Article Reviews. Page 1 of 1 Article Reviews. Page 1 of 1 Article DISTRICT GRAND CHAPTER OF ROYAL ARCH MASONS IN BENGAL. Page 1 of 1 Article DISTRICT GRAND LODGE OF BOMBAY. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reviews .
—?—Tlie Freemason ' s Calendar for 1870 . Bro . G . KENNING , 2 , 3 , & 4 , Little Britain , E . C . From this valuable publication , which is published for the benefit of the Charity Fund of the Order , Ave cull the following " raems . "
The No . of the last Lodge on the roll , " the Bayons , " at Market Rasen , is 1286 , if from this Ave substract 70 lodges erased , the Nos . of AA-hich are vacant , and add the " Grand Stewards ' , " not numbered , Ave find the total number under the English Constitution to be 1217 . The first No . vacant on the list is 118 , "St .
Andrew ' s , " this Avas a Lodge held at Halifax , Nova Scotia , now held under the independent Grand Lodge of that District ; all the Nova Scotia Lodges are out except the "Royal Standard , " No . 39 8 , at Halifax , which , true to its name , preferred remaining under the "Standard " of Albion .
The other lodges now extinct , or Avorking under independent jurisdictions , are : — 122 , " Derbyshire , " Longnor . 738 , "All Saints , " Wooler . 161 , " St . John ' s , " Halifax , N . S . 39 6 , " A ^ irgin , " Halifax , N . S .
399 , " Unity , " Luneburg , N . S . 400 , " Albion , " St . John , N . B . 420 , " True Brothers , " Dinapore . 427 , "Wear , " Chcster-le-strcet . 436 , " St . John ' s , " St . John , N . B . 479 , " Royal Sussex , " Halifax , N . S .
480 , " Sussex , " Dorchester , N . B . 514 . " Royal Victoria , " St . Accent ' s . 518 , " St . Mark's , " St . Andrew ' s , N . B . 522 , " Solomon ' s , " Fredcricton , N . B . -. It r . 1 _ . T T . •_ ... , .. . TI . . . . . 524 Carlcton UnionStJohn
_ , " , " . , N . B . 527 , " Midian , " Kingston , N . B . 535 , " Union , " Portland , N . B . 553 . " Woodstock , " AVoodstock , N . B . 562 , " Zetland , " Liverpool , N . S .
565 , " New Caledonian , " Pictou , N . S . 568 , " Hammond , " Guernsey . 575 , " Forest , " Mansfield . 596 , " Hiram , " Yarmouth , N . S . 612 , "Acadia , " Pugwash , N . S .
616 , " Fidelity , " Crewe . 623 , " Jullund ' er , " Jullunder , E . I . 627 , " South Suffolk , " Sudburv . 628 , " Keith , " Hillsburgh , N . S . 629 , "St . George , " St . George , N . B . 635 , " Corinthian , " Hampton , N . B . ir it i 1 ? 1
e .,- « : ^„; .. ••> r » -..: „„ : „ ,. 642 , " Fidelity , " Darjeeling , E . I . 644 , " Keith , " Moncton , N . B . 664 , " Alley , " Upper Mills , N . B . 668 , " Howard , " Hilsboro ' , N . B . 675 , " Ramsay , " Rawul Pinclee . 676 , " Light ofthe North , " Ferozepore .
r . 9-, « > r-.. ; .,.... < , •• ' / --.,.,..: ti , > XT c 682 , " Mariners , " Granville , N . S . 688 , " Charity , " Launceston , Tas . 6 93 , " Union , " Halifax , N . S . 6 95 , " St . Teilo , " Llandilo . 701 , " Northumberland , " Newcastle , N . B . 740 , " Fidelity , " Singapore .
762 , " Concord , " Castlemain , Vict . 769 , " Maryborough , " Maryboro' , A ict . 775 , " Miramichi , " Chatham , N . B . 808 , " Salisbury , " Salisbury , N . B . S 26 , " P . G . Off ] cers , " Calcutta . 835 , " Stability , " Gonda .
841 , ' * Harmony , '' Mauritius . 849 , " St . George ' s , " Lr Horton , N . S . 870 , " Keith , " Albion Mines , N . S . 878 , " Star of Delhi , " Delhi . 886 , " Zetland , " Shediac , N . B . 888 , " Faith , " Roy Barcilly . 911 , " Royal Phajnix . " Trinidad .
