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The Freemasons' Quarterly Review.
not , like the Grand Master , protected by " irresponsibility " in acts . Bad as is the law Masonic , it would reach them . They are , however , to be dreaded , inasmuch as their votes may continue to tell against the defences of Masonry . Masonic persecution may follow our freedom—so be it .
Let the galled jade wince—our withers are unwrung . " Freemasonry—pure and holy Freemasonry—is our creed and outhope , and we will peril all in its defence . " if I 'm a traitor , think and blush , thou tyrant , Whose injuries betrayed me into treason . For what purpose , we ask , were those stringent directions of the
Constitutions promulgated but to secure the stability of our system by a wholesome preparatory state of probation through the several degrees ? It has been imputed , forsooth , that men ' s minds are so constituted that one man can learn in a week more than another man can in a month ; and that , therefore , it is an injury in proportion to retard the degrees We do not hesitate to reply to this inuendo , that the man who can learn
more in a week than can his fellow man in a month , may still study , and still advance himself in Masonic knowledge ; but the truth is , that these levellers of our system from wholesome discipline to a reckless indifference , perceive neither duty nor pleasure in conforming to the dictates of truth and reason : they view such things with vision obliquitous , and judgment perverted . But after all , the expediency of mammon and folly may not he permitted to supersede consistency , or be allowed to ride " rough shod " over the laws of propriety and honour .
" Honour ' s a sacred tie , the law of kings , The noble mind's discriminate perfection , That aids and strengthens virtue when it meets her , And imitates her actions where she is not ; It is not to be sported with . "
We trust that his lordship will seriously re-consider this most sorrowful motion , fraught with frightful danger . His very supporters have , vulgarly speaking , let the cat out of the bag ! One , in particular , observed that he hoped the relaxation would extend to his province , where there were many ship-masters and others who would gladly avail themselves of the said relaxation . To be sure they would ! What
school-bny would not avail himself of the permission to forego his lesson ? So that , on this showing , all the maritime provinces of England are to follow in the wake of New Brunswick and the Bahamas ! How long will it be before the English provinces in general will partake of the panic , and rush impetuously to their ruinous degradation ?—or rather , how short a time it will be , is really the question ! Let this
resolution be confirmed , and a shop may at once be opened in London , with-provincial and foreign agencies for the sale of certificates , the parties giving security for payment of money—for as to security of
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The Freemasons' Quarterly Review.
not , like the Grand Master , protected by " irresponsibility " in acts . Bad as is the law Masonic , it would reach them . They are , however , to be dreaded , inasmuch as their votes may continue to tell against the defences of Masonry . Masonic persecution may follow our freedom—so be it .
Let the galled jade wince—our withers are unwrung . " Freemasonry—pure and holy Freemasonry—is our creed and outhope , and we will peril all in its defence . " if I 'm a traitor , think and blush , thou tyrant , Whose injuries betrayed me into treason . For what purpose , we ask , were those stringent directions of the
Constitutions promulgated but to secure the stability of our system by a wholesome preparatory state of probation through the several degrees ? It has been imputed , forsooth , that men ' s minds are so constituted that one man can learn in a week more than another man can in a month ; and that , therefore , it is an injury in proportion to retard the degrees We do not hesitate to reply to this inuendo , that the man who can learn
more in a week than can his fellow man in a month , may still study , and still advance himself in Masonic knowledge ; but the truth is , that these levellers of our system from wholesome discipline to a reckless indifference , perceive neither duty nor pleasure in conforming to the dictates of truth and reason : they view such things with vision obliquitous , and judgment perverted . But after all , the expediency of mammon and folly may not he permitted to supersede consistency , or be allowed to ride " rough shod " over the laws of propriety and honour .
" Honour ' s a sacred tie , the law of kings , The noble mind's discriminate perfection , That aids and strengthens virtue when it meets her , And imitates her actions where she is not ; It is not to be sported with . "
We trust that his lordship will seriously re-consider this most sorrowful motion , fraught with frightful danger . His very supporters have , vulgarly speaking , let the cat out of the bag ! One , in particular , observed that he hoped the relaxation would extend to his province , where there were many ship-masters and others who would gladly avail themselves of the said relaxation . To be sure they would ! What
school-bny would not avail himself of the permission to forego his lesson ? So that , on this showing , all the maritime provinces of England are to follow in the wake of New Brunswick and the Bahamas ! How long will it be before the English provinces in general will partake of the panic , and rush impetuously to their ruinous degradation ?—or rather , how short a time it will be , is really the question ! Let this
resolution be confirmed , and a shop may at once be opened in London , with-provincial and foreign agencies for the sale of certificates , the parties giving security for payment of money—for as to security of