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HANDSWORTH . —The St . James ' s Lodge , No . 707 , Nov . 17 . —Our AV . ' Master , Bro . F . Dee , has presented his Lodge with a most splendid and perfect copy of the Sacred Law , in black letter , 1613 . It is elegantly bound in russia , with embossed gilt edges , and bears a suitable inscription . It was got up by our Bro . B . Hall , Masonic bookseller , Aris ' s Gazette Office , Birmingham . What makes this present still more valuable is the fact of its having been the property of our lamented
M . AV . G . M ., his late Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex . It still retains his crest upon the inside of the cover . At the last meeting of this Lodge the following notice of motion was made by Bro . AVm . Lloyd , P . M . ;—" That an annual subscription of one guinea shall be made by this Lodge to eaeli of the undermentioned institutions , viz .: '' The Royal Freemasons' Charity for the Maintenance and Education
of indigent Female Children of reduced Freemasons , " The Royal Masonic Institution for Clothing , Educating , and Apprenticing the Sons of indigent and deceased Freemasons , "The Asylum for the worthy , aged , and decayed Freemason , "And the Royal Masonic Benevolent Annuity Fund . "
GATESHEAD , Oct . 9 . —A special meeting of the . Lodge of Industry , No . 56 , was held at the Town-hall , Gateshead , for the purpose of meeting Sir Cuthbert Sharp , D . P . G . M ., and John Bowes , Esq ., A / . J ? .-7 , ft was announced b y Sir C . Sharp that Bro . Bowes had been appointed to the dfficeof P . G . M . for the Province of Durham , and that his installation would take place . at as early a date as could convenientl y be arranged . This announcement was received with great satisfaction by ¦ theBrethrenjpresent . >; The attendance was large , and the proceedings most gratifying . ... A general , revival of Freemasonry in the province is expected to result from the appointment of the hon . member . . " , ' ' , ' , ' ..
BIRMINGHAM . —Lodge of Light , No . 689 , Oct . 21 . —The principal business of this evening was the presentation of a most splendid gold jewel to our worthy and respected Brother , Bell Fletcher , Esq ., M . I ) ., on his retiring from the chair . It was manufactured by Brothers < Newsfadt and Barnett , the well-known Masonic jewellers of this town , and bears an inscription commemorative of valuable services rendered . It was presented by Bro . Banks , AV . M ., in a suitable speech ; and Bro . ' ¦ ¦
- 'Fletcher returned thanks in an appropriate and feeling manner . ¦ Nov . 18 . —AVe were this evening favoured ivith a visit by a member .,, of , the , Victoria Lodge , No . 4 , Dublin , Bro . AV . R . Daniel ; and right glad were we to hear that "Father Tom" was in excellent health . Should the veteran ever have occasion to pass through Birmingham , we hope he will so contrive as to give a look-in on any third Tuesday , at Bro . Dee ' s Royal Hotel .
BRISTOL . —Beaufort Lodge , No . 120 , September 17 . —The members held their annual Festival at the Montague Hotel ; there were several visiting Brethren of rank present , amongst whom Brothers AVilliam Done Bushell , Senior Grand AVarden of the Province , Lunell , W . M . of the Royal Sussex Lodge , Bryant , W . M . of the Royal Clarence . Lodge , Dr . Fairbrother , & c . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and on the health of the R . AV . D . P . G . M . being proposed , the Senior Grand AVarden read
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HANDSWORTH . —The St . James ' s Lodge , No . 707 , Nov . 17 . —Our AV . ' Master , Bro . F . Dee , has presented his Lodge with a most splendid and perfect copy of the Sacred Law , in black letter , 1613 . It is elegantly bound in russia , with embossed gilt edges , and bears a suitable inscription . It was got up by our Bro . B . Hall , Masonic bookseller , Aris ' s Gazette Office , Birmingham . What makes this present still more valuable is the fact of its having been the property of our lamented
M . AV . G . M ., his late Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex . It still retains his crest upon the inside of the cover . At the last meeting of this Lodge the following notice of motion was made by Bro . AVm . Lloyd , P . M . ;—" That an annual subscription of one guinea shall be made by this Lodge to eaeli of the undermentioned institutions , viz .: '' The Royal Freemasons' Charity for the Maintenance and Education
of indigent Female Children of reduced Freemasons , " The Royal Masonic Institution for Clothing , Educating , and Apprenticing the Sons of indigent and deceased Freemasons , "The Asylum for the worthy , aged , and decayed Freemason , "And the Royal Masonic Benevolent Annuity Fund . "
GATESHEAD , Oct . 9 . —A special meeting of the . Lodge of Industry , No . 56 , was held at the Town-hall , Gateshead , for the purpose of meeting Sir Cuthbert Sharp , D . P . G . M ., and John Bowes , Esq ., A / . J ? .-7 , ft was announced b y Sir C . Sharp that Bro . Bowes had been appointed to the dfficeof P . G . M . for the Province of Durham , and that his installation would take place . at as early a date as could convenientl y be arranged . This announcement was received with great satisfaction by ¦ theBrethrenjpresent . >; The attendance was large , and the proceedings most gratifying . ... A general , revival of Freemasonry in the province is expected to result from the appointment of the hon . member . . " , ' ' , ' , ' ..
BIRMINGHAM . —Lodge of Light , No . 689 , Oct . 21 . —The principal business of this evening was the presentation of a most splendid gold jewel to our worthy and respected Brother , Bell Fletcher , Esq ., M . I ) ., on his retiring from the chair . It was manufactured by Brothers < Newsfadt and Barnett , the well-known Masonic jewellers of this town , and bears an inscription commemorative of valuable services rendered . It was presented by Bro . Banks , AV . M ., in a suitable speech ; and Bro . ' ¦ ¦
- 'Fletcher returned thanks in an appropriate and feeling manner . ¦ Nov . 18 . —AVe were this evening favoured ivith a visit by a member .,, of , the , Victoria Lodge , No . 4 , Dublin , Bro . AV . R . Daniel ; and right glad were we to hear that "Father Tom" was in excellent health . Should the veteran ever have occasion to pass through Birmingham , we hope he will so contrive as to give a look-in on any third Tuesday , at Bro . Dee ' s Royal Hotel .
BRISTOL . —Beaufort Lodge , No . 120 , September 17 . —The members held their annual Festival at the Montague Hotel ; there were several visiting Brethren of rank present , amongst whom Brothers AVilliam Done Bushell , Senior Grand AVarden of the Province , Lunell , W . M . of the Royal Sussex Lodge , Bryant , W . M . of the Royal Clarence . Lodge , Dr . Fairbrother , & c . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and on the health of the R . AV . D . P . G . M . being proposed , the Senior Grand AVarden read