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CHARING CROSS STATION TOILET@CLUB. ( Continental Booking Office Entrance . ) A Great Convenience and Saving of Time to tlie ** Brethren , desirous of dressing promptly , previous to going to Lodge , Ball , Dinner , [ w . Private Dressing Rooms , charge Gd ., with every attendance and appliance for the Toilet . Evening dress taken care of for the day or season in perfumed boxes ( locked ) no charge . Baths , Hosiery , Perfumery , Ilairdressing , Dress Suits , Boots , Opera Hats , Masonic Clothing , Jewel ? , Swords , & c . Fuller particulars per post ( id . stamp . ) N . B . —Ladies' Department attached .
104 CHURCH SERMONS , Dy EMINENT CLERGYMEN . In Two Volumes , Handsomely liound in Cloth , each , 4 s , REEVES SON ANO CO ., Playhouse-yard , London .
BRO . KENNING'S NEW TRACING BOARDS Mounted on Cloth for the Pocket , Price 7 / 6 . BRO . J . B . MACNAIR . grtist anfc l ^ otoanipljcr . 11 , WEST NILE STREET , GLASGOW . Enlargements in Oil , Water Colour , or Crayons . Full Length Cartes 5 s ., per dozen ; Half Lengths 6 s . ; Vignettes Js . 6 d . ; Cameo and Rembrant , Bust ios .
MESSRS . WATKINS AND HAIGH , EXECUTE 1 'OttTHAITS AS FOLLOWS : "MINIATURES , On Ivory or Porcelain . MINIATURES , In Wafer Colour or Oil . LI 1 * E-SIZE PORTRAITS , In Water Colour or Oil . CARBON ENLARGEMENTS , Which are absolutely permanent . All ) of thc above can lie reproduced from an ordinary Cartc-de-V . Mtc . ThcSi . idio especially adapted for taking i'liotigrraphs of Brethren in Masonic Costume . , MAI SON KEN . 21 . 3 , REGENT-STREET , W .
THE STRAND TURKISH BATHS , 1 33 _ c , OPPOSITI : SOMERSET HOUSK . Open daily * for Gentlemen . Terms : frou * 9 a . m . till ft p . m ., ps . 6 d . From 0 p . m . till 9 p . m ., rs . ( id . One d-ven tickets , titst class , Ct 5 s . ; second class , 15 s . Warm , cold , shower , and douche baths . Open on Sundays from lo . i . tn . till 4 p . m . Ladies : mornings , Mondays , Wednesdays , and Fridays , attended by Mrs . Smith . * * Proprietor * —Mr . II . SMITH , From the llausemam , ] ermyn-strcet .
THE BIRKBECK Is lire only Uuilding Society whose Annual KecciiUs exceed O N E ' M I 1 . L I O JX ! Hoiu- to Purchase a House / or Ikro Guinea ! / 'ir Month , With immediate pof : e « sion and no Rent to p . iv . Applv at the Officeof the HIKKIIECK liUIUJINtj SOCIETY , 29 & 30 , Southamjiton-lmihiings , t'lianeen-J . nic . Hc-. u to purchase a Plot of I . ainljor live shillings per Month , With iiirmcillate possession , eiliicr foil J uiiuingor' larilcning purpose ? , apply at the Ollice of the iilKKISKCK ERICIi : IOI . I * , LAN : ; SOCUiTV , 29 & 3 **"* SoulViampUni-liuililitigs , Chancvr , -i . 'ine . * ^" How to Jm-est Mouev wj ;/ i safety tit / ** ; per cent Interest , ***" Appy to tire Ollice of tire illRKIJECK BANK . All sums uu ' ler £ 50 1 aiaya ^ rte upon demand . Current accounts opened similar to Ordinary Uanr . ers . Chco-. ic Hooks supplied . Office hours from 10 till 4 daiiy , on Alonila ; s lrom 10 till 9 , and on Saturdays from ro til ) 2 . A small pampli ' lei , loniainmg lull particr-dars , ' may he obtained gratis , or sent Post-free on application to FKAN'CIS RAVEXSCKOF r , iMr . nager . UUPIUKI ' . S-UY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . "WHITE ' S Moc-Main LEVER TRUSS Is allowed by upwards of ; oo . Medical Men to be th „ , . . most