Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 2 of 2 Article INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
approbation , and replied to by a neat and effective speech , when the brethren separated after spending a very enjoyable evening . SOUTHPORT . —Lodge of Unity , No . 613 . —The members of this lodge assembled on the 13 th ult . at their lodgeroom , which for beauty of design and true Masonic keeping stands second to none in AA est Lancashire , for the .
purpose of witnessing the installation of Bro . Arthur Mayhew into the office of AV . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . Capt . Mott ( of Liverpool ) , G . J . D . AV . L ., conducted the ceremony , and a large number of brethren were present , including several of those who had previously passed the chair . It was matter of much regret that Bro . Piatt , the retiring AV . M ., was unavoidably absent owing to domestic
affliction . Bro . G . B . Scholcs , P . M ., opened the lodge in the first degree , and after the usual transaction of business , Bro . Mott , in a very impressive manner , conducted the installation ceremony , and Bro . Mayhew was greeted in true Masonic style as the elected head of the fraternity for the coming year . The subordinate officers were then invested with their badges , and appropriately addressed
by Capt . Mott . _ hey are as follows : —Bros . AA " . Dodd , S . AV . ; T . Parker , J . AV . ; John AA'ainwright , S . D . ; H . E . Cullingworth , J . D . ; C . H . Brown , Treasurer ; T . P . Griffiths , Secretary ; Ellison , Organist ; Hatch and AVitham , Stewards ; Bros . Cory , I . G . ; Herrmann , Tyler . After the investiture was completed , Bro . Dodd , S . W ., referred to the admirable manner in which Bro . Piatt , the retiring
AA ' . M ., had performed his duties , and stated that his fellow officers and the new members who had entered the Lodge during the last year had agreed to present to Bro . Piatt a P . M . ' s gold jewel , as a token of their appreciation of his zealous services on behalf of Freemasonry . In his unavoidable absence the formal presentation would be made on the next Lodge night . The Lodge having been
closed in due order , and with solemn prayer , the brethren adjourned to the Palace Hotel , where the installation banquet was provided . Bro . Arthur Mayhew , the newlyelected AV . M ., occupied thc chair , being supported on his right by Bros . Captain Mott , Horace Mayhew , Moss , and other visiting biethren , and on his left by Bros . P . M . Scholcs , Coddington , Jeffries , and Robt . Sharrock . The
vice-chair was occupied by Bro . Dodd , S . AV . —At the conclusion of thc repast . —The Chairman gave , in appropriate terms , the usual loyal toasts , The Queen , The Prince and Princess of AA aIes , and the rest of the Royal Family , which were received with acclamation and musical honours . The next toasts were , The Earl of Zetland , M . AA ' . G . M ., Eng . ; Earl de Grey and Ripon ,
G . M . elect ; and the Officers of the Grand Lodge ; and SirT . G . Fermor-Hesketh , Bart ., M . P ., R . AV . P . G . M ., W . L ., and the P . G . Officers . In proposing the latter toast , the Chairman said the Lodge of Unity was under deep obligation to the officers ofthe P . G . L . for having selected Southport as the place where their next annual gathering was to be held . ( Cheers . ) The toasts were
duly honoured . —Bro . Captain Mott , in responding , said that Sir Thomas Hesketn was greatly interested in the growth of Freemasonry in this province . During the last thirteen years he had held high office in it ; within that time many new lodges had been formed , and tlie number of brethren had greatly increased . He ( the speaker ) also referred in the highest terms to Lord
Skelmersdale , D . G . M ., who was a mason ofthe true type ; and all the other officers were very zealous for the advancement of the noble principles on which the order was founded . Great honour had undoubtedl y been conferred upon them in the selection of Southport for holding the Grand Lodge in October next , and he hoped that the result would not only be gratifying to all , but that it
would be of special benefit to Lodge No . 613 . ( Cheers . ) The Chairman next gave the health of Captain Mott , the installing officer , and expressed his personal obligation for having in a most beautiful and impressive manner installed him into the honourable position of AV . M . —Bro . Captain Molt , G . J . D . AV . L ., thanked the chairman and the company for their hearty reception of his name . It had been
