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United Grand Lodge Of England.
v , wt cfio C Kempton , P . M . 1287 , A . H . Tattershall , P . M . 140 , I . Dixon , I rb ' v & l R- Griggs , P . M . 228 , and W . H . Hubbert , P . M . 1625 , nomi-Z ' bv Bro . J . Clever , P . M . 12 . n List of lodges for which Warrants have been granted by the M . W . r and Master since the last Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge : — Mo 2103 , The Trentham Lodge , Trentham , Victoria . 2 W 4 , ' The Mooroopua Lodge , Mooroopua , Victoria . " 2305 , ' The Stour Lodge , Ashford , Kent . " 0306 , Toowong Lodge , Toowong , Queensland . " ' £ 07 ' , The Friendship Lodge , Ajmere , Bombay . " 2308 , The Viator Lodge , Fleet-street . " 2 " 00 , The George Gardner Lodge , Datchett , Buckinghamshire . " 2310 , ' The London Scottish Rifles Lodge , Golden-square . " ? -n ' The Saint Alkmund Lodge , Whitchurch , Shropshire . " " ' .
Mark Grand Lodge.
The following is the business to be transacted on Tuesday , the 4 th inst .: 1 . Read , and if approved , confirm minutes of Grand Lodge held on 6 th December , 18 S 8 , and Special Grand Lodge held on 5 th March , 1889 . 2 . Report of the General Board . ¦ 3 . A motion will be made that the report be received and entered on the
minutes . 4 . Recommendations arising out or the report . ( a ) That in the Colonies and Dependencies of the British Crown the title of " Provincial Grand Lodge " should be changed to " District Grand Lodge , " and that powers be given to such District Grand Lodges to reeutate the fees payable to their own Funds , subject to the approval of the Board . be conferred the t Worshiful
( b ) That the rank of Past Master on Mos pBro . Chief Justice Way , Grand Master of Free and Accepted Masons of South Australia , and that the Adelaide Lodge , No . 41 , be authorised to carry this resolution into effect . ( c ) Fund of Benevolence relief : — £ 20 to M . A . G ., widow of Bro . I . G .
5 . A motion will be proposed that the Report be adopted . 6 . Installation of M . W . G . M . 7 . Election of Grand Treasurer . Candidate proposed—Bro . Henry Faija , P . G . Stwd ., P . M . 144 , 331 . ( Bro . W . M . Stiles , P . M . 355 , has withdrawn . ) 8 . Appointment and Investiture of Grand Officers . 9 . Nomination by the M . W . G . M . of Six Members to serve on the General Board .
10 . Election , by Grand Lodge , of Five Members to serve on the General Board . List of brethren nominated for the General Board . ( Five only are nominated . ) Bros . Dr . Geo . Mickley , P . M . 97 , P . G . D ., John E . Dawson , Dep . P . G . M . Herts , R . Loveland Loveland , Dep . P . G . M . Hants and Isle
of Wight , and A . F . Godson , M . P ., Prov . G . M . Worcestershire ; nominated by Bros , the Earl of Euston , S . G . W ., Geo . Cooper , P . G . O ., and B . R . Bryant , P . G . Std . Br , ; and Rev . Hayman Cummings , P . G . C , Dep . P . G . M . Kent ; nominated by Bros . Rev . T . Robinson , Prov . G . M . Kent , J . S . Eastes , P . G . O ., and J . G . Podevin , P . Dep . P . G . M . Kent .
Consecration Of The Matier Lodge Of Royal Ark Mariners, No. 400.
The Matier Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners , attached to the Egerton of Tatton Lodge of Mark Master Masons , No . 400 , was consecrated on Thursday , the 23 rd ult ., at the Masonic Hall , 8 A , Red Lien-square , Holborn . The Consecrating Master was Bro . the Right Hon . the Earl of Euston , S . G . W ., assisted by Bros . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , as S . ; C . Fitzgerald Matier ( after whom the lodge is named ) , as j . ; Rev . G . W . Weldon , as
Chap . ; R . Berridge , as D . C ; C H . Driver , as I . G . j and Dr . E . M Lott , as Org . There were also present Bros . F . A . Philbrick , Q . C ., C . F . Hogard , W Vincent , A . Williams , Belgrave Ninnis , VV . C . N . designate ; W . H , Kiallmark , J . designate ; Lennox Browne , W . Thomas , A . W . Peckham , C M . Jessop , W . P . St . L . Chubb , G . Danford Thomas , J . MacGlashan , A . Mostyn , C . Moser , R . Purchas , and W . W . Lee .