etleclrve inventiini in tht curative treatment o . \ 1 IKKNIA . The use of a steel spring , so often liurtfu ' _ \ . . in its etlects , ishere aroiileil ; a silt hamhige lieing ' worn round thcbodv , while the re <| iiisite rei-isting 110 w er : ! - ¦ . ! ' i , Miplied by the MOC-MAIN' l' . MJ aril 1 ' A 11 % XT tys ¦ ' , . LE \ ER , titling with so much ease ami closeness that ' ' " ' •it cannot heiletected , anil may he worn ilniing sleep , / * ;•{/ A ilescri | itive circular may he hail , and the ' Truss , ff' 7 ' ' f which cannol fail to lit , J 01 warded In * po .-l , on \ Ve \ \ ( f circumference ol the body , two inches iielow the Uiys , h ] I being fc'cnt to the JY / ' MAN * LTACri * l { K » , fgQsJgg Air . UtllTE , 2 * 28 , PieetitliUii , Louth ,,, . Price of a Single Truss , ids ., 21 s ., 20 . ; . ( id . and , 51 s . 6 . 1 . Postage free „ of a Double Trusr ., 31 s . Oil ., 42 s . and 52-. Od . J ' oM . ige free : . „ cl CndiilicalTruss , 42 s . and 52 s . od . Postage free . l ' oat Ollice Orders lo lie made payable lu Jnirx \ VJIIH :, Post Ollice I'iic . iililly . ELASTIC STOCKIJNIGst ' KNEECAPS , & c . 'ihe material ol which these ; are made is rei-oininended In * the acuity as being peculiarly ELASTIC and CO'Ml'KE . S . SIISI . l '; am ! , the best invention lot * gii iiig edicient and permanent i . uppori in all cases ol'A \ 'EAK ;\ ES . s , VAKJl . OSI * VlilA ' S , Ac . 1 'iice ., s . od ., ' -rs . Oil ., ros ,, and lOs . each . Postage free . > SPINAL MACHINES , LEG IRONS , And Everv DesiTiplion ol Surgical Appliances . JOHN II It I'M , Mann / iicliirer , 22 S . Picctiilillt / , London .
m «„ W * v ! kl * ris 4 il # ilpiy a ^S^^iffiM^^S^r | pTfl' - ^ " ¦'"'—** - —¦ -- *»* - " - *•" - **** I— -. ^ . M * o ~ pfi-. ; ,. * n .- ' igJ I . * -li-1 'J . ^ - ^ f-Lt-JSJ . Ti MIJ-I ^ H * AND AT 5 8 . KDGSVAKK KO . '* - )* a
u * -pHE FREEMASON" OF ST . LOUISThe Largest Masonic Monthly in the World . Published at St . Louis , Mo . / by George Frank Gouley , Grand Secretary and Recorder ofthe four Gran-. ! Codies of Missouri . Tbe Freemason contains tidings from every quarter of thc world nnd will he foun-l of great advantage to all Masons , especially iliose interested in An -.. rican affairs . Terms $ 2 per annum , and to those who subscribe tor the London Freemason the price will be $ 1 . 50 1 currency . Postage free . Subscriptions received at the Oflice of the London " Freemason " __ iqS , Fleet-street . THE ENTR'ACTE , A MUSICAL nnd THEATRICAL REVIEW , Price One Penny . Used as a programme at the principal London and Provincial Music Malls . The Entr ' acte enjoys an extensive circulation , ami gets into the hands of every theatrical and music-hall artiste . Ii contains a splendid cartoon every week . First-rate medium for advertisers . Subscribers can be supplied bv post at i / tS per quarter . Published every Saturday , at $ , Catherinestreet , Covent Garden , W . C . 'p HE LONDON MIRROR Published every Saturday ; piice -jd . The object of thi-j journal is to set forth , the claims of thc many Religious , Kdncational , Benevolent , and Prudential Institutions of tlie United Kingdom , nnd week hy week io report their proceedings , whether as Meetings , Sermons , Anniversaries , or Elections , so as to present these National Institutions to the favour ofthe Public . Oflice , 59 , Southampton-row , Russell-suuarc , London , W . C .
