Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents
¦ R EPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry 459 Royal Arch 4-59 Mark Masonry 4 & ° Bed Cross of Constantine 4 6 ° Scotland 4 ° Provincial Grand Lodge of Hampshire , and thc Isle of Wight 4 C ° Freemasonry and Arcba-ology 4 ° -l The Boys' School 4 5 Masonic Notes and Queries 4 ^ 5 Summer Bawjuct of the Capper Lodge 4 <)( > CollRESPONDENCE . Freemasons and Good Templars 4 66 Presentation to a Brother from India 4 * i £ > liro . Constable ' s Drawing 467 Masonic Tidings 4 67 The Ancient and Accepted Kite 4 ^ 8 1 Lodge Meetings for ncxt week 468 Advertisements 457 45 S 464 4 G 9 470 471 472
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Cmft lfosonr & LIVKKI ' . — Neptune Lodge ( No . J 264 ) . — Another of the numerous p leasant summer excursions , in connection with Liverpool lodges , came off on Thursday , the 23 rd nit ., and formed one of the most pleasant of the series . Following the custom of former years , the brethren of
the Neptune Lodge , No . 126 \ ., accompanied by their wives and sweethearts , started for the charming grounds surrounding the Victoria Hotel , Thatto Heath . The weather was of the most gloomy ancl threatening character , when about 100 ladies and brethren started from
Limestreet Station , and proceeded by the London and North-western Railway to the scene of the day ' s festivities . A short and sharp thunderstorm immediately after arrival seemed to clear the air , however , and thc weather in thc afternoon was as bright , sunny , and delightful as
the most fastidious could have desired . The picnics in connection with tlie Neptune Lodge have always been looked upon as very delightful , because always cordial and fraternal ; but the " out " on this occasion proved even more enjoyable than in any previous years—the result
of almost perfect arrangements , the active and willing services of a volunteer band of Stewards , and the excellent spirit which marked the whole of the proceedings . An excellent dinner was served by Mr . Whittle , of the Victoria Hotel , in the spacious marquee , and the pleasure of the
company was greatly increased by the valuable service of staff of volunteer Stewards . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , Bro . A . Bavies , I . P . M ., gave the health of the W . M . ( Bro . J . S . Dixon ) , who , he said , had secured his present proud position by legitimate means and hard service . Bro . Davits then referred at
some length to the advantages of Freemasonry , and especially to the charitable objects of the Order , with special reference to widows and orphans . He concluded by proposing the health nf the W . M . and Mrs . Dixon . 'Ihe W . M .
said he was extremely grateful for the manner in which his health and lhat of Mrs . Dixon had been given and received . He was particularly "ratified at the large attendance of ladies that day , a » d hoped every one would enjoy the picnic in 'lie highest degree . He hoped to retain the
. " ood opinion ofthe brethren during his year of V 'ce . The W . M . then presented Bro . J . Hoal-, n 8 , P . M ., with a very handsome gold watch and •[IM'Midages , as a mark of esteem of the brethren { ' * ' * the faithful and valuable services he had
reii'leied as Treasurer to the lodge . The W . M . I'ghly eulogised Bro . Healing for liis services in . capacity , and more particularly for his efforts 1 ? connection with the West Lancashire Eciuca-- 'onal Institution . He lemaikcd incidentally
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
fl- > if 4 l- ~ HT . , T J _ to one in the province m gupf ) OYl"ur '"' i ! Kc ¦ "MUHJ ' , and hoped it would long occupy that enviable position . The watch , was made by Bro . Fish , and bore the following inscription ;— " Presented
to Bro . Joseph Healing , P . M ., by the brethren of the Neptune Lodge , No . 1264 , in recognition of of his faithful and valuable services as Treasurer , Liverpool , 2 , 3 rd , July , 1874 . " The testimonial was subscribed for by members ofthe lodge , honourable mention being due to Bro . Bushell ,
who spared no effort to make the presentation worthy of the occasion . Bro . Healing acknowledged the splendid gift in suitable terms . The W . M . then gave " The Ladies , " acknowledged by Bro . W . Doyle , P . J . G . D . ; "The Past Masters , " responded to by Bro . P . B . Gee , P . M .,
M . C . ; "The Officers of the Lodge , " acknowledged by Bro . \ V . Roberts , ! . W . ( acting as S . W . ) " Our Seafaring Brethren , " which was replied to by Bro . Jones . Bro . Davies , I . P . M ., gave "The Press , " which was acknowledged by Bro . J . Vaughan , S . D . 86 . After the formal toast
drinking had concluded , the general company proceeded to enjoy themselves according to their different tastes . Some fonnd delight in dancing , others in thc merry song , several in a friendly game of bowls , and more than one in roaming over the beautiful grounds . Tea was provided about five o ' clock , and after a few
