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The London General Tailoring Establishme...
THE LONDON GENERAL TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT . SAMUEL , BROTHERS , 29 , LUDGATE-INLL , two doors from the Old Bailey , on account of the pressure of the times , beg to draw your attention to our entire new system of Tailoring , which has for its objects economy and fair dealing . Instead of charging a fixed price for a Garment , large or small , we explain to our patrons the exact quantity of Cloth that is necessary for the Garment required , each Cloth , Cassimere ,
& c , being marked in plain figures , at the price per yard , and charged separately , for the Making and Trimming . This system , entirely of our own invention , effects a saving of fully one-third in the expense of Gentlemen ' s Dress . The annexed exemplification of our system will at once prove our assertions : — Per van ! . Making and Trimmings . If Sup . Cloth .. .. 10 s . to i 7 s . 6 d . Coat .. .. 20 s . Od . to £ 1 17 s . 6 d . a Cassimere .. ¦• 5 s . — 3 s . 9 d . Vest .. .. 6 s . Od . — 9 s . 9 d .
Sjj- Ditto .. .. 5 s . —lis . 10 id . Trousers .. 6 s . Gd . — 18 s . 4-id . Suit Complete .. . . .. £ 3 os . 7 | d . Should we he honoured with your patronage , we feel certain of a continuation of your favours , our aim being to establish a connexion by the kind recommendation of those Gentlemen who may honour our establishment with their orders . The largest Stock ( in London ) of Fancy Trouserings and Rich Vestings . Ladies' Riding Habits made in a superior manner and stylesecond to none in London . The Ready-made Department
, is worthy of notice , having a Stock of Fashionable Clothing , of every description , ready for immediate wear . Every description of Boys' and Youth ' s Clothing . Mourning to any extent always ready . A Guide to Self-measurement , and Patterns sent to any part of the kingdom . Observe the Address-SAMUEL , BROTHERS , Tailors , Wholesale and Retail Woollendrapers , & c , 29 , LUDGATE-HILL , two doors from the Old Bailey .
Tqeniowski's Artificial Memory. Lectures...
TQENIOWSKI'S ARTIFICIAL MEMORY . Lectures on the subject daily at two , P . M ., admission 2 s . 6 d ., and half-past seven , evening , admission Is ., at 8 , Bowstreet , Covent-garden . Private lessons , 3 guineas the course ( 6 lessons ) ; to families at their residences , 6 guineas the course . Can any man commit to memory 1000 foreign words in one forenoon , 30 declensions , 30 tenses , in one hour ? Can any man commit to memory 100 railroad stations , with their respective positions , distances , levelling , & c , in one single hour ? Can any man recollect a sermon , oration , & c , without taking any notes ? We canand we enable others to do the same . We perform similar incredibilities
, wherever memory is concerned . Languages ( English , French , German , Polish , Russian , Latin , and Hebrew , ) 6 guineas the course , or 12 guineas to families at their residences . Artificial memory by correspondence , 3 guineas the course ( 6 letters ) , or ISs . each . Hand-book , containing the principles and many applications , 2 s . 6 d , Prospectuses gratis . 8 , Bow-street , Covent-garden .
Limbird's Magnum Bonum Steel Pens. At Ed...
LIMBIRD'S MAGNUM BONUM STEEL PENS . AT ed . PER DOZEN , WITH HOLDER . STATIONERY , envelope and dressing cases , travelling writing desks , ladies' com-^ panions , albums , scrap-books , portfolios , and blotting books , inkstands , gold and silver ever-pointed pencil cases , pearl and ivory tablets , & c . Bibles and Prayers in plain and elegant bindings . Name-plate engraved for 2 s . 6 d . 100 best cards , 2 s . 6 d . ; superfine letter paper from Cs . the ream ; note paper from 3 s . the ream ; with every article in Stationery of the best quality and lowest prices . LIMBIRO ' , No . 143 , Strand , facing Catherine-street . Best Envelopes Is . the 100 .
Brother W. Povey, Masonic Bookbinder And...
BROTHER W . POVEY , MASONIC BOOKBINDER AND BADGE CASE MAKER , 120 , FETTER LANE , T > ESPECTFULLY solicits the patronage of the Fraternity in his line of business . *¦ Books neatly and elegantly bound , 'with every description of Masonic embellishments . W . POVEY will feel obliged by a Penny Post Letter from any Gentleman who may have any Orders , however small , which will meet immediate attention . ' '¦ " '• -
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The London General Tailoring Establishme...