"THE FREEMASON " Su ] i ]) licil by ¦ -r * DRISCOLL , Wholesale Newsagent , 87 , ¦* ¦ ' Karrincjdon-st ., K . C .-Goutli London lSranclr , 416 , Wandswtith-road , S . W ., eight demrs from the London Chatham and Dover HaiUvaj Station . Wholesale Publisher to thc Trade .
SWANSEA : Agent for " Tlie Freemason . " "RRO . CHAS , MAGGS , 24 , Oxford-st , Swansea , A large stock of Aprons , Jewels , Clothing , ami every requisite for all Degrees of Freemasonry . Agent for Kcnninsj's Masonic Note Paper , E- \ elopes , Books , Candles , Perfumes , & c . Advertisements received for "Tlie Freemason . ' ' Slmvtlv will lie Pulilislred , I" H Ii DAI L Y ] N D E 1 ' E N D E N T . •" **¦ Olliccs , i ° o and ISI , Fleel-.-ta-vt , Lond-m , K . C , oiruer of Fetter-lane . The lar *_* vst Loudon and Provincial Pennv Paper in the World . The Daiiy Independent Will be conducted on strictly pure and thorough Independent piinciplcs . For ali shades and phases of Political and Religious opinion . ' . The Daily Independent . Special and novel arrang-crm-nt nt" columns . Infant vif .: vence to News and Advertisements of a particular City , Tow n , Colony , or Foreign Country . The Daily Independent . IJest medium for Adverti .-cmenls . Supplements , hciir ; IrreguUvh ' supplied and nttjn ini * -. laid , w ill NOT be issued ! n Daily I iidcpcndent , exeej ) t for News of e \ tiaordinary impttit , wliile all Adv-.-itisenu-nts will he always in body of paper . The Daily Independent . One Penny . l *'* w all the world , and every class . Oilier , i . ' . o and 1 N 1 , Fleet-street , Londor , !• :. (' ., corner of " Fi'iter-Iane . SARSAPARILLA . WILKINSON'S KSSKNCE , OR FLUJD KNTKACT OF Ki * -U | . \ MAICA S , \ USAPARILLA , pic-Fcvi'uetl by ihe Faculty for IYIUVY * Nf , nil . Hi . oon , Ur . 1111 . 11 Y , LI \>* P CoMi'UiNjs , and freei 11 * 4 the si .-tem from tilects of Mercury . l . \ - chisively uscil in India and the Coloniej . as a prevention to Tropical di .-enscs . "Superior preparations thai may a ' v , ays be relied upon . "—Sir Asi ' ey Cooper . " " \\' e are in every re * -pect sntislicd with it . "—Lancet . "Wc recommend vours as the best , "—Medical Review . In On arter . Half , and Pint Pottles CAUTION . —Spurious and injmious preparations are ordered to the public . See lhat U . 'ttle and Lab < l have the n .-nne ami Aildiess , "T . Will ; inM > n , late WilUinson , Urid ^ je , and Co ., No . 270 Ke ^ ent-slreel , Londun , " \ U MiTMORE'S STOMACHIC ' DINNER * PILLS . No Pill is so efficacious in iiroinotiti ^ di ^ estio' ^^ irengtheriini ; the Sl . imacli ) correctinii acidity , pievenliii . * - *; or remoiin *; Headache , 1 CJidtliness , & c , art & inj lrom a C ' o ., li \ e i labit , Ueiiiiitateil Stoinach , or Torpid Lher . 1 l . ej * re'piire no clmn ^ e of diet , aud tliose of the most delicate t constitution can 'ake them with safety . y Taken as an adjunct with Wilkinson ' s Saviaparilla with the ; greatest success . ]
QUINTKSCENCK OF JAMAICA GINGER vx ami CAMO . MII . Ii . WILKINSON'S rrt'iiaration nf ( linuernnil Camomile has long been tlcscrr cilly knnwu , 1 ^ aa cxcullctu domeslic meilicine . it is a nro ^ t I'llicknr Stoniacliit : 'I ' onic , and tlie !> w-. t remedy for riatnlency and ilixirdcri aii ^ in : ; fruin inij , ; iireit digestion , and i ^ not allecteil hy cliniale . Nn I-Juropc .-iii in India uitrciMral iliiirat ^ - ; . 4 IOL ; M lie uithmit ii . J la nne-ei ;; lilli , i | u . * nlei * , aiidiiall ' -piiil bullies .