9-3 , \\ estport , AVestport , N . S . 924 , " AVelsford , " Windsor , N . S . 953 , " Widows' Friend , " AA ' cynio-. ith , N . S . 9 61 , " Scotia , " Canning , N . S . 9 6 3 , " Royal Engineers , " 37 th Comp . R . E . 9 64 , " Prince of Wales , " Liverpool , N . S . 965 , "Zion , " Sussex , N . B .
9 68 , " Emulation , " Negapatam . 1047 , "Annapolis Royal , " Annapolis , N . S . 1082 , " Hyde Clarke , " Alexandria . 1084 , " New Brunswick , " St . John , N . B . 1162 , * ' Fortescue , " Chipping Canipden . 1190 , " Cobequid , '' Truro , N . S . 1245 , " Rotbsay , " Bridgetown , N . S .
These changes having occurred since Jul )* , 186 3 , Avhen the lodges Avere renumbered , and being attributable chiefly to the transfer of lodges to other jurisdictions , clearly evince that . he English Craft is in a very sound and stable condition , as the loss from all causes averages little more than 10 lodges per annum , while the number of new lodges added during thc same period
( as corrected up to the present date ) is 325 , being 50 annually , or a net increase of 40 lodges every year ! These are telling statistics for those who would fain see Freemasonry on the road to ruin .
The number of Royal Arch Chapters amounts to 3 80 * these like the lodges are found in every quarter of the Avorld . It is also noteworthy that the lists of lodges and chapters abroad are UOAV arranged alphabetically as A \ ell as geographically , an innovation AA'hich is
a decided improvement , as it greatly facilitates reference . The oldest Provincial Grand Master on the record , excluding the EarlofZetland , isBro . Thos . Henry Hall , P . G . M . for Cambridgeshire , Avhich appointment he has held since the nth NOA * .,
1 S 43 . The youngest is Bro . AV . AY . B . Beach , MP . P . G . M . for Hants and the Isle of Wight , appointed ist June , 1869 . The oldest District Grand Master is Bro . H . R . LeAvis , D . G . M . for Sumatra , Avho 'dates from
the 10 th Dec , 1821 , and Avho enjoys the rare felicity of having " no Avork to do , " as his district , ive believe , no longer exists , ancl it is positive that no District Grand Lodge has been held there " Avithin the memory of the oldest inhabitant . " The gallant Major C . Mc AV . Mercer , of the Punjaub , is the youngest D . G . M ., his appointment
having taken place on the 15 th Nov . 1868 . On theAvhole , Aveconsiderthe Masonic Calendar for 1870 extremely creditable to its compilers , ancl as the object ofthe sale is to swell tlie total of the Benevolent Fund , it will doubtless meetAA'ith so much favour from the Craft as to necessitate the issue of a second edition , revised and corrected up to 31 st December , 186 9 .
District Grand Chapter Of Royal Arch Masons In Bengal.
A convocation of the District ( , rand Chapter was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Calcutta , on Thursday , the 4 th November , 1 S 69 , when the following Companions were present : M . E . Comp . H . D . Sandeman , ( band Superintendent ; M . E . Comp . J . H . Linton , Past District Grand J ., as District ( band H . : M . E . Comp . F . Powell , District Grand
J . ; M . E . Comp . Locke , D . G . Scribe E . ; Comp . Dr . AValler , D . G . Scribe N . ; M . E . Comp . Farr , D . G . Prin . Soj . ; M . E . Comp . Mackintosh , D . G . Assist . Soj . ; M . E . Comp . Taylor , D . G . Standard Bearer ; Comp . Conway , D . G . Dir . of Ceremonies . Visitors : Comps . Harvey , Dr . Hall , Capt . Macnamara , AA . Jones , Martin .
REPRESENTATIVES OF CHAPTERS : Chapter Hope , No . 100 . —Comps . Murray , Allcndcr , and Goodrickc . Chapter Holy Zion , No . 392 . —Comp . Amos . Chapter Punjab , No . 7 S 2 . —M . E . Comp . Dr . G . II . Dalv .
