Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 1 Article ORDERS OF CHIVALRY. Page 1 of 1 Article INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1 Article INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC FESTIVAL at ULVERSTON. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
¦ ^ ¦ ... - ¦¦ . THE CRAFT .
METROPOLITAN . St . Thomas ' s Lodqe No . 142 . —On Saturday , the 17 th ult ., this old lodge held an emergency meeting at Radlcy ' s Hotel , Blackfriars . Bro . J . L . Thomas , W . M ., presided , supported by his officers . After lhe minutes of lhe last regular lodgy had been read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for a gentleman to be initiated , but owing to severe
illness at the last moment he was unable to attend , ballots were then taken for Bros . Captain Brenan ( P . M . 263 , Ireland ) , and C . I . Paton ( S . W . St ., David's , ^ 93 ) , who were duly elected joining members . The W . M . then appointed as Steward of the lodge , Bro . Ilaxell , who had been elected a joining member at last lodge , late of Maybury ( 969 ) . The W . M . then said he had received notice
from the proprietor of the hotel that the house was abont to be pulled down , and that steps must be taken to find accommodation elsewhere . A committee was appointed for the purpose , and an expression of great regret was made at leaving such excellent quarters . The name of a brother having been proposed for joining , and that of a gentleman for initiation , the lodge was closed , and the
brethren adjourned to banquet . Amongst the visitors were the V . W . Bro . John llervey , P . S . G . D . and G . Sec . of England ; Bros . Finney , 255 ; Naylor , SS ; GoodlilTe , 484 , Ireland ; Levander , P . M . 507 ; & c , & c . The usual toasts were given , and Bro . Hcrvey's name was mentioned in eulogistic terms by the W . M . in giving the toast of " The R . W . Deputy Grand Master and the rest of the
Grand Officers ; " and the G . Sec . in responding took occasion to say that though at all times it gave him great pleasure to visit the various lodges , yet never more so than when present at one like St . Thomas ' s , full of old traditions and having members truly cmbued with the spirit of Masonry . The W . M ., in responding to the toast of his health , did so in his usual happy
manner , remarking that any one might be proud of ruling a lodge so ancient as this over which he had been called to preside . It was a happy and united lodge , and although it did not have many initiates , it could claim to have many joining brethren , which he thought , as they must first be visitors , spoke well for its character . He should , therefore , propose " The Health of the Joining Members , "
and said he hoped it would be a toast in the future . In naming them , he said it had given him great pleasure that evening to appoint Bro . Maxell to the only office at his disposal , although only elected a joining member from the Maybury Lodge at the last meeting ; but not being present , he now coupled his name with the toast , which was most cordially received . —Bro . Haxell , in responding ,
said that he had joined them with great pleasure , particularly as he was proposed by , he might say , both by their Secretary and Treasurer , and seconded by the whole lodge . To be sure , the LP . M . had reminded them that a joining member must first have been a visitor , but this was met by the Secretary ' s stating that he ( Bro . Ilaxell ) had done so for some six years past , and this alone was
the drop of bitterness in his election , for now he felt that never again could he rise in his old character and return thanks for their visitors . However , lhe best thing they could do was to steadily invite visitors , and doubtless they would find one more worthy than himself for the task . Expressing his thanks on behalf of himself and the other joining members , and to the W . M . for his appointment lo office , he concluded with a comic song he
had written for the occasion , and which was received with shouts of laughter . —Bros . Ibbetson and Naylor returned thanks for the visitors , expressing the jjre . it pleasure they always felt at being in St . Thomas ' s Lodge , where they were at all limes so cordially received . The Past Masters ' , Treasurer , Hon . Secretary , and Officers' healths having been drank and duly responded to , the Tyler ' s toast brought a very enjoyable evening to a conclusion .
PROVINCIAL . LANCASTER . — Lodge of Fortitude , A o . 2 Sr . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 141 I 1 ultimo , at the Masonic-rooms , Athenaiuni . Lancaster . The chair of K . S . was occupied by lhe W . M ., Bro T . Daniel Moore , M . D ., G . S . B ., . 'ire ., who was supported by the following officers and members : W . Bro .
