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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Kained the coveted honour , he felt that it was the proudest ment of his life . Long before he had become a Mason , if had lomred to join the Craft , being peisuaded that there as something more in it . than met the eye ; and being in i he found that brethren could look to each other for ' ' mpathy . The Masonic Charities illustrated that fact , S ^ A the lives of such men as Bro . Storr illustrated it ana ""• ., t . j . j u _ . .- _ u i _ . L . I . 1 concluded the brethren
further . He by again thanking ' i-he reception they had given to the toast . The W . M . then proposed "The Health of the I . P . M ., " to which Bro . Penney responded . A number of other toasts were proposed , but want of snace forbids the speeches being reported . « lhe Health of the Visitors "was responded to by Bros . Smeath and Wells .
The toast of "The Past Masters " brought-up Bros . Stamp fer and Arnold , and the Senior Warden replied for The Officers of the Lodge , " and then the Tyler ' s toast closed the proceedings , which had been very pleasantly varied with songs and recitations , contributed by Bros .
Seymour Smith , White , and other brethren . Among the visitors present on this occasion were Bros . C . H . Stone , I . G . 507 : W . A . Smea'h , P . M . 120 S , P . P . A . G . P- Kent ; H . J . Wheeler , 72 ; John James Wright , I P M . 120 S ; J . L . Corner , P . M . S 60 ; James Terry , p G . S . B . ; C . A . Wells , P . M . 15 ; and E . C . Massey .
SURBITON LODGE ( No . 2146 ) . —The installation ceremony in connection with this lodge took place on the 21 st ult . at the new Surbiton Assembly Rooms . There were present 34 members and 'he following visitors : Bros , lohn Drewett , W . M . SSg ; C . Hogg , W . M . 1872 ; W . 1 Potter , W . M . 1793 ; J . Squire , P . M . 3 ; R . Rowlands , D . C . 1658 ; A . Ru-hbridge , SS 9 ; W . Murray , 95 ; F .
W''rn , 704 ; and J . Mayo , 1614 and 2222 . The officers invested for the year are as follows : Bros , F P Hill , W . M . ; A . Wilson , l . P . M . ; S . Hewett , s ' w . ; T . W . Allen , J . W . ; R . S . Hart , P . M ., Treas . ; A Storr , " P . M ., Sec ; T . H . Beck , S . D . ; G . F . Budden , J . D . ; W . W . Wakeford , I . G . ; W . McMillan , D . C . ; and J . Hill , P . M ., Org . Letters were read from
Bro . Fredk . West , P . G . D ., D . P . G . M . Surrey , and other brethren , regretting their inability to be present . The installation ceremony was most efficiently performed by Bro . A . W . Wilson , l . P . M . At the subsequent banquet , a somewhat lengthy toast list was quickly run through , the newly-elected W . M . evidently believing in the truth of the old adage that
brevity is the soul of wit in after-dinner speeches . The usual loyal toasts having had due honour accorded to them , That of "The P . G . M . in charge , Bro . Fredk . West , P . G . D ., and the Provincial Grand Officers , Present and Past , " was given , and with it was coupled the name of Bro . lohn Drewett , W . M . S 8 q , who , in responding , said he
felt flattered at his name being eoupled with the toast of the P . G . Officers . No one , he said , could regret more than the visitors of the Surbiton Lodge that they were deprived of the services of that eminent and useful brother General Brownrigg , who had left this mortal sphere . They had also to regret the absence of Bro . West , who had not been able to be present that evening .
Bro . Drewett stated that he represented , peihaps , the lowest rung of the ladder in the High Order , and he wished to express the willingness of the brethren at all times to do their duty , and he humorously alluded to the well-known anerdote of the bricklayer ' s labourer who stated that " the fellow at the top did all the work . " Bro . Drewett , in conclusion , said he took upon himself a
great deal of credit and honour to think that his name had been coupled with that toast . The Installing Master , Bro . Wilson , in proposing the toast of "The W . M ., Bro . Francis P . Hill , " said he felt sure that in the newly-elected W . M . they had one who would do his work in a manner most creditable to the Surbiton Lodge , and who would , on completing his year
of office , leave the chair with the feeiing that he had won the approval of his brethren in the lodge . The W . M ., in reply , expressed his hearty thanks for the kind manner in which his health had been proposed , and trusted his year of office would prove a prosperous one . The W . M ., in a few well-chosen sentences , then presented Bro . Wilson with a P . M . 's jewel .
