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to see Mr . C . Dickens antl his amateur histrionic friends take up , and in this way it would not be difficult to raise such a sum as a thousand pounds , a most material aid to the widow and her children . We are glad to hear that several literary , musical , and dramatic persons have formed themselves into a committee , with the view of getting up a performance , on an extensive scale , for the benefit of his familyand that most of the available talent in the metropolis will
cheer-, fully aid in the benevolent cause . Covent Garden is spoken of ; but nothing has as yet been decided upon , nor will it indeed be judicious to liave the performance for at least a month yet , when the courts of law will be in full play , and the parliament will be assembled . Several liberal donations have already been received , and there is no doubt but the public , who have been so often amused by his productions , will come forward readily to alleviate the distress into which his widow and
numerous family have been plunged by his lamented death . Bro . Peake was upwards of twenty years in the Craft as a member of the Jerusalem Lodge . His character was appreciated at the Board of Benevolence , which unanimously voted fifty pounds to Mrs . Peake . The grant has been confirmed by the Grand Lodge , and we trust that the Brethren at large will unite , and testify to his widow their respect for one of the kindest-hearted Brothers that ever breathed . Oct . 4 . —At his residence , 4 , Henrietta Street , Covent Garden , set . 52 , Bro . D . DA VIES , solicitor , formerly member of the Bank of England
Lodge . He served as Steward of the Asylum Festival last year . A widow and three youthful sons survive him . Bro . Davies was kindhearted , cheerful , and amiable . Oct . 19 . —We deeply regret to have to announce the death of Lieut-Colonel JOHN DICKSON , of the County Limerick Regiment of Militia , at his house in George Street , after a tedious illness , which he bore with great patience and exemplary resignation to the will of his Divine Master . Colonel Dickson was many years an activeintelligent magistrateand
, , deputy lieutenant of Limerick County , a kind friend , and a man of the highest honour and strictest integrity , universally esteemed and respected by all classes of the community , by whom his death is deeply regretted . He is succeeded in his estates by his next brother , Samuel Dickson ,, Esq . His remains are interred in the family vault at Croom Church . , Nov . 10 . —After a long and most painful illness , the sufferings of which he endured with the patient resignation of maturer thought ,
EDWARD WILLIAM GEORGE EVANS , set . five years and six months , the youngest son of Bro . Evans , of 26 , Great Queen Street , was called from a sublunary to a holier existence . -.-. .-., ; : Dec . 3 . —Bro . JOHN PHILIP ACKLAM , set . 73 , at his house , 138 , Strand . He was initiated in the British Lodge , No . 8 , passed the , chair , and also that of the Grand Steward ' s Lodge , having served many . years since the office of Grand Steward ; he was also PastFirst Principal of the British Chapter , and Past Excellent Commander of the Masonic Knights / Templar Encampment , the Cross of Christ ; served as Steward of all the charities , and was of course a Governor of all of them . He left
no part of his Masonic duty unfulfilled , and may be quoted as an example worthy of emulation . ¦ .--. ! -, ,,,,,-He , has left a widow , a son , and two daughters , who , however , lamenting their sad bereavement , must find consolation in the hopeful assurance that earthly duties , humbly but worthily performed , had ,. fitted , 1 his thoughtsfor reception in abetter world . As a husband ,... fathetyi . and
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to see Mr . C . Dickens antl his amateur histrionic friends take up , and in this way it would not be difficult to raise such a sum as a thousand pounds , a most material aid to the widow and her children . We are glad to hear that several literary , musical , and dramatic persons have formed themselves into a committee , with the view of getting up a performance , on an extensive scale , for the benefit of his familyand that most of the available talent in the metropolis will
cheer-, fully aid in the benevolent cause . Covent Garden is spoken of ; but nothing has as yet been decided upon , nor will it indeed be judicious to liave the performance for at least a month yet , when the courts of law will be in full play , and the parliament will be assembled . Several liberal donations have already been received , and there is no doubt but the public , who have been so often amused by his productions , will come forward readily to alleviate the distress into which his widow and
numerous family have been plunged by his lamented death . Bro . Peake was upwards of twenty years in the Craft as a member of the Jerusalem Lodge . His character was appreciated at the Board of Benevolence , which unanimously voted fifty pounds to Mrs . Peake . The grant has been confirmed by the Grand Lodge , and we trust that the Brethren at large will unite , and testify to his widow their respect for one of the kindest-hearted Brothers that ever breathed . Oct . 4 . —At his residence , 4 , Henrietta Street , Covent Garden , set . 52 , Bro . D . DA VIES , solicitor , formerly member of the Bank of England
Lodge . He served as Steward of the Asylum Festival last year . A widow and three youthful sons survive him . Bro . Davies was kindhearted , cheerful , and amiable . Oct . 19 . —We deeply regret to have to announce the death of Lieut-Colonel JOHN DICKSON , of the County Limerick Regiment of Militia , at his house in George Street , after a tedious illness , which he bore with great patience and exemplary resignation to the will of his Divine Master . Colonel Dickson was many years an activeintelligent magistrateand
, , deputy lieutenant of Limerick County , a kind friend , and a man of the highest honour and strictest integrity , universally esteemed and respected by all classes of the community , by whom his death is deeply regretted . He is succeeded in his estates by his next brother , Samuel Dickson ,, Esq . His remains are interred in the family vault at Croom Church . , Nov . 10 . —After a long and most painful illness , the sufferings of which he endured with the patient resignation of maturer thought ,
EDWARD WILLIAM GEORGE EVANS , set . five years and six months , the youngest son of Bro . Evans , of 26 , Great Queen Street , was called from a sublunary to a holier existence . -.-. .-., ; : Dec . 3 . —Bro . JOHN PHILIP ACKLAM , set . 73 , at his house , 138 , Strand . He was initiated in the British Lodge , No . 8 , passed the , chair , and also that of the Grand Steward ' s Lodge , having served many . years since the office of Grand Steward ; he was also PastFirst Principal of the British Chapter , and Past Excellent Commander of the Masonic Knights / Templar Encampment , the Cross of Christ ; served as Steward of all the charities , and was of course a Governor of all of them . He left
no part of his Masonic duty unfulfilled , and may be quoted as an example worthy of emulation . ¦ .--. ! -, ,,,,,-He , has left a widow , a son , and two daughters , who , however , lamenting their sad bereavement , must find consolation in the hopeful assurance that earthly duties , humbly but worthily performed , had ,. fitted , 1 his thoughtsfor reception in abetter world . As a husband ,... fathetyi . and