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An Irish Masonic Document.
most zealous co-operation , and that of your intelligent Masonic friends , on this occasion , by disseminating as widely as possible the object of this enquiry , and endeavouring to procure answers as speedily as possible to the following queries , or any of them , together with any other matter relative tojthe state of the Order , or its improvements , which your judgment may suggest . Your answer , transmitted to No . 33 , Dame-street , will oblige , dear Sir and Brother , yours truly ,
EDWARD TRIM , Secretary . QUERIES . 1 . What Lodges meet in your neighbourhood ? 2 . What is the charge of admission and contribution ? 3 . What is the mode of ballot , and what notice requisite before the ballot can take place ? 4 . What is the strength of each Lodge ?
5 . What their periods of meeting ? 6 . How many members usually attend ? 7 . Of what description of persons do the Lodges usually consist ? 8 . What Lodges are most respectable ? 9 . Is the Order improving or declining ? 10 . If declining , to what cause do you attribute its decay ? 11 . What is the prevailing opinion among persons not of the Order
respecting Masonry ? 12 . Is Masonry reputable or disreputable in your neighbourhood ? 13 . What measures would you recommend for improving the state of he Order ? *
Roman Catholic Intolerance To The Dying And The Dead.
TO THE EDITOR . RESPECTED SIR AND BROTHER , —In the Nieueve Rotterdamsche Courant , of the 16 th of September , I found the following account ; and as fidelity to the Craft , and the respect paid by the world to a departed Brother are pleasant subjects for the Brethren to reflect upon , I have translated it , and if you find it worthy of a place in your truly valuable work , you are welcome to it : —
"We read in the Courrier du Grand Duche de Luxembourg—Mr . Motus , director of the Luxembourg Company ' s Iron Works , died of a fever on the 7 th instant , and the last consolations of religion were denied to him upon his death-bed . This event occurred in the following manner : — " Mr . Motus was travelling upon business when he was suddenl y seized with an illness , in Mersch , which took him to his grave . The
pastor of the place visited him , but refused to administer the sacrament unto him unless he would abjure Freemasonry , of which society he was a member . Mr . Motus answeretl , that Freemasonry was an institution which contained nothing contrary to true religion , and that to abjure it would be to do a foolish thing to which he could not consent . A few days after , the son of the sick man , who found his father in a hopeless condition , sent a message to the pastor begging him to suffer the sacrament to be administered to his father , which the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
An Irish Masonic Document.
most zealous co-operation , and that of your intelligent Masonic friends , on this occasion , by disseminating as widely as possible the object of this enquiry , and endeavouring to procure answers as speedily as possible to the following queries , or any of them , together with any other matter relative tojthe state of the Order , or its improvements , which your judgment may suggest . Your answer , transmitted to No . 33 , Dame-street , will oblige , dear Sir and Brother , yours truly ,
EDWARD TRIM , Secretary . QUERIES . 1 . What Lodges meet in your neighbourhood ? 2 . What is the charge of admission and contribution ? 3 . What is the mode of ballot , and what notice requisite before the ballot can take place ? 4 . What is the strength of each Lodge ?
5 . What their periods of meeting ? 6 . How many members usually attend ? 7 . Of what description of persons do the Lodges usually consist ? 8 . What Lodges are most respectable ? 9 . Is the Order improving or declining ? 10 . If declining , to what cause do you attribute its decay ? 11 . What is the prevailing opinion among persons not of the Order
respecting Masonry ? 12 . Is Masonry reputable or disreputable in your neighbourhood ? 13 . What measures would you recommend for improving the state of he Order ? *
Roman Catholic Intolerance To The Dying And The Dead.
TO THE EDITOR . RESPECTED SIR AND BROTHER , —In the Nieueve Rotterdamsche Courant , of the 16 th of September , I found the following account ; and as fidelity to the Craft , and the respect paid by the world to a departed Brother are pleasant subjects for the Brethren to reflect upon , I have translated it , and if you find it worthy of a place in your truly valuable work , you are welcome to it : —
"We read in the Courrier du Grand Duche de Luxembourg—Mr . Motus , director of the Luxembourg Company ' s Iron Works , died of a fever on the 7 th instant , and the last consolations of religion were denied to him upon his death-bed . This event occurred in the following manner : — " Mr . Motus was travelling upon business when he was suddenl y seized with an illness , in Mersch , which took him to his grave . The
pastor of the place visited him , but refused to administer the sacrament unto him unless he would abjure Freemasonry , of which society he was a member . Mr . Motus answeretl , that Freemasonry was an institution which contained nothing contrary to true religion , and that to abjure it would be to do a foolish thing to which he could not consent . A few days after , the son of the sick man , who found his father in a hopeless condition , sent a message to the pastor begging him to suffer the sacrament to be administered to his father , which the