hours' additional pleasure the pic-nickers started on their return to Liverpool , which was reached about half-past nine o ' clock . The band of the Prescot company of the 2 nd L . E . V . ( Mr . II . Fairclough , bandmaster ) furnished excellent music during the day . The pic-nic was of the most enjoyable nature , and the complete success attendintr it was due in a larsre measure to the
courtesy and kindness of the W . M ., P . M . s , and officers , and the attention of the band of voluntary Stewards . HAMI ' COURT . — liurdeU Lodge ( No . 1298 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge took place on Saturday , the 2 ** th July , at the Mitre
Hotel , Hampton Court . There were present on that occasion the R . W . Colonel Burdett , Prov-Grand Master , who is a P . M . ofthe lodge , Bro . Harry Phythian , W . M . ; Frederick Keily , S . W . ; David W . Pearse , J . W . ; R . W . Little , Prov . G . Sec ., Treasurer ; PL G . Buss , P . G . Treas ., Sec . :
J . W . Berrie : J . D . ; D . Bindoff , D . C . ; Reverend D . Shaboe , P . P . G . Chaplain ; George Kenning , P . P . G . D ; D . R . Still , P . M . ; Bros . Owen , Southwell , Baxton , Sadler , Saunders , and several other brethren . The visitors were T . PL Edmands , P . G . Steward , 8 ; E . B . Graham ,
W . M ., Felix Lodge , 1494 ; J . R . Foulger , P . M . 177 ; E . Cobett , 24 * 5 ; L . Cottam , 197 ; Alex . Edwards , 227 , Dublin ; W . H . Riabook , 3 ; H . Whitfield , 60 . Thc lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . Phythian , at 3 o ' clock , and the business consisted ofthe raising of Bro . Edmonds
the . passing of Bros . Parnwell and Carrall , and the initiation of Messrs . R , S . Sindall , Thomas Ball and Edward G . Brooker , all of which ceremonies were rendered in a most perfect manner by the W . M ., aided by his officers , who all proved themselves equal to their respective
duties . After several [ impositions the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Sadler , the worthy host , who is a member of this lodge , the W . M . being supported on his right by tli-j R . W . Provincial Grand Master . After the cloth was
cleared the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and responded to in the most hearty manner . The R . W . P . G . M . expressed his gratification at the good working and prosperity of the lodge . The visitors' health was responded to by Bro . Edwards , of Dublin , who also
complimented the W . M . and Officers on their good working , and expressed the great pleasure he felt in being so warmly and generously received b } ' the lodge , and hoped on some future occasion that he might have an opportunity of returning the compliment lo some of the members of the
Burdett Lodge at his own lodge in Dublin . Bro . Sindall , in a few appropriate words , stated the gratification he felt at be ng initiated in the lodge , and on behalf of himself and the other candidates , returned thanks for the proposition of their health . ? . After a few words from the other officers of the lodge , and ah o from Bro .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Shrvhg «„ tl ^«„ T } . n .. CL . / 31 .-- „ C : „ . _ . j 0 , i . . . taken place , and observing that a most enjoyable evening had been passed , the brethren dispersed at an early hour . It may be stated that the banquet , supplied by Bro . Sadler , was of the most
excellent description , , ? nd the wines highly approved of , being of the choiceest quality . GARSTON . —Lodge of Harmony ( No . 220 ) . — On Wednesday afternoon , the 22 tid ult ., the brethren attached to the Lodge of Harmony , No . 2 , 20 , held their annual meeting within the
lodge-room at the Garston Hotel , Garston , near Liverpool . Not only is the " Harmony" one of the oldest and most genial of the numerous suburban lodges around Liverpool , but its influence and standing have long been recognised in the district , having sent out some of the best
Masons in the locality . The success attending the ' 74 installation proceedings , still further enhances its position , and there is no doubt that , with the pleasant weather , cordial welcome . , and capital Masonic working , the visitors on this special occasion , must have been highly
delighted . Bro . Dr . J . W . Worthington , W . M ., opened the lodge according to ancient form , supported b y a large number of officers and brethren After the minutes of the previous meeting had been duly confirmed , the W . M . concluded his valuable services for the year by raising three
brethren to the sublime degree of Master Masons . Bro . J . Hamer , P . Prov . G . Treas ., then took the chair , and proceeded to instal Bro . John Evans as the W . M . of the lodge for the ensuing year . The veteran presiding officer performed his duties in a very satisfactory manner . After
Bro . Evans had been placed in tlie chair with all the ancient ceremonial , the following were invested as the officers for the following year : — Bros . Dr . [ . V . Worthington , I . P . M . ; J . Hughes , S . W . ; T . B . Telle * t , J . W . ; W . Vines , P . M ., Treas . ; C . Humphries , Sec ; M . Bush
