Article Srr^ S|tJ ARTERL Y ADVERTISE R. xxxx':'.... Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY. ASYLUM FOR WORTHY AGED AND ... Page 1 of 1
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Srr^ S|Tj Arterl Y Advertise R. Xxxx':'....
Srr ^ S | tJ ARTERL Y ADVERTISE R . xxxx ' : ' .- ' SECOND SERIES . —NO . XII . DECEMBER 31 , 1845 .
Freemasonry. Asylum For Worthy Aged And ...
FREEMASONRY . ASYLUM FOR WORTHY AGED AND DECAYED FREEMASONS . GRAND BKASONXC BALL . The Annual GRAND MASONIC BALL , in aid of the above Charity , lias been fixed to take place at FREEMASONS' HALL , on TUESDAY , the 20 th of January ,
; I 846 , wider the direction of the following BOAS _ S OP STEWARDS . President . Bro . J . HODQKINSON , Lambeth Hill . ___ < _ . * jrice-Preiident .. „ S . H . LEE , Gresham Club , King William Street . . Treasurer ,, W . L . WRIGHT , 17 , Conduit Street . L- " Hon . Secretary „ J . WHITMORE , 125 , Oxford Street . ; . .- ' .:... , '< .:- ' . ! r . " .- - ¦ . ' ¦ - ¦¦ ' ¦ - ¦¦ ¦ ' Aura BROTHERS " ' '
, ; W . Aspuil , I , Alfred-place ,, Bedford-square W . Evans , 6 , Gt . Newport-street , St . Mai ^ rJ . 'Baconi'Freemasons ' Tavern . tin ' s-lane . iT . B , Barnard , 44 , VThr ' eadneedle-street T . Lemale , Chandos-street , Covent-garden c J ; Barnes , ' 1 £ 7 , Oxford-street L . Newton , 85 , Cheapside ; E . ' . Brewster , 4 ? . " Bjirtqn .-crescent . . ¦ -. M . Sangster , 31 , St . Swithin ' s-lane ; ; F . Burgess , , 18 , Salisbury-street , Strand W . Shaw , 346 , Strand 0 ' W _ " H . Carlin 25 Ludgate-street R . Spencer 314 High Holborn
, , , , ? Capt : Chappell ,. R . N ., 55 , Moorgate-sti-eet S . Staples , 69 , Newman -street I F . N ; Crouch , 7 SjGreat Titehfield-street J . Stevens , 6 , Ciement ' s Inn R . R . Crucefix , 101 . Upper Ebury-street , G . W . Turner , 52 , Lant-street , Borouglv Pimhco Z . Watkins , 108 , Regent-street | R . T . Crucefix , The Grove , Gravesend H . Watts , 63 , Lincoln ' s Inn-fields . Ii J . Lane , LL D ., 10 , King ' s Bench-walk s § From either of whom Tickets be obtained—for the admission of Ladies at' 8 s .,
may and of Gentlemen at 13 * ., Refreshments included . The Profit to be applied to the Fund . i of the Asylum for Worthy Aged and Decayed Freemasons . 1 . . . . . ; JOHN WHITMORE , Secretary . : I 125 , Oxford-street , Dec . 18 , 1845 . .... . . < ¦ "
I The , GENERAL COMMITTEE of this Institution respectfully announce that all proceed-. 1 ings in the Chancery suit have terminated . They consider it desirable to announce- the ^ fact j--and the appointment of the new Trustees—viz ., The Right Hon . the liavl of lAboyne ; the Right Hon . the Lord Southampton ; the Hon . Col . George Anson , M . P . ; Benjamin Bond Cabbell , F . R . S ., & c . ; Robert Thos . Crucefix , M . D ., LL . D . 1 The expenses contingent on the suit in Chancery bave been very serious , and the 1 General Committee trust that they shall not appeal in vain to . the generosity of the
1 Brethren for a contribution to defray the charges that have been rendered necessary . 1 By timely aid the funds of the Institution may be preserved in tact , anil the principles 1 of the Charity maintained in their purity . The General Committee , hopeful of the 1 future , refrain from reflection on the past . I Subscriptions and donations will be thankfully received by Post-office orders , payable 1 in London , or personal payment , by Messrs . Prescott , Grote , and Co ., B 2 , Threadneedle-I street , London ; Dr . Crucefix , the Treasurer , Grove , Gravesend ; Bro . II . Spencer , 314 ,
I High Holborn : and Bro . J . Whitmore , 125 , Oxford street . I JOHN WHITMORE , Secretary ad interim . I 125 , Oxford-street .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Srr^ S|Tj Arterl Y Advertise R. Xxxx':'....