A Royal Ark Mariners' lodge having been opened , the following candidates were impressively elevated to the Degree of Royal Ark Mariner by Bro . VV . Vincent : Bros . H . W . Kiallmark , Lennox Browne , W . Thomas , A . W . Peckham , C M . Jessop , W . P . St . L . Chubb , G . Danford Thomas , J . MacGlashan , A . Mostyn , R . Purchas , and W . W . Lee .
the consecration ceremony was next proceeded with , and the Grand Officers having entered in procession , and having been appointed to the various offices pro tern ., the Consecrating Master , Bro . the Earl of Euston , addressed the brethren on the nature of the meeting . He said they were assembled to consecrate a new lodge , and also to pay a high compliment to a brother who was well-known in every branch of the Craft , and most
worth y of the honour , having done his best for the advancement of the Mark and Ark Degrees in particular , and Masonry generally . It was , therefore , a fitting compliment to Bro . Matier to name this lodge after him . He congratulated the founders on the list of candidates who had just been elevated , and greeted them with hearty good wishes , hoping they would rise Jo the height of their ambition . He would proceed to the business by askln g the acting D . C . to read the petition and warrant .
The founders signified their approval of the officers named in these documents , and an eloquent oration on the principles of the R . A . Degree Was delivered by Bro . Rev . G . W . Weldon , acting Chaplain . The lodge was then solemnly dedicated and constituted in the usual
Bro . C . Fitzgerald Matier then assumed the chair , and impressively er "nroned Bro . Belgrave Ninnis as W . C . N . The following officers were ^ Pointed and invested : Bros . H . W . Kiallmark , J . ; A . W . Peckham , a ^" ' ^ " M . Jessop , Sec . ; Lennox Browne , S . D . j Wm . Thomas , J . D . ; nd Moser , I . G . Bro . G . B . Brodie , who was unavoidably absent , was a PPomted S .
ere ¦ ' ^ £ LGRAVE NINNIS , W . C . N ., said he was sure he should be ex-P essing the wishes of the brethren if he proposed a vote of thanks to the m » L Cratm 2 Officers , at the same time asking them to accept the honorary mer nbershi p of the lodge , accl P . 0 ? 03 ' ' " was seconded by Bro . KIALLMARK , J ., and carried with
Consecration Of The Matier Lodge Of Royal Ark Mariners, No. 400.
Bro . the Earl of EUSTON returned thanks on his own behalf , and also on behalf of the other officers who had assisted him , for the high honour paid them . As far as he was concerned he felt proud to be an honorary member , and if he could at any time do anything to assist the lodge he should be happy to do all in his power . A Committee was formed to frame the by-laws , and the lodge was closed in the usual manner .
The brethren then adjourned to a banquet at the Holborn Restaurant , at the conclusion of which the customary loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . Bro . BELGRAVE NINNIS , W . C . N ., in proposing "The Grand Master ' s Royal Ark Council , " said that in civil life , when they arrived at the goal of their ambition , they were in the habit of resting on their oars , but as far as he could see , when one arrived at the summit of his ambition in Masonry
and donned the purple , his work really began . It could not be said of the brethren included in this toast— " They toil not , neither do they spin . " He should couple with the toast the name of Bro . Matier . after whom their lodge was named . He need hardly say that should any brother have occasion to visit 8 A , Red Lion-square they would always find Bro . Matier or others read y to give any information , and always find the same geniality and readiness to oblige which characterised Bro . Matier .
