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Attack On Freemasonry In Malta.
We revert now to another scheme of these notables . In our last number we published an Edict from Ancona , and would fain hope that the following extract from an Anglo-Jewish periodical may be correct . But let the Jews be on their guard ,- for it seems that " certain clauses had alread y begun to be acted on . " THE DECREE OF ANCONA SUSPENDED . —We have sincere p leasure
in announcing , from an authentic source , that the atrocious decree of the Roman inquisition , first issued under the authority of Leo XII ., and recently put in force by the Inquisitor General of Ancona , has been again suspended . We learn from various quarters , that the utmost consternation had been produced , not only throughout Italy , but everywhere in the Mediterranean ; not only among the Jews , but among Protestant Christians , either subject to Catholic governments , or surrounded by
Catholic populations , at this revival of the fearful inquisition . Some misapprehension has existed as to the genuineness of the decree ; we have reason to know that certain of its clauses had already begun to be acted upon . —The Voice of Jacob . " By toleration is meant conformity , safety , and protection , granted bv the state to every sect that does not maintain doctrines inconsistent with the public peace , the rights of the sovereign , and the safety of our neighbours . "—H . R . IT . the late Duke of Sussex .
Death Of The Past Grand Tyler.
BROTHER BENJAMIN ALDHOUSE , the Father of the Order , is no more ; a Masonic link that connected the living Fraternity with the earliest recollection , has descended into the tomb , full of years . He completed his 97 th year in August last , having been born at Norwich on the 29 th of August , 1740 , " old time , " as he used lo say . He was married in 17 G 7 , at Stepney . He died on Thursday , the 23 rd November , at 31 , Eaton Street , Moorfields . He left no property , hut
named two executors to his will , viz ., Bros . George Paradice and John , Dalton , the former the Collector to the Boys' School , the latter the well " known respected T yler of many London Lodges . Although approaching so near his centenary , he was not " the lean and slippered pantaloon " —so plump was his flesh , and clear his skin , that a medical gentleman who was called in after his death , requested other friends to observe the healthy looking state of the body ; albeit , however , he had been no
disciple of Priessnitz , for in his opinion what water he did take was none the worse for a little rum or other comfortable compound , which said compound he considered was always the worse for water , however limited the quantity . He was initiated in the Modern or Prince of Wales ' s Society in 1768 , in the Queen of Hungaria Lodge , Norwich ; several years afterwards he was desirous of joining the Athol Masons in the St . Mary ' s
Lodge , but at the time the differences between the two societies were so great , that he was obliged to be made over again . In time he became the Grand Tyler , in which character an excellent portrait of him was
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Attack On Freemasonry In Malta.
We revert now to another scheme of these notables . In our last number we published an Edict from Ancona , and would fain hope that the following extract from an Anglo-Jewish periodical may be correct . But let the Jews be on their guard ,- for it seems that " certain clauses had alread y begun to be acted on . " THE DECREE OF ANCONA SUSPENDED . —We have sincere p leasure
in announcing , from an authentic source , that the atrocious decree of the Roman inquisition , first issued under the authority of Leo XII ., and recently put in force by the Inquisitor General of Ancona , has been again suspended . We learn from various quarters , that the utmost consternation had been produced , not only throughout Italy , but everywhere in the Mediterranean ; not only among the Jews , but among Protestant Christians , either subject to Catholic governments , or surrounded by
Catholic populations , at this revival of the fearful inquisition . Some misapprehension has existed as to the genuineness of the decree ; we have reason to know that certain of its clauses had already begun to be acted upon . —The Voice of Jacob . " By toleration is meant conformity , safety , and protection , granted bv the state to every sect that does not maintain doctrines inconsistent with the public peace , the rights of the sovereign , and the safety of our neighbours . "—H . R . IT . the late Duke of Sussex .
Death Of The Past Grand Tyler.
BROTHER BENJAMIN ALDHOUSE , the Father of the Order , is no more ; a Masonic link that connected the living Fraternity with the earliest recollection , has descended into the tomb , full of years . He completed his 97 th year in August last , having been born at Norwich on the 29 th of August , 1740 , " old time , " as he used lo say . He was married in 17 G 7 , at Stepney . He died on Thursday , the 23 rd November , at 31 , Eaton Street , Moorfields . He left no property , hut
named two executors to his will , viz ., Bros . George Paradice and John , Dalton , the former the Collector to the Boys' School , the latter the well " known respected T yler of many London Lodges . Although approaching so near his centenary , he was not " the lean and slippered pantaloon " —so plump was his flesh , and clear his skin , that a medical gentleman who was called in after his death , requested other friends to observe the healthy looking state of the body ; albeit , however , he had been no
disciple of Priessnitz , for in his opinion what water he did take was none the worse for a little rum or other comfortable compound , which said compound he considered was always the worse for water , however limited the quantity . He was initiated in the Modern or Prince of Wales ' s Society in 1768 , in the Queen of Hungaria Lodge , Norwich ; several years afterwards he was desirous of joining the Athol Masons in the St . Mary ' s
Lodge , but at the time the differences between the two societies were so great , that he was obliged to be made over again . In time he became the Grand Tyler , in which character an excellent portrait of him was