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United Grand Lodge Of Free And Accepted Masons Of England.
Bro . M'MULLEN supposed the motion was withdrawn—( cries of "No no ! " ); therefore , he opposed the proposal . If Bro . Lane had such nice books , and was going to give them , why had he not done so ? The library committee had never heard of the books , or of the intention before now ; they had no objection to take them . Bro . Scarborough complained that in former years it was stated , in the Pocket Book , that a library existed , and yet no one could find itor see the books ; and then he
, made a grave charge that it was omitted from the last calendar . They could not please him anyhow . It was to prevent his being misled that it was left out , at his own suggestion , altogether . It would not do , and Bro . Scarborough had better withdraw his motion . Bro- LANE explained . He said he would present the hooks if the regulations in future were satisfactory , not as now , to be buried alive . Bro . PHILIPE followedin support of the library .
, Bro . CRUCEFIX called the attention of Grand Lodge to the time , three minutes to eleven . He had the Most Worshipful Grand Master ' s permission to propose at once that a portrait of the Earl be painted , to be placed in the Hall , among his noble and illustrious predecessors . Very little need be said upon the subject , for if much were attempted , it could not tend to increase the perfect unanimity with which he felt assured this proposition would be received .
Bro . WHITSIORE seconded , and the Grand Lodge rose en masse , and carried the resolution by acclamation . The GRAND MASTER , in a few words , returned thanks for the compliment , and agreed to sit for the portrait ; but he hoped that no haiste would be anticipated , as his various engagements and business would not
enable him at present to devote much time to it . It was proposed and carried that a committee of five be appointed to carry into execution the vote of Grand Lodge , viz . : —Bros . Crucefix , Dobie , Whitmore , R . Alston , Jun ., and H . S . Lee . Bro . J . C . Morris ' s , S . G . W ., name was added . Bro . FAUDEL pointed out that the number was full without him , and that the vote for a committee of five was passed . Bro . P . HardwiekG . S . B ., and Bro . MorrisS . G . W .
werenever-, , , , theless , added . Bro . PIIILIPIS resumed the interrupted debate on Bro . Scarborough ' s motion , and went into a history of the library from its commencement , during the Grand Registrarship of Bro . Henderson , and while he ( Bro . Philipe , was on the Board of General Purposes . The Brother spoke at great length , amid the noise of Brethren leaving Grand Lodge . He ' was understood to approve heartily of the project , and would lend his services
and experience to make some practical and useful arrangement for the convenience aud carrying out of the measure . The M . W . GRAND MASTER did not see that the sum asked for would at the best , carry out the intention of Bro . Scarborough . If a large sum had been asked for , and it had been in the power of Grand Lodge to have dispensed so large a sum—say , five or six hundred pounds a year—a library might be obtainedbut it would take many years before any
, good would come of so small an annual expenditure . That was not the proposer ' s object ,, but an immediate useful arrangement for a library . This , it was evident to any reflecting man , was not to be done by the means at their command ; but he , the M . W . Grand Master , would advise the mover to bring it before the Board of General Purposes , VOL . v . 3 o
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United Grand Lodge Of Free And Accepted Masons Of England.
Bro . M'MULLEN supposed the motion was withdrawn—( cries of "No no ! " ); therefore , he opposed the proposal . If Bro . Lane had such nice books , and was going to give them , why had he not done so ? The library committee had never heard of the books , or of the intention before now ; they had no objection to take them . Bro . Scarborough complained that in former years it was stated , in the Pocket Book , that a library existed , and yet no one could find itor see the books ; and then he
, made a grave charge that it was omitted from the last calendar . They could not please him anyhow . It was to prevent his being misled that it was left out , at his own suggestion , altogether . It would not do , and Bro . Scarborough had better withdraw his motion . Bro- LANE explained . He said he would present the hooks if the regulations in future were satisfactory , not as now , to be buried alive . Bro . PHILIPE followedin support of the library .
, Bro . CRUCEFIX called the attention of Grand Lodge to the time , three minutes to eleven . He had the Most Worshipful Grand Master ' s permission to propose at once that a portrait of the Earl be painted , to be placed in the Hall , among his noble and illustrious predecessors . Very little need be said upon the subject , for if much were attempted , it could not tend to increase the perfect unanimity with which he felt assured this proposition would be received .
Bro . WHITSIORE seconded , and the Grand Lodge rose en masse , and carried the resolution by acclamation . The GRAND MASTER , in a few words , returned thanks for the compliment , and agreed to sit for the portrait ; but he hoped that no haiste would be anticipated , as his various engagements and business would not
enable him at present to devote much time to it . It was proposed and carried that a committee of five be appointed to carry into execution the vote of Grand Lodge , viz . : —Bros . Crucefix , Dobie , Whitmore , R . Alston , Jun ., and H . S . Lee . Bro . J . C . Morris ' s , S . G . W ., name was added . Bro . FAUDEL pointed out that the number was full without him , and that the vote for a committee of five was passed . Bro . P . HardwiekG . S . B ., and Bro . MorrisS . G . W .
werenever-, , , , theless , added . Bro . PIIILIPIS resumed the interrupted debate on Bro . Scarborough ' s motion , and went into a history of the library from its commencement , during the Grand Registrarship of Bro . Henderson , and while he ( Bro . Philipe , was on the Board of General Purposes . The Brother spoke at great length , amid the noise of Brethren leaving Grand Lodge . He ' was understood to approve heartily of the project , and would lend his services
and experience to make some practical and useful arrangement for the convenience aud carrying out of the measure . The M . W . GRAND MASTER did not see that the sum asked for would at the best , carry out the intention of Bro . Scarborough . If a large sum had been asked for , and it had been in the power of Grand Lodge to have dispensed so large a sum—say , five or six hundred pounds a year—a library might be obtainedbut it would take many years before any
, good would come of so small an annual expenditure . That was not the proposer ' s object ,, but an immediate useful arrangement for a library . This , it was evident to any reflecting man , was not to be done by the means at their command ; but he , the M . W . Grand Master , would advise the mover to bring it before the Board of General Purposes , VOL . v . 3 o