S . D . ; I . Raw , J . D . ; S . Tickle , I . G . ; J . Tewkesbury , S . S . ; G . Price , J . S . : J . N . Clark , Organist ; and W . Jones , M . C . Bro . J . Robinson was unanimously re-elected Tyler ofthe lodge and invested with the collar , jewel , and sword of office . Before the lodge was closed , a very
valuable P . M . ' s jewel was presented to Bro . Dr . J . V . Worthington , I . P . M ., as a token of respect and esteem . The brethren subsequently sat down to a most sumptuous banquet , which was served in a tent placed in the gardens attached to the hotel . The newly installed W . M . ( Rro . J . Evans ) , was supported by nearly all who
were present at the afternoon s meeting . The tables were adorned by a large number of the choicest plants , kindly sent by Bro . J . Meredith , 1182 , ot the celebrated " Vineyard , " Garston . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given during the evening in a very hearty nnd pointed manner , and very cordially received by the brethren .
IVY LODOK ( NO . 1441 . )—It was a bold thing on the part of Bro . C . Sui'th , W . M ., of this very young , and consequently not yet numerically strong lodge , to call an emergency meeting at a time of year when the calorific element is so exhaustingly in the ascendant ; but the result fully
justified his judgment , as all will readily allow when informed that five initiations , three passings and a raising took place at this meeting . The lodge was called at six o ' clock on Tuesday evening , 2 ist ult ., at the Windsor Castle Tavern , Southwark Bridge Road . The W . M . and all
his officers were present with laudable punctuality , but the candidates were either very devoid of attention to their summonses , or unfortunate in their engagements , and the proceedings did not commence for nearly an hour , which prevented the lodge from being closed until eleven o ' clock , and must have rendered thc Worshipful
Master ' s duties , in such an atmosphere , and he labouring under severe hoarseness , very exhausting . We have , on several former occasions , recorded the pleasure with which we have witnessed the admirabl . working of the W . M . of the Ivy Lodge and his excellent stall of officers , and can only again slate that the three ceremonies were rendered in a manner never to be
forgotten by the recipients ol the detM-ces . Nothing could be better ( lone . The five initiates wero Messrs . VV . G . Silcck , G . Cook , J . Bmvick ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents
¦ R EPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry 459 Royal Arch 4-59 Mark Masonry 4 & ° Bed Cross of Constantine 4 6 ° Scotland 4 ° Provincial Grand Lodge of Hampshire , and thc Isle of Wight 4 C ° Freemasonry and Arcba-ology 4 ° -l The Boys' School 4 5 Masonic Notes and Queries 4 ^ 5 Summer Bawjuct of the Capper Lodge 4 <)( > CollRESPONDENCE . Freemasons and Good Templars 4 66 Presentation to a Brother from India 4 * i £ > liro . Constable ' s Drawing 467 Masonic Tidings 4 67 The Ancient and Accepted Kite 4 ^ 8 1 Lodge Meetings for ncxt week 468 Advertisements 457 45 S 464 4 G 9 470 471 472
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Cmft lfosonr & LIVKKI ' . — Neptune Lodge ( No . J 264 ) . — Another of the numerous p leasant summer excursions , in connection with Liverpool lodges , came off on Thursday , the 23 rd nit ., and formed one of the most pleasant of the series . Following the custom of former years , the brethren of
the Neptune Lodge , No . 126 \ ., accompanied by their wives and sweethearts , started for the charming grounds surrounding the Victoria Hotel , Thatto Heath . The weather was of the most gloomy ancl threatening character , when about 100 ladies and brethren started from
Limestreet Station , and proceeded by the London and North-western Railway to the scene of the day ' s festivities . A short and sharp thunderstorm immediately after arrival seemed to clear the air , however , and thc weather in thc afternoon was as bright , sunny , and delightful as
the most fastidious could have desired . The picnics in connection with tlie Neptune Lodge have always been looked upon as very delightful , because always cordial and fraternal ; but the " out " on this occasion proved even more enjoyable than in any previous years—the result
of almost perfect arrangements , the active and willing services of a volunteer band of Stewards , and the excellent spirit which marked the whole of the proceedings . An excellent dinner was served by Mr . Whittle , of the Victoria Hotel , in the spacious marquee , and the pleasure of the
company was greatly increased by the valuable service of staff of volunteer Stewards . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , Bro . A . Bavies , I . P . M ., gave the health of the W . M . ( Bro . J . S . Dixon ) , who , he said , had secured his present proud position by legitimate means and hard service . Bro . Davits then referred at
some length to the advantages of Freemasonry , and especially to the charitable objects of the Order , with special reference to widows and orphans . He concluded by proposing the health nf the W . M . and Mrs . Dixon . 'Ihe W . M .