The District Grand Chapter was opened in due form , and the minutes of the convocation held on Thursday , thc 19 th December , 1868 , were confirmed . The Grand Superintendent announced to the convocation tbat thc number of chapters at present
111 working order were tne : namely , the two in Calcutta , and those at Lahore , Rangoon , and Simla . Thelhnballa Chapter ( attached to Lodge " Charity" ) was not working at present , but the W . M . of the lodge bad written that it was expected il would be
re-opened during the present cold weather . The chapters at Meerut , Lucknow , and Peshawur had fallen into abeyance , and their charters . would accordingly be re-called , unless a resuscitation should take place within the time prescribed by the 1 . 1 US .
The report of the Finance Committee , was read and adopted . Thc Grand Superintendent appointed thc following officers for thc ensuing year : — AV . J . Judge ... District Second Grand Principal . AA' . B . Fair ... District Third Grand Principal .
II . II . Locke ... District Grand Scribe E . Capt . Murray ... District Grand Scribe N . J . Mackintosh ... District Grand Prin . Sojourner . J . L . Taylor ... District G . ist Asst . Sojourner . J . Conway ... District G . 2 nd Asst . Sojourner .
J . Pitt Kennedy District Grand Registrar . G . M . Goodrickc District Grand Sword Bearer . AA . G . Amos ... District Grand Standard Bearer . T . McKelvey ... District Grand Director of Cer . 1 ) . J . Daniel ... District Grand Janitor . M . E . Comp . J . 11 . Linton remains District Grand
J reasurer , ex-ofucio . There being no other business belore the District Grand Chapter , it was closed in due form .
District Grand Lodge Of Bombay.
A half-yearly Communication was holden at the Freemasons' Hall , Byculla , on Wednesday , the 3 rd November , 186 9 , when the following brethren Avere present : —AVor . Bros , the Honourable Justice Gibbs , Deputy District Grand Master in charge , as District Grand Master ; Dr . Diver , P . D . G . W . as
Deputy District Grand Master ; C . A . Gumpert , as D . S : G . W . ; C . E . Mitchell , as D . J . G . W . ; Bro . W . H . Hussey , D . G . Sec . ; Wor . Bro . A . Hay , D . S . G . D . ; A . Swift , as D . J . G . D . ; Bros . G . AV . R . Malins , D . G . Sword-bearer ; J . Thomas , D . G . Org . ; Wor . Bro . C . Beard , D . G . Purst . ; Bros . T . Crawford , J . J . Tandy , Pestonjee Bazonjee , D . G . Stewards .
REPRESENTATIVES OF LODGES . St . George , No . 549 . —Wor . Bro . A . Hay , W . M . Concord No . 757 . —Bros . H . Bailey , as W . M ., and G . Macdonald , as S . W . Truth , No . 944 . —AVor . Bro . C . E . Mitchell , as W . M . Bros . W . H . Hussey , S . W .. andT . Crawford , as J . AV .
Star of India , No . 1062 . —Wor . Bro . A . Swift , as W . M . Emulation , No . - 1100 . —Bros . T . Counsel , as AA ' . M ., and T . AV . Drewett , as S . W . Eastern Star , No . 1189 . —Bros . Noshcrwanjee Coyajee , as AV . M ., Dinshaw Dorabjee , as S . AV ., and
Jamsetjee Noshcrwanjee , as J . W . Friendship and Harmony , No . 1270 . —AVor . Bro . C . Hyne , W . M ., and Bro . R . Rayner , as S . W . The District G . L . was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last Communication were read
and confirmed . The reports of the District Grand Lodge General Purposes Committee , and of the Fund of Benevolence Committc Avere also read and adopted . Several letters were then read .
The District Grand Secretary reported that the following dispensations were granted since the last Communication : — To Lodge " Industry , " to confer the three degrees on Bro . Hartley without payment , for the purpose of becoming a serving brother ; and the 2 nd degree on Bro . Fernandes in a week
from the date of initiation . Lodge " Concord , " to raise Bros . Melville and Ransford , and pass Bro . Shorter within the prescribed time . Lodge " Unity , Peace , and Concord , " ( attached to the 1 st Royal Regt . ) , to pass and raise Bro . De Tatliam at an interval of one week between each degree . Lodge
" Orion in the West , " to raise Bro . Reid a week after thc date of passing . The District Grand Secretary stated that Rs . 1 , 153 had been subscribed ' this district tOAvards the " Zetland Testimonial , " and the amount remitted lo thc Grand Secretary .