Bro . Wilson , in tendering his thanks for this mark of appreciation , urged upon the brethren the necessity of working together in that love and harmony which should at all times characterise the working of a lodge . ( An unique compliment was paid to Bro . Wilson by the brethren singing " For he ' s a jolly good fellow , " and may aPtly be described as "Surbiton honours . " )
With the toast of "The Visitors" was coupled the James ol Bros . James Squire , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B ., and Hogg , W . M . St . Margaret ' s Lodge . Pro . Squire , in returning thanks , said he had never witnessed an installation ceremony better performed . Bro . Hogg also expressed his admiration at the perfect working of the lodge , saying that Shakespeare ' s words—You have deserved high commendation "—were pecu"arly appropriate to the retiring W . M ., and he hoped the new Master would follow in the footsteps of his predecessor , and when he laid down the gavel that none of the brethren ou "J'epent ot having conferred the greatest honour it was Possible to confer on one of its members , viz ., placing him > n the chair of K . S . Bro . Dr . C . C . Gibbes , P . M ., P . P . J . G . D . ( to whom the P , f I ° f the lodge is mainly due ) , lesponded for "The heh 11 ters of the Lodge , " and said that this lodge , which hel ped to found , had been more than a success , and had t J . £ eeded his expectations . He reminded the brethten ^ tne success of a lodge depended on its individual memcar >\? that there were few lodges in the kingdom so parjle of working the ceremonies as the Surbiton Lodge . cm h quoted the fabIe of the bundle of & til - > and to eti ES 1 Eed ' desirability of members hanging together he I , r j P Perity , and should friction arise at any time , c j > oped they would think of the bundle of sticks .
ereif 0- 1 Hait , P . M ., Treasurer , said it afforded him that s | aSUre t 0 do what he had done for the lodge ' held K s as trley honoured him with the position he abilit y W ° Uy t 0 £ ulfil the duties t 0 the best of his the fooff retary ' Bro' A-Storr > PM felt that in following to be abl 1 ? '0 ne w '10 nad so ab '^ dune ms vvor ' ^ ^ oped and H , „ 1 J "" his duties with satisfaction to the brethren u tne lod ge in general .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Bros . Hewitt , S . W ., and AlIen , 'J . W ., suitably responded to the toast of " The Officers of the Lodge . " The Tyler ' s toast brought the very happy evening to an end . The various toasts were interspersed with songs and
glees artistically rendered by Messrs . Charles Dungate , Maskell-Hardy , and David Harding , principal soloists of H . M . Chapel Royal , Hampton Court Palace ( of which choir the W . M . is a member ) , assisted by Mr . Herbert Hart and Mr . J . H . Martin , with Bro . Sebastian Hart at the piano . ANGLO-AMERICAN LODGE ( No . 2191 ) . — The second regular meeting of the session was held at the Criterion , Piccadilly , S . W ., on the 21 st ult ., when there were present Bros . A . Clark , W . M . j Dr . J . J . Wedgwood , acting as l . P . M . ; Fred . Kedge , S . W . ; j . J . Woolley , J . W . ( in the absence of Bro . T . H . Tilton ) ; J . B . Cumming , Treas . ; G . Reynolds , Sec ; W . Hancock , acting as S . D . ; James Rowe , acting as J . D . ; Wilkie H .
Jones , I . G . ; J . A . Collings , acting as Org . ; James Woodward and A . Harris , Stwds . ; R . F . Potter , Tyler ; C . O . Burgess , B . R . Paul , Elias Jessurun , C . G . Rotter , F . Jackson , W . R . Stretton , A . Mella , G . P . Bertini , G . A . Berholz , C . Hirsch , E . A . Ronaasen , T . W . Donald , W . Lincoln , Dr . G . A . Tucker , J . Coltart , W . J . Thrussell , Frank L . Clark , Curtis D'AIton , and others . Visitors :
Bros . Dr . J . Walter Park , S . W . 570 , Pa ., U . S . A . ; Matthew T . Gay , 27 , N . J .. U . S . A . ; E . P . Case , W . M . 32 , Minn ., U . S . A . ; Arnold Fenwick , P . M . 25 , Montreal , Canada ; F . A . Philbrick , G . R . ; Wri g ht Barringer , 1614 ; Angelico Cogliati , 1559 ; F . M . Goldstein , 1563 ; J . Webb , P . M . 1707 ; J . A . Collings , Org . 1693 ; E . Francis , S . D . 917 : A . Hamilton , l . P . M . 917 ; J . R .
Reid , 970 ; N . Green , P . M . 1962 ; G . J . Baker , 869 ; A . Crawley , G . Bokenham , 1962 ; J . M . Richarh , 3 ; and F . M . Noakes , 214 S . The lodge was opened , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The Treasurer's report was read . Letters of regret at not being able to be present were read from Bros . Brackstone Baker , l . P . M . ; Major Geo .
Lambert , P . M . ; Rev . J . S . Brownrigg , Chap . ; G . H . Reynolds , J . D . ; H . W . Schartau , Org . ; and many others . Bro . G . Reynolds , Sec , also read letters from the M . W . Grand Master of Maryland , Bro . T . J . Shryock , and Bro . Charles E . Meyer , of Philadelphia , saying that they hoped to visit the lodge during the summer . He informed the brethren that a telegram had been sent to
the M . W . the Grand Master of New York , Bro . Frank Lawrence , from the lodge , sending " Hearty good wishes " and congratulations on the celebration ( 24 th April , 1889 ) of their Masonic Hall being freed from debt ; to which the following reply had been received : " Masonic Hall , New York , " April 25 th , 1 S 89 .