very gratifying to him lo be present both at the installation and at their festive board ; and he directed the attention of those present to the claims of the AA ' est Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution , and pressed it very earnestly upon their liberal support . —Bro . C . II . Coddington , P . M ., then gave the health of their newly installed AV . M ., Capt . Arthur Mayhew . —The Chairman ,
111 responding , expressed his obligations to his brethren for their cordial reception of his name and his hearty thanks for the honour they had done him by placing him in the chair for the coming year . It Mould be his constant endeavour to act with great impartiality , and to preserve harmony and goodwill . ( Hear ) . lie should he glad at all times to receive advice , and so far as
possible to act upon it . His object would be to cement the lodge and to make it stronger than ever it had been . He should take a pride in making the year illustrious in the annals of 613 , and especially in prospect of the approaching visit ofthe Provincial Grand Lod ge . —The Chairman in giving the next toast—The health of Bro . James Piatt , the retiring P . M . —expressed the deep regret
that all must feel at his absence through domestic affliction , and referred to the very admirable and successful manner in which he had discharged his duties during the past year , a proof of which was exhibited by the handsome presentation about to be made to him . —The toast was , at the Chairman ' s suggestion , drunk in silence . —The next toast was the Past Masters of Lodge 613 , and was responded to by Bro . Scholes , P . M ., who said he was
proud of the honour of Past Master , and thought it was one which should stimulate every young member to obtain , but recommended that they should not expect to get it by one or two steps only , but gradually work their way up from the bottom has he had done , by so doing they would find themselves the better Masons nt the finish . —The Chairman then gave the Officers of the Lodge , coupling with il the name of Bro . AA ' . Dodd ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
S . W ., of whom the Chairman spoke in very high terms . —Bro . Dodd , S . AV ., in responding , said it would not be regarded as egotism for him to say that he had done all in his power to aid the progress of Freemasonry the more he studied its principles and read about it , the more he admired it , and he hoped that the officers and all the the brethren would so exert themselves that their Lodge would be second to none in AA est Lancashire .
( Applause ) . —The remaining toasts were the Past Officers of the Lodge , the Auditors , the Visiting Brethren , and all Poor and Distressed Freemasons . All of which were cordially received and duly honoured . — -The proceedings , which were varied by the singing of several songs by Bros . C . I-I . Brown , Orr , Johnson , Dodd , Jeffries , and Moss , were very interesting throughout , and terminated about ten o ' clock .
LANCASTER . —Rowley Lodge , No . 1051 . —A meeting of this lodge for the celebration ofthe festival of St . John the Evangelist , and Installation of the AVorshipful Master , was held on Tuesday , the 21 st December , at the Masonic Rooms , Athenamm , Lancaster . Present , Bro . Dr . Moore , Prov . G . Sup . of AVorks , AA est Lancashire , as AA ' . M ., Installing Officer ; Bro . Bagnell , I . P . M . ; Bro .
Hall , S . AV . ; Merceer , J . AV . ; R . B . Simpson , as S . D . ; AV . J . Sly , as J . D . ; Taylor , I . G . ; E . G . Paley Fenton , P . M ., Armistead ; AA . Bro . Garnett Braithwaite , AA . M ., 859 , Prov . G . S . AA . Cambs . ; AV . Bro . Edward Busher , P . M ., 129 , P . G . S . B . England ; AV . Bro . F . A . Cave ; B . Cave , P . M . 357 , P . P . G . S . AV . Oxon ; Bro . E . Storey , AV . M . 281 ; Bro . J . Hatch , AV . M .-elect , 281 ;
Bro . Sinclair , J . ., 1223 ; Bro . E . Airey , 281 ; Bro . E . Simpson , P . M . 281 ; Bro . J . H . Kearn , 314 ; Bros . A \ atson and Conlan . The lodge being opened and formal business disposed of , Bro . Hall , the AV . M .-elect , was presented to the Installing Officer , by AV . Bro . Bagnell , and having paid the necessary attention and complied with the qualifications of the Master ' s Chair
and ancient charges , was received in a board of Installed Masters , and installed in the chair of thc lodge according to ancient custom . He was then duly proclaimed ancl saluted by the brethren , the working tools in each degree being presented by Bro . Bagnall . The AV . M . then appointed and invested his officers , as follows : — Bro . T . Mason , I . P . M . ; Bro . Dr . Mercer , S . AV . ; Bro .