John Hatch , I . P . M . ; Bro . B . Mills , as S . W . ; Bro . W . Fleming , S . W . ; W . Bro . E . Simpson . P . M . and Sec . ; Bros . E . Airey , S . D . ; John Bell , as J . D . ; J . Harrison , I . G . ; Beeley , Tyler ; R . Taylor and Sumner , Stewards ; J . L . Whimpray , King , and Kellaild , P . M . ' s ; Acton , Bailie , Bradshaw , and . Jleald . Visitors : Bros . Jew Banning , W . M . 343 ; J . I larger , James Taylor , and lames
Bolton , of 1051 . The lodge was formally opened , and the usual business transacted . The W . M . reported that on the previous Wednesday he had attended the Grand Lodge of England , on which occasion ( he M . W . G . M . gave a glowing description of the enthusiastic reception he had met with at the hands of our Transatlantic brethren . In accordance with the notice in the summons convening
the meeting , the W . M . then gave a short address on the ballot in our lodges , explaining its forms , uses , and applications , together with remarks on the manner in which its employment was sometimes misappropriated . The address was listened to with great interest by the brethren , anil a cordial vote of thanks was recorded . The ballot was taken lor a candidate for initiation , who
Was then declared lo be duly . elected . At the ropiest of the W . M , Bro . Jesse Banning , W . M . 3 . 13 , raised Bro , James Taylor , F . C , lo the decree of M . M ., lhe same ceremony being undertaken by Bio . John Hatch , I . P . M ., for Bro . Jas . Bolton , F . C , the traditionary history being given by the W . M ., and the working tools presented in a Vary effective maimer b y Bro . J . L . Whimpray , P . M .
Orders Of Chivalry.
RED CROSS OF CONSTANTINE . Roman Eagle Conclave , No . 6 . —A regular meeting of this conclave was held at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street , on Saturday , the 24 th ult . V . E . Sir Kt . C . H . Rogers-Harrison , 1 st G . Herald , M . P . S ., presided , supported
by Sir Kts . Rev . W . B . Church , M . A ., Viceroy ; H . G . Levander , AT . A ., G . Historiographer , P . S . and Treas . ; A . A . Pendlebury , K . G . C ., Rec . ; W . C . Lucey , M . D ., S . B . ; W . Carpenter , W . B . Hambly , A . C . Morton , W . Worrell , D . R . Adams , and T . L . Fox . Sir Kt . Buhner
was elected a member , after which Bro . Pedro J . Marin , of the Lodge of Sincerity , No . 174 , was regularly admitted and installed a knight of the Order . The conclave was then closed , and the chevaliers adjourned for light refreshment , there being no banquet upon this occasion .
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . Mount Calvary or Early Grand Encampment of England . — -This old encampment celebrated St . John ' s Festival on the 24 th ult . The conclave met first at the Masons' Hall Tavern , Mason ' s-avenue , when Comp . Charles Jacques , of the Mount Sion Chapter , No . 19 ,
was duly installed , after which the members proceeded lo the Mitre Hotel , Hampton Court , where the banquet was held . The E . C . Sir Kt . W . Stone , 30 , presided with his accustomed geniality , and was supported by P . E . C . ' s F . Binckes , 30 ° ; W . Paas , iS ° ; J . G . Chancellor , iS ° ; J . Stohwasser , iS ° ; S . Rosenthal , 33 ° ; and by Sir Kts .
Colonel Burden , 32 ° ; Major E . II . Finney , 31 ; John Hervey , 30 ; E . Baxter ; C . J . Morgan , iS "; D . M . Dewar , lS ° ; Raynham W . Stewart , 18 " ; R . Wcntworlh Little , 18 ° ; E . 11 . Finney , jun ., G . T . Carter , T . W . Distin , C . Jacques , and two or three other members and visitors .