Bro . C . F . MATIER , in reply , said the encomiums passed upon himself that night , in the first place by Bro . the Earl of Euston in the lodge room , and , secondly , by the W . C . N ., were so great , as to make a much more modest man than- himself blush . He only trusted he should deserve the compliments so undeservedly heaped upon him . As regards the members of the Council , they were the governing body of the Order , and all
warrants were referred to them , and in the first place to the President . At the present moment they were without a President , owing to the lamented death of the late Bro . Rev . Canon Portal . He would reveal a secret , which , however , was now an open one , and say that the vacant office would soon be filled by one whom the brethren that night had to thank for the sue cessful launching of their ship . Bro . the Earl of Euston had been
nominated by H . R . H . the Prince of Wales to succeed the late Bro . Canon Portal , and in lamenting him who had gone , they had also to congratulate the distinguished brother who would fill the post . He felt flattered at that lodge bearing his name . He would it was one more distinguished , but it could never bear the name of one who had the Order more at heart than their humble servant who addressed them .
The W . C . N . next proposed " Tne Consecrating Officers , " observing that there was not the slighest need for him to enter at length upon the ceremony at which they had been present , nor was it neccessary for him to enter into the Masonic biography of their esteemed and worthy Consecrating Officer . The deeds of the Earl of Euston were known to all Masons , for during the last few years he had been the envy of all good
Masons , and an example for them to do their utmost lor Masonry . His deeds were chronicled in the annals of the various Grand Lodges . The brethren , that evening , thanked him and the other officers for what they had done , and they trusted that the foundation laid would result in success . They also hoped that the Earl of Euston would have no cause to regret having launched their ship .
Bro . the Earl of EUSTON , S . G . W ., thanked the W . C . N , most heartil y for the way in which he had proposed the toast , and the manner in which the brethren had received it . He could only assure them that the remarks made about him were far beyond what ought to have been made , for he had only done his duty , the performance of which was a great pleasure . He hoped that the Craft of which the keel had been laid that night , and the Craft generally , would prosper so long as the world remained .
They were promised , and were frequently reminded , that the world would never be done away with by a Hood . Whether it would be done away with by other means was a thing which would take cleverer heads than his to discover , and as far as he was concerned he should not take the trouble to try to ascertain . He was contented to believe there was a future for himself and others beyond this world . He should look back upon that occasion with pleasure , and he thanked them for the way they had proposed and received the toast of his health .
"The Health of the W . C . N . " was next given by Bro . the Earl of EUSTON , who said he was sure it would be received with hearty acclamation , particularly as this was a new lodge and the members had selected Bro . Belgrave Ninnis to be the first ruler of this Craft that had been launched on the sea of Masonry . It would ill become him to say anything too flattering or too fulsome , but he would say that the members had chosen
a man whom they could all look up to , and who had proved himself , not only in Masonry , but also in the service of his Queen and country , which was the first duty of every man . When they saw a man going voluntarily into bad climates to serve his country , they could look confidently forward to that man doing well whatever he undertook . He proposed the health
of the W . C . N , with all hearty good wishes for a pleasant year of office . Bro . BELGRAVE NINNIS , W . C . N ., thanked Bro . the Earl of Euston for his flattering remarks , and the brethren for their cordial reception of the toast . He hoped , and had every reason to believe from what he knew of the majority who had joined , for they had joined him in more than one other affair , that they would be the same happy family here as in other places .
The health of the brethren who had been elevated into the Degree was next g iven from the chair , and responded to by Bros . PURCHAS and KIALLMARK . The W . C . N , next proposed "The Health of Bro . Vincent , " whom he thanked for the very able manner in which he had performed the ceremony of elevation , for all Masons knew how much depended upon the performance of the various ceremonies .
Bro . W , VINCENT returned sincere thanks , and said it was particularly appropriate that he should have the opportunity of elevating the members ot this Matier Lodge , for all he knew he had learned from Bro . Matier himself . To that brother he owed what he knew in Ark Masonry , and it was always a pleasure to do whatever he could to assut .
Bro . LENNOX BROWNE , S . D ., replied for " The Officers , " and said that as gratitude was sometimes an indication of favours to come , this compliment was to the officers an incentive to do their duty in the offices to which they had been appointed . The Warder ' s toast closed a pleasant evening .