Colonel AVhite , J . AA . ; Bro . Moore , P . M ., Sec ; Bro . AV . Barker , Treas . ; Bro . Rev . A . Wright , ALA ., S . D . ; C . E . Dodson , J . D . ; Dr . Armistead , I . G . ; Taylor , Tyler . The ceremony of Installation ended by the address to the W . M ., Wardens , and brethren being delivered by the Installing Officer . Bro . Moore then gave notice that he should move that the sum of Ten Guineas be given from the lodge funds to the Royal
Jiasonic Benevolent Institution for aged Freemasons and their Widows . A brother was then proposed as a joining member , and the labours of the day being ended , the lodge was closed in due form . The brethren adjourned to the house of Bro . Sly , where a banquet had been provided worthy of the occasion , and after the cloth was drawn , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and received .
METROPOLITAN . Peckham Lodge , Ac . 879 . —The Ceremony of Installation was ver > ' ably worked on the 15 th , by Bro . Barton : AV . M ., of the Strong Man Lodge . Several eminent brethren were present who expressed their gratification at the brilliant manner in which the ceremony was given . This lodge is making rapid strides in the development of
Craft Masonry 111 all its purity . The brethren appear eager to acquire the knowledge our Preceptor , Bro . Rose is so anxious to impart . Since the removal of the lodge from thc Edinburgh Castle , numerous brethren have availed themselves of its central position , and become
joining members . The business of the evening being ended , the brethren sat down to a substantial supper prepared by our worthy host , Bro . Scatts . after the usual toasts had been honoured , Bro . Barton congratulated the lodge on its resuscitation and present prosperity in a very agreeable and effective discourse .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN * . Mount Lebanon Chapter , A ' o . 73 . —A convocation of this chapter was held at the Bridge House Hotel , on Tuesday , Comp . R . AVatts , as Z . ; J . AV . Ilalscy , as II . ; T . J . Sabine , J . Bros . Smith ( 73 ) , Butteii ( 7 *) , and T . D . Barnard ( 700 ) were exalted . Comps . M . A . Loewenstark , C . A . Cottebrune , and J . Rosenthal were also present .
PROVINCIAL . LlVl'RKioi .. —Chapter of Friendship , No . 241 . —The regular monthly convocation of this chapter was held at the Masonic Temple , Dope-street , on the 27 th ult ., when in addition to the ordinary business of the chapter , the annual election of officers took place . In the absence
from town ofthe M . E . Z ., Comp . AVhite , the duties ofthe first chair were admirabl y discharged by Comp . AV . \ . Ileame , P . Z ., who was supported by Comps . Archer , II ., and AVilson , J ., in tlieir respective chairs , . 1 large number of companions being present . Six brethren , members of the Merchant ' s Lodge ( 241 ) were balloted for and elected .
of whom thc following , being present , were duly exalted to the supreme degree ofthe H . R . A .: —Bros . Samuel Peck , Joseph Bingham , Jenkin AVilliams , Thomas II . Bamford , and Morton Norman . The election of officers for the ensuing year then took place , thc list of elected companions being as follows : —Comps . AVilliam Archer ,
Royal Arch.
M . E . Z . ; Robert Wilson H . ; J . W . Baker , J . ; John Lunt , S . E . ; J . I . Knight , S . N . ; Thos . K . Hughes , P . S . The installation of chiefs , & c , was arranged to take place on Monday , the 24 th instant , when the annual banquet of the chapter will be held at the house of Comp . Cobham . The chapter was then closed in due and solemn form
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . Soulhioark Mark Lodge , No . 22 . —An emergency of this lodge was held on Tuesday at the Bridge House Hotel . Bro . Sabine advanced Bros . Smith ( 73 ) , Butten ( 73 ) , and Barnard ( 700 ) . Bro . AValters was afterwards presented with a three guinea jewel ancl the lodge was then closed .