A most interesting meeting—the first , we are informed , of a scries which in the best interests of the Craft we hope to see imitated in every direction—was held in the East of London on Friday evening , lhe 23 rd ult . The J Doric Lodge of Instruction , under the able prcceptorship of Bro . T . J . Barnes , has long held its meetir . gs at Bro . Sciirr ' s , the Three Cranes , Mile End Road , on Friday evenings .
and on the same evenings the Umterl Pilgrims Lodge of Instruction , under the no less able prcceptorship of Bro . Tohn Thomas , has met at Brixton . The members of the respective lodges have occasionally exchanged visits , but in an irregular manner , and the two chiefs having " put ( heir heads together , " resolved to carry out , if passible , a series of meetings which should be attractive and
profitable to their brethren , and which began under most favourable auspices on the above-named evening . Fifteen brethren of the United Pilgrims Lodge having pledged themselves to attend and respectively work a Section , the Doric Lodge met in force under the presidency of Bro . Cundick , the W . M . appointed for that occasion . There were present of the Doric Lodge of Instruction ,
Bros . Cundick , Barnes , Clayton , Verry , Mortlock , Scurr , Austin , John Stevens , Appleby , Berry , J . Davis , S . Davis , Benjamin , Fountain , Shorey , Lacey , Wildash , Kinnell , and others ; and of the United Pilgrims Lodge of Instruction , Bros . John Thomas , Jas . Stevens , E . Worlhington , II . Smith , M . S . Larlbam , T . IT . Pulsford , Martin , Ross , J . Noke . Robards , Poore , Welsford , Geider , Frances ( Sec ) , Hodges , Lilley , Calherwood , Madden , Overall ,
Wright , and others . Bro . Cundick , of lhe Doric , the W . M ., was supported by Bro . Thomas , of the Unite 1 Pilgrims , as S . W ., and each of these brethren was surrounded b y the members of his lodge . After the usual openings , the business of the evening Commenced , and the Fifteen Sections were most ablv worked by members of the United Pil grims Lodge , in the following order : —
Tirst Degree : 1 st Section , Bro . II . Smith . „ 2 nd „ „ T . It . Pulsford . ,, 3 ' > i , » H . Martin . ,, 4 th ,, ,, J . Noke . >> . Vh > . „ B . Robards . >> 6 th ,, „ 'I ' . Pooie .
7 th „ „ M . S . Lnrlham . Second Degree : 1 st ,, ,, II . Ross . > . 2 nd >» ,, James Stevens . 11 3 l ,, ,, F . Geider . , 1 4 'h ,, ,, E . Worthington . 5 " > .. > . H . V . Hodges .
Third Degree : 1 st ,, ,, T . Welsford . ,, 2 nd ,, ,, II . Frances . ,, 3 ' >> > . John Thomas . The absolute perfection with which both the W . M . and the brethren worked may be gathered from the fact that the time occupied was less by half an hour than is generally considered necessary for that purpose .
The thanks of the two lodges were accorded to Bro . Cundick for his able services as Section Master , and lhe thanks of the Doric Lodge was enthusiastically voted to the brethren of the United Pilgrims Lodge of Instruction "for the truly fraternal feeling evinced by them in so promptly accepting the invitation lo work the Fifteen Sections in the Doric Lodge of Instruction on this
occasion . ' This was supplemented by the unanimous election of the fifteen brethren before named a-, honorary members of the Doric , and further by a special vote of thanks to Bro . John Thomas for his assistance in seeming the success of this " novel and pleasing Masonic reunion . " Bros . Thomas , Frances , and Stevens replied on behalf
of their lodge lo these compliments , the first-named brother expressing his pleasure at the result of his agreement will ) liro . Barnes , and the hope thai the return vi--. it of the Doric to lhe Uniie . l Pilgrims would 1 ^ a . ; agreeable to that lod"e as this had been to the U . l ' . ' s , and ' Bro . Stevens hailing
the movement as a step in the right direction towards securing that uniformity of working which he had , in conjunction with others , so strenuously advocated , and the agitation in respect of which , as far at least as he was concerned , was not yet abandoned . The lodge was then closed , and on the invitation of the Doric brethren , the members of the United Pilgrims
partook of supper , and after hearty reciprocations of esteem and good-fellowship , took their places in the "break " which had brought them to the meeting , and drove away in time to reach their respective homes in the south of London before the " witching hour of night . " A more agreeable Masonic meeting we have never yet attended , and the practical usefulness ol such a gathering
is so self-evident that we feel assured the good example thereby set will be followed by our various metropolitan and provincial lodges of instruction . We shall be pleased to insert in our columns ( as requested ) a notice of the date fixed for lhe return visit of the Doric to the United Pilgrims , in order that other members of the Craft may have an opportunity of forming their judgment in respect of the movement .