BERKELEY HOTEL ( late St . James s ) , 1 , Berkeley-street and 77 , Piccadilly , London , W . First class accommodation for residents , with a Restaurant newlyattached for high class luncheons and dinners , at fixed prices " and a la carte . —C . DIETTE , Manager . [ ADVT . ]
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
United Grand Lodge Of England.
v , wt cfio C Kempton , P . M . 1287 , A . H . Tattershall , P . M . 140 , I . Dixon , I rb ' v & l R- Griggs , P . M . 228 , and W . H . Hubbert , P . M . 1625 , nomi-Z ' bv Bro . J . Clever , P . M . 12 . n List of lodges for which Warrants have been granted by the M . W . r and Master since the last Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge : — Mo 2103 , The Trentham Lodge , Trentham , Victoria . 2 W 4 , ' The Mooroopua Lodge , Mooroopua , Victoria . " 2305 , ' The Stour Lodge , Ashford , Kent . " 0306 , Toowong Lodge , Toowong , Queensland . " ' £ 07 ' , The Friendship Lodge , Ajmere , Bombay . " 2308 , The Viator Lodge , Fleet-street . " 2 " 00 , The George Gardner Lodge , Datchett , Buckinghamshire . " 2310 , ' The London Scottish Rifles Lodge , Golden-square . " ? -n ' The Saint Alkmund Lodge , Whitchurch , Shropshire . " " ' .
Mark Grand Lodge.
The following is the business to be transacted on Tuesday , the 4 th inst .: 1 . Read , and if approved , confirm minutes of Grand Lodge held on 6 th December , 18 S 8 , and Special Grand Lodge held on 5 th March , 1889 . 2 . Report of the General Board . ¦ 3 . A motion will be made that the report be received and entered on the
minutes . 4 . Recommendations arising out or the report . ( a ) That in the Colonies and Dependencies of the British Crown the title of " Provincial Grand Lodge " should be changed to " District Grand Lodge , " and that powers be given to such District Grand Lodges to reeutate the fees payable to their own Funds , subject to the approval of the Board . be conferred the t Worshiful
( b ) That the rank of Past Master on Mos pBro . Chief Justice Way , Grand Master of Free and Accepted Masons of South Australia , and that the Adelaide Lodge , No . 41 , be authorised to carry this resolution into effect . ( c ) Fund of Benevolence relief : — £ 20 to M . A . G ., widow of Bro . I . G .
5 . A motion will be proposed that the Report be adopted . 6 . Installation of M . W . G . M . 7 . Election of Grand Treasurer . Candidate proposed—Bro . Henry Faija , P . G . Stwd ., P . M . 144 , 331 . ( Bro . W . M . Stiles , P . M . 355 , has withdrawn . ) 8 . Appointment and Investiture of Grand Officers . 9 . Nomination by the M . W . G . M . of Six Members to serve on the General Board .
10 . Election , by Grand Lodge , of Five Members to serve on the General Board . List of brethren nominated for the General Board . ( Five only are nominated . ) Bros . Dr . Geo . Mickley , P . M . 97 , P . G . D ., John E . Dawson , Dep . P . G . M . Herts , R . Loveland Loveland , Dep . P . G . M . Hants and Isle
of Wight , and A . F . Godson , M . P ., Prov . G . M . Worcestershire ; nominated by Bros , the Earl of Euston , S . G . W ., Geo . Cooper , P . G . O ., and B . R . Bryant , P . G . Std . Br , ; and Rev . Hayman Cummings , P . G . C , Dep . P . G . M . Kent ; nominated by Bros . Rev . T . Robinson , Prov . G . M . Kent , J . S . Eastes , P . G . O ., and J . G . Podevin , P . Dep . P . G . M . Kent .
Consecration Of The Matier Lodge Of Royal Ark Mariners, No. 400.
The Matier Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners , attached to the Egerton of Tatton Lodge of Mark Master Masons , No . 400 , was consecrated on Thursday , the 23 rd ult ., at the Masonic Hall , 8 A , Red Lien-square , Holborn . The Consecrating Master was Bro . the Right Hon . the Earl of Euston , S . G . W ., assisted by Bros . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , as S . ; C . Fitzgerald Matier ( after whom the lodge is named ) , as j . ; Rev . G . W . Weldon , as
Chap . ; R . Berridge , as D . C ; C H . Driver , as I . G . j and Dr . E . M Lott , as Org . There were also present Bros . F . A . Philbrick , Q . C ., C . F . Hogard , W Vincent , A . Williams , Belgrave Ninnis , VV . C . N . designate ; W . H , Kiallmark , J . designate ; Lennox Browne , W . Thomas , A . W . Peckham , C M . Jessop , W . P . St . L . Chubb , G . Danford Thomas , J . MacGlashan , A . Mostyn , C . Moser , R . Purchas , and W . W . Lee .