PROVINCIAL . NORWICH . — Walpole Lodge . —On Monday evening the usual lodge meeting was held at the Masonic Hall , Bro . Captain L'Estrange , the AV . M ., presiding , assisted by Bros . Geo . E . Simpson , S . AA ., and Penri . ce , as J . AA . Amongst those present were Bro . the Hon . F . AValpole , the R . AV . the Prov . Grand Mark Master of Norfolk , and
I . P . M ' . of the AA ' alpole Lodge , and a numerous company of Mark Masters . The only visitor present being Bro . Frederick Long , AV . M . of the Freeman M . M . Lodge 105 , after transacting the business the brethren adjourned from labour to refreshment , and the evening was spent in peace ancl harmony .
SCARBOROUGH . —Star in the East Lodge of Mark Masters , E . C ., No . 95 . —This flourishing lodge held its regular meeting in the Masonic Hall , Globe-street , on Wednesday , the 22 nd December . The following officers and brethren were present : —Bros . H . A . AVilliamson , AV . M . ; AA . Peacock , S . AV . ; R . H . Peacock , J . AV . ; AV .
F . Rooke , J . P ., P . M . ; J . AV . Woodall , J . P , P . M ., G . M . O . ; AV . T . Farthing , I . P . M . ; J . A . Chapman , Treasurer ; H . E . Martin , Secretary ; H . AV . Garnett , S . O . ; AV . Pattison , M . O . ; G . IT . AValshaw , J . O . ; J . Hardgrave , S . D . ; J . Inskip , J . D . ; A . Allen , I . G . ; J . Verity , Tyler ; Fisher , Fletcher , Smyth , and Grooves . The lodge was opened at half-past seven , and the minutes
were read and confirmed . Bros . J . S . Cook and the Hon . Percy Stanhope were balloted for , and unanimously elected candidates for advancement , and the first-named being present he was admitted and advanced to the degree of a Mark Master in a very able and impressive manner . This being the first meeting since the installation and investment of officers , we have great pleasure in
congratulating the lodge in having a first-class staff , and we predict they will keep the standard of this lodge in its heretofore very satisfactory working . The lodge was then closed in due form , and the brethren spent a pleasant hour at the refreshment board , at which Bro . J . AA . Woodall , P . M . and G . M . O ., sung Bro . Steven ' s new song "What better theme than Masonry ? " in a very nice style , the song was very well spoken of by all present .
THE ceremony of Consecrating the Great Northern Lodge , No . 12 S 7 , will be performed by Bro . Terry , P . M .. 228 , 1196 , W . M . 1278 , Prov . G . S . B . Herts , P . Z . 975 , Z . 1 74 , on Thursday , January 6 th , at 3 o ' clock , p . m . precisely , at tbe Great Northern Hotel , King ' s Cross . Bro . Samuel Webb , P . M . 193 ,
is the AV . M . designate . NEW APPLICATION OK INDIA RUDDER . —In France , whence enormous quantities of wine arc exported , the time and material expended in packing thc bottles are of immense value . An immense
saving on this has been effected by the use of indiarubber rings , which placed round thc bottles , prevents all jar , ancl , by keeping them apart , renders breakage impossible . When the bottles are unpacked , the rings arc put aside for
subsequent use . CONNECTION BETWEEN GOOD TASTE AND GOOD TEMPER . —One thing is certain , that , as an habitual deficiency in good humour is sufficient to warp the decisions of thc soundest taste ; so , the taste of an individual , in proportion as it appears to
be free from capricious biases , affords a strong presumption that the temper is unsuspicious , open , and generous . As thc habits , besides , which contribute spontaneously to the formation of taste all originate in the desire of intellectual gratification ; this power , where it is possessed in an . eminent degree , may be
regarded as a symptom of that general disposition to be pleased and happy , in which the essence of good nature consists . " In one of those vernal seasons of the year , " says Milton , in one of the finest sentences of his prose writings , " when thc air is soft and pleasant , it were an injury and a
stillenness against nature not to go out and see her riches , and partake of her rejoicings with heaven and earth . " Such is the temper of mind by which in our early years those habits wbich constitute the groundwork of taste are most likely to be formed ;
and such precisely is the temper which , in our intercourse with our fellow-creatures , disposes us , both for their sake and our own , to view their actions and characters on the fairest side . —Dugahi Stewart : "Essay on Taste .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
approbation , and replied to by a neat and effective speech , when the brethren separated after spending a very enjoyable evening . SOUTHPORT . —Lodge of Unity , No . 613 . —The members of this lodge assembled on the 13 th ult . at their lodgeroom , which for beauty of design and true Masonic keeping stands second to none in AA est Lancashire , for the .
