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On Freemasonry. The Number Three.
doctrine in the earl y ages , among the nations whose records have been the best preserved , has been of great service to the cause of Christianity , and completely refutes the assertion of infidels and sceptics , that the sublime and mysterious doctrine of the trinity owes its ori gin to the p hilosophers of
Greece . If we extend our eye through the remote region of antiquity , we shall find this very doctrine , which the primitive Christians are said to have borrowed from the Platonic school , universall y and immemorially flourishing in all those countries where history and tradition have united to fix those virtuous ancestors of the human race , who , for their distinguished attainments in piety , were admitted to a familiar intercourse with Jehovah , and the angels —the divine heralds of his commands . "
The reflections arising from this subject are of the most awful ancl impressive nature . They should operate to throw us unreservedl y on . the mercy of the true trinity in unity , that we be not lost in the path of presumption on the one hand , or in that of infidelity on the other . They shoidd strengthen our FAITH , invigorate our HOPE , and animate
our CHARITY . Thus will our grateful praises and thanksgivings ascend to the throne of grace , like the smoke of an evening sacrifice ; and our piety and devotion be more acceptable than the richest incense of the altar . Three times will the Almi ghty visit the world in wrath . First , God the Father destroyed all created life , except a favoured few , by a flood of waters , to punish the iniquities of men . Then a more awful manifestation took place . In the midst
of justice remembering mercy , He accepted a substitute to appease his justl y excited anger , in the person of his only begotten Son ; who , when the atonement was made , commissioned the Holy Ghost to dwell in the hearts of men as a Comforter , that they mi g ht avoid the consequences of the third display of vengeance . Lastlyour p lanetary system
, will be dissolved b y a terrific manifestation of the Trinity ; our earth will become the prey of elemental fire , and condemned to wander for ever a blazing comet through universal space , as a beacon to warn the creatures of other spheres how dreadful is the wrath of an offended God .
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On Freemasonry. The Number Three.
doctrine in the earl y ages , among the nations whose records have been the best preserved , has been of great service to the cause of Christianity , and completely refutes the assertion of infidels and sceptics , that the sublime and mysterious doctrine of the trinity owes its ori gin to the p hilosophers of
Greece . If we extend our eye through the remote region of antiquity , we shall find this very doctrine , which the primitive Christians are said to have borrowed from the Platonic school , universall y and immemorially flourishing in all those countries where history and tradition have united to fix those virtuous ancestors of the human race , who , for their distinguished attainments in piety , were admitted to a familiar intercourse with Jehovah , and the angels —the divine heralds of his commands . "
The reflections arising from this subject are of the most awful ancl impressive nature . They should operate to throw us unreservedl y on . the mercy of the true trinity in unity , that we be not lost in the path of presumption on the one hand , or in that of infidelity on the other . They shoidd strengthen our FAITH , invigorate our HOPE , and animate
our CHARITY . Thus will our grateful praises and thanksgivings ascend to the throne of grace , like the smoke of an evening sacrifice ; and our piety and devotion be more acceptable than the richest incense of the altar . Three times will the Almi ghty visit the world in wrath . First , God the Father destroyed all created life , except a favoured few , by a flood of waters , to punish the iniquities of men . Then a more awful manifestation took place . In the midst
of justice remembering mercy , He accepted a substitute to appease his justl y excited anger , in the person of his only begotten Son ; who , when the atonement was made , commissioned the Holy Ghost to dwell in the hearts of men as a Comforter , that they mi g ht avoid the consequences of the third display of vengeance . Lastlyour p lanetary system
, will be dissolved b y a terrific manifestation of the Trinity ; our earth will become the prey of elemental fire , and condemned to wander for ever a blazing comet through universal space , as a beacon to warn the creatures of other spheres how dreadful is the wrath of an offended God .