A new lodge named " Friendship and Harmony , " No . 1270 , has been opened at Egutpoora with Bro . C . Hyne , C . E ., for its first Master . The lodge Avas duly consecrated by AA or . Bro . A . King , and the AVor . Master regularly installed by AVor . Bro . II . H . Avion , on thc 28 th August last . AVor . Bro .
King by dispensation represented thc Deputy District Grand Master on that occasion . Thc District Grand Secretary thought it might be interesting to the members of Grand Lodge to know that during the year 1868 there were 131 initiations into Masonry in this district , and that on thc ist
January , 1869 , there Avere 449 subscribing members of lodges working under Bombay . Several subjects of local interest were discussed , after which the District Grand Secretary brought to the notice of the Grand Lodge a Masonic newspaper called THE FREEMASON , edited by a brother of eminence and merit in England , and he desired to
know if the District Grand Lodge would become a subscriber to it . AVor . Bro . Swift proposed , and AVor . Bro . Hay seconded that thc District Grand Lodge take in two copies a week ; the proposition was carried . There being no further business , the District Grand Lodge Avas duly closed .
To CONSUMPTIVES . —A grateful father is desirous of sending hy mail , free of charge to all who wish it , a copy of the prescription by which his daughter was restored to perfect health from confirmed Consumption , after having been given up by her physicians and despaired of by her father , a well-known physician , who has now discontinued practice . Sent to any person free . —Address Covent
O . 1 ' . Brown , Secretary , 2 , King-street , -gardcn , Lnndon .-TAdvt . ] HOLLOWAY ' PILLS— A'igorous Health . —With winter come sore trials to the soundest constitutions , while the naturally delicate and feeble find it too frequently a prolonged straggle against or under suffering . All diseases affecting the nervous system arise from impurities in the
blood , irregularities of organic action , or vitiated secretions . Holloway ' s Pills are invaluable for removing all poisonous elements from the body , and are famed for curing indigestion , flatulency , and costiveness , as well as palpitation , pain in the side , and other morbid feelings . The neuralgic pains attendant on the nervous class of diseases soon yield to these purifying Pills , thc sensations of anxiety daily diminish under their use , sound sleep supersedes nights of watching , and calm repose displaces hideous dreams .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reviews .
—?—Tlie Freemason ' s Calendar for 1870 . Bro . G . KENNING , 2 , 3 , & 4 , Little Britain , E . C . From this valuable publication , which is published for the benefit of the Charity Fund of the Order , Ave cull the following " raems . "
The No . of the last Lodge on the roll , " the Bayons , " at Market Rasen , is 1286 , if from this Ave substract 70 lodges erased , the Nos . of AA-hich are vacant , and add the " Grand Stewards ' , " not numbered , Ave find the total number under the English Constitution to be 1217 . The first No . vacant on the list is 118 , "St .
Andrew ' s , " this Avas a Lodge held at Halifax , Nova Scotia , now held under the independent Grand Lodge of that District ; all the Nova Scotia Lodges are out except the "Royal Standard , " No . 39 8 , at Halifax , which , true to its name , preferred remaining under the "Standard " of Albion .
The other lodges now extinct , or Avorking under independent jurisdictions , are : — 122 , " Derbyshire , " Longnor . 738 , "All Saints , " Wooler . 161 , " St . John ' s , " Halifax , N . S . 39 6 , " A ^ irgin , " Halifax , N . S .
399 , " Unity , " Luneburg , N . S . 400 , " Albion , " St . John , N . B . 420 , " True Brothers , " Dinapore . 427 , "Wear , " Chcster-le-strcet . 436 , " St . John ' s , " St . John , N . B . 479 , " Royal Sussex , " Halifax , N . S .
480 , " Sussex , " Dorchester , N . B . 514 . " Royal Victoria , " St . Accent ' s . 518 , " St . Mark's , " St . Andrew ' s , N . B . 522 , " Solomon ' s , " Fredcricton , N . B . -. It r . 1 _ . T T . •_ ... , .. . TI . . . . . 524 Carlcton UnionStJohn
_ , " , " . , N . B . 527 , " Midian , " Kingston , N . B . 535 , " Union , " Portland , N . B . 553 . " Woodstock , " AVoodstock , N . B . 562 , " Zetland , " Liverpool , N . S .