a / $ 2 * ' J & b \ VOUNO'y AR ^ ICATCD f * ° m /; t' >}\ ) - co , ! : ; ASH . irxtus Xg- **^;^/ P / . AIS'I'MKS aro tlio W * t cv « r invenicil tor ^ rivij ) , ' . ' ImmeiYmio capo , and rmnovinr , - those jiaiiHul e : < rr ^ -r ^ iK' ^ s . I ' vlee Oil . nriil Is . per bnx . Any Clrernli . 1 nut liuvin- " tliciir in Bldck can procure tlicrn . Ol-Rorvo tlie Trade M-urlc—ll . Y—wiilmut . wlrleU Jtono aro ( jouuiue . Uo sure und iisk i ' or You : ; u ' s . ]") IKNKF () KD"S V \ , \)\ I ) jMAGf-niSIA . — ' 'lie ! V , I Ueinedv for AC'IDI'IT 11 1 I 1 ; STOMACH , IlivAKTIHlUX , 1 IKADAC ! ! K , ( U / U'l ' , AND INiJIUi' . S'lIOX , a :: d ti ; c i , c .. t mild n- ' eiiei-t for delieate eonstitutii'ii . ' ; , e . spei-ially : < A ;\ t . te-1 frr l . ADii ' . S , CiilLDHi-. N , and INI AN'I'S . 1 ) I S N E l' O i . * [ J . v C O . 1 , 'J , i . ' rw U-.. iid : ' r : i . * il , L . iidon , and ol M Cl : ciiii * .-l . ' ,.
GEORGE REES MAPLE ivul ROSEWOOD MOULDINGS , best in London . riEORGE REES' " V-X GILT MOULDINGS , cheapest in the Trade . ^ EORGE ~ REES ' ^^ 100 , 000 feet of GILT ROOM EOKDERING in stock , from id . per foot . ¦ f ^ iORGiniEES ' First-class ENGRAVINGS , from 2 s . each . riliORGE K ' EJi'S ' " ^ CHROMOS , from thc Best Masters , at reduced prices . 57 , DRURV-L-VNE , W . C , opposite Drury-lanc Theatre
1 t y ; ] UJ *~* v n ^U^SP0 °I^rW^mm$a Q ¦•- •' - ^ asfSB ^**^ ... ¦unOoBYS BALSAMIC COUGHELIXIR Opiates , Narcotics , and Squillsaictoooften invoked to givsrelie Co « ghstColtls , and all Pulmonary diseases . Instead of such fallacy . remedies , which yield momentary relief at the expense of enfectthc digestive organs , and thus increasing that debility whic ' i iic * i at the root of the maladv , modern science points to CROSBY'S DALSAMIC COUGH KI . 1 XIR as the true remedy . SF . l . KCT TKSTIMOMAL . Or . Roohe , ? carhoro \ igh , author ofthe " Anti-I-ancct /* says : I have repeatedly observed how very rapidly and invariably it subdued cou ^ li , pain , and iniiation of the chest iii cases of Pulmonale Consumption , and 1 can , with the greatest contidence , TecommtnsS it as a most valuable adjunct to an otherwise strengthening treatment ia tin ' s disease . " This me < licine , wtiich is free from opium and squills , not only allays the local irritation , but improves digestion and strengthens the constitution . Hence it is used with the most signal success in Asthma , Bronchitis , Con-. nr . ipiion , Coughs , Influenza * Nigh Sweats of Cousumpt ' uin , Ouiuy-ey , and all aflections ofthe throat and chest . Sold in bottles at is . gd ., ^ s . 6 d ., and us , each , by all respectable Chemists , and wholesale by Jas . M . Crosby t Chcmisf-i Scarborough . * -. * Invalids nhould rend Crosby ' s Prize TreatIpe on "Diseases of the I . uniis and Air-Ve ? seh-, " a copy of which can bc had Gratis of all Chemists , " I'OR rUK L'LOOD IS THE LIFK . " iMBlMii^M Vt / QRLP FAiVlED TR . MJl *; MM > K , — "BLOOD WIXTURE . " TIIK GHKAT lil . OOU I'UKIFIIiR AND RKSTORKR , 'or cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities , cannot he too highly recommended ' . Por Sciolula , Scurvy , Skin Diseases , and Sores ol all kinds , it is a never-failing and permanent cure . It Cures old Sores . Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck . Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs . Cure :- ; Illackheads , or Pimplc-j on the Face , Cures Scurvy Sores , Cures Cancerous Ulcers . Cures Blood and Skin Diseases . Cures Cilandnlar Swellings . Clears the Blood from all Impure Matter , Prom whatever cause arising . As lids mi-snue i < pleasant to the ta ^ e ] and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate conMilulirm of either sex , the Proprietor solicits sullereiri to give it a tiial to test its value . 'J . honsandh nf Testimonials , from alt parts . . Sold in Buttlc-i ss . 3 d . each , aud in Casc . ^ , containing s \ x times the quautilv , 1 is . —sutficieiu to elfect a permanent cure in thc great majoritv of long-standing cases , —BY ALL CllP . MlSTS AND I'ATKXT nlHUICINli VKNUORS throughout the United Kingdom ami the world , or sent to any address 011 receipt of 27 or J 32 biamps bv P . | . CLARKE , Chemist High-street , Lincoln . Wholesale : All Patent Medicine Mouses .
WEAK OR DEFECTIVE SIGHT . —SPECTACLKS st ientilically adapted to remedy impaired vision by Mr . ACKLANI ) , Surgeon , daily , at Home and Thornthwaile ' s , Opticians to the Oueen , 3 , Holhorn Viaduct , London , E . C . Send si \ Ma nips for " Ackiand ' s Hints on Spectacles , " which curtains valuable hiigge ' .-lions to kullerers from imperfect sijdit . QOMFORT EOR TENDER FEET . — Try Antimny Scard's new material ! Peculiarly Prepared Porpoise Skin . .-- / J ! as : , ik , sl ; Jnes Jil . e patei .-t , neiei * ciacks , } , c conies suiter and imer in wear , a pcitevt durable luMiiy an superlative t-pei-ialte . h ' \ U , \\ Lane , Cheaptiile , i * . C . Ladies order ¦ jkiilully e . \ ei ' , ud . One trial injures satislaetiou . f ^ UIOE 'J'O HEALT H ; or ADVICK AND KJ ];< svv . \ : ' .. 'i i ( . i . \ si * . ir nil' cum ; nt , \ iiitvous , Mi ; KTAL , : ni , l l'l IV . * -K .:. \ I . DI-: i : ! l . ri'V , liiilijclion , nii . l nil iii : crrtcn ( C Iii . ' rs \ i \ uu . ; Sv *' um , vv .-uUiii !' , fiom uxliivu . rion ul' Nmvi : 1 'uui . r . i : >* Di * . i ] i-.. \* in *' s : \ n * i n . < ilVl-: s INr-. TKU :. 'I'iO . \ :: . f ,,- [ he Ducloi . menlamlf ' treirjjIlK-ninir I ! M liiiin .-in Bixly , iiov . * In Aopiirc iii ; a ! i ! i mid . Str ' cn ^ lli . tiL-L- nre I . nii .: l . il ' e , : iiui Avoiil lire Ir . liniiilic ;; ol' ( 11 . 1 Age . Illnstvnreil wi ' i ' n 'i L :-lii ,: oiiials , -. villi incm ; u ! Cure useil iu each rasfe . 'J'lie j'amj-. hlct v . ii ) j . e .-eui lice \> y pi ,. ~ l to p . ny uihirca oil rccc ' nit vi I V . u i-ennv : ; am ; c-. Addu . ^ Uv , 11 . SMITH , S , Bm-luri-i . ii . ici . nt , I . unduii , W . C ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
CHARING CROSS STATION TOILET@CLUB. ( Continental Booking Office Entrance . ) A Great Convenience and Saving of Time to tlie ** Brethren , desirous of dressing promptly , previous to going to Lodge , Ball , Dinner , [ w . Private Dressing Rooms , charge Gd ., with every attendance and appliance for the Toilet . Evening dress taken care of for the day or season in perfumed boxes ( locked ) no charge . Baths , Hosiery , Perfumery , Ilairdressing , Dress Suits , Boots , Opera Hats , Masonic Clothing , Jewel ? , Swords , & c . Fuller particulars per post ( id . stamp . ) N . B . —Ladies' Department attached .