Masonic Festival At Ulverston.
On Tuesday last , the festival of St . John the Baptist was'held by the Lodge of Furness , No . 995 , at the Temple in Theatre-street , Ulverston , Lancashire . After the usual lodge business had been disposed of , the brethren adjourned to the Queen ' s Hotel , where they sat down to a magnificent supper ,
provided by Bro . Clayton . The table was most elaborately set out . Four large cpergncs , filled with the choicest hot-house flowers , graced the centre of the board , while bouquets and plates of fresh fruit were disposed tastefully at intervals . The bill of fare comprised every delicacy in season , as the following will show : —
White Soup . Soup Julienne . Salmon . Roast Lamb , Roast Beef , Dressed Veal , Spring Chickens , Tongues , Ham , Pies , Boiled Lamb ( caper sauce ) , Lamb a la Gretine . Puddings , Tails , Cheese Cakes , Volouvant , Creams , jellies , Blanc Mange , Savoury Omelettes . Strawberries , Cherries , & C .
After the tables were cleared , the usual loyal and patriotic toasts were duly honoured—those of the Queen and Royal Family being especially acceptable to the Craft from the fact lhat Her Majesty is the daughter , niece , and mother of Masons . —Uro . S . 11 . Jackson responded for the Army , Navy , . and
Volunteers . —T ' he M . W . the Grand Master of England ( the Marquis of Ripon ) and the officers of the Grand Lodge received very flattering attentions on the part of the Worshipful Master , Bro . T . Dodgson , who occupied thechair . —The R . W . P . G . M . Sir T . G . F . Hesketh , Bart , M . P ., and D . RG . M .
Lord Skelmersdale , and the rest of the officers of the P . G . Lodge of West Lancashire , was proposed by Uro . Barber , P . M ., in a humorous way , provocative of good feeling . He incidentally remarked that undoubtedly to dine Masonically was to dine correctly , for at all their assemblies they could boast
that , with a refined and elaborate repast , they combined a rational and harmonious conviviality unattainable by any other body of men . —Bro . J . Case , P . M ., in very complimentary terms , proposed the W . M . of No . 995 , whose zeal , energy , and ability had astonished them all during his year of office . —
Bro . Dodgson responded , modestly referring to his efforts for the good of Masonry . —The Wardens and officers of the lodge was proposed Uro . R . Pearson , who spoke in high terms of their efficiency , upon which the working of the lodge so much depended . —Bro . J . II . Matthews , S . W . responded .
—The W . M . proposed the Past Masters , which was responded to by Bro . J . Case , P . M . —Other toasts and sentiments followed , the most noteworthy being the "Visiting Brethren , " to which Uro . the Rev . W . A . Blake responded , <; Musical Friends , " and the " Host and Hostess . " It is almost superfluous to state that the toasts were all received with that
enthusiasm and esprit de corps known only to the initiated . The assembly broke up after spending a most enjoyable evening . A choice selection of appropriate music was performed in the course of the entertainment in a manner most creditable to those who took part , and which elicited repealed bursts of applause and encores .
REPORT of Dr . Arthur Hill Hassall , Analyst of the "Lancet" Sanitary Commission , Author of " Food and its Adulterations , " & c , & c , on Mayar ' s Semolina : " I have carefully tested , chemically and microscopically , the samples of Semolina sent by Messrs . L . Mayar S : Co ., 35 , Mark Lane , London , E . C . I find them to he perfectly genuine , of excellent quality , and eminently nutritions . They contain a very large percentage of
nitrogenous matter , chiefly gluten , and are far more nutritious than any other food , such as Arrowroot , Tapioca , Sago , Corn Flour , Farinaceous Food , ordinary Wheat Flour , or a ; : y of the Cereals in use as food in this country . — ( Signed ) AuTlICK lfll . L IIASSAM ., M . D ., London . " - - Highly recommended by the Faculty for Infants , Invalids , & c . Makes delicious Pudding , Custards , Blanc Mange , Ac . After a trial no family will be without Mayar ' s Semolina .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
¦ ^ ¦ ... - ¦¦ . THE CRAFT .