said he was extremely grateful for the manner in which his health and lhat of Mrs . Dixon had been given and received . He was particularly "ratified at the large attendance of ladies that day , a » d hoped every one would enjoy the picnic in 'lie highest degree . He hoped to retain the
. " ood opinion ofthe brethren during his year of V 'ce . The W . M . then presented Bro . J . Hoal-, n 8 , P . M ., with a very handsome gold watch and •[IM'Midages , as a mark of esteem of the brethren { ' * ' * the faithful and valuable services he had
reii'leied as Treasurer to the lodge . The W . M . I'ghly eulogised Bro . Healing for liis services in . capacity , and more particularly for his efforts 1 ? connection with the West Lancashire Eciuca-- 'onal Institution . He lemaikcd incidentally
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
fl- > if 4 l- ~ HT . , T J _ to one in the province m gupf ) OYl"ur '"' i ! Kc ¦ "MUHJ ' , and hoped it would long occupy that enviable position . The watch , was made by Bro . Fish , and bore the following inscription ;— " Presented
to Bro . Joseph Healing , P . M ., by the brethren of the Neptune Lodge , No . 1264 , in recognition of of his faithful and valuable services as Treasurer , Liverpool , 2 , 3 rd , July , 1874 . " The testimonial was subscribed for by members ofthe lodge , honourable mention being due to Bro . Bushell ,
who spared no effort to make the presentation worthy of the occasion . Bro . Healing acknowledged the splendid gift in suitable terms . The W . M . then gave " The Ladies , " acknowledged by Bro . W . Doyle , P . J . G . D . ; "The Past Masters , " responded to by Bro . P . B . Gee , P . M .,
M . C . ; "The Officers of the Lodge , " acknowledged by Bro . \ V . Roberts , ! . W . ( acting as S . W . ) " Our Seafaring Brethren , " which was replied to by Bro . Jones . Bro . Davies , I . P . M ., gave "The Press , " which was acknowledged by Bro . J . Vaughan , S . D . 86 . After the formal toast
drinking had concluded , the general company proceeded to enjoy themselves according to their different tastes . Some fonnd delight in dancing , others in thc merry song , several in a friendly game of bowls , and more than one in roaming over the beautiful grounds . Tea was provided about five o ' clock , and after a few
hours' additional pleasure the pic-nickers started on their return to Liverpool , which was reached about half-past nine o ' clock . The band of the Prescot company of the 2 nd L . E . V . ( Mr . II . Fairclough , bandmaster ) furnished excellent music during the day . The pic-nic was of the most enjoyable nature , and the complete success attendintr it was due in a larsre measure to the
courtesy and kindness of the W . M ., P . M . s , and officers , and the attention of the band of voluntary Stewards . HAMI ' COURT . — liurdeU Lodge ( No . 1298 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge took place on Saturday , the 2 ** th July , at the Mitre
Hotel , Hampton Court . There were present on that occasion the R . W . Colonel Burdett , Prov-Grand Master , who is a P . M . ofthe lodge , Bro . Harry Phythian , W . M . ; Frederick Keily , S . W . ; David W . Pearse , J . W . ; R . W . Little , Prov . G . Sec ., Treasurer ; PL G . Buss , P . G . Treas ., Sec . :
J . W . Berrie : J . D . ; D . Bindoff , D . C . ; Reverend D . Shaboe , P . P . G . Chaplain ; George Kenning , P . P . G . D ; D . R . Still , P . M . ; Bros . Owen , Southwell , Baxton , Sadler , Saunders , and several other brethren . The visitors were T . PL Edmands , P . G . Steward , 8 ; E . B . Graham ,
W . M ., Felix Lodge , 1494 ; J . R . Foulger , P . M . 177 ; E . Cobett , 24 * 5 ; L . Cottam , 197 ; Alex . Edwards , 227 , Dublin ; W . H . Riabook , 3 ; H . Whitfield , 60 . Thc lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . Phythian , at 3 o ' clock , and the business consisted ofthe raising of Bro . Edmonds