purpose of witnessing the installation of Bro . Arthur Mayhew into the office of AV . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . Capt . Mott ( of Liverpool ) , G . J . D . AV . L ., conducted the ceremony , and a large number of brethren were present , including several of those who had previously passed the chair . It was matter of much regret that Bro . Piatt , the retiring AV . M ., was unavoidably absent owing to domestic
affliction . Bro . G . B . Scholcs , P . M ., opened the lodge in the first degree , and after the usual transaction of business , Bro . Mott , in a very impressive manner , conducted the installation ceremony , and Bro . Mayhew was greeted in true Masonic style as the elected head of the fraternity for the coming year . The subordinate officers were then invested with their badges , and appropriately addressed
by Capt . Mott . _ hey are as follows : —Bros . AA " . Dodd , S . AV . ; T . Parker , J . AV . ; John AA'ainwright , S . D . ; H . E . Cullingworth , J . D . ; C . H . Brown , Treasurer ; T . P . Griffiths , Secretary ; Ellison , Organist ; Hatch and AVitham , Stewards ; Bros . Cory , I . G . ; Herrmann , Tyler . After the investiture was completed , Bro . Dodd , S . W ., referred to the admirable manner in which Bro . Piatt , the retiring
AA ' . M ., had performed his duties , and stated that his fellow officers and the new members who had entered the Lodge during the last year had agreed to present to Bro . Piatt a P . M . ' s gold jewel , as a token of their appreciation of his zealous services on behalf of Freemasonry . In his unavoidable absence the formal presentation would be made on the next Lodge night . The Lodge having been
closed in due order , and with solemn prayer , the brethren adjourned to the Palace Hotel , where the installation banquet was provided . Bro . Arthur Mayhew , the newlyelected AV . M ., occupied thc chair , being supported on his right by Bros . Captain Mott , Horace Mayhew , Moss , and other visiting biethren , and on his left by Bros . P . M . Scholcs , Coddington , Jeffries , and Robt . Sharrock . The
vice-chair was occupied by Bro . Dodd , S . AV . —At the conclusion of thc repast . —The Chairman gave , in appropriate terms , the usual loyal toasts , The Queen , The Prince and Princess of AA aIes , and the rest of the Royal Family , which were received with acclamation and musical honours . The next toasts were , The Earl of Zetland , M . AA ' . G . M ., Eng . ; Earl de Grey and Ripon ,
G . M . elect ; and the Officers of the Grand Lodge ; and SirT . G . Fermor-Hesketh , Bart ., M . P ., R . AV . P . G . M ., W . L ., and the P . G . Officers . In proposing the latter toast , the Chairman said the Lodge of Unity was under deep obligation to the officers ofthe P . G . L . for having selected Southport as the place where their next annual gathering was to be held . ( Cheers . ) The toasts were
duly honoured . —Bro . Captain Mott , in responding , said that Sir Thomas Hesketn was greatly interested in the growth of Freemasonry in this province . During the last thirteen years he had held high office in it ; within that time many new lodges had been formed , and tlie number of brethren had greatly increased . He ( the speaker ) also referred in the highest terms to Lord
Skelmersdale , D . G . M ., who was a mason ofthe true type ; and all the other officers were very zealous for the advancement of the noble principles on which the order was founded . Great honour had undoubtedl y been conferred upon them in the selection of Southport for holding the Grand Lodge in October next , and he hoped that the result would not only be gratifying to all , but that it
would be of special benefit to Lodge No . 613 . ( Cheers . ) The Chairman next gave the health of Captain Mott , the installing officer , and expressed his personal obligation for having in a most beautiful and impressive manner installed him into the honourable position of AV . M . —Bro . Captain Molt , G . J . D . AV . L ., thanked the chairman and the company for their hearty reception of his name . It had been
very gratifying to him lo be present both at the installation and at their festive board ; and he directed the attention of those present to the claims of the AA ' est Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution , and pressed it very earnestly upon their liberal support . —Bro . C . II . Coddington , P . M ., then gave the health of their newly installed AV . M ., Capt . Arthur Mayhew . —The Chairman ,