METROPOLITAN . St . Thomas ' s Lodqe No . 142 . —On Saturday , the 17 th ult ., this old lodge held an emergency meeting at Radlcy ' s Hotel , Blackfriars . Bro . J . L . Thomas , W . M ., presided , supported by his officers . After lhe minutes of lhe last regular lodgy had been read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for a gentleman to be initiated , but owing to severe
illness at the last moment he was unable to attend , ballots were then taken for Bros . Captain Brenan ( P . M . 263 , Ireland ) , and C . I . Paton ( S . W . St ., David's , ^ 93 ) , who were duly elected joining members . The W . M . then appointed as Steward of the lodge , Bro . Ilaxell , who had been elected a joining member at last lodge , late of Maybury ( 969 ) . The W . M . then said he had received notice
from the proprietor of the hotel that the house was abont to be pulled down , and that steps must be taken to find accommodation elsewhere . A committee was appointed for the purpose , and an expression of great regret was made at leaving such excellent quarters . The name of a brother having been proposed for joining , and that of a gentleman for initiation , the lodge was closed , and the
brethren adjourned to banquet . Amongst the visitors were the V . W . Bro . John llervey , P . S . G . D . and G . Sec . of England ; Bros . Finney , 255 ; Naylor , SS ; GoodlilTe , 484 , Ireland ; Levander , P . M . 507 ; & c , & c . The usual toasts were given , and Bro . Hcrvey's name was mentioned in eulogistic terms by the W . M . in giving the toast of " The R . W . Deputy Grand Master and the rest of the
Grand Officers ; " and the G . Sec . in responding took occasion to say that though at all times it gave him great pleasure to visit the various lodges , yet never more so than when present at one like St . Thomas ' s , full of old traditions and having members truly cmbued with the spirit of Masonry . The W . M ., in responding to the toast of his health , did so in his usual happy
manner , remarking that any one might be proud of ruling a lodge so ancient as this over which he had been called to preside . It was a happy and united lodge , and although it did not have many initiates , it could claim to have many joining brethren , which he thought , as they must first be visitors , spoke well for its character . He should , therefore , propose " The Health of the Joining Members , "
and said he hoped it would be a toast in the future . In naming them , he said it had given him great pleasure that evening to appoint Bro . Maxell to the only office at his disposal , although only elected a joining member from the Maybury Lodge at the last meeting ; but not being present , he now coupled his name with the toast , which was most cordially received . —Bro . Haxell , in responding ,
said that he had joined them with great pleasure , particularly as he was proposed by , he might say , both by their Secretary and Treasurer , and seconded by the whole lodge . To be sure , the LP . M . had reminded them that a joining member must first have been a visitor , but this was met by the Secretary ' s stating that he ( Bro . Ilaxell ) had done so for some six years past , and this alone was
the drop of bitterness in his election , for now he felt that never again could he rise in his old character and return thanks for their visitors . However , lhe best thing they could do was to steadily invite visitors , and doubtless they would find one more worthy than himself for the task . Expressing his thanks on behalf of himself and the other joining members , and to the W . M . for his appointment lo office , he concluded with a comic song he
had written for the occasion , and which was received with shouts of laughter . —Bros . Ibbetson and Naylor returned thanks for the visitors , expressing the jjre . it pleasure they always felt at being in St . Thomas ' s Lodge , where they were at all limes so cordially received . The Past Masters ' , Treasurer , Hon . Secretary , and Officers' healths having been drank and duly responded to , the Tyler ' s toast brought a very enjoyable evening to a conclusion .
PROVINCIAL . LANCASTER . — Lodge of Fortitude , A o . 2 Sr . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 141 I 1 ultimo , at the Masonic-rooms , Athenaiuni . Lancaster . The chair of K . S . was occupied by lhe W . M ., Bro T . Daniel Moore , M . D ., G . S . B ., . 'ire ., who was supported by the following officers and members : W . Bro .