Srr ^ S | tJ ARTERL Y ADVERTISE R . xxxx ' : ' .- ' SECOND SERIES . —NO . XII . DECEMBER 31 , 1845 .
Freemasonry. Asylum For Worthy Aged And ...
FREEMASONRY . ASYLUM FOR WORTHY AGED AND DECAYED FREEMASONS . GRAND BKASONXC BALL . The Annual GRAND MASONIC BALL , in aid of the above Charity , lias been fixed to take place at FREEMASONS' HALL , on TUESDAY , the 20 th of January ,
; I 846 , wider the direction of the following BOAS _ S OP STEWARDS . President . Bro . J . HODQKINSON , Lambeth Hill . ___ < _ . * jrice-Preiident .. „ S . H . LEE , Gresham Club , King William Street . . Treasurer ,, W . L . WRIGHT , 17 , Conduit Street . L- " Hon . Secretary „ J . WHITMORE , 125 , Oxford Street . ; . .- ' .:... , '< .:- ' . ! r . " .- - ¦ . ' ¦ - ¦¦ ' ¦ - ¦¦ ¦ ' Aura BROTHERS " ' '
, ; W . Aspuil , I , Alfred-place ,, Bedford-square W . Evans , 6 , Gt . Newport-street , St . Mai ^ rJ . 'Baconi'Freemasons ' Tavern . tin ' s-lane . iT . B , Barnard , 44 , VThr ' eadneedle-street T . Lemale , Chandos-street , Covent-garden c J ; Barnes , ' 1 £ 7 , Oxford-street L . Newton , 85 , Cheapside ; E . ' . Brewster , 4 ? . " Bjirtqn .-crescent . . ¦ -. M . Sangster , 31 , St . Swithin ' s-lane ; ; F . Burgess , , 18 , Salisbury-street , Strand W . Shaw , 346 , Strand 0 ' W _ " H . Carlin 25 Ludgate-street R . Spencer 314 High Holborn
, , , , ? Capt : Chappell ,. R . N ., 55 , Moorgate-sti-eet S . Staples , 69 , Newman -street I F . N ; Crouch , 7 SjGreat Titehfield-street J . Stevens , 6 , Ciement ' s Inn R . R . Crucefix , 101 . Upper Ebury-street , G . W . Turner , 52 , Lant-street , Borouglv Pimhco Z . Watkins , 108 , Regent-street | R . T . Crucefix , The Grove , Gravesend H . Watts , 63 , Lincoln ' s Inn-fields . Ii J . Lane , LL D ., 10 , King ' s Bench-walk s § From either of whom Tickets be obtained—for the admission of Ladies at' 8 s .,
may and of Gentlemen at 13 * ., Refreshments included . The Profit to be applied to the Fund . i of the Asylum for Worthy Aged and Decayed Freemasons . 1 . . . . . ; JOHN WHITMORE , Secretary . : I 125 , Oxford-street , Dec . 18 , 1845 . .... . . < ¦ "
I The , GENERAL COMMITTEE of this Institution respectfully announce that all proceed-. 1 ings in the Chancery suit have terminated . They consider it desirable to announce- the ^ fact j--and the appointment of the new Trustees—viz ., The Right Hon . the liavl of lAboyne ; the Right Hon . the Lord Southampton ; the Hon . Col . George Anson , M . P . ; Benjamin Bond Cabbell , F . R . S ., & c . ; Robert Thos . Crucefix , M . D ., LL . D . 1 The expenses contingent on the suit in Chancery bave been very serious , and the 1 General Committee trust that they shall not appeal in vain to . the generosity of the
1 Brethren for a contribution to defray the charges that have been rendered necessary . 1 By timely aid the funds of the Institution may be preserved in tact , anil the principles 1 of the Charity maintained in their purity . The General Committee , hopeful of the 1 future , refrain from reflection on the past . I Subscriptions and donations will be thankfully received by Post-office orders , payable 1 in London , or personal payment , by Messrs . Prescott , Grote , and Co ., B 2 , Threadneedle-I street , London ; Dr . Crucefix , the Treasurer , Grove , Gravesend ; Bro . II . Spencer , 314 ,
I High Holborn : and Bro . J . Whitmore , 125 , Oxford street . I JOHN WHITMORE , Secretary ad interim . I 125 , Oxford-street .