Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 17 of 23 →
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introducing a favourite air of Mendelssohn ' s . Next followed the Hallelujah chorus , " The Lord God omnipotent reigneth , " & c . At the conclusion of the service the procession returned from the church down the Wellington road , along Heaton-lane and AA ' arrenstreet , to the Court House ; from thence , at five o ' clock , the Brethren adjourned to the Lyceum , AVellington-street , where a banquet was prepared . The Right Hon . Lord Viscount Combermere , G . C . B ., Right
Worshipful Prov . Grand Master , occupied the throne on the occasion . The customary loyal and Masonic toasts were given by the noble chairman , and duly honoured . Then followed " Prosperity to the Town and Trade of Stockport , " " Lady Combermere and the Ladies of Stockport , " by Bro . Dr . Maddock , who subsequently proposed the " Health of the R . W . Prov . Grand Master , Lord Combermere , " which , with the preceding toasts , were most warmly welcomed . Lord Combermere being obliged to leave early , the chair was taken by Dr . Maddock , who concluded the day ' s jiroceedings to the delight of his Brethren .
C ARMARTHEN . —The members of the St . Peter ' s Lodge , No . 699 , dined together at the Ivy Bush Hotel , on the 27 th December , to celebrate the festival of St . John the Evangelist , when the attendance of visiting Brethren was numerous . The Lodge was opened at four o ' clock ; p . m ., for the installation of the Master for the ensuing year .
AA ORCKSTUR , Nov . 1 . —The Lodge Semper Fidelis , 772 , re-elected Bro . Joseph Bennett its AVorshipful Master for the ensuing year ; and Bro . Cox was also re-elected Treasurer . On this occasion the AV . M . was presented with a handsome service of plate , consisting of a silver tea and coffee service of beautiful design and workmanship , the necessary funds having been contributed by a subscription , in which the whole of the members most cordially joined . There was also presented to Bro . Bennettat the same timea splendid tea and coffee service of AVorcester
, , porcelain , each piece being beautifully embellished by landscape views of Swiss scenery . The plate consisted of tea-pot , coffee-pot , sugar basin , and cream ewer , and bore the following inscription : — " Presented , with three other pieces , in token of their gratitude and esteem , by the Brethren of the Lodge Semper Fidelis , to Bro . Joseph Bennett , VV . M ., Worcester , November , 1847 . " It was furnished by Mr . J . M . Skarratt , of this city , and reflected great credit upon his taste . Mr . Skarratt highly
amused some of the Craft who happened to be in his premises when he was explaining the Masonic emblems on the plate to a country gentleman . " You see this , " said the lecturer , "is the cream jug ; there the square covers both points of the compass ; that ' s for the apprentice , and denotes that he ' s still but a milksop . Then here ' s the sugar basin ; one leg of the compasses has got over the square—that ' s for the fellow Craft . You see he ' s got on a good way , and is very properly sweetened on the
road to keep up his spirits . But here comes the Master ; both points of the compass are displayed on his piece , as much as to say you ' re the green tea of the matter . And then there ' s the coffee-pot , with no emblem at all , and representing , by its deprivation of all symbols , something that even I know nothing of . " Of course Mr . Skarratt ' s pupil was highly edified by this ingenious theory . The porcelain was from the ateliers , of Messrs . Grainger , and most worthily sustained the wellearned , reputation of those ingenious manufacturers . It was not the gift of the Lodge , but a present from Mr . J . F . Dove , of the Hopeleys ,
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introducing a favourite air of Mendelssohn ' s . Next followed the Hallelujah chorus , " The Lord God omnipotent reigneth , " & c . At the conclusion of the service the procession returned from the church down the Wellington road , along Heaton-lane and AA ' arrenstreet , to the Court House ; from thence , at five o ' clock , the Brethren adjourned to the Lyceum , AVellington-street , where a banquet was prepared . The Right Hon . Lord Viscount Combermere , G . C . B ., Right
Worshipful Prov . Grand Master , occupied the throne on the occasion . The customary loyal and Masonic toasts were given by the noble chairman , and duly honoured . Then followed " Prosperity to the Town and Trade of Stockport , " " Lady Combermere and the Ladies of Stockport , " by Bro . Dr . Maddock , who subsequently proposed the " Health of the R . W . Prov . Grand Master , Lord Combermere , " which , with the preceding toasts , were most warmly welcomed . Lord Combermere being obliged to leave early , the chair was taken by Dr . Maddock , who concluded the day ' s jiroceedings to the delight of his Brethren .
C ARMARTHEN . —The members of the St . Peter ' s Lodge , No . 699 , dined together at the Ivy Bush Hotel , on the 27 th December , to celebrate the festival of St . John the Evangelist , when the attendance of visiting Brethren was numerous . The Lodge was opened at four o ' clock ; p . m ., for the installation of the Master for the ensuing year .
AA ORCKSTUR , Nov . 1 . —The Lodge Semper Fidelis , 772 , re-elected Bro . Joseph Bennett its AVorshipful Master for the ensuing year ; and Bro . Cox was also re-elected Treasurer . On this occasion the AV . M . was presented with a handsome service of plate , consisting of a silver tea and coffee service of beautiful design and workmanship , the necessary funds having been contributed by a subscription , in which the whole of the members most cordially joined . There was also presented to Bro . Bennettat the same timea splendid tea and coffee service of AVorcester
, , porcelain , each piece being beautifully embellished by landscape views of Swiss scenery . The plate consisted of tea-pot , coffee-pot , sugar basin , and cream ewer , and bore the following inscription : — " Presented , with three other pieces , in token of their gratitude and esteem , by the Brethren of the Lodge Semper Fidelis , to Bro . Joseph Bennett , VV . M ., Worcester , November , 1847 . " It was furnished by Mr . J . M . Skarratt , of this city , and reflected great credit upon his taste . Mr . Skarratt highly
amused some of the Craft who happened to be in his premises when he was explaining the Masonic emblems on the plate to a country gentleman . " You see this , " said the lecturer , "is the cream jug ; there the square covers both points of the compass ; that ' s for the apprentice , and denotes that he ' s still but a milksop . Then here ' s the sugar basin ; one leg of the compasses has got over the square—that ' s for the fellow Craft . You see he ' s got on a good way , and is very properly sweetened on the
road to keep up his spirits . But here comes the Master ; both points of the compass are displayed on his piece , as much as to say you ' re the green tea of the matter . And then there ' s the coffee-pot , with no emblem at all , and representing , by its deprivation of all symbols , something that even I know nothing of . " Of course Mr . Skarratt ' s pupil was highly edified by this ingenious theory . The porcelain was from the ateliers , of Messrs . Grainger , and most worthily sustained the wellearned , reputation of those ingenious manufacturers . It was not the gift of the Lodge , but a present from Mr . J . F . Dove , of the Hopeleys ,