104 CHURCH SERMONS , Dy EMINENT CLERGYMEN . In Two Volumes , Handsomely liound in Cloth , each , 4 s , REEVES SON ANO CO ., Playhouse-yard , London .
BRO . KENNING'S NEW TRACING BOARDS Mounted on Cloth for the Pocket , Price 7 / 6 . BRO . J . B . MACNAIR . grtist anfc l ^ otoanipljcr . 11 , WEST NILE STREET , GLASGOW . Enlargements in Oil , Water Colour , or Crayons . Full Length Cartes 5 s ., per dozen ; Half Lengths 6 s . ; Vignettes Js . 6 d . ; Cameo and Rembrant , Bust ios .
MESSRS . WATKINS AND HAIGH , EXECUTE 1 'OttTHAITS AS FOLLOWS : "MINIATURES , On Ivory or Porcelain . MINIATURES , In Wafer Colour or Oil . LI 1 * E-SIZE PORTRAITS , In Water Colour or Oil . CARBON ENLARGEMENTS , Which are absolutely permanent . All ) of thc above can lie reproduced from an ordinary Cartc-de-V . Mtc . ThcSi . idio especially adapted for taking i'liotigrraphs of Brethren in Masonic Costume . , MAI SON KEN . 21 . 3 , REGENT-STREET , W .
THE STRAND TURKISH BATHS , 1 33 _ c , OPPOSITI : SOMERSET HOUSK . Open daily * for Gentlemen . Terms : frou * 9 a . m . till ft p . m ., ps . 6 d . From 0 p . m . till 9 p . m ., rs . ( id . One d-ven tickets , titst class , Ct 5 s . ; second class , 15 s . Warm , cold , shower , and douche baths . Open on Sundays from lo . i . tn . till 4 p . m . Ladies : mornings , Mondays , Wednesdays , and Fridays , attended by Mrs . Smith . * * Proprietor * —Mr . II . SMITH , From the llausemam , ] ermyn-strcet .