111 responding , expressed his obligations to his brethren for their cordial reception of his name and his hearty thanks for the honour they had done him by placing him in the chair for the coming year . It Mould be his constant endeavour to act with great impartiality , and to preserve harmony and goodwill . ( Hear ) . lie should he glad at all times to receive advice , and so far as
possible to act upon it . His object would be to cement the lodge and to make it stronger than ever it had been . He should take a pride in making the year illustrious in the annals of 613 , and especially in prospect of the approaching visit ofthe Provincial Grand Lod ge . —The Chairman in giving the next toast—The health of Bro . James Piatt , the retiring P . M . —expressed the deep regret
that all must feel at his absence through domestic affliction , and referred to the very admirable and successful manner in which he had discharged his duties during the past year , a proof of which was exhibited by the handsome presentation about to be made to him . —The toast was , at the Chairman ' s suggestion , drunk in silence . —The next toast was the Past Masters of Lodge 613 , and was responded to by Bro . Scholes , P . M ., who said he was
proud of the honour of Past Master , and thought it was one which should stimulate every young member to obtain , but recommended that they should not expect to get it by one or two steps only , but gradually work their way up from the bottom has he had done , by so doing they would find themselves the better Masons nt the finish . —The Chairman then gave the Officers of the Lodge , coupling with il the name of Bro . AA ' . Dodd ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
S . W ., of whom the Chairman spoke in very high terms . —Bro . Dodd , S . AV ., in responding , said it would not be regarded as egotism for him to say that he had done all in his power to aid the progress of Freemasonry the more he studied its principles and read about it , the more he admired it , and he hoped that the officers and all the the brethren would so exert themselves that their Lodge would be second to none in AA est Lancashire .
( Applause ) . —The remaining toasts were the Past Officers of the Lodge , the Auditors , the Visiting Brethren , and all Poor and Distressed Freemasons . All of which were cordially received and duly honoured . — -The proceedings , which were varied by the singing of several songs by Bros . C . I-I . Brown , Orr , Johnson , Dodd , Jeffries , and Moss , were very interesting throughout , and terminated about ten o ' clock .
LANCASTER . —Rowley Lodge , No . 1051 . —A meeting of this lodge for the celebration ofthe festival of St . John the Evangelist , and Installation of the AVorshipful Master , was held on Tuesday , the 21 st December , at the Masonic Rooms , Athenamm , Lancaster . Present , Bro . Dr . Moore , Prov . G . Sup . of AVorks , AA est Lancashire , as AA ' . M ., Installing Officer ; Bro . Bagnell , I . P . M . ; Bro .
Hall , S . AV . ; Merceer , J . AV . ; R . B . Simpson , as S . D . ; AV . J . Sly , as J . D . ; Taylor , I . G . ; E . G . Paley Fenton , P . M ., Armistead ; AA . Bro . Garnett Braithwaite , AA . M ., 859 , Prov . G . S . AA . Cambs . ; AV . Bro . Edward Busher , P . M ., 129 , P . G . S . B . England ; AV . Bro . F . A . Cave ; B . Cave , P . M . 357 , P . P . G . S . AV . Oxon ; Bro . E . Storey , AV . M . 281 ; Bro . J . Hatch , AV . M .-elect , 281 ;
Bro . Sinclair , J . ., 1223 ; Bro . E . Airey , 281 ; Bro . E . Simpson , P . M . 281 ; Bro . J . H . Kearn , 314 ; Bros . A \ atson and Conlan . The lodge being opened and formal business disposed of , Bro . Hall , the AV . M .-elect , was presented to the Installing Officer , by AV . Bro . Bagnell , and having paid the necessary attention and complied with the qualifications of the Master ' s Chair
and ancient charges , was received in a board of Installed Masters , and installed in the chair of thc lodge according to ancient custom . He was then duly proclaimed ancl saluted by the brethren , the working tools in each degree being presented by Bro . Bagnall . The AV . M . then appointed and invested his officers , as follows : — Bro . T . Mason , I . P . M . ; Bro . Dr . Mercer , S . AV . ; Bro .