John Hatch , I . P . M . ; Bro . B . Mills , as S . W . ; Bro . W . Fleming , S . W . ; W . Bro . E . Simpson . P . M . and Sec . ; Bros . E . Airey , S . D . ; John Bell , as J . D . ; J . Harrison , I . G . ; Beeley , Tyler ; R . Taylor and Sumner , Stewards ; J . L . Whimpray , King , and Kellaild , P . M . ' s ; Acton , Bailie , Bradshaw , and . Jleald . Visitors : Bros . Jew Banning , W . M . 343 ; J . I larger , James Taylor , and lames
Bolton , of 1051 . The lodge was formally opened , and the usual business transacted . The W . M . reported that on the previous Wednesday he had attended the Grand Lodge of England , on which occasion ( he M . W . G . M . gave a glowing description of the enthusiastic reception he had met with at the hands of our Transatlantic brethren . In accordance with the notice in the summons convening
the meeting , the W . M . then gave a short address on the ballot in our lodges , explaining its forms , uses , and applications , together with remarks on the manner in which its employment was sometimes misappropriated . The address was listened to with great interest by the brethren , anil a cordial vote of thanks was recorded . The ballot was taken lor a candidate for initiation , who
Was then declared lo be duly . elected . At the ropiest of the W . M , Bro . Jesse Banning , W . M . 3 . 13 , raised Bro , James Taylor , F . C , lo the decree of M . M ., lhe same ceremony being undertaken by Bio . John Hatch , I . P . M ., for Bro . Jas . Bolton , F . C , the traditionary history being given by the W . M ., and the working tools presented in a Vary effective maimer b y Bro . J . L . Whimpray , P . M .
Orders Of Chivalry.
RED CROSS OF CONSTANTINE . Roman Eagle Conclave , No . 6 . —A regular meeting of this conclave was held at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street , on Saturday , the 24 th ult . V . E . Sir Kt . C . H . Rogers-Harrison , 1 st G . Herald , M . P . S ., presided , supported
by Sir Kts . Rev . W . B . Church , M . A ., Viceroy ; H . G . Levander , AT . A ., G . Historiographer , P . S . and Treas . ; A . A . Pendlebury , K . G . C ., Rec . ; W . C . Lucey , M . D ., S . B . ; W . Carpenter , W . B . Hambly , A . C . Morton , W . Worrell , D . R . Adams , and T . L . Fox . Sir Kt . Buhner
was elected a member , after which Bro . Pedro J . Marin , of the Lodge of Sincerity , No . 174 , was regularly admitted and installed a knight of the Order . The conclave was then closed , and the chevaliers adjourned for light refreshment , there being no banquet upon this occasion .
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . Mount Calvary or Early Grand Encampment of England . — -This old encampment celebrated St . John ' s Festival on the 24 th ult . The conclave met first at the Masons' Hall Tavern , Mason ' s-avenue , when Comp . Charles Jacques , of the Mount Sion Chapter , No . 19 ,
was duly installed , after which the members proceeded lo the Mitre Hotel , Hampton Court , where the banquet was held . The E . C . Sir Kt . W . Stone , 30 , presided with his accustomed geniality , and was supported by P . E . C . ' s F . Binckes , 30 ° ; W . Paas , iS ° ; J . G . Chancellor , iS ° ; J . Stohwasser , iS ° ; S . Rosenthal , 33 ° ; and by Sir Kts .
Colonel Burden , 32 ° ; Major E . II . Finney , 31 ; John Hervey , 30 ; E . Baxter ; C . J . Morgan , iS "; D . M . Dewar , lS ° ; Raynham W . Stewart , 18 " ; R . Wcntworlh Little , 18 ° ; E . 11 . Finney , jun ., G . T . Carter , T . W . Distin , C . Jacques , and two or three other members and visitors .