" R . W . Brackstone Baker , " Freemasons' Hall , England . " Dear Sir and Brother , " The Grand Master directs me to express his cordial and hearty thanks for your kind telegram of the 24 th inst . —Fraternally yours , " E . M . L . EHLERS ,
" Grand Secretary . " A ballot was taken for Mr . Curtis D'AIton , as an initiate , which proved unanimous , and he , being in attendance , was initiated . Bro . S . Spooner , 1470 , was unanimously elected a joining member . Bros . G . A . Berholz , W . J . Thrussell , E . Jessurun , and C . G . Rotter were passed to the Degree of F . C ., and Bro . T . W . Barringer was raised to the
Degree of a M . M ., at the request of the W . M . of 1614 . Bio . F . Kedge , S . W ., was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuingyear , also Bro . J . B . Cumming , Treasurer , and Bro . R . F . Po'ter , Tyler . Bros . J . H . Meyer , F . Jackson , and J . B . Grieve were unanimously elected Auditors to audit the accounts for the past year . A P . M . ' s jewel was unanimously voted to Bro . Clark , W . M ., for the excellent
services he had rendered to the lodge during his past year of office , being proposed by Bro . J . B . Cumming , Treas ., and seconded by Bro . G . Reynolds , Sec . A vote of condolence and sympathy to Mrs . J . Rayner in the sad loss she had sustained by the death of her late husband , Bro . J . Rayner , was proposed by Bro . G . Reynolds , Sec , and seconded by Bro . F . Kedge , S . W ., the same to be entered on the minutes .
All Masonic business being ended , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Prince ' s Room , where an excellent repast was served by * Bro . G . P . Bertini , assisted by Mr . Hoogen . After the removal of the cloth , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . Bro . F . A . Philbrick , G . R ., responded to the toast of
"The Grand Officers " in a feeling speech . The toast of "The American Visiting Brethren " was replied to by Bros . Dr . J . W . Park , M . T . Gay , E . P . Case , and A . Fenwick in characteristic speeches . The remaining toasts , consisting of "The Worshipful
Master , " "The Visitors , " "The Treasurer and Secretary , " and "The Officers , " were also given and responded to . The Tyler's toast brought a most successful meeting to a close . The toasts were interspersed with some excellent songs by Bro . Curtis D'AIton , the initiate , and others .
SHIPLEY . —Airedale Lodge ( No . 387 ) . —This lodge had a very successful opening of the new rooms at the Institute , at Sa . taire , near Bradford , on Wednesday , the 15 th ult ., when , upwards of 100 brethren and visitors attended . The W . M ., Bro . John Symonds , was supported by Bros . Henry Smith , P . M ., Dep . P . G . M . ; Wm . Oddy , l . P . M . ; R . VV . Curran , S . W . ; K . T . Bryden , J . W .,- H .
Mitchell , P . M ., Sec ; John Hey , P . M ., Treas . ; S . A . Auty , P . M ., Chap . ; J . S . Rhodes , S . D . ; R . Knight , J . D . ; G . J . Mnrgan , I . G . j J . Ramsden Uiley , P . M ., P . P . G . D . of C ; T . Denby , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C ; C . Howroyd , P . M ., P . P . A . G . D . C ; C Roebuck , P . M . ; E . Heaton , P . M . ; S . Minaken , P . M . ; E . Bottomley , P . M . ; and a goodly number of the brethren . There was a long array of visitors , and amongst them were Bros . J . R . Weinman , P . M .
600 , P . G . D . C . ; C . M . WiLon , P . M . 974 , P . G . R . j J . J . Rutherford , P . M . 1545 , P . G . S . B . ; fr . NichoUon , P . M . 1034 , P . P . G . O . ; J . Freeman , W . M . 1648 ; S . A . Baiey , P . M . 1648 ; J . W . Barber , P . M . 1648 ; J . Bell , P . M . 1545 ; W . J . Waugh , l . P . M . 1545 ; Rev . B . Mayon , Chap . 974 , P . P . G . C . Warwickshire ; J . C . Crocker , S . D . 302 ; Hattley , 302 ; Rev . J . N . Lee , Chap . 2035 ; and many others . The lodge having been opened , the minutes of thc last
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
meeting were read and confirmed . The D . P . G . M ., Bro . Henry Smith , entered , and was saluted by the brethren . The ballot was then taken for Mr . Hugh Kershaw , which proved unanimous , and he was initiated in a very efficient manner by the W . M ., who was ably assisted by his officers , the J . W . explaining the working tools , and the S . W . giving the charge .
The D . P . G . M ., in acknowledging the salutation of the brethren , complimented the W . M . and officers on the efficient manner in which the business of the lodge had been conducted , and expressed the pleasure it gave him , after nearly 40 years' connection with the lodge ( the chair of which he occupied in 1857 ) , * ° present at the opening of the lodge at the splendid rooms to which they had
just removed . He stated he had also been present many years ago . when the lodge removed from Baildon to the rooms in Kirkgate , Shipley , and again when , 10 years ago , it changed to the Masonic Hall at Well Croft , bhipley , and he was glad to be able to . state that the removal in each instance had been to the advantage of the 1 jdge . He also remarked that he would be happy to report to the P . G . M .