565 , " New Caledonian , " Pictou , N . S . 568 , " Hammond , " Guernsey . 575 , " Forest , " Mansfield . 596 , " Hiram , " Yarmouth , N . S . 612 , "Acadia , " Pugwash , N . S .
616 , " Fidelity , " Crewe . 623 , " Jullund ' er , " Jullunder , E . I . 627 , " South Suffolk , " Sudburv . 628 , " Keith , " Hillsburgh , N . S . 629 , "St . George , " St . George , N . B . 635 , " Corinthian , " Hampton , N . B . ir it i 1 ? 1
e .,- « : ^„; .. ••> r » -..: „„ : „ ,. 642 , " Fidelity , " Darjeeling , E . I . 644 , " Keith , " Moncton , N . B . 664 , " Alley , " Upper Mills , N . B . 668 , " Howard , " Hilsboro ' , N . B . 675 , " Ramsay , " Rawul Pinclee . 676 , " Light ofthe North , " Ferozepore .
r . 9-, « > r-.. ; .,.... < , •• ' / --.,.,..: ti , > XT c 682 , " Mariners , " Granville , N . S . 688 , " Charity , " Launceston , Tas . 6 93 , " Union , " Halifax , N . S . 6 95 , " St . Teilo , " Llandilo . 701 , " Northumberland , " Newcastle , N . B . 740 , " Fidelity , " Singapore .
762 , " Concord , " Castlemain , Vict . 769 , " Maryborough , " Maryboro' , A ict . 775 , " Miramichi , " Chatham , N . B . 808 , " Salisbury , " Salisbury , N . B . S 26 , " P . G . Off ] cers , " Calcutta . 835 , " Stability , " Gonda .
841 , ' * Harmony , '' Mauritius . 849 , " St . George ' s , " Lr Horton , N . S . 870 , " Keith , " Albion Mines , N . S . 878 , " Star of Delhi , " Delhi . 886 , " Zetland , " Shediac , N . B . 888 , " Faith , " Roy Barcilly . 911 , " Royal Phajnix . " Trinidad .
9-3 , \\ estport , AVestport , N . S . 924 , " AVelsford , " Windsor , N . S . 953 , " Widows' Friend , " AA ' cynio-. ith , N . S . 9 61 , " Scotia , " Canning , N . S . 9 6 3 , " Royal Engineers , " 37 th Comp . R . E . 9 64 , " Prince of Wales , " Liverpool , N . S . 965 , "Zion , " Sussex , N . B .
9 68 , " Emulation , " Negapatam . 1047 , "Annapolis Royal , " Annapolis , N . S . 1082 , " Hyde Clarke , " Alexandria . 1084 , " New Brunswick , " St . John , N . B . 1162 , * ' Fortescue , " Chipping Canipden . 1190 , " Cobequid , '' Truro , N . S . 1245 , " Rotbsay , " Bridgetown , N . S .
These changes having occurred since Jul )* , 186 3 , Avhen the lodges Avere renumbered , and being attributable chiefly to the transfer of lodges to other jurisdictions , clearly evince that . he English Craft is in a very sound and stable condition , as the loss from all causes averages little more than 10 lodges per annum , while the number of new lodges added during thc same period
( as corrected up to the present date ) is 325 , being 50 annually , or a net increase of 40 lodges every year ! These are telling statistics for those who would fain see Freemasonry on the road to ruin .
The number of Royal Arch Chapters amounts to 3 80 * these like the lodges are found in every quarter of the Avorld . It is also noteworthy that the lists of lodges and chapters abroad are UOAV arranged alphabetically as A \ ell as geographically , an innovation AA'hich is
a decided improvement , as it greatly facilitates reference . The oldest Provincial Grand Master on the record , excluding the EarlofZetland , isBro . Thos . Henry Hall , P . G . M . for Cambridgeshire , Avhich appointment he has held since the nth NOA * .,
1 S 43 . The youngest is Bro . AV . AY . B . Beach , MP . P . G . M . for Hants and the Isle of Wight , appointed ist June , 1869 . The oldest District Grand Master is Bro . H . R . LeAvis , D . G . M . for Sumatra , Avho 'dates from
the 10 th Dec , 1821 , and Avho enjoys the rare felicity of having " no Avork to do , " as his district , ive believe , no longer exists , ancl it is positive that no District Grand Lodge has been held there " Avithin the memory of the oldest inhabitant . " The gallant Major C . Mc AV . Mercer , of the Punjaub , is the youngest D . G . M ., his appointment
having taken place on the 15 th Nov . 1868 . On theAvhole , Aveconsiderthe Masonic Calendar for 1870 extremely creditable to its compilers , ancl as the object ofthe sale is to swell tlie total of the Benevolent Fund , it will doubtless meetAA'ith so much favour from the Craft as to necessitate the issue of a second edition , revised and corrected up to 31 st December , 186 9 .