A most interesting meeting—the first , we are informed , of a scries which in the best interests of the Craft we hope to see imitated in every direction—was held in the East of London on Friday evening , lhe 23 rd ult . The J Doric Lodge of Instruction , under the able prcceptorship of Bro . T . J . Barnes , has long held its meetir . gs at Bro . Sciirr ' s , the Three Cranes , Mile End Road , on Friday evenings .
and on the same evenings the Umterl Pilgrims Lodge of Instruction , under the no less able prcceptorship of Bro . Tohn Thomas , has met at Brixton . The members of the respective lodges have occasionally exchanged visits , but in an irregular manner , and the two chiefs having " put ( heir heads together , " resolved to carry out , if passible , a series of meetings which should be attractive and
profitable to their brethren , and which began under most favourable auspices on the above-named evening . Fifteen brethren of the United Pilgrims Lodge having pledged themselves to attend and respectively work a Section , the Doric Lodge met in force under the presidency of Bro . Cundick , the W . M . appointed for that occasion . There were present of the Doric Lodge of Instruction ,
Bros . Cundick , Barnes , Clayton , Verry , Mortlock , Scurr , Austin , John Stevens , Appleby , Berry , J . Davis , S . Davis , Benjamin , Fountain , Shorey , Lacey , Wildash , Kinnell , and others ; and of the United Pilgrims Lodge of Instruction , Bros . John Thomas , Jas . Stevens , E . Worlhington , II . Smith , M . S . Larlbam , T . IT . Pulsford , Martin , Ross , J . Noke . Robards , Poore , Welsford , Geider , Frances ( Sec ) , Hodges , Lilley , Calherwood , Madden , Overall ,
Wright , and others . Bro . Cundick , of lhe Doric , the W . M ., was supported by Bro . Thomas , of the Unite 1 Pilgrims , as S . W ., and each of these brethren was surrounded b y the members of his lodge . After the usual openings , the business of the evening Commenced , and the Fifteen Sections were most ablv worked by members of the United Pil grims Lodge , in the following order : —
Tirst Degree : 1 st Section , Bro . II . Smith . „ 2 nd „ „ T . It . Pulsford . ,, 3 ' > i , » H . Martin . ,, 4 th ,, ,, J . Noke . >> . Vh > . „ B . Robards . >> 6 th ,, „ 'I ' . Pooie .
7 th „ „ M . S . Lnrlham . Second Degree : 1 st ,, ,, II . Ross . > . 2 nd >» ,, James Stevens . 11 3 l ,, ,, F . Geider . , 1 4 'h ,, ,, E . Worthington . 5 " > .. > . H . V . Hodges .
Third Degree : 1 st ,, ,, T . Welsford . ,, 2 nd ,, ,, II . Frances . ,, 3 ' >> > . John Thomas . The absolute perfection with which both the W . M . and the brethren worked may be gathered from the fact that the time occupied was less by half an hour than is generally considered necessary for that purpose .
The thanks of the two lodges were accorded to Bro . Cundick for his able services as Section Master , and lhe thanks of the Doric Lodge was enthusiastically voted to the brethren of the United Pilgrims Lodge of Instruction "for the truly fraternal feeling evinced by them in so promptly accepting the invitation lo work the Fifteen Sections in the Doric Lodge of Instruction on this
occasion . ' This was supplemented by the unanimous election of the fifteen brethren before named a-, honorary members of the Doric , and further by a special vote of thanks to Bro . John Thomas for his assistance in seeming the success of this " novel and pleasing Masonic reunion . " Bros . Thomas , Frances , and Stevens replied on behalf
of their lodge lo these compliments , the first-named brother expressing his pleasure at the result of his agreement will ) liro . Barnes , and the hope thai the return vi--. it of the Doric to lhe Uniie . l Pilgrims would 1 ^ a . ; agreeable to that lod"e as this had been to the U . l ' . ' s , and ' Bro . Stevens hailing
the movement as a step in the right direction towards securing that uniformity of working which he had , in conjunction with others , so strenuously advocated , and the agitation in respect of which , as far at least as he was concerned , was not yet abandoned . The lodge was then closed , and on the invitation of the Doric brethren , the members of the United Pilgrims
partook of supper , and after hearty reciprocations of esteem and good-fellowship , took their places in the "break " which had brought them to the meeting , and drove away in time to reach their respective homes in the south of London before the " witching hour of night . " A more agreeable Masonic meeting we have never yet attended , and the practical usefulness ol such a gathering
is so self-evident that we feel assured the good example thereby set will be followed by our various metropolitan and provincial lodges of instruction . We shall be pleased to insert in our columns ( as requested ) a notice of the date fixed for lhe return visit of the Doric to the United Pilgrims , in order that other members of the Craft may have an opportunity of forming their judgment in respect of the movement .