( who was on the Continent ) of the successful meeting that evening , as well as on the satisfactory condition of the lodge . After " Hearty good wishes " from the visitors and brethren , the lodge was closed , and an adjournment made to refreshment in the new dining hall . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts had been duly honoured , Bro . C . Cromack proposed "The Health of the
Initiate . The toast was heartily received , and responded to'by Bro . Kershaw , who expressed the gratification he had experienced on being initiated into Freemasonry , which had been his desire for several years . Bro . J . Ramsden Riley , P . M , P . P . G . D . C , in proposing the toast of " The Visitors , " expressed th « pleasure it
gave the W . M . and brethren to ste the D . P . G M ., with several other Present and Past Prov . Grand Officers and such a large number of visitors , present that evenins on the occasion of the opening of their new rooms , to all of whom they accorded a most hearty welcome . The toast was received in an enthusiastic manner , and was responded to by Bros . J . R . Welsman , P . M ., P G . D .
of C . j C . M . Wilson , P . M ., P . G . Reg ; and H . Brown , 1545 ; and in doing so they congratulated the W . M . upon the splendid suite of rooms the lodge now occupied , and complimented him on the manner in which he had discharged the duties of the chair , and they all joined in wishing the lodge prosperity in the new premises . " The Health of the W . M . " was eloquently proposed by Bro . W . J . Waugh , l . P . M . 1545 , and heartily received by
the brethren and visitors . In responding , the W . M . expressed the pride and pleasure it had afforded him to preside over such a large gathering of his brethren on such an auspicious occasion . He remarked that he was the first initiate at the removal of the lodge to the premises they had just vacated—10 years ago—and it appeared somewhat of a coincidence that he should be the Master at the time of the removal from
the same premises . Other toasts followed , and a very enjoyable evening was spent . ———CROYDON . —Frederick Lodge of Unity ( No . 452 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on the 21 st ult ., at the Masonic Hall . Present : Bros . D . R . Wise , W . M . j C . G . Scott , P . M ., acting S . W . ; C M .
Ohren , P . M ., acting J . W . j Magnus Ohren , P . M . and Treas . j James Waterman , S . D . j Aubrey M . Ohren , J . D . ; W . F . Payne , I . G . ; Harold Levett , Steward ; A . J . Dickinson , P . M . j A . T . Jeffery , P . M . ; and VV . Geo . Hunter , P . M . Amongst the visitors were Bros . H . E . Poole , 2030 , and John Rhodes , P . P . G . Org . Letters , messages , and telegrams were laid before the
lodge from Bros . W . Sugg , P . M . ; ] . W . Sugg , P . M . ; F . A . Manning , P . M . ; J . C . F . W . Rogers , P . M . j W . G . Batchelor , P . M . j H . E . Frances , P . M ., Sec . j Wm . Ackland , J . W . ; and W . King , Steward . The W . M . drew attention to the fact that the lodge was draped in black , and the brethren wore the emblems of mourning , and referred in feeling terms to the great loss
the province had sustained by the death ot Bro . General Brownrigg , their late Provincial Grand Master , and moved that a letter of condolence be forwarded to his widow and family , expressing the sorrow of the members of the lodge , and their deep sympathy with the family in this their time of trouble . This was seconded by Bro . Magnus Ohren , and carried unanimously .
The other Masonic business having been got through , the W . M . stated that he had a pleasing duty to perform , , viz ., the presentation to the Treasurer , Bro . Magnus Ohren , of a large photographic portrait of himself , which had been subscribed for by the members of the lodge as a mark of their respect and esteem . The W . M . referred to the eminent services Bro . Ohren had rendered to Freemasonry in
general , as well as to that lodge in particular , for a long series of years . Bro . Ohren joined the lodge in 1 S 67 , and had since that time promoted the welfare of the lodge in every way . He had been the Secretary for many years , and for the last nine years the Treasurer . This being the first meeting after the jubilee of the lodge , the brethren had availed themselvesof the favourable opportunity for
marking so important an event . Bro . Magnus Ohren , in accepting the portrait , said he fully appreciated the sentiments expressed by the W . M . and the fraternal goodwill of the members—of those present , as well as those who sent their fraternal greetings . Many of the members present had been introduced by him into the lodge , and , as he felt sure that it would be a
pleasure to many to look upon the portrait of an old friend after he bad been called " to the Grand Lodge above , " he hoped that the brethren would allow the portrait to remain in the lodge and become the lodge propeity , that he might leave behind him a reminder of one who had spent so many happy hours with them in the lodge . He assured them he should ever remember their
great kindness to him , and feel honoured by knowing that they would have the portrait hung in the lodge as a memento of that day ' s presentation . This was unanimously agreed to , and , the lodge being closed , the brethren sat down to one of those nice little
dinners al . vays provided for this lodge , and a very agree , able evening was passed . The proceedings were enlivened b y songs and recitations by the W . M ., Bros . Charles and Aubrey Ohien , Harold Levett , and others , Bro . John Rhodes , the Prov . G . Org ., presiding at the piano . The Tyler ' s toast closed the proceedings .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Kained the coveted honour , he felt that it was the proudest ment of his life . Long before he had become a Mason , if had lomred to join the Craft , being peisuaded that there as something more in it . than met the eye ; and being in i he found that brethren could look to each other for ' ' mpathy . The Masonic Charities illustrated that fact , S ^ A the lives of such men as Bro . Storr illustrated it ana ""• ., t . j . j u _ . .- _ u i _ . L . I . 1 concluded the brethren
further . He by again thanking ' i-he reception they had given to the toast . The W . M . then proposed "The Health of the I . P . M ., " to which Bro . Penney responded . A number of other toasts were proposed , but want of snace forbids the speeches being reported . « lhe Health of the Visitors "was responded to by Bros . Smeath and Wells .