A Royal Ark Mariners' lodge having been opened , the following candidates were impressively elevated to the Degree of Royal Ark Mariner by Bro . VV . Vincent : Bros . H . W . Kiallmark , Lennox Browne , W . Thomas , A . W . Peckham , C M . Jessop , W . P . St . L . Chubb , G . Danford Thomas , J . MacGlashan , A . Mostyn , R . Purchas , and W . W . Lee .
the consecration ceremony was next proceeded with , and the Grand Officers having entered in procession , and having been appointed to the various offices pro tern ., the Consecrating Master , Bro . the Earl of Euston , addressed the brethren on the nature of the meeting . He said they were assembled to consecrate a new lodge , and also to pay a high compliment to a brother who was well-known in every branch of the Craft , and most
worth y of the honour , having done his best for the advancement of the Mark and Ark Degrees in particular , and Masonry generally . It was , therefore , a fitting compliment to Bro . Matier to name this lodge after him . He congratulated the founders on the list of candidates who had just been elevated , and greeted them with hearty good wishes , hoping they would rise Jo the height of their ambition . He would proceed to the business by askln g the acting D . C . to read the petition and warrant .
The founders signified their approval of the officers named in these documents , and an eloquent oration on the principles of the R . A . Degree Was delivered by Bro . Rev . G . W . Weldon , acting Chaplain . The lodge was then solemnly dedicated and constituted in the usual
Bro . C . Fitzgerald Matier then assumed the chair , and impressively er "nroned Bro . Belgrave Ninnis as W . C . N . The following officers were ^ Pointed and invested : Bros . H . W . Kiallmark , J . ; A . W . Peckham , a ^" ' ^ " M . Jessop , Sec . ; Lennox Browne , S . D . j Wm . Thomas , J . D . ; nd Moser , I . G . Bro . G . B . Brodie , who was unavoidably absent , was a PPomted S .
ere ¦ ' ^ £ LGRAVE NINNIS , W . C . N ., said he was sure he should be ex-P essing the wishes of the brethren if he proposed a vote of thanks to the m » L Cratm 2 Officers , at the same time asking them to accept the honorary mer nbershi p of the lodge , accl P . 0 ? 03 ' ' " was seconded by Bro . KIALLMARK , J ., and carried with
Consecration Of The Matier Lodge Of Royal Ark Mariners, No. 400.
Bro . the Earl of EUSTON returned thanks on his own behalf , and also on behalf of the other officers who had assisted him , for the high honour paid them . As far as he was concerned he felt proud to be an honorary member , and if he could at any time do anything to assist the lodge he should be happy to do all in his power . A Committee was formed to frame the by-laws , and the lodge was closed in the usual manner .
The brethren then adjourned to a banquet at the Holborn Restaurant , at the conclusion of which the customary loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . Bro . BELGRAVE NINNIS , W . C . N ., in proposing "The Grand Master ' s Royal Ark Council , " said that in civil life , when they arrived at the goal of their ambition , they were in the habit of resting on their oars , but as far as he could see , when one arrived at the summit of his ambition in Masonry
and donned the purple , his work really began . It could not be said of the brethren included in this toast— " They toil not , neither do they spin . " He should couple with the toast the name of Bro . Matier . after whom their lodge was named . He need hardly say that should any brother have occasion to visit 8 A , Red Lion-square they would always find Bro . Matier or others read y to give any information , and always find the same geniality and readiness to oblige which characterised Bro . Matier .