the . passing of Bros . Parnwell and Carrall , and the initiation of Messrs . R , S . Sindall , Thomas Ball and Edward G . Brooker , all of which ceremonies were rendered in a most perfect manner by the W . M ., aided by his officers , who all proved themselves equal to their respective
duties . After several [ impositions the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Sadler , the worthy host , who is a member of this lodge , the W . M . being supported on his right by tli-j R . W . Provincial Grand Master . After the cloth was
cleared the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and responded to in the most hearty manner . The R . W . P . G . M . expressed his gratification at the good working and prosperity of the lodge . The visitors' health was responded to by Bro . Edwards , of Dublin , who also
complimented the W . M . and Officers on their good working , and expressed the great pleasure he felt in being so warmly and generously received b } ' the lodge , and hoped on some future occasion that he might have an opportunity of returning the compliment lo some of the members of the
Burdett Lodge at his own lodge in Dublin . Bro . Sindall , in a few appropriate words , stated the gratification he felt at be ng initiated in the lodge , and on behalf of himself and the other candidates , returned thanks for the proposition of their health . ? . After a few words from the other officers of the lodge , and ah o from Bro .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Shrvhg «„ tl ^«„ T } . n .. CL . / 31 .-- „ C : „ . _ . j 0 , i . . . taken place , and observing that a most enjoyable evening had been passed , the brethren dispersed at an early hour . It may be stated that the banquet , supplied by Bro . Sadler , was of the most
excellent description , , ? nd the wines highly approved of , being of the choiceest quality . GARSTON . —Lodge of Harmony ( No . 220 ) . — On Wednesday afternoon , the 22 tid ult ., the brethren attached to the Lodge of Harmony , No . 2 , 20 , held their annual meeting within the
lodge-room at the Garston Hotel , Garston , near Liverpool . Not only is the " Harmony" one of the oldest and most genial of the numerous suburban lodges around Liverpool , but its influence and standing have long been recognised in the district , having sent out some of the best
Masons in the locality . The success attending the ' 74 installation proceedings , still further enhances its position , and there is no doubt that , with the pleasant weather , cordial welcome . , and capital Masonic working , the visitors on this special occasion , must have been highly
delighted . Bro . Dr . J . W . Worthington , W . M ., opened the lodge according to ancient form , supported b y a large number of officers and brethren After the minutes of the previous meeting had been duly confirmed , the W . M . concluded his valuable services for the year by raising three
brethren to the sublime degree of Master Masons . Bro . J . Hamer , P . Prov . G . Treas ., then took the chair , and proceeded to instal Bro . John Evans as the W . M . of the lodge for the ensuing year . The veteran presiding officer performed his duties in a very satisfactory manner . After
Bro . Evans had been placed in tlie chair with all the ancient ceremonial , the following were invested as the officers for the following year : — Bros . Dr . [ . V . Worthington , I . P . M . ; J . Hughes , S . W . ; T . B . Telle * t , J . W . ; W . Vines , P . M ., Treas . ; C . Humphries , Sec ; M . Bush
S . D . ; I . Raw , J . D . ; S . Tickle , I . G . ; J . Tewkesbury , S . S . ; G . Price , J . S . : J . N . Clark , Organist ; and W . Jones , M . C . Bro . J . Robinson was unanimously re-elected Tyler ofthe lodge and invested with the collar , jewel , and sword of office . Before the lodge was closed , a very
valuable P . M . ' s jewel was presented to Bro . Dr . J . V . Worthington , I . P . M ., as a token of respect and esteem . The brethren subsequently sat down to a most sumptuous banquet , which was served in a tent placed in the gardens attached to the hotel . The newly installed W . M . ( Rro . J . Evans ) , was supported