The toast of "The Past Masters " brought-up Bros . Stamp fer and Arnold , and the Senior Warden replied for The Officers of the Lodge , " and then the Tyler ' s toast closed the proceedings , which had been very pleasantly varied with songs and recitations , contributed by Bros .
Seymour Smith , White , and other brethren . Among the visitors present on this occasion were Bros . C . H . Stone , I . G . 507 : W . A . Smea'h , P . M . 120 S , P . P . A . G . P- Kent ; H . J . Wheeler , 72 ; John James Wright , I P M . 120 S ; J . L . Corner , P . M . S 60 ; James Terry , p G . S . B . ; C . A . Wells , P . M . 15 ; and E . C . Massey .
SURBITON LODGE ( No . 2146 ) . —The installation ceremony in connection with this lodge took place on the 21 st ult . at the new Surbiton Assembly Rooms . There were present 34 members and 'he following visitors : Bros , lohn Drewett , W . M . SSg ; C . Hogg , W . M . 1872 ; W . 1 Potter , W . M . 1793 ; J . Squire , P . M . 3 ; R . Rowlands , D . C . 1658 ; A . Ru-hbridge , SS 9 ; W . Murray , 95 ; F .
W''rn , 704 ; and J . Mayo , 1614 and 2222 . The officers invested for the year are as follows : Bros , F P Hill , W . M . ; A . Wilson , l . P . M . ; S . Hewett , s ' w . ; T . W . Allen , J . W . ; R . S . Hart , P . M ., Treas . ; A Storr , " P . M ., Sec ; T . H . Beck , S . D . ; G . F . Budden , J . D . ; W . W . Wakeford , I . G . ; W . McMillan , D . C . ; and J . Hill , P . M ., Org . Letters were read from
Bro . Fredk . West , P . G . D ., D . P . G . M . Surrey , and other brethren , regretting their inability to be present . The installation ceremony was most efficiently performed by Bro . A . W . Wilson , l . P . M . At the subsequent banquet , a somewhat lengthy toast list was quickly run through , the newly-elected W . M . evidently believing in the truth of the old adage that
brevity is the soul of wit in after-dinner speeches . The usual loyal toasts having had due honour accorded to them , That of "The P . G . M . in charge , Bro . Fredk . West , P . G . D ., and the Provincial Grand Officers , Present and Past , " was given , and with it was coupled the name of Bro . lohn Drewett , W . M . S 8 q , who , in responding , said he
felt flattered at his name being eoupled with the toast of the P . G . Officers . No one , he said , could regret more than the visitors of the Surbiton Lodge that they were deprived of the services of that eminent and useful brother General Brownrigg , who had left this mortal sphere . They had also to regret the absence of Bro . West , who had not been able to be present that evening .
Bro . Drewett stated that he represented , peihaps , the lowest rung of the ladder in the High Order , and he wished to express the willingness of the brethren at all times to do their duty , and he humorously alluded to the well-known anerdote of the bricklayer ' s labourer who stated that " the fellow at the top did all the work . " Bro . Drewett , in conclusion , said he took upon himself a
great deal of credit and honour to think that his name had been coupled with that toast . The Installing Master , Bro . Wilson , in proposing the toast of "The W . M ., Bro . Francis P . Hill , " said he felt sure that in the newly-elected W . M . they had one who would do his work in a manner most creditable to the Surbiton Lodge , and who would , on completing his year
of office , leave the chair with the feeiing that he had won the approval of his brethren in the lodge . The W . M ., in reply , expressed his hearty thanks for the kind manner in which his health had been proposed , and trusted his year of office would prove a prosperous one . The W . M ., in a few well-chosen sentences , then presented Bro . Wilson with a P . M . 's jewel .