Bro . C . F . MATIER , in reply , said the encomiums passed upon himself that night , in the first place by Bro . the Earl of Euston in the lodge room , and , secondly , by the W . C . N ., were so great , as to make a much more modest man than- himself blush . He only trusted he should deserve the compliments so undeservedly heaped upon him . As regards the members of the Council , they were the governing body of the Order , and all
warrants were referred to them , and in the first place to the President . At the present moment they were without a President , owing to the lamented death of the late Bro . Rev . Canon Portal . He would reveal a secret , which , however , was now an open one , and say that the vacant office would soon be filled by one whom the brethren that night had to thank for the sue cessful launching of their ship . Bro . the Earl of Euston had been
nominated by H . R . H . the Prince of Wales to succeed the late Bro . Canon Portal , and in lamenting him who had gone , they had also to congratulate the distinguished brother who would fill the post . He felt flattered at that lodge bearing his name . He would it was one more distinguished , but it could never bear the name of one who had the Order more at heart than their humble servant who addressed them .
The W . C . N . next proposed " Tne Consecrating Officers , " observing that there was not the slighest need for him to enter at length upon the ceremony at which they had been present , nor was it neccessary for him to enter into the Masonic biography of their esteemed and worthy Consecrating Officer . The deeds of the Earl of Euston were known to all Masons , for during the last few years he had been the envy of all good
Masons , and an example for them to do their utmost lor Masonry . His deeds were chronicled in the annals of the various Grand Lodges . The brethren , that evening , thanked him and the other officers for what they had done , and they trusted that the foundation laid would result in success . They also hoped that the Earl of Euston would have no cause to regret having launched their ship .
Bro . the Earl of EUSTON , S . G . W ., thanked the W . C . N , most heartil y for the way in which he had proposed the toast , and the manner in which the brethren had received it . He could only assure them that the remarks made about him were far beyond what ought to have been made , for he had only done his duty , the performance of which was a great pleasure . He hoped that the Craft of which the keel had been laid that night , and the Craft generally , would prosper so long as the world remained .
They were promised , and were frequently reminded , that the world would never be done away with by a Hood . Whether it would be done away with by other means was a thing which would take cleverer heads than his to discover , and as far as he was concerned he should not take the trouble to try to ascertain . He was contented to believe there was a future for himself and others beyond this world . He should look back upon that occasion with pleasure , and he thanked them for the way they had proposed and received the toast of his health .
"The Health of the W . C . N . " was next given by Bro . the Earl of EUSTON , who said he was sure it would be received with hearty acclamation , particularly as this was a new lodge and the members had selected Bro . Belgrave Ninnis to be the first ruler of this Craft that had been launched on the sea of Masonry . It would ill become him to say anything too flattering or too fulsome , but he would say that the members had chosen
a man whom they could all look up to , and who had proved himself , not only in Masonry , but also in the service of his Queen and country , which was the first duty of every man . When they saw a man going voluntarily into bad climates to serve his country , they could look confidently forward to that man doing well whatever he undertook . He proposed the health
of the W . C . N , with all hearty good wishes for a pleasant year of office . Bro . BELGRAVE NINNIS , W . C . N ., thanked Bro . the Earl of Euston for his flattering remarks , and the brethren for their cordial reception of the toast . He hoped , and had every reason to believe from what he knew of the majority who had joined , for they had joined him in more than one other affair , that they would be the same happy family here as in other places .
The health of the brethren who had been elevated into the Degree was next g iven from the chair , and responded to by Bros . PURCHAS and KIALLMARK . The W . C . N , next proposed "The Health of Bro . Vincent , " whom he thanked for the very able manner in which he had performed the ceremony of elevation , for all Masons knew how much depended upon the performance of the various ceremonies .
Bro . W , VINCENT returned sincere thanks , and said it was particularly appropriate that he should have the opportunity of elevating the members ot this Matier Lodge , for all he knew he had learned from Bro . Matier himself . To that brother he owed what he knew in Ark Masonry , and it was always a pleasure to do whatever he could to assut .
Bro . LENNOX BROWNE , S . D ., replied for " The Officers , " and said that as gratitude was sometimes an indication of favours to come , this compliment was to the officers an incentive to do their duty in the offices to which they had been appointed . The Warder ' s toast closed a pleasant evening .
BERKELEY HOTEL ( late St . James s ) , 1 , Berkeley-street and 77 , Piccadilly , London , W . First class accommodation for residents , with a Restaurant newlyattached for high class luncheons and dinners , at fixed prices " and a la carte . —C . DIETTE , Manager . [ ADVT . ]