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LIVERPOOL—Harmonic Lodge , No . 263 , Oct . 6 . —At a full meeting of this Lodge , Bro . Robert Thomas Crucefix was unanimously elected an honorary member . The resolution has since been as unanimously confirmed , and a copy thereof transmitted to the worthy Brother , who has duly acknowledged the fraternal compliment paid to him . BARNARD CASTLEDee . 6 . —The Brethren of the Union Lodge
, , No . 667 , held their annual meeting for the appointment and installation of oiEcers , at their Lodge room , at the Turk's Head Inn . The following officers were duly installed for the ensuing year : —Bro . Thos . Palma-m , W . M . ; Robert Middlewood , P . M . ; B . W . Gibson , S . AV . ; John Barningham , J . W . ; Thos . AAllmore . Secretary ; R . Dent , S . D . ; R . Dixon , J . D . ; John Bousfield , I . G . ; John Dunham , Tyler .
STOKESLEY , Oct . 7 . —The Cleveland , a new Lodge , was constituted at the Golden Lion Hotel , aud Bro . Handyside ( surgeon ) was installed the W . M . At eleven o ' clock Brethren continued to arrive from Whitly , Stockton , Hartlepool , Middlesborough , & c . At two o ' clock Bro . Le Veau , of London , P . P . G . W . for Northamptonshire and H unts , arrived , he being ( in conjunction with Bro . Proctor , Prov . Grand Secretary for Durham ) deputed by the Earl of Zetland , M . AV . Grand Masterto perform the ceremonies of constituting the new Lodge and
, installing the AV . M . elect . Bro . Le Veau then initiated five candidates , and before the Lodge was closed two propositions were made for candidates , one of whom is a clergyman . After the labours of the day were ended , the Brethren were called to refreshment , and sat down to banquet , the W . M . Bro . Handyside in the chair . The usual loyal toasts having been given and responded to , the AV . M . gave the " Health of our M . W . Grand Master , the Earl of
Zetland , " and other Masonic toasts , the principal of which was that of a "V . AV . Brother , without whose valuable assistance the Brethren would not now have been able to meet here as a regular constituted Lodge of Freemasons . "—( Great cheers ) . " My feelings on this occasion have overpowered me with gratitude for his great assistance , and the efficient manner in which he has gone through his arduous duties of this day has proved to us how well versed he is in the ceremonies
and mysteries of our Order —( cheers ) . I , therefore , call on the Brethren to do justice to the toast , feeling assured that they will , in bumpers , drink health and happiness to our V . W . Bro . Le Veau , and may we have the happiness of seeing him amongst us again and again . " The toast was received with Masonic honours and very great cheering , which lasted for some time .
Bro . Le Veau , in reply , acknowledged his thanks , and entered into a detail of Masonic principle , much to the satisfaction of the meeting , arid sat down amidst great applause . The AV . MASTER , in a pleasing address , called on the Brethren to drink in bumpers the health of the AVorshipful Master , Past Masters , and , Brethren , who had honoured them by their presence —( Great cheering , and , Masonic honours . ) BroVP . MSIMPSONof Lion LodgeWhitb 391 ablresponded
, , , y , , y to . thetpast , and alluded to the efficient manner in which the ceremonies had been gone through , and the anxiety evinced by the Brethren to pro-mote the comfort of the visitors . He hoped ere long to be enabled . to , ( V , isit them again—( cheers ) . . ^ f / Fhe . newly-initiated Brethren " were then drank to . The toast was
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
LIVERPOOL—Harmonic Lodge , No . 263 , Oct . 6 . —At a full meeting of this Lodge , Bro . Robert Thomas Crucefix was unanimously elected an honorary member . The resolution has since been as unanimously confirmed , and a copy thereof transmitted to the worthy Brother , who has duly acknowledged the fraternal compliment paid to him . BARNARD CASTLEDee . 6 . —The Brethren of the Union Lodge
, , No . 667 , held their annual meeting for the appointment and installation of oiEcers , at their Lodge room , at the Turk's Head Inn . The following officers were duly installed for the ensuing year : —Bro . Thos . Palma-m , W . M . ; Robert Middlewood , P . M . ; B . W . Gibson , S . AV . ; John Barningham , J . W . ; Thos . AAllmore . Secretary ; R . Dent , S . D . ; R . Dixon , J . D . ; John Bousfield , I . G . ; John Dunham , Tyler .
STOKESLEY , Oct . 7 . —The Cleveland , a new Lodge , was constituted at the Golden Lion Hotel , aud Bro . Handyside ( surgeon ) was installed the W . M . At eleven o ' clock Brethren continued to arrive from Whitly , Stockton , Hartlepool , Middlesborough , & c . At two o ' clock Bro . Le Veau , of London , P . P . G . W . for Northamptonshire and H unts , arrived , he being ( in conjunction with Bro . Proctor , Prov . Grand Secretary for Durham ) deputed by the Earl of Zetland , M . AV . Grand Masterto perform the ceremonies of constituting the new Lodge and
, installing the AV . M . elect . Bro . Le Veau then initiated five candidates , and before the Lodge was closed two propositions were made for candidates , one of whom is a clergyman . After the labours of the day were ended , the Brethren were called to refreshment , and sat down to banquet , the W . M . Bro . Handyside in the chair . The usual loyal toasts having been given and responded to , the AV . M . gave the " Health of our M . W . Grand Master , the Earl of
Zetland , " and other Masonic toasts , the principal of which was that of a "V . AV . Brother , without whose valuable assistance the Brethren would not now have been able to meet here as a regular constituted Lodge of Freemasons . "—( Great cheers ) . " My feelings on this occasion have overpowered me with gratitude for his great assistance , and the efficient manner in which he has gone through his arduous duties of this day has proved to us how well versed he is in the ceremonies
and mysteries of our Order —( cheers ) . I , therefore , call on the Brethren to do justice to the toast , feeling assured that they will , in bumpers , drink health and happiness to our V . W . Bro . Le Veau , and may we have the happiness of seeing him amongst us again and again . " The toast was received with Masonic honours and very great cheering , which lasted for some time .
Bro . Le Veau , in reply , acknowledged his thanks , and entered into a detail of Masonic principle , much to the satisfaction of the meeting , arid sat down amidst great applause . The AV . MASTER , in a pleasing address , called on the Brethren to drink in bumpers the health of the AVorshipful Master , Past Masters , and , Brethren , who had honoured them by their presence —( Great cheering , and , Masonic honours . ) BroVP . MSIMPSONof Lion LodgeWhitb 391 ablresponded
, , , y , , y to . thetpast , and alluded to the efficient manner in which the ceremonies had been gone through , and the anxiety evinced by the Brethren to pro-mote the comfort of the visitors . He hoped ere long to be enabled . to , ( V , isit them again—( cheers ) . . ^ f / Fhe . newly-initiated Brethren " were then drank to . The toast was