Bro . Wilson , in tendering his thanks for this mark of appreciation , urged upon the brethren the necessity of working together in that love and harmony which should at all times characterise the working of a lodge . ( An unique compliment was paid to Bro . Wilson by the brethren singing " For he ' s a jolly good fellow , " and may aPtly be described as "Surbiton honours . " )
With the toast of "The Visitors" was coupled the James ol Bros . James Squire , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B ., and Hogg , W . M . St . Margaret ' s Lodge . Pro . Squire , in returning thanks , said he had never witnessed an installation ceremony better performed . Bro . Hogg also expressed his admiration at the perfect working of the lodge , saying that Shakespeare ' s words—You have deserved high commendation "—were pecu"arly appropriate to the retiring W . M ., and he hoped the new Master would follow in the footsteps of his predecessor , and when he laid down the gavel that none of the brethren ou "J'epent ot having conferred the greatest honour it was Possible to confer on one of its members , viz ., placing him > n the chair of K . S . Bro . Dr . C . C . Gibbes , P . M ., P . P . J . G . D . ( to whom the P , f I ° f the lodge is mainly due ) , lesponded for "The heh 11 ters of the Lodge , " and said that this lodge , which hel ped to found , had been more than a success , and had t J . £ eeded his expectations . He reminded the brethten ^ tne success of a lodge depended on its individual memcar >\? that there were few lodges in the kingdom so parjle of working the ceremonies as the Surbiton Lodge . cm h quoted the fabIe of the bundle of & til - > and to eti ES 1 Eed ' desirability of members hanging together he I , r j P Perity , and should friction arise at any time , c j > oped they would think of the bundle of sticks .
ereif 0- 1 Hait , P . M ., Treasurer , said it afforded him that s | aSUre t 0 do what he had done for the lodge ' held K s as trley honoured him with the position he abilit y W ° Uy t 0 £ ulfil the duties t 0 the best of his the fooff retary ' Bro' A-Storr > PM felt that in following to be abl 1 ? '0 ne w '10 nad so ab '^ dune ms vvor ' ^ ^ oped and H , „ 1 J "" his duties with satisfaction to the brethren u tne lod ge in general .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Bros . Hewitt , S . W ., and AlIen , 'J . W ., suitably responded to the toast of " The Officers of the Lodge . " The Tyler ' s toast brought the very happy evening to an end . The various toasts were interspersed with songs and
glees artistically rendered by Messrs . Charles Dungate , Maskell-Hardy , and David Harding , principal soloists of H . M . Chapel Royal , Hampton Court Palace ( of which choir the W . M . is a member ) , assisted by Mr . Herbert Hart and Mr . J . H . Martin , with Bro . Sebastian Hart at the piano . ANGLO-AMERICAN LODGE ( No . 2191 ) . — The second regular meeting of the session was held at the Criterion , Piccadilly , S . W ., on the 21 st ult ., when there were present Bros . A . Clark , W . M . j Dr . J . J . Wedgwood , acting as l . P . M . ; Fred . Kedge , S . W . ; j . J . Woolley , J . W . ( in the absence of Bro . T . H . Tilton ) ; J . B . Cumming , Treas . ; G . Reynolds , Sec ; W . Hancock , acting as S . D . ; James Rowe , acting as J . D . ; Wilkie H .
Jones , I . G . ; J . A . Collings , acting as Org . ; James Woodward and A . Harris , Stwds . ; R . F . Potter , Tyler ; C . O . Burgess , B . R . Paul , Elias Jessurun , C . G . Rotter , F . Jackson , W . R . Stretton , A . Mella , G . P . Bertini , G . A . Berholz , C . Hirsch , E . A . Ronaasen , T . W . Donald , W . Lincoln , Dr . G . A . Tucker , J . Coltart , W . J . Thrussell , Frank L . Clark , Curtis D'AIton , and others . Visitors :
Bros . Dr . J . Walter Park , S . W . 570 , Pa ., U . S . A . ; Matthew T . Gay , 27 , N . J .. U . S . A . ; E . P . Case , W . M . 32 , Minn ., U . S . A . ; Arnold Fenwick , P . M . 25 , Montreal , Canada ; F . A . Philbrick , G . R . ; Wri g ht Barringer , 1614 ; Angelico Cogliati , 1559 ; F . M . Goldstein , 1563 ; J . Webb , P . M . 1707 ; J . A . Collings , Org . 1693 ; E . Francis , S . D . 917 : A . Hamilton , l . P . M . 917 ; J . R .
Reid , 970 ; N . Green , P . M . 1962 ; G . J . Baker , 869 ; A . Crawley , G . Bokenham , 1962 ; J . M . Richarh , 3 ; and F . M . Noakes , 214 S . The lodge was opened , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The Treasurer's report was read . Letters of regret at not being able to be present were read from Bros . Brackstone Baker , l . P . M . ; Major Geo .
Lambert , P . M . ; Rev . J . S . Brownrigg , Chap . ; G . H . Reynolds , J . D . ; H . W . Schartau , Org . ; and many others . Bro . G . Reynolds , Sec , also read letters from the M . W . Grand Master of Maryland , Bro . T . J . Shryock , and Bro . Charles E . Meyer , of Philadelphia , saying that they hoped to visit the lodge during the summer . He informed the brethren that a telegram had been sent to
the M . W . the Grand Master of New York , Bro . Frank Lawrence , from the lodge , sending " Hearty good wishes " and congratulations on the celebration ( 24 th April , 1889 ) of their Masonic Hall being freed from debt ; to which the following reply had been received : " Masonic Hall , New York , " April 25 th , 1 S 89 .
