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The Freemasons' Quarterly Review.
per performance of Masonic duties in the Provinces , would bear out all that we have premised . For upwards of three years has that sturdy reformer of abuses in the Craft had notice of motion upon the business list of Grand Lodge , whenever it has stood a fair chance
for discussion , with a view to insure the holding of Provincial Grand Lodges , in each District , every year , either by the Prov . G . Master or his Deputy . Of the necessity for such a measure the most ample proof existed . There were Provinces in which Grand Lodges had not been held
for years , not one or two , as merely discreditable ( if not disgraceful ) exceptions to a general rule , but many , both far and near . And so grievous had this evil become , that in some districts the propriety of contributing at all to the Grand Lodge itself , or of being subject to such inefficient
rule , was made a grave question of discussion . Privately and very urgently we were asked , as the best advisers in such matters , how private Lodges should proceed to form Grand Lodges among themselves , irrespective of other provincial or general government . And loud and manifold
were the complaints we have had to attend to , and strong the expression of feeling we have had to mollify and to appease with the flattery of hope , after our neglected Brethren had wearied themselves with fruitless and most frequently entirely neglected representations in other quarters !
And what has resulted from all this ? Why , up to the present moment , any permanent cure for the evil may be just as far distant as ever ! It is true , some temporary advantage has been obtained , from the effect ofthe resolution passed by Grand Lodge in September last , since which
period several Provincial Grand Lodges have been held in districts that had been more or less neglected for years before . But the rescinding of that resolution by the Grand Lodge in the present month of December , leaves the matter , for all future purposes , just where it was . The motion to rescind that resolution was made by the
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The Freemasons' Quarterly Review.
per performance of Masonic duties in the Provinces , would bear out all that we have premised . For upwards of three years has that sturdy reformer of abuses in the Craft had notice of motion upon the business list of Grand Lodge , whenever it has stood a fair chance
for discussion , with a view to insure the holding of Provincial Grand Lodges , in each District , every year , either by the Prov . G . Master or his Deputy . Of the necessity for such a measure the most ample proof existed . There were Provinces in which Grand Lodges had not been held
for years , not one or two , as merely discreditable ( if not disgraceful ) exceptions to a general rule , but many , both far and near . And so grievous had this evil become , that in some districts the propriety of contributing at all to the Grand Lodge itself , or of being subject to such inefficient
rule , was made a grave question of discussion . Privately and very urgently we were asked , as the best advisers in such matters , how private Lodges should proceed to form Grand Lodges among themselves , irrespective of other provincial or general government . And loud and manifold
were the complaints we have had to attend to , and strong the expression of feeling we have had to mollify and to appease with the flattery of hope , after our neglected Brethren had wearied themselves with fruitless and most frequently entirely neglected representations in other quarters !
And what has resulted from all this ? Why , up to the present moment , any permanent cure for the evil may be just as far distant as ever ! It is true , some temporary advantage has been obtained , from the effect ofthe resolution passed by Grand Lodge in September last , since which
period several Provincial Grand Lodges have been held in districts that had been more or less neglected for years before . But the rescinding of that resolution by the Grand Lodge in the present month of December , leaves the matter , for all future purposes , just where it was . The motion to rescind that resolution was made by the