Article THE REPORTER. Page 1 of 1
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The Reporter.
GRAND STEWARDS' LODGE . —Public night : Bro . Acklam , W . M ., in the chair . The meeting of the Craft to hear the second and third lectures was very numerous : on no previous occasion were the lectures worked with greater propriety . The Brethren selected for the sections were , Bros . B . Laurence , Norris , Savage , Giraud , Shaw , J- Udall , W . T . Smith , and Dover .
BOARD OF GRAND STEWARDS . —According to a custom that would "be more honoured in the breach than the observance , " the minute book of the Board has not been confided to the Brethren , who are not , in consequence , considered as formed into a Board . BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES . —A report of some length has reached us , but which for obvious reasons , during the " interregnum , " we
consider it prudent to defer inserting ; because without comment or explanation , the purport might be misunderstood . The elections to the Masonic chairs , both for Masters ancl Principals , have , as usual , excited great attention in the London Lodges ancl Chapters . Ihere are , however , very few that proceed to installation before January . Among those few is the
MOIRA LODGE , ( 109 ) . Dec . 7 . —The anniversary of the Patron of this Lodge was , as usual , commemorated by the installation of the Master , Bro . Hill ; the ceremony was ably conducted by Bro . John Bigg , P . M ., and was marked by its impressiveness and simplicity . It was gratifying to observe that the newly installed Master gave full earnest of a year of promise . His addresses in Lodge , his manner of closing it , and his addresses after the banquet , ivere equally marked hy Masonic propriety , social attention , and gentlemanly courtesy . The number present were about fifty , including several Grancl Stewards ancl other visitors .
ENCAMPMENT OF FAITH AND FIDELITY . NOV . 39 . —A full muster of the belted Masons attended on duty , under the command of Sir Knight Leeson , M . D ., attended by Sir Knights H . and J . Udall , and many other efficient Companions . The usual discipline ancl practice were conspicuous ; ancl a military recruit joined the holy standard . CROSS OF CHRIST ENCAMPMENT . Dec . 15 . —Dr . Crucefix , with his veteran Knights Goldsworthy and Baumer , was at the head-quarters
in the East , and after the solemnity of installation of a candidate , a conversational re-union of a very pleasing nature , in reference to the " promise" of a Grancl Conclave , gave much satisfaction . The banquet was graced by several addresses betokening a kindred feeling , characteristic o £ the principles ol the Order . We have received several notices respecting elections , hut not of particular interest .
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The Reporter.
GRAND STEWARDS' LODGE . —Public night : Bro . Acklam , W . M ., in the chair . The meeting of the Craft to hear the second and third lectures was very numerous : on no previous occasion were the lectures worked with greater propriety . The Brethren selected for the sections were , Bros . B . Laurence , Norris , Savage , Giraud , Shaw , J- Udall , W . T . Smith , and Dover .
BOARD OF GRAND STEWARDS . —According to a custom that would "be more honoured in the breach than the observance , " the minute book of the Board has not been confided to the Brethren , who are not , in consequence , considered as formed into a Board . BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES . —A report of some length has reached us , but which for obvious reasons , during the " interregnum , " we
consider it prudent to defer inserting ; because without comment or explanation , the purport might be misunderstood . The elections to the Masonic chairs , both for Masters ancl Principals , have , as usual , excited great attention in the London Lodges ancl Chapters . Ihere are , however , very few that proceed to installation before January . Among those few is the
MOIRA LODGE , ( 109 ) . Dec . 7 . —The anniversary of the Patron of this Lodge was , as usual , commemorated by the installation of the Master , Bro . Hill ; the ceremony was ably conducted by Bro . John Bigg , P . M ., and was marked by its impressiveness and simplicity . It was gratifying to observe that the newly installed Master gave full earnest of a year of promise . His addresses in Lodge , his manner of closing it , and his addresses after the banquet , ivere equally marked hy Masonic propriety , social attention , and gentlemanly courtesy . The number present were about fifty , including several Grancl Stewards ancl other visitors .
ENCAMPMENT OF FAITH AND FIDELITY . NOV . 39 . —A full muster of the belted Masons attended on duty , under the command of Sir Knight Leeson , M . D ., attended by Sir Knights H . and J . Udall , and many other efficient Companions . The usual discipline ancl practice were conspicuous ; ancl a military recruit joined the holy standard . CROSS OF CHRIST ENCAMPMENT . Dec . 15 . —Dr . Crucefix , with his veteran Knights Goldsworthy and Baumer , was at the head-quarters
in the East , and after the solemnity of installation of a candidate , a conversational re-union of a very pleasing nature , in reference to the " promise" of a Grancl Conclave , gave much satisfaction . The banquet was graced by several addresses betokening a kindred feeling , characteristic o £ the principles ol the Order . We have received several notices respecting elections , hut not of particular interest .