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taken to resuscitate the Royal Arch . There was originally a Chapter attached to this Lodge , called the Chapter of Industry , No . 129 , but not having been renewed at the time of the Union , it has become dormant . En passant , —while speaking of this Lodge , we cannot omit to inform our readers , that Charles Lee , Esq ., the It . AV . D . G . Master of AVest Yorkshirewas pleased to grant a Special Dispensationto enable
, , the Brethren of this Lodge to walk in Masonic costume , on the day of the interment of their late Brother William Whitaker , in consequence of which , a vote ol thanks unanimously agreed to in open Lodge , at their last meeting , and passed with acclamation , has been transmitted to Brother Lee , by the AA . M . the Rev . Dr . Senior .
NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE , Dec . 8—A Provincial Grand Lodge for the Province of Northumberland , was held at Freemason ' s Hall , Bell's Court , in this town , on which occasion the D . P . G . M ., W . Loraine , Esq ., presided , and was pleased to appoint the following Brethren Prov . Grand Officers , viz . —Bros . John Jobling , P . S . G . W . ; Thomas Small , P . J . G . AA . ; James Archbold , Mark L . Jobling , Sir John Fife , George Hawks , AA'illiam Coxwell , and AV . A . Surtees , P . G . Stewards ; the
Rev . Robert Green , P . G . Chaplain ; John M . Bates , M . D ., P . G . Treasurer ; AV . Johnson , P . G . Secretary ; James L . Barker , P . G . Registrar ; Thomas Bourne , P . S . G . D . ; V . Surtees , P . J . G . D ; R . Turner , P . G . S . AV . ; Edw . R . Crouch , P . G . O . ; AV . Dalziel , P . G . D . C . ; John E . Wilkinson , P G . Usher ; John Fothergill , P . G . S . B . ; William Anderson , P . G . S . B . ; AVilliam Richardson , P . G . P . ; Thomas Hornsby , P . G . T . The Brethren afterwards sat down to banquet , at the Assembly Rooms , AVestgate Street , and spent the evening in harmony and conviviality .
CHESTER . —Viscount Combermere , R . AV . P . G . M . of Cheshire , in company with Bros , the Earl of Hilsborough , and the Hon . Wellington Cotton , will honour the Cestrian Lodge , 615 , held at the Royal Hotel , in Chester , with their presence at the approaching festival of St . John the Evangelist , on December 27 , when the installation of the AV . M . for the ensuing year will take place , and further degrees will be conferred on several eminent individuals .
SHREWSBURY , Aug . 8 . —The visit of Bro . W . H- AVhite , the Grand Secretary , to this town , offered the Masters and Brethren of the Salopian Lodges an opportunity of testifying their respect to him . Accordingly , he was invited to a Masonic dinner at the Lodge-room , in the High Street . Which . invitation Bro . AVhite accepted ; and we understand that the arrangements were liberal , and well conducted in every respect .
MONMOUTH . —The election of the Rev . G . Roberts to the Chair of the Loyal Monmouth Lodge has given high satisfaction , and we look forward with cheerfulness to his year of office . We have been visited by Bro . Pryer , and other London Masons , to whom we take this opportunity of recording our thanks for their very able advice and instructions .
BOSTON . —The Supreme Grand Chapter in Loudon has granted a Charter for holding a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons in Boston , under the name of " St Botolp h ' s Chapter , " and to be attached to the warrant of the Lodge of Harmony , No 339 . It is expected that the Earl of Zetland , as Pro-Grand Z ., will depute the consecration to thc Principals ofthe "Chapter of Concord" at Lincoln .
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taken to resuscitate the Royal Arch . There was originally a Chapter attached to this Lodge , called the Chapter of Industry , No . 129 , but not having been renewed at the time of the Union , it has become dormant . En passant , —while speaking of this Lodge , we cannot omit to inform our readers , that Charles Lee , Esq ., the It . AV . D . G . Master of AVest Yorkshirewas pleased to grant a Special Dispensationto enable
, , the Brethren of this Lodge to walk in Masonic costume , on the day of the interment of their late Brother William Whitaker , in consequence of which , a vote ol thanks unanimously agreed to in open Lodge , at their last meeting , and passed with acclamation , has been transmitted to Brother Lee , by the AA . M . the Rev . Dr . Senior .
NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE , Dec . 8—A Provincial Grand Lodge for the Province of Northumberland , was held at Freemason ' s Hall , Bell's Court , in this town , on which occasion the D . P . G . M ., W . Loraine , Esq ., presided , and was pleased to appoint the following Brethren Prov . Grand Officers , viz . —Bros . John Jobling , P . S . G . W . ; Thomas Small , P . J . G . AA . ; James Archbold , Mark L . Jobling , Sir John Fife , George Hawks , AA'illiam Coxwell , and AV . A . Surtees , P . G . Stewards ; the
Rev . Robert Green , P . G . Chaplain ; John M . Bates , M . D ., P . G . Treasurer ; AV . Johnson , P . G . Secretary ; James L . Barker , P . G . Registrar ; Thomas Bourne , P . S . G . D . ; V . Surtees , P . J . G . D ; R . Turner , P . G . S . AV . ; Edw . R . Crouch , P . G . O . ; AV . Dalziel , P . G . D . C . ; John E . Wilkinson , P G . Usher ; John Fothergill , P . G . S . B . ; William Anderson , P . G . S . B . ; AVilliam Richardson , P . G . P . ; Thomas Hornsby , P . G . T . The Brethren afterwards sat down to banquet , at the Assembly Rooms , AVestgate Street , and spent the evening in harmony and conviviality .
CHESTER . —Viscount Combermere , R . AV . P . G . M . of Cheshire , in company with Bros , the Earl of Hilsborough , and the Hon . Wellington Cotton , will honour the Cestrian Lodge , 615 , held at the Royal Hotel , in Chester , with their presence at the approaching festival of St . John the Evangelist , on December 27 , when the installation of the AV . M . for the ensuing year will take place , and further degrees will be conferred on several eminent individuals .
SHREWSBURY , Aug . 8 . —The visit of Bro . W . H- AVhite , the Grand Secretary , to this town , offered the Masters and Brethren of the Salopian Lodges an opportunity of testifying their respect to him . Accordingly , he was invited to a Masonic dinner at the Lodge-room , in the High Street . Which . invitation Bro . AVhite accepted ; and we understand that the arrangements were liberal , and well conducted in every respect .
MONMOUTH . —The election of the Rev . G . Roberts to the Chair of the Loyal Monmouth Lodge has given high satisfaction , and we look forward with cheerfulness to his year of office . We have been visited by Bro . Pryer , and other London Masons , to whom we take this opportunity of recording our thanks for their very able advice and instructions .
BOSTON . —The Supreme Grand Chapter in Loudon has granted a Charter for holding a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons in Boston , under the name of " St Botolp h ' s Chapter , " and to be attached to the warrant of the Lodge of Harmony , No 339 . It is expected that the Earl of Zetland , as Pro-Grand Z ., will depute the consecration to thc Principals ofthe "Chapter of Concord" at Lincoln .