" R . W . Brackstone Baker , " Freemasons' Hall , England . " Dear Sir and Brother , " The Grand Master directs me to express his cordial and hearty thanks for your kind telegram of the 24 th inst . —Fraternally yours , " E . M . L . EHLERS ,
" Grand Secretary . " A ballot was taken for Mr . Curtis D'AIton , as an initiate , which proved unanimous , and he , being in attendance , was initiated . Bro . S . Spooner , 1470 , was unanimously elected a joining member . Bros . G . A . Berholz , W . J . Thrussell , E . Jessurun , and C . G . Rotter were passed to the Degree of F . C ., and Bro . T . W . Barringer was raised to the
Degree of a M . M ., at the request of the W . M . of 1614 . Bio . F . Kedge , S . W ., was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuingyear , also Bro . J . B . Cumming , Treasurer , and Bro . R . F . Po'ter , Tyler . Bros . J . H . Meyer , F . Jackson , and J . B . Grieve were unanimously elected Auditors to audit the accounts for the past year . A P . M . ' s jewel was unanimously voted to Bro . Clark , W . M ., for the excellent
services he had rendered to the lodge during his past year of office , being proposed by Bro . J . B . Cumming , Treas ., and seconded by Bro . G . Reynolds , Sec . A vote of condolence and sympathy to Mrs . J . Rayner in the sad loss she had sustained by the death of her late husband , Bro . J . Rayner , was proposed by Bro . G . Reynolds , Sec , and seconded by Bro . F . Kedge , S . W ., the same to be entered on the minutes .
All Masonic business being ended , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Prince ' s Room , where an excellent repast was served by * Bro . G . P . Bertini , assisted by Mr . Hoogen . After the removal of the cloth , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . Bro . F . A . Philbrick , G . R ., responded to the toast of
"The Grand Officers " in a feeling speech . The toast of "The American Visiting Brethren " was replied to by Bros . Dr . J . W . Park , M . T . Gay , E . P . Case , and A . Fenwick in characteristic speeches . The remaining toasts , consisting of "The Worshipful
Master , " "The Visitors , " "The Treasurer and Secretary , " and "The Officers , " were also given and responded to . The Tyler's toast brought a most successful meeting to a close . The toasts were interspersed with some excellent songs by Bro . Curtis D'AIton , the initiate , and others .
SHIPLEY . —Airedale Lodge ( No . 387 ) . —This lodge had a very successful opening of the new rooms at the Institute , at Sa . taire , near Bradford , on Wednesday , the 15 th ult ., when , upwards of 100 brethren and visitors attended . The W . M ., Bro . John Symonds , was supported by Bros . Henry Smith , P . M ., Dep . P . G . M . ; Wm . Oddy , l . P . M . ; R . VV . Curran , S . W . ; K . T . Bryden , J . W .,- H .
Mitchell , P . M ., Sec ; John Hey , P . M ., Treas . ; S . A . Auty , P . M ., Chap . ; J . S . Rhodes , S . D . ; R . Knight , J . D . ; G . J . Mnrgan , I . G . j J . Ramsden Uiley , P . M ., P . P . G . D . of C ; T . Denby , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C ; C . Howroyd , P . M ., P . P . A . G . D . C ; C Roebuck , P . M . ; E . Heaton , P . M . ; S . Minaken , P . M . ; E . Bottomley , P . M . ; and a goodly number of the brethren . There was a long array of visitors , and amongst them were Bros . J . R . Weinman , P . M .
600 , P . G . D . C . ; C . M . WiLon , P . M . 974 , P . G . R . j J . J . Rutherford , P . M . 1545 , P . G . S . B . ; fr . NichoUon , P . M . 1034 , P . P . G . O . ; J . Freeman , W . M . 1648 ; S . A . Baiey , P . M . 1648 ; J . W . Barber , P . M . 1648 ; J . Bell , P . M . 1545 ; W . J . Waugh , l . P . M . 1545 ; Rev . B . Mayon , Chap . 974 , P . P . G . C . Warwickshire ; J . C . Crocker , S . D . 302 ; Hattley , 302 ; Rev . J . N . Lee , Chap . 2035 ; and many others . The lodge having been opened , the minutes of thc last
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
meeting were read and confirmed . The D . P . G . M ., Bro . Henry Smith , entered , and was saluted by the brethren . The ballot was then taken for Mr . Hugh Kershaw , which proved unanimous , and he was initiated in a very efficient manner by the W . M ., who was ably assisted by his officers , the J . W . explaining the working tools , and the S . W . giving the charge .
The D . P . G . M ., in acknowledging the salutation of the brethren , complimented the W . M . and officers on the efficient manner in which the business of the lodge had been conducted , and expressed the pleasure it gave him , after nearly 40 years' connection with the lodge ( the chair of which he occupied in 1857 ) , * ° present at the opening of the lodge at the splendid rooms to which they had
just removed . He stated he had also been present many years ago . when the lodge removed from Baildon to the rooms in Kirkgate , Shipley , and again when , 10 years ago , it changed to the Masonic Hall at Well Croft , bhipley , and he was glad to be able to . state that the removal in each instance had been to the advantage of the 1 jdge . He also remarked that he would be happy to report to the P . G . M .