THE BIRKBECK Is lire only Uuilding Society whose Annual KecciiUs exceed O N E ' M I 1 . L I O JX ! Hoiu- to Purchase a House / or Ikro Guinea ! / 'ir Month , With immediate pof : e « sion and no Rent to p . iv . Applv at the Officeof the HIKKIIECK liUIUJINtj SOCIETY , 29 & 30 , Southamjiton-lmihiings , t'lianeen-J . nic . Hc-. u to purchase a Plot of I . ainljor live shillings per Month , With iiirmcillate possession , eiliicr foil J uiiuingor' larilcning purpose ? , apply at the Ollice of the iilKKISKCK ERICIi : IOI . I * , LAN : ; SOCUiTV , 29 & 3 **"* SoulViampUni-liuililitigs , Chancvr , -i . 'ine . * ^" How to Jm-est Mouev wj ;/ i safety tit / ** ; per cent Interest , ***" Appy to tire Ollice of tire illRKIJECK BANK . All sums uu ' ler £ 50 1 aiaya ^ rte upon demand . Current accounts opened similar to Ordinary Uanr . ers . Chco-. ic Hooks supplied . Office hours from 10 till 4 daiiy , on Alonila ; s lrom 10 till 9 , and on Saturdays from ro til ) 2 . A small pampli ' lei , loniainmg lull particr-dars , ' may he obtained gratis , or sent Post-free on application to FKAN'CIS RAVEXSCKOF r , iMr . nager . UUPIUKI ' . S-UY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . "WHITE ' S Moc-Main LEVER TRUSS Is allowed by upwards of ; oo . Medical Men to be th „ , . . most etleclrve inventiini in tht curative treatment o . \ 1 IKKNIA . The use of a steel spring , so often liurtfu ' _ \ . . in its etlects , ishere aroiileil ; a silt hamhige lieing ' worn round thcbodv , while the re <| iiisite rei-isting 110 w er : ! - ¦ . ! ' i , Miplied by the MOC-MAIN' l' . MJ aril 1 ' A 11 % XT tys ¦ ' , . LE \ ER , titling with so much ease ami closeness that ' ' " ' •it cannot heiletected , anil may he worn ilniing sleep , / * ;•{/ A ilescri | itive circular may he hail , and the ' Truss , ff' 7 ' ' f which cannol fail to lit , J 01 warded In * po .-l , on \ Ve \ \ ( f circumference ol the body , two inches iielow the Uiys , h ] I being fc'cnt to the JY / ' MAN * LTACri * l { K » , fgQsJgg Air . UtllTE , 2 * 28 , PieetitliUii , Louth ,,, . Price of a Single Truss , ids ., 21 s ., 20 . ; . ( id . and , 51 s . 6 . 1 . Postage free „ of a Double Trusr ., 31 s . Oil ., 42 s . and 52-. Od . J ' oM . ige free : . „ cl CndiilicalTruss , 42 s . and 52 s . od . Postage free . l ' oat Ollice Orders lo lie made payable lu Jnirx \ VJIIH :, Post Ollice I'iic . iililly . ELASTIC STOCKIJNIGst ' KNEECAPS , & c . 'ihe material ol which these ; are made is rei-oininended In * the acuity as being peculiarly ELASTIC and CO'Ml'KE . S . SIISI . l '; am ! , the best invention lot * gii iiig edicient and permanent i . uppori in all cases ol'A \ 'EAK ;\ ES . s , VAKJl . OSI * VlilA ' S , Ac . 1 'iice ., s . od ., ' -rs . Oil ., ros ,, and lOs . each . Postage free . > SPINAL MACHINES , LEG IRONS , And Everv DesiTiplion ol Surgical Appliances . JOHN II It I'M , Mann / iicliirer , 22 S . Picctiilillt / , London .
m «„ W * v ! kl * ris 4 il # ilpiy a ^S^^iffiM^^S^r | pTfl' - ^ " ¦'"'—** - —¦ -- *»* - " - *•" - **** I— -. ^ . M * o ~ pfi-. ; ,. * n .- ' igJ I . * -li-1 'J . ^ - ^ f-Lt-JSJ . Ti MIJ-I ^ H * AND AT 5 8 . KDGSVAKK KO . '* - )* a
u * -pHE FREEMASON" OF ST . LOUISThe Largest Masonic Monthly in the World . Published at St . Louis , Mo . / by George Frank Gouley , Grand Secretary and Recorder ofthe four Gran-. ! Codies of Missouri . Tbe Freemason contains tidings from every quarter of thc world nnd will he foun-l of great advantage to all Masons , especially iliose interested in An -.. rican affairs . Terms $ 2 per annum , and to those who subscribe tor the London Freemason the price will be $ 1 . 50 1 currency . Postage free . Subscriptions received at the Oflice of the London " Freemason " __ iqS , Fleet-street . THE ENTR'ACTE , A MUSICAL nnd THEATRICAL REVIEW , Price One Penny . Used as a programme at the principal London and Provincial Music Malls . The Entr ' acte enjoys an extensive circulation , ami gets into the hands of every theatrical and music-hall artiste . Ii contains a splendid cartoon every week . First-rate medium for advertisers . Subscribers can be supplied bv post at i / tS per quarter . Published every Saturday , at $ , Catherinestreet , Covent Garden , W . C . 'p HE LONDON MIRROR Published every Saturday ; piice -jd . The object of thi-j journal is to set forth , the claims of thc many Religious , Kdncational , Benevolent , and Prudential Institutions of tlie United Kingdom , nnd week hy week io report their proceedings , whether as Meetings , Sermons , Anniversaries , or Elections , so as to present these National Institutions to the favour ofthe Public . Oflice , 59 , Southampton-row , Russell-suuarc , London , W . C .