District Grand Chapter Of Royal Arch Masons In Bengal.
A convocation of the District ( , rand Chapter was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Calcutta , on Thursday , the 4 th November , 1 S 69 , when the following Companions were present : M . E . Comp . H . D . Sandeman , ( band Superintendent ; M . E . Comp . J . H . Linton , Past District Grand J ., as District ( band H . : M . E . Comp . F . Powell , District Grand
J . ; M . E . Comp . Locke , D . G . Scribe E . ; Comp . Dr . AValler , D . G . Scribe N . ; M . E . Comp . Farr , D . G . Prin . Soj . ; M . E . Comp . Mackintosh , D . G . Assist . Soj . ; M . E . Comp . Taylor , D . G . Standard Bearer ; Comp . Conway , D . G . Dir . of Ceremonies . Visitors : Comps . Harvey , Dr . Hall , Capt . Macnamara , AA . Jones , Martin .
REPRESENTATIVES OF CHAPTERS : Chapter Hope , No . 100 . —Comps . Murray , Allcndcr , and Goodrickc . Chapter Holy Zion , No . 392 . —Comp . Amos . Chapter Punjab , No . 7 S 2 . —M . E . Comp . Dr . G . II . Dalv .
The District Grand Chapter was opened in due form , and the minutes of the convocation held on Thursday , thc 19 th December , 1868 , were confirmed . The Grand Superintendent announced to the convocation tbat thc number of chapters at present
111 working order were tne : namely , the two in Calcutta , and those at Lahore , Rangoon , and Simla . Thelhnballa Chapter ( attached to Lodge " Charity" ) was not working at present , but the W . M . of the lodge bad written that it was expected il would be
re-opened during the present cold weather . The chapters at Meerut , Lucknow , and Peshawur had fallen into abeyance , and their charters . would accordingly be re-called , unless a resuscitation should take place within the time prescribed by the 1 . 1 US .
The report of the Finance Committee , was read and adopted . Thc Grand Superintendent appointed thc following officers for thc ensuing year : — AV . J . Judge ... District Second Grand Principal . AA' . B . Fair ... District Third Grand Principal .
II . II . Locke ... District Grand Scribe E . Capt . Murray ... District Grand Scribe N . J . Mackintosh ... District Grand Prin . Sojourner . J . L . Taylor ... District G . ist Asst . Sojourner . J . Conway ... District G . 2 nd Asst . Sojourner .
J . Pitt Kennedy District Grand Registrar . G . M . Goodrickc District Grand Sword Bearer . AA . G . Amos ... District Grand Standard Bearer . T . McKelvey ... District Grand Director of Cer . 1 ) . J . Daniel ... District Grand Janitor . M . E . Comp . J . 11 . Linton remains District Grand
J reasurer , ex-ofucio . There being no other business belore the District Grand Chapter , it was closed in due form .
District Grand Lodge Of Bombay.
A half-yearly Communication was holden at the Freemasons' Hall , Byculla , on Wednesday , the 3 rd November , 186 9 , when the following brethren Avere present : —AVor . Bros , the Honourable Justice Gibbs , Deputy District Grand Master in charge , as District Grand Master ; Dr . Diver , P . D . G . W . as
Deputy District Grand Master ; C . A . Gumpert , as D . S : G . W . ; C . E . Mitchell , as D . J . G . W . ; Bro . W . H . Hussey , D . G . Sec . ; Wor . Bro . A . Hay , D . S . G . D . ; A . Swift , as D . J . G . D . ; Bros . G . AV . R . Malins , D . G . Sword-bearer ; J . Thomas , D . G . Org . ; Wor . Bro . C . Beard , D . G . Purst . ; Bros . T . Crawford , J . J . Tandy , Pestonjee Bazonjee , D . G . Stewards .