( who was on the Continent ) of the successful meeting that evening , as well as on the satisfactory condition of the lodge . After " Hearty good wishes " from the visitors and brethren , the lodge was closed , and an adjournment made to refreshment in the new dining hall . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts had been duly honoured , Bro . C . Cromack proposed "The Health of the
Initiate . The toast was heartily received , and responded to'by Bro . Kershaw , who expressed the gratification he had experienced on being initiated into Freemasonry , which had been his desire for several years . Bro . J . Ramsden Riley , P . M , P . P . G . D . C , in proposing the toast of " The Visitors , " expressed th « pleasure it
gave the W . M . and brethren to ste the D . P . G M ., with several other Present and Past Prov . Grand Officers and such a large number of visitors , present that evenins on the occasion of the opening of their new rooms , to all of whom they accorded a most hearty welcome . The toast was received in an enthusiastic manner , and was responded to by Bros . J . R . Welsman , P . M ., P G . D .
of C . j C . M . Wilson , P . M ., P . G . Reg ; and H . Brown , 1545 ; and in doing so they congratulated the W . M . upon the splendid suite of rooms the lodge now occupied , and complimented him on the manner in which he had discharged the duties of the chair , and they all joined in wishing the lodge prosperity in the new premises . " The Health of the W . M . " was eloquently proposed by Bro . W . J . Waugh , l . P . M . 1545 , and heartily received by
the brethren and visitors . In responding , the W . M . expressed the pride and pleasure it had afforded him to preside over such a large gathering of his brethren on such an auspicious occasion . He remarked that he was the first initiate at the removal of the lodge to the premises they had just vacated—10 years ago—and it appeared somewhat of a coincidence that he should be the Master at the time of the removal from
the same premises . Other toasts followed , and a very enjoyable evening was spent . ———CROYDON . —Frederick Lodge of Unity ( No . 452 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on the 21 st ult ., at the Masonic Hall . Present : Bros . D . R . Wise , W . M . j C . G . Scott , P . M ., acting S . W . ; C M .
Ohren , P . M ., acting J . W . j Magnus Ohren , P . M . and Treas . j James Waterman , S . D . j Aubrey M . Ohren , J . D . ; W . F . Payne , I . G . ; Harold Levett , Steward ; A . J . Dickinson , P . M . j A . T . Jeffery , P . M . ; and VV . Geo . Hunter , P . M . Amongst the visitors were Bros . H . E . Poole , 2030 , and John Rhodes , P . P . G . Org . Letters , messages , and telegrams were laid before the
lodge from Bros . W . Sugg , P . M . ; ] . W . Sugg , P . M . ; F . A . Manning , P . M . ; J . C . F . W . Rogers , P . M . j W . G . Batchelor , P . M . j H . E . Frances , P . M ., Sec . j Wm . Ackland , J . W . ; and W . King , Steward . The W . M . drew attention to the fact that the lodge was draped in black , and the brethren wore the emblems of mourning , and referred in feeling terms to the great loss
the province had sustained by the death ot Bro . General Brownrigg , their late Provincial Grand Master , and moved that a letter of condolence be forwarded to his widow and family , expressing the sorrow of the members of the lodge , and their deep sympathy with the family in this their time of trouble . This was seconded by Bro . Magnus Ohren , and carried unanimously .
The other Masonic business having been got through , the W . M . stated that he had a pleasing duty to perform , , viz ., the presentation to the Treasurer , Bro . Magnus Ohren , of a large photographic portrait of himself , which had been subscribed for by the members of the lodge as a mark of their respect and esteem . The W . M . referred to the eminent services Bro . Ohren had rendered to Freemasonry in
general , as well as to that lodge in particular , for a long series of years . Bro . Ohren joined the lodge in 1 S 67 , and had since that time promoted the welfare of the lodge in every way . He had been the Secretary for many years , and for the last nine years the Treasurer . This being the first meeting after the jubilee of the lodge , the brethren had availed themselvesof the favourable opportunity for
marking so important an event . Bro . Magnus Ohren , in accepting the portrait , said he fully appreciated the sentiments expressed by the W . M . and the fraternal goodwill of the members—of those present , as well as those who sent their fraternal greetings . Many of the members present had been introduced by him into the lodge , and , as he felt sure that it would be a
pleasure to many to look upon the portrait of an old friend after he bad been called " to the Grand Lodge above , " he hoped that the brethren would allow the portrait to remain in the lodge and become the lodge propeity , that he might leave behind him a reminder of one who had spent so many happy hours with them in the lodge . He assured them he should ever remember their
great kindness to him , and feel honoured by knowing that they would have the portrait hung in the lodge as a memento of that day ' s presentation . This was unanimously agreed to , and , the lodge being closed , the brethren sat down to one of those nice little
dinners al . vays provided for this lodge , and a very agree , able evening was passed . The proceedings were enlivened b y songs and recitations by the W . M ., Bros . Charles and Aubrey Ohien , Harold Levett , and others , Bro . John Rhodes , the Prov . G . Org ., presiding at the piano . The Tyler ' s toast closed the proceedings .