Colonel AVhite , J . AA . ; Bro . Moore , P . M ., Sec ; Bro . AV . Barker , Treas . ; Bro . Rev . A . Wright , ALA ., S . D . ; C . E . Dodson , J . D . ; Dr . Armistead , I . G . ; Taylor , Tyler . The ceremony of Installation ended by the address to the W . M ., Wardens , and brethren being delivered by the Installing Officer . Bro . Moore then gave notice that he should move that the sum of Ten Guineas be given from the lodge funds to the Royal
Jiasonic Benevolent Institution for aged Freemasons and their Widows . A brother was then proposed as a joining member , and the labours of the day being ended , the lodge was closed in due form . The brethren adjourned to the house of Bro . Sly , where a banquet had been provided worthy of the occasion , and after the cloth was drawn , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and received .
METROPOLITAN . Peckham Lodge , Ac . 879 . —The Ceremony of Installation was ver > ' ably worked on the 15 th , by Bro . Barton : AV . M ., of the Strong Man Lodge . Several eminent brethren were present who expressed their gratification at the brilliant manner in which the ceremony was given . This lodge is making rapid strides in the development of
Craft Masonry 111 all its purity . The brethren appear eager to acquire the knowledge our Preceptor , Bro . Rose is so anxious to impart . Since the removal of the lodge from thc Edinburgh Castle , numerous brethren have availed themselves of its central position , and become
joining members . The business of the evening being ended , the brethren sat down to a substantial supper prepared by our worthy host , Bro . Scatts . after the usual toasts had been honoured , Bro . Barton congratulated the lodge on its resuscitation and present prosperity in a very agreeable and effective discourse .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN * . Mount Lebanon Chapter , A ' o . 73 . —A convocation of this chapter was held at the Bridge House Hotel , on Tuesday , Comp . R . AVatts , as Z . ; J . AV . Ilalscy , as II . ; T . J . Sabine , J . Bros . Smith ( 73 ) , Butteii ( 7 *) , and T . D . Barnard ( 700 ) were exalted . Comps . M . A . Loewenstark , C . A . Cottebrune , and J . Rosenthal were also present .
PROVINCIAL . LlVl'RKioi .. —Chapter of Friendship , No . 241 . —The regular monthly convocation of this chapter was held at the Masonic Temple , Dope-street , on the 27 th ult ., when in addition to the ordinary business of the chapter , the annual election of officers took place . In the absence
from town ofthe M . E . Z ., Comp . AVhite , the duties ofthe first chair were admirabl y discharged by Comp . AV . \ . Ileame , P . Z ., who was supported by Comps . Archer , II ., and AVilson , J ., in tlieir respective chairs , . 1 large number of companions being present . Six brethren , members of the Merchant ' s Lodge ( 241 ) were balloted for and elected .
of whom thc following , being present , were duly exalted to the supreme degree ofthe H . R . A .: —Bros . Samuel Peck , Joseph Bingham , Jenkin AVilliams , Thomas II . Bamford , and Morton Norman . The election of officers for the ensuing year then took place , thc list of elected companions being as follows : —Comps . AVilliam Archer ,
Royal Arch.
M . E . Z . ; Robert Wilson H . ; J . W . Baker , J . ; John Lunt , S . E . ; J . I . Knight , S . N . ; Thos . K . Hughes , P . S . The installation of chiefs , & c , was arranged to take place on Monday , the 24 th instant , when the annual banquet of the chapter will be held at the house of Comp . Cobham . The chapter was then closed in due and solemn form
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . Soulhioark Mark Lodge , No . 22 . —An emergency of this lodge was held on Tuesday at the Bridge House Hotel . Bro . Sabine advanced Bros . Smith ( 73 ) , Butten ( 73 ) , and Barnard ( 700 ) . Bro . AValters was afterwards presented with a three guinea jewel ancl the lodge was then closed .