THE LONDON GENERAL TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT . SAMUEL , BROTHERS , 29 , LUDGATE-INLL , two doors from the Old Bailey , on account of the pressure of the times , beg to draw your attention to our entire new system of Tailoring , which has for its objects economy and fair dealing . Instead of charging a fixed price for a Garment , large or small , we explain to our patrons the exact quantity of Cloth that is necessary for the Garment required , each Cloth , Cassimere ,
& c , being marked in plain figures , at the price per yard , and charged separately , for the Making and Trimming . This system , entirely of our own invention , effects a saving of fully one-third in the expense of Gentlemen ' s Dress . The annexed exemplification of our system will at once prove our assertions : — Per van ! . Making and Trimmings . If Sup . Cloth .. .. 10 s . to i 7 s . 6 d . Coat .. .. 20 s . Od . to £ 1 17 s . 6 d . a Cassimere .. ¦• 5 s . — 3 s . 9 d . Vest .. .. 6 s . Od . — 9 s . 9 d .
Sjj- Ditto .. .. 5 s . —lis . 10 id . Trousers .. 6 s . Gd . — 18 s . 4-id . Suit Complete .. . . .. £ 3 os . 7 | d . Should we he honoured with your patronage , we feel certain of a continuation of your favours , our aim being to establish a connexion by the kind recommendation of those Gentlemen who may honour our establishment with their orders . The largest Stock ( in London ) of Fancy Trouserings and Rich Vestings . Ladies' Riding Habits made in a superior manner and stylesecond to none in London . The Ready-made Department
, is worthy of notice , having a Stock of Fashionable Clothing , of every description , ready for immediate wear . Every description of Boys' and Youth ' s Clothing . Mourning to any extent always ready . A Guide to Self-measurement , and Patterns sent to any part of the kingdom . Observe the Address-SAMUEL , BROTHERS , Tailors , Wholesale and Retail Woollendrapers , & c , 29 , LUDGATE-HILL , two doors from the Old Bailey .
Tqeniowski's Artificial Memory. Lectures...
TQENIOWSKI'S ARTIFICIAL MEMORY . Lectures on the subject daily at two , P . M ., admission 2 s . 6 d ., and half-past seven , evening , admission Is ., at 8 , Bowstreet , Covent-garden . Private lessons , 3 guineas the course ( 6 lessons ) ; to families at their residences , 6 guineas the course . Can any man commit to memory 1000 foreign words in one forenoon , 30 declensions , 30 tenses , in one hour ? Can any man commit to memory 100 railroad stations , with their respective positions , distances , levelling , & c , in one single hour ? Can any man recollect a sermon , oration , & c , without taking any notes ? We canand we enable others to do the same . We perform similar incredibilities
, wherever memory is concerned . Languages ( English , French , German , Polish , Russian , Latin , and Hebrew , ) 6 guineas the course , or 12 guineas to families at their residences . Artificial memory by correspondence , 3 guineas the course ( 6 letters ) , or ISs . each . Hand-book , containing the principles and many applications , 2 s . 6 d , Prospectuses gratis . 8 , Bow-street , Covent-garden .
Limbird's Magnum Bonum Steel Pens. At Ed...
LIMBIRD'S MAGNUM BONUM STEEL PENS . AT ed . PER DOZEN , WITH HOLDER . STATIONERY , envelope and dressing cases , travelling writing desks , ladies' com-^ panions , albums , scrap-books , portfolios , and blotting books , inkstands , gold and silver ever-pointed pencil cases , pearl and ivory tablets , & c . Bibles and Prayers in plain and elegant bindings . Name-plate engraved for 2 s . 6 d . 100 best cards , 2 s . 6 d . ; superfine letter paper from Cs . the ream ; note paper from 3 s . the ream ; with every article in Stationery of the best quality and lowest prices . LIMBIRO ' , No . 143 , Strand , facing Catherine-street . Best Envelopes Is . the 100 .
Brother W. Povey, Masonic Bookbinder And...
BROTHER W . POVEY , MASONIC BOOKBINDER AND BADGE CASE MAKER , 120 , FETTER LANE , T > ESPECTFULLY solicits the patronage of the Fraternity in his line of business . *¦ Books neatly and elegantly bound , 'with every description of Masonic embellishments . W . POVEY will feel obliged by a Penny Post Letter from any Gentleman who may have any Orders , however small , which will meet immediate attention . ' '¦ " '• -