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SWANSEA : Agent for " Tlie Freemason . " "RRO . CHAS , MAGGS , 24 , Oxford-st , Swansea , A large stock of Aprons , Jewels , Clothing , ami every requisite for all Degrees of Freemasonry . Agent for Kcnninsj's Masonic Note Paper , E- \ elopes , Books , Candles , Perfumes , & c . Advertisements received for "Tlie Freemason . ' ' Slmvtlv will lie Pulilislred , I" H Ii DAI L Y ] N D E 1 ' E N D E N T . •" **¦ Olliccs , i ° o and ISI , Fleel-.-ta-vt , Lond-m , K . C , oiruer of Fetter-lane . The lar *_* vst Loudon and Provincial Pennv Paper in the World . The Daiiy Independent Will be conducted on strictly pure and thorough Independent piinciplcs . For ali shades and phases of Political and Religious opinion . ' . The Daily Independent . Special and novel arrang-crm-nt nt" columns . Infant vif .: vence to News and Advertisements of a particular City , Tow n , Colony , or Foreign Country . The Daily Independent . IJest medium for Adverti .-cmenls . Supplements , hciir ; IrreguUvh ' supplied and nttjn ini * -. laid , w ill NOT be issued ! n Daily I iidcpcndent , exeej ) t for News of e \ tiaordinary impttit , wliile all Adv-.-itisenu-nts will he always in body of paper . The Daily Independent . One Penny . l *'* w all the world , and every class . Oilier , i . ' . o and 1 N 1 , Fleet-street , Londor , !• :. (' ., corner of " Fi'iter-Iane . SARSAPARILLA . WILKINSON'S KSSKNCE , OR FLUJD KNTKACT OF Ki * -U | . \ MAICA S , \ USAPARILLA , pic-Fcvi'uetl by ihe Faculty for IYIUVY * Nf , nil . Hi . oon , Ur . 1111 . 11 Y , LI \>* P CoMi'UiNjs , and freei 11 * 4 the si .-tem from tilects of Mercury . l . \ - chisively uscil in India and the Coloniej . as a prevention to Tropical di .-enscs . "Superior preparations thai may a ' v , ays be relied upon . "—Sir Asi ' ey Cooper . " " \\' e are in every re * -pect sntislicd with it . "—Lancet . "Wc recommend vours as the best , "—Medical Review . In On arter . Half , and Pint Pottles CAUTION . —Spurious and injmious preparations are ordered to the public . See lhat U . 'ttle and Lab < l have the n .-nne ami Aildiess , "T . Will ; inM > n , late WilUinson , Urid ^ je , and Co ., No . 270 Ke ^ ent-slreel , Londun , " \ U MiTMORE'S STOMACHIC ' DINNER * PILLS . No Pill is so efficacious in iiroinotiti ^ di ^ estio' ^^ irengtheriini ; the Sl . imacli ) correctinii acidity , pievenliii . * - *; or remoiin *; Headache , 1 CJidtliness , & c , art & inj lrom a C ' o ., li \ e i labit , Ueiiiiitateil Stoinach , or Torpid Lher . 1 l . ej * re'piire no clmn ^ e of diet , aud tliose of the most delicate t constitution can 'ake them with safety . y Taken as an adjunct with Wilkinson ' s Saviaparilla with the ; greatest success . ]
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