PROVINCIAL . NORWICH . — Walpole Lodge . —On Monday evening the usual lodge meeting was held at the Masonic Hall , Bro . Captain L'Estrange , the AV . M ., presiding , assisted by Bros . Geo . E . Simpson , S . AA ., and Penri . ce , as J . AA . Amongst those present were Bro . the Hon . F . AValpole , the R . AV . the Prov . Grand Mark Master of Norfolk , and
I . P . M ' . of the AA ' alpole Lodge , and a numerous company of Mark Masters . The only visitor present being Bro . Frederick Long , AV . M . of the Freeman M . M . Lodge 105 , after transacting the business the brethren adjourned from labour to refreshment , and the evening was spent in peace ancl harmony .
SCARBOROUGH . —Star in the East Lodge of Mark Masters , E . C ., No . 95 . —This flourishing lodge held its regular meeting in the Masonic Hall , Globe-street , on Wednesday , the 22 nd December . The following officers and brethren were present : —Bros . H . A . AVilliamson , AV . M . ; AA . Peacock , S . AV . ; R . H . Peacock , J . AV . ; AV .
F . Rooke , J . P ., P . M . ; J . AV . Woodall , J . P , P . M ., G . M . O . ; AV . T . Farthing , I . P . M . ; J . A . Chapman , Treasurer ; H . E . Martin , Secretary ; H . AV . Garnett , S . O . ; AV . Pattison , M . O . ; G . IT . AValshaw , J . O . ; J . Hardgrave , S . D . ; J . Inskip , J . D . ; A . Allen , I . G . ; J . Verity , Tyler ; Fisher , Fletcher , Smyth , and Grooves . The lodge was opened at half-past seven , and the minutes
were read and confirmed . Bros . J . S . Cook and the Hon . Percy Stanhope were balloted for , and unanimously elected candidates for advancement , and the first-named being present he was admitted and advanced to the degree of a Mark Master in a very able and impressive manner . This being the first meeting since the installation and investment of officers , we have great pleasure in
congratulating the lodge in having a first-class staff , and we predict they will keep the standard of this lodge in its heretofore very satisfactory working . The lodge was then closed in due form , and the brethren spent a pleasant hour at the refreshment board , at which Bro . J . AA . Woodall , P . M . and G . M . O ., sung Bro . Steven ' s new song "What better theme than Masonry ? " in a very nice style , the song was very well spoken of by all present .
THE ceremony of Consecrating the Great Northern Lodge , No . 12 S 7 , will be performed by Bro . Terry , P . M .. 228 , 1196 , W . M . 1278 , Prov . G . S . B . Herts , P . Z . 975 , Z . 1 74 , on Thursday , January 6 th , at 3 o ' clock , p . m . precisely , at tbe Great Northern Hotel , King ' s Cross . Bro . Samuel Webb , P . M . 193 ,
is the AV . M . designate . NEW APPLICATION OK INDIA RUDDER . —In France , whence enormous quantities of wine arc exported , the time and material expended in packing thc bottles are of immense value . An immense
saving on this has been effected by the use of indiarubber rings , which placed round thc bottles , prevents all jar , ancl , by keeping them apart , renders breakage impossible . When the bottles are unpacked , the rings arc put aside for
subsequent use . CONNECTION BETWEEN GOOD TASTE AND GOOD TEMPER . —One thing is certain , that , as an habitual deficiency in good humour is sufficient to warp the decisions of thc soundest taste ; so , the taste of an individual , in proportion as it appears to
be free from capricious biases , affords a strong presumption that the temper is unsuspicious , open , and generous . As thc habits , besides , which contribute spontaneously to the formation of taste all originate in the desire of intellectual gratification ; this power , where it is possessed in an . eminent degree , may be
regarded as a symptom of that general disposition to be pleased and happy , in which the essence of good nature consists . " In one of those vernal seasons of the year , " says Milton , in one of the finest sentences of his prose writings , " when thc air is soft and pleasant , it were an injury and a
stillenness against nature not to go out and see her riches , and partake of her rejoicings with heaven and earth . " Such is the temper of mind by which in our early years those habits wbich constitute the groundwork of taste are most likely to be formed ;
and such precisely is the temper which , in our intercourse with our fellow-creatures , disposes us , both for their sake and our own , to view their actions and characters on the fairest side . —Dugahi Stewart : "Essay on Taste .