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Attack On Freemasonry In Malta.
to show how far the latter is calculated , as represented by the Bishop of Malta , " to shake off the light yoke of religion , " and " to disturb the exercise of legitimate authority , " it may not be amiss to refer to the charge which is delivered to every Freemason at his initiation , and which , as comprehending the principles taught in the " detestable lodge , " will , perhaps , form the best answer to the atrocious calumnies
contained in the Pastoral Letter . The Freemason is also specially exhorted to imprint indelibly on his mind the sacred dictates of truth , of honour , and of virtue . Masons are thus particularly directed to venerate the volume of the sacred law ; upon its sanction they are obligated , and from its inspired pages all their Masonic teaching is derived . This sacred volume , which is designated the first great light of Masonry , is never closed in any
Loclge , and the emblems of moral rectitude are at the same time displayed . Such being the principles upon which Freemasonry is founded , teaching as it does , peace on earth and good-will towards mankind , its professors may bid defiance to the slanderous attacks of bigotry , and rest assured that the light of truth will prevail , and eventually overcome the powers of darkness . Much might be said upon this topic , but lam fearful of intruding upon your space , and therefore remain , Sir , ONE OF THE EXCOMMUNICATE . December , 1843 .
{ From thc Malta Times , Oct . 31 ) It will scarcely be believed that in the nineteenth century , in a British possession , where many of the government officers , as well as officers of regiments in garrison there , and of the ships of war in port , are Freemasons , so bigoted , calumnious , and scandalous an edict should have heen posted up on the doors of , and read in every Catholic church and chapel , as the following , which is termed a " Pastoral Letter , " and
purports to be issued by the Bishop of Malta , though , in reality , it has been concocted by the Jesuitical clique about him , for it is well known his lordship is in a state of second childhood . We sincerely hope to see the matter warmly taken up by the British press , ancl feel confident that an inquiry will be made in parliament as to how the local government ever permitted such an unlawful assumption of authority , understanding , as we do , that the Ecclesiastical Court signified its intention beforehand , and wh y the Crown lawyers have not instituted an action for libel against all concerned .
We have given the abridged account of the Pastoral Letter from the Times , and offer no other comment on the above , than to express a hope , that if the most holy ( ! ) Lord Gregory XVI ., by divine Providence the tenant of St . Peter ' s , on being made acquainted with the unholy conduct of this said Don Francisco Xaverius Carnana , by the favour of God ( !) Archbishop of Rhodes , & c . & c , does not in [ a Christian like manner provide for the poor lunatichethe said Gregory
, , XVI ., not only will neglect his duty to a fellow-creature , but will render himself responsible for all future acts of the wretched maniac . Blessed Freemasonry ! the best proof of thy moral influence and purity is , that only maniacs and infidels bay at the LIGHT they comprehend not .
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Attack On Freemasonry In Malta.
to show how far the latter is calculated , as represented by the Bishop of Malta , " to shake off the light yoke of religion , " and " to disturb the exercise of legitimate authority , " it may not be amiss to refer to the charge which is delivered to every Freemason at his initiation , and which , as comprehending the principles taught in the " detestable lodge , " will , perhaps , form the best answer to the atrocious calumnies
contained in the Pastoral Letter . The Freemason is also specially exhorted to imprint indelibly on his mind the sacred dictates of truth , of honour , and of virtue . Masons are thus particularly directed to venerate the volume of the sacred law ; upon its sanction they are obligated , and from its inspired pages all their Masonic teaching is derived . This sacred volume , which is designated the first great light of Masonry , is never closed in any
Loclge , and the emblems of moral rectitude are at the same time displayed . Such being the principles upon which Freemasonry is founded , teaching as it does , peace on earth and good-will towards mankind , its professors may bid defiance to the slanderous attacks of bigotry , and rest assured that the light of truth will prevail , and eventually overcome the powers of darkness . Much might be said upon this topic , but lam fearful of intruding upon your space , and therefore remain , Sir , ONE OF THE EXCOMMUNICATE . December , 1843 .
{ From thc Malta Times , Oct . 31 ) It will scarcely be believed that in the nineteenth century , in a British possession , where many of the government officers , as well as officers of regiments in garrison there , and of the ships of war in port , are Freemasons , so bigoted , calumnious , and scandalous an edict should have heen posted up on the doors of , and read in every Catholic church and chapel , as the following , which is termed a " Pastoral Letter , " and
purports to be issued by the Bishop of Malta , though , in reality , it has been concocted by the Jesuitical clique about him , for it is well known his lordship is in a state of second childhood . We sincerely hope to see the matter warmly taken up by the British press , ancl feel confident that an inquiry will be made in parliament as to how the local government ever permitted such an unlawful assumption of authority , understanding , as we do , that the Ecclesiastical Court signified its intention beforehand , and wh y the Crown lawyers have not instituted an action for libel against all concerned .
We have given the abridged account of the Pastoral Letter from the Times , and offer no other comment on the above , than to express a hope , that if the most holy ( ! ) Lord Gregory XVI ., by divine Providence the tenant of St . Peter ' s , on being made acquainted with the unholy conduct of this said Don Francisco Xaverius Carnana , by the favour of God ( !) Archbishop of Rhodes , & c . & c , does not in [ a Christian like manner provide for the poor lunatichethe said Gregory
, , XVI ., not only will neglect his duty to a fellow-creature , but will render himself responsible for all future acts of the wretched maniac . Blessed Freemasonry ! the best proof of thy moral influence and purity is , that only maniacs and infidels bay at the LIGHT they comprehend not .