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form our allotted task while it is yet day , " and of the few short years ive have to remain here , compared with the eternity we hope to spend in the Grand Lodge above , where the world ' s Great Architect lives and reigns for ever and ever . The collection in the church was 140 / . 6 * . 4 i < Z . /
CHELMSFORD , NO . 343 . —A most gratifying and honourable mark of esteem and respect has been conferred by the Urethral of the Masonic Order in Chelmsford upon F . J . Law , Esq ., the manager of the London ancl County Bank , in this town . They have just presented him with a splendid gold jewel , beautifully worked and set with diamonds , illustrative ofthe Craft , for his services as Master . The presentation took place at a meeting ofthe members of the Order , held in the Lodge-room at the AVhite Hart Inn ; and we need not say the handsome testimony was tendered and acknowledged in terms becoming the principles of Freemasonry .
STOWMARIKET , NOV . —The Lodges in this county were augmented by the revival of the Phcenix Lodge , formerly No . 129 , now 757 ; a new warrant having been granted by the Most AArorshipful the Grand Master , Bro . J . M . Clark , W . M . of the Perfect Friendly Lodge , , 522 Ipswich , constituted , and Bro . G . Bnllen , P . D . P . G . M ., British Uni ' to Lodge , 131 , Ipswich , consecrated the new Lodge . The Brethren from Colchester , Ipswich , Woodbridge , Bury St . Edmunds , Hadleigh , Eye ,
and other places , mustered about 100 , formed in procession at the Fox Inn , and proceeded to the Assembly-rooms , where the Lodge was held and opened in form . A collection was made afterwards for the benefit of the National schools in that place , and the procession being reformed , proceeded to the church , where a most eloquent sermon was delivered by Bro . the Rev . F . W , Freeman , M . A ., AV . M . elect of the new Lodge , and Chaplain to the British Union , 131 , from the 6 th chapter of
Galatians , 9 th and 10 th verses . The P . Prov . G . Organist , Bro . Foster presided at the organ with his usual kindness and capability . After divine service , the Brethren returned to the Lodge-room , where refreshments were served , and the ladies admitted . About sixty of the Brethren retired to the Banquet , which was served up in a commodious apartment constructed in the Corn Exchange . It was provided by Mr . J . Lockwood , landlord of the Fox Inn , and the dinner and wine
certainly were a credit to him ( he was one of the unfortunates whose initiation was compelled to be deferred ); the room was well li ghted with gas , laid on for the express purpose , and tastefully decorated with the banners of the different lodges , flags , flowers , evergreens , & c . The Chair was taken by the W . M . of the Phcenix Lodge , 757 , supported on his right by Br . G . Bullen , P . D . P . G . M ., Bro . the Rev . F . Whitty , W . M . Prince Edwin ' s Lodge , 751 , and on his left by Br . J . M . Clark ,
W . M . Perfect Friendship Lodge , 522 . After the removal of the cloth , the Chairman rose and gave the health of our Most Gracious Majest y , " The Queen , " and other loyal toasts , and afterwards the Earl pf Zetland , our Most Worshipful Grand Master , and the other usual Masonic toasts . Many other toasts were drunk and suitable replies given hy a great many of tbe Brethren , who did not part until a"late hour , all well pleased at the termination of the day ' s work . ' ¦ ' -. ' 77-AVe ought not to forget to add , that the whole of the furniture pfjthe new Lodge , jewels , & c . were supplied by Bro . E . Dorling of Ipsiyich , in first-rate style . ;"¦ _'' ' '
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form our allotted task while it is yet day , " and of the few short years ive have to remain here , compared with the eternity we hope to spend in the Grand Lodge above , where the world ' s Great Architect lives and reigns for ever and ever . The collection in the church was 140 / . 6 * . 4 i < Z . /
CHELMSFORD , NO . 343 . —A most gratifying and honourable mark of esteem and respect has been conferred by the Urethral of the Masonic Order in Chelmsford upon F . J . Law , Esq ., the manager of the London ancl County Bank , in this town . They have just presented him with a splendid gold jewel , beautifully worked and set with diamonds , illustrative ofthe Craft , for his services as Master . The presentation took place at a meeting ofthe members of the Order , held in the Lodge-room at the AVhite Hart Inn ; and we need not say the handsome testimony was tendered and acknowledged in terms becoming the principles of Freemasonry .
STOWMARIKET , NOV . —The Lodges in this county were augmented by the revival of the Phcenix Lodge , formerly No . 129 , now 757 ; a new warrant having been granted by the Most AArorshipful the Grand Master , Bro . J . M . Clark , W . M . of the Perfect Friendly Lodge , , 522 Ipswich , constituted , and Bro . G . Bnllen , P . D . P . G . M ., British Uni ' to Lodge , 131 , Ipswich , consecrated the new Lodge . The Brethren from Colchester , Ipswich , Woodbridge , Bury St . Edmunds , Hadleigh , Eye ,
and other places , mustered about 100 , formed in procession at the Fox Inn , and proceeded to the Assembly-rooms , where the Lodge was held and opened in form . A collection was made afterwards for the benefit of the National schools in that place , and the procession being reformed , proceeded to the church , where a most eloquent sermon was delivered by Bro . the Rev . F . W , Freeman , M . A ., AV . M . elect of the new Lodge , and Chaplain to the British Union , 131 , from the 6 th chapter of
Galatians , 9 th and 10 th verses . The P . Prov . G . Organist , Bro . Foster presided at the organ with his usual kindness and capability . After divine service , the Brethren returned to the Lodge-room , where refreshments were served , and the ladies admitted . About sixty of the Brethren retired to the Banquet , which was served up in a commodious apartment constructed in the Corn Exchange . It was provided by Mr . J . Lockwood , landlord of the Fox Inn , and the dinner and wine
certainly were a credit to him ( he was one of the unfortunates whose initiation was compelled to be deferred ); the room was well li ghted with gas , laid on for the express purpose , and tastefully decorated with the banners of the different lodges , flags , flowers , evergreens , & c . The Chair was taken by the W . M . of the Phcenix Lodge , 757 , supported on his right by Br . G . Bullen , P . D . P . G . M ., Bro . the Rev . F . Whitty , W . M . Prince Edwin ' s Lodge , 751 , and on his left by Br . J . M . Clark ,
W . M . Perfect Friendship Lodge , 522 . After the removal of the cloth , the Chairman rose and gave the health of our Most Gracious Majest y , " The Queen , " and other loyal toasts , and afterwards the Earl pf Zetland , our Most Worshipful Grand Master , and the other usual Masonic toasts . Many other toasts were drunk and suitable replies given hy a great many of tbe Brethren , who did not part until a"late hour , all well pleased at the termination of the day ' s work . ' ¦ ' -. ' 77-AVe ought not to forget to add , that the whole of the furniture pfjthe new Lodge , jewels , & c . were supplied by Bro . E . Dorling of Ipsiyich , in first-rate style . ;"¦ _'' ' '