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Indeed it may be said to be the first step to enlighten their moral and religious views ; and were every Christian missionary a Mason , the proselytizing natives to Masonry in the first place might prove the best means of Christianizing them .
Historic and Masonic Painting of the Poet Burns . —AA e understand that the talented artist . Brother Stewart Watson , now resident in Edinburgh , is engaged in a painting of the Poet I Sums in the act of being received into membership with the Canongate Kilwinning Lodge . A ' arious portraits of contemporary members of the Lodge , ancl patrons of the poet , will , it is said , be introduced ; such as those of Professor Dugald Stewart , Sir AVilliam Forbes of Pitstigo , Sir James Hunter Blair , Lorcl Monbocldo , & c . & c , which will doubtless enhance thc
value and interest of the picture as an historical piece . The subject must , from its very novelty , attract attention : nor can we doubt , from the ability of the artist , that it will also command approbation arid applause .
KIRKCUDBRIGHT , Oct . 3 . —The late Bro . AAflliam Johnston , of this town , bequeathed to the Freemasons of St . Cuthbert ' s Lodge ; of Kirkcudbright , 20 / . sterling , to be divided among the widows , as . particularly directed by him , ancl any surplus to be disposed of by the Lodge , to their poor or decayed members . A meeting was immediatel y lleld , when eleven widows received the sum of I / , each , and the balance' itfas distributed among the poor or decayed members , and other widows not
specially mentioried , by which many of them , in providing coals , 'KG ., will be enabled to keep theinselves cozie and comfortable during the cliilly nights of winter . Mr . Johnston had also attended to the comfort of the distributors of this legacy , having left 11 . to defray the expense at such division . Mr . Johnston was a member of this old arid flourishing Lodge for nearly sixty years , was warmly attached to many of its members , and greatly assisted in elevating it to the high degree of estimation it now so deservedly holds among the Craft .
DUNDEE . —Masonry here is decidedly in the ascendant . The Festival of St . Andrew was celebrated by the various Lodges in a manner worthy of the Craft ; the utmost unanimity prevailed , and the various Lodges seemed to vie with each other in the honourable and laudable rivalry . In the Operative Lodge , Bro . Andrew Anderson , P . M ., took the chair , in the absence of the It . W . M ., Sir John Ogilvy , Bart . , The chair of the Ancient Lodge was occupied by the R . W . M , ,
George Duncan , Esq ., M . P . for the burgh , who did the duties with his usual tact . In proposing the toast of " The P . G . L ., " he noticed the many handsome acts of charity done by the P . G . M ., Lord Panmure , and mentioned that , only three days previous , he had received a letter from his Lordship handing him 1002 . for the Royal Infirmary . In the other Lodges the chairs were all ably filled ; and after a pleasant evening , the different Lodges closed , with the prospect of having a
numerous attendance on St . John ' s day . The following is a list of Masters in the different Lodges in Dundee : — No : 47 , Operative Lodge , John Murdoch . No . 49 , Ancient , Lodge , George Duncan , Esq ., M . P . No . 78 , St . David ' s Lodge ,. : J , oliri Anderson . No . 158 , Thistle Operative Lodge , Duncan Lennox . fiJX , 225 , Forfar andTKincardinc Lodge , David Crabb . No . 254 ., Caledonian Lodge ; Robert Taws . No . 317 , Camperdown Lodge ,. Alex . Leslie ,,,, ,
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Indeed it may be said to be the first step to enlighten their moral and religious views ; and were every Christian missionary a Mason , the proselytizing natives to Masonry in the first place might prove the best means of Christianizing them .
Historic and Masonic Painting of the Poet Burns . —AA e understand that the talented artist . Brother Stewart Watson , now resident in Edinburgh , is engaged in a painting of the Poet I Sums in the act of being received into membership with the Canongate Kilwinning Lodge . A ' arious portraits of contemporary members of the Lodge , ancl patrons of the poet , will , it is said , be introduced ; such as those of Professor Dugald Stewart , Sir AVilliam Forbes of Pitstigo , Sir James Hunter Blair , Lorcl Monbocldo , & c . & c , which will doubtless enhance thc
value and interest of the picture as an historical piece . The subject must , from its very novelty , attract attention : nor can we doubt , from the ability of the artist , that it will also command approbation arid applause .
KIRKCUDBRIGHT , Oct . 3 . —The late Bro . AAflliam Johnston , of this town , bequeathed to the Freemasons of St . Cuthbert ' s Lodge ; of Kirkcudbright , 20 / . sterling , to be divided among the widows , as . particularly directed by him , ancl any surplus to be disposed of by the Lodge , to their poor or decayed members . A meeting was immediatel y lleld , when eleven widows received the sum of I / , each , and the balance' itfas distributed among the poor or decayed members , and other widows not
specially mentioried , by which many of them , in providing coals , 'KG ., will be enabled to keep theinselves cozie and comfortable during the cliilly nights of winter . Mr . Johnston had also attended to the comfort of the distributors of this legacy , having left 11 . to defray the expense at such division . Mr . Johnston was a member of this old arid flourishing Lodge for nearly sixty years , was warmly attached to many of its members , and greatly assisted in elevating it to the high degree of estimation it now so deservedly holds among the Craft .
DUNDEE . —Masonry here is decidedly in the ascendant . The Festival of St . Andrew was celebrated by the various Lodges in a manner worthy of the Craft ; the utmost unanimity prevailed , and the various Lodges seemed to vie with each other in the honourable and laudable rivalry . In the Operative Lodge , Bro . Andrew Anderson , P . M ., took the chair , in the absence of the It . W . M ., Sir John Ogilvy , Bart . , The chair of the Ancient Lodge was occupied by the R . W . M , ,
George Duncan , Esq ., M . P . for the burgh , who did the duties with his usual tact . In proposing the toast of " The P . G . L ., " he noticed the many handsome acts of charity done by the P . G . M ., Lord Panmure , and mentioned that , only three days previous , he had received a letter from his Lordship handing him 1002 . for the Royal Infirmary . In the other Lodges the chairs were all ably filled ; and after a pleasant evening , the different Lodges closed , with the prospect of having a
numerous attendance on St . John ' s day . The following is a list of Masters in the different Lodges in Dundee : — No : 47 , Operative Lodge , John Murdoch . No . 49 , Ancient , Lodge , George Duncan , Esq ., M . P . No . 78 , St . David ' s Lodge ,. : J , oliri Anderson . No . 158 , Thistle Operative Lodge , Duncan Lennox . fiJX , 225 , Forfar andTKincardinc Lodge , David Crabb . No . 254 ., Caledonian Lodge ; Robert Taws . No . 317 , Camperdown Lodge ,. Alex . Leslie ,,,, ,