REPRESENTATIVES OF LODGES . St . George , No . 549 . —Wor . Bro . A . Hay , W . M . Concord No . 757 . —Bros . H . Bailey , as W . M ., and G . Macdonald , as S . W . Truth , No . 944 . —AVor . Bro . C . E . Mitchell , as W . M . Bros . W . H . Hussey , S . W .. andT . Crawford , as J . AV .
Star of India , No . 1062 . —Wor . Bro . A . Swift , as W . M . Emulation , No . - 1100 . —Bros . T . Counsel , as AA ' . M ., and T . AV . Drewett , as S . W . Eastern Star , No . 1189 . —Bros . Noshcrwanjee Coyajee , as AV . M ., Dinshaw Dorabjee , as S . AV ., and
Jamsetjee Noshcrwanjee , as J . W . Friendship and Harmony , No . 1270 . —AVor . Bro . C . Hyne , W . M ., and Bro . R . Rayner , as S . W . The District G . L . was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last Communication were read
and confirmed . The reports of the District Grand Lodge General Purposes Committee , and of the Fund of Benevolence Committc Avere also read and adopted . Several letters were then read .
The District Grand Secretary reported that the following dispensations were granted since the last Communication : — To Lodge " Industry , " to confer the three degrees on Bro . Hartley without payment , for the purpose of becoming a serving brother ; and the 2 nd degree on Bro . Fernandes in a week
from the date of initiation . Lodge " Concord , " to raise Bros . Melville and Ransford , and pass Bro . Shorter within the prescribed time . Lodge " Unity , Peace , and Concord , " ( attached to the 1 st Royal Regt . ) , to pass and raise Bro . De Tatliam at an interval of one week between each degree . Lodge
" Orion in the West , " to raise Bro . Reid a week after thc date of passing . The District Grand Secretary stated that Rs . 1 , 153 had been subscribed ' this district tOAvards the " Zetland Testimonial , " and the amount remitted lo thc Grand Secretary .
A new lodge named " Friendship and Harmony , " No . 1270 , has been opened at Egutpoora with Bro . C . Hyne , C . E ., for its first Master . The lodge Avas duly consecrated by AA or . Bro . A . King , and the AVor . Master regularly installed by AVor . Bro . II . H . Avion , on thc 28 th August last . AVor . Bro .
King by dispensation represented thc Deputy District Grand Master on that occasion . Thc District Grand Secretary thought it might be interesting to the members of Grand Lodge to know that during the year 1868 there were 131 initiations into Masonry in this district , and that on thc ist
January , 1869 , there Avere 449 subscribing members of lodges working under Bombay . Several subjects of local interest were discussed , after which the District Grand Secretary brought to the notice of the Grand Lodge a Masonic newspaper called THE FREEMASON , edited by a brother of eminence and merit in England , and he desired to
know if the District Grand Lodge would become a subscriber to it . AVor . Bro . Swift proposed , and AVor . Bro . Hay seconded that thc District Grand Lodge take in two copies a week ; the proposition was carried . There being no further business , the District Grand Lodge Avas duly closed .
To CONSUMPTIVES . —A grateful father is desirous of sending hy mail , free of charge to all who wish it , a copy of the prescription by which his daughter was restored to perfect health from confirmed Consumption , after having been given up by her physicians and despaired of by her father , a well-known physician , who has now discontinued practice . Sent to any person free . —Address Covent
O . 1 ' . Brown , Secretary , 2 , King-street , -gardcn , Lnndon .-TAdvt . ] HOLLOWAY ' PILLS— A'igorous Health . —With winter come sore trials to the soundest constitutions , while the naturally delicate and feeble find it too frequently a prolonged straggle against or under suffering . All diseases affecting the nervous system arise from impurities in the
blood , irregularities of organic action , or vitiated secretions . Holloway ' s Pills are invaluable for removing all poisonous elements from the body , and are famed for curing indigestion , flatulency , and costiveness , as well as palpitation , pain in the side , and other morbid feelings . The neuralgic pains attendant on the nervous class of diseases soon yield to these purifying Pills , thc sensations of anxiety daily diminish under their use , sound sleep supersedes nights of watching , and calm repose displaces hideous dreams .