd . ; in Plain Dress , 5 s . and 7 s . Gd . Lithographed from Branwhite's Picture in Freemason ' s Hull , Bristol . Jast published , price 7 s . Gd . bds ., 0 s . Gd . half bd ., 12 s Gd . whole bd ., with gilt Masonic Tooling , THE SPIRIT OF MASONRY , by W . HUTCIIIXSO " , F . A . S . : a new edition , with copious Notes , Critical and Explanatory , by the Rev . Q . OLIVEU , D . D ., & c—N . B . Tho above work was originally published under the sanction of Lord Petre , Grand Master , and other Grand Oflicers . Also Just Published , uniform in size , price and binding—THE MASONIC MANUAL ; or Lectures on Freemasonry , by the Rev . J . ASIIE , D . D ., a new Edition , with Annotations and Remarks by Dit . OLIVER . Nearly ready , price 7 s . Gd ., bound in cloth , a new Edition of the HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY , and of the GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND , Continued to the present time , with Copious Appendix of Masonic Forms , Documents , Sec . By W . ALEX . LAURIE , C . T ., F . S . A ., Secretary to the Grand Lodge of Scotland . * , * Asa great many Lodges , at / tome and abroad , arc forming MASONIC LIBRARIES , Brother Syenecr 7 <> ill feel a pleasure in forwarding Lists of Ken : and Old Works on Freemasonry he has on . Sale . BKO . R . SPEWCEE , BOOKSELLER , BINDER , AND STATIONER IN GENERAL , Has a large assortment constantly on sale of BIBLES , PRAYER , BOOKS , CHURCH SERVICES , with and without Cases , COMPANIONS TO THE ALTAR , Sec , in plain , elegant , and velvet bindings , WORKS for PRESENTS , or the PRIVATE LIBRARY , in elegant and plain binding . „„^ LBUMS ' SCB'U * ROOKS , MANUSCRIPT BOOKS , MUSIC BOOKS , PORTFOLIOS , Sec , in neat vnrictv . — MERCHANTS' and other ACCOUNT BOOKS , Bound and Ruled to any pattern . VISITING and COMPLIMENTARY CARD PLATES Engraved and Printed . Country and Exportation Orders executed -witii punctuality and dispatch ,