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Obituary .
Paris , Sept . 29 . —This day being fixed for the funeral service and interment of the mortal remains of Louis Bonaparte , ex-King of Holland , and of his son Napoleon Louis ( who , it will be recollected , was killed in the insurrection at Forli in 183 !) , I proceeded at an early hour this morning to the church of St . Leu , distant sixteen or eighteen miles from Paris , in which the ceremony was to take place . During the later years of his life , Louis Bonaparte adopted the title of Count de
St . Leu . In this church had already been entombed his father , and his first son , who died in infancy . On my way to the station of the Northern Railroad , I became aware that some of the old soldiers of Napoleon would be present on the occasion , for I overtook , in the Place Montholon , a Red Lancer of the Imperial Guard , and one of the " Guides , " ( Chasseurs de la Vieille Garde ) . At the station , I found a large body of officers of the old
army—French , Poles , and Italians—all in deep mourning , and soldiers and sub-officers of the different " arms" of the Imperial Guard in their original uniforms . Several special trains had been ordered for the conveyance of all who desired to testify respect for the amiable , brave , and independent Louis , and his great brother , Napoleon . , The little church of St . Leu , in which the ceremony was to take place , was as splendidly decorated , without and within , as regard for mourning would admit . I shall not , however , attempt at this moment a , minute description of the manner in which all had been ordered , but
shall say at once , that the Imperial arms , tlie tn-color , arranged as in the . time of , the republic and the empire , the golden bees , and the eagle , all , figured , in the decorations . The church was hung with black cloth , the . pillars , bound . with silver bands . Tablets and medallions , with the "¦ ISf /' . tbe eagle , and . the Crosses of the Legion of Honour , and of the Iron Crown , were tastefully arranged on pillars , pilasters , and the frieze above ., Oyer the altar , on an Imperial or Royal mantle of violet colour , blazed the Imperial and Royal arms . Near to itin the middle of the
, choir , ; , was raised a magnificent catafalque , on which were placed the tw . o , icqffins—of the parent and his son . The crown , on a cushion ,, rested on . a pillar . draped . Avith black velvet , close to them . ,, ;/ Theeye wandered , however , from these insignia to still more -interesting , . objects—the , mourners . They were numerous ; but one , the principal , was absent—Louis Napoleon . There were among them Prince Jffappieqn ' sonQf Jeromeex-King of Westphaliaa striking likeness of
, , , , his , ; Uncle ,, and his sister , the Princess Matilda Demidoff , who aiso , resembled the Emperor ; the Princess Bonaparte Wyse ; General the Duke of Padua ; several members of the Clary family , ( that of the Empress , Josephine ); MM . de Vatry , Thaer , and Belmontet , and penerals jSheraski ( Pole ) , and Oliviera ( Italian ) . . -,,, Prince Louis Napoleon was represented by Dr . Conneau . ' ,.,,.: r I , shall ,, here observe , that those who believe or who , flatter , them ? that
selyes , . Napoleon and his family are forgotten in France ,,, would , bad ^ . tiie ' y . witnessed all that I did to-day , doubt the . accu ' racyi ' . of ^ the impression .,, More enthusiasm was displayed at the funeral . bf Napoleon , j ^ ut'therej iieiyer was . clearer evidence of attachment and r . espect''fo ' r . him-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Obituary .
Paris , Sept . 29 . —This day being fixed for the funeral service and interment of the mortal remains of Louis Bonaparte , ex-King of Holland , and of his son Napoleon Louis ( who , it will be recollected , was killed in the insurrection at Forli in 183 !) , I proceeded at an early hour this morning to the church of St . Leu , distant sixteen or eighteen miles from Paris , in which the ceremony was to take place . During the later years of his life , Louis Bonaparte adopted the title of Count de
St . Leu . In this church had already been entombed his father , and his first son , who died in infancy . On my way to the station of the Northern Railroad , I became aware that some of the old soldiers of Napoleon would be present on the occasion , for I overtook , in the Place Montholon , a Red Lancer of the Imperial Guard , and one of the " Guides , " ( Chasseurs de la Vieille Garde ) . At the station , I found a large body of officers of the old
army—French , Poles , and Italians—all in deep mourning , and soldiers and sub-officers of the different " arms" of the Imperial Guard in their original uniforms . Several special trains had been ordered for the conveyance of all who desired to testify respect for the amiable , brave , and independent Louis , and his great brother , Napoleon . , The little church of St . Leu , in which the ceremony was to take place , was as splendidly decorated , without and within , as regard for mourning would admit . I shall not , however , attempt at this moment a , minute description of the manner in which all had been ordered , but
shall say at once , that the Imperial arms , tlie tn-color , arranged as in the . time of , the republic and the empire , the golden bees , and the eagle , all , figured , in the decorations . The church was hung with black cloth , the . pillars , bound . with silver bands . Tablets and medallions , with the "¦ ISf /' . tbe eagle , and . the Crosses of the Legion of Honour , and of the Iron Crown , were tastefully arranged on pillars , pilasters , and the frieze above ., Oyer the altar , on an Imperial or Royal mantle of violet colour , blazed the Imperial and Royal arms . Near to itin the middle of the
, choir , ; , was raised a magnificent catafalque , on which were placed the tw . o , icqffins—of the parent and his son . The crown , on a cushion ,, rested on . a pillar . draped . Avith black velvet , close to them . ,, ;/ Theeye wandered , however , from these insignia to still more -interesting , . objects—the , mourners . They were numerous ; but one , the principal , was absent—Louis Napoleon . There were among them Prince Jffappieqn ' sonQf Jeromeex-King of Westphaliaa striking likeness of
, , , , his , ; Uncle ,, and his sister , the Princess Matilda Demidoff , who aiso , resembled the Emperor ; the Princess Bonaparte Wyse ; General the Duke of Padua ; several members of the Clary family , ( that of the Empress , Josephine ); MM . de Vatry , Thaer , and Belmontet , and penerals jSheraski ( Pole ) , and Oliviera ( Italian ) . . -,,, Prince Louis Napoleon was represented by Dr . Conneau . ' ,.,,.: r I , shall ,, here observe , that those who believe or who , flatter , them ? that
selyes , . Napoleon and his family are forgotten in France ,,, would , bad ^ . tiie ' y . witnessed all that I did to-day , doubt the . accu ' racyi ' . of ^ the impression .,, More enthusiasm was displayed at the funeral . bf Napoleon , j ^ ut'therej iieiyer was . clearer evidence of attachment and r . espect''fo ' r . him-