Masonic Festival At Ulverston.
On Tuesday last , the festival of St . John the Baptist was'held by the Lodge of Furness , No . 995 , at the Temple in Theatre-street , Ulverston , Lancashire . After the usual lodge business had been disposed of , the brethren adjourned to the Queen ' s Hotel , where they sat down to a magnificent supper ,
provided by Bro . Clayton . The table was most elaborately set out . Four large cpergncs , filled with the choicest hot-house flowers , graced the centre of the board , while bouquets and plates of fresh fruit were disposed tastefully at intervals . The bill of fare comprised every delicacy in season , as the following will show : —
White Soup . Soup Julienne . Salmon . Roast Lamb , Roast Beef , Dressed Veal , Spring Chickens , Tongues , Ham , Pies , Boiled Lamb ( caper sauce ) , Lamb a la Gretine . Puddings , Tails , Cheese Cakes , Volouvant , Creams , jellies , Blanc Mange , Savoury Omelettes . Strawberries , Cherries , & C .
After the tables were cleared , the usual loyal and patriotic toasts were duly honoured—those of the Queen and Royal Family being especially acceptable to the Craft from the fact lhat Her Majesty is the daughter , niece , and mother of Masons . —Uro . S . 11 . Jackson responded for the Army , Navy , . and
Volunteers . —T ' he M . W . the Grand Master of England ( the Marquis of Ripon ) and the officers of the Grand Lodge received very flattering attentions on the part of the Worshipful Master , Bro . T . Dodgson , who occupied thechair . —The R . W . P . G . M . Sir T . G . F . Hesketh , Bart , M . P ., and D . RG . M .
Lord Skelmersdale , and the rest of the officers of the P . G . Lodge of West Lancashire , was proposed by Uro . Barber , P . M ., in a humorous way , provocative of good feeling . He incidentally remarked that undoubtedly to dine Masonically was to dine correctly , for at all their assemblies they could boast
that , with a refined and elaborate repast , they combined a rational and harmonious conviviality unattainable by any other body of men . —Bro . J . Case , P . M ., in very complimentary terms , proposed the W . M . of No . 995 , whose zeal , energy , and ability had astonished them all during his year of office . —
Bro . Dodgson responded , modestly referring to his efforts for the good of Masonry . —The Wardens and officers of the lodge was proposed Uro . R . Pearson , who spoke in high terms of their efficiency , upon which the working of the lodge so much depended . —Bro . J . II . Matthews , S . W . responded .
—The W . M . proposed the Past Masters , which was responded to by Bro . J . Case , P . M . —Other toasts and sentiments followed , the most noteworthy being the "Visiting Brethren , " to which Uro . the Rev . W . A . Blake responded , <; Musical Friends , " and the " Host and Hostess . " It is almost superfluous to state that the toasts were all received with that
enthusiasm and esprit de corps known only to the initiated . The assembly broke up after spending a most enjoyable evening . A choice selection of appropriate music was performed in the course of the entertainment in a manner most creditable to those who took part , and which elicited repealed bursts of applause and encores .
REPORT of Dr . Arthur Hill Hassall , Analyst of the "Lancet" Sanitary Commission , Author of " Food and its Adulterations , " & c , & c , on Mayar ' s Semolina : " I have carefully tested , chemically and microscopically , the samples of Semolina sent by Messrs . L . Mayar S : Co ., 35 , Mark Lane , London , E . C . I find them to he perfectly genuine , of excellent quality , and eminently nutritions . They contain a very large percentage of
nitrogenous matter , chiefly gluten , and are far more nutritious than any other food , such as Arrowroot , Tapioca , Sago , Corn Flour , Farinaceous Food , ordinary Wheat Flour , or a ; : y of the Cereals in use as food in this country . — ( Signed ) AuTlICK lfll . L IIASSAM ., M . D ., London . " - - Highly recommended by the Faculty for Infants , Invalids , & c . Makes delicious Pudding , Custards , Blanc Mange , Ac . After a trial no family will be without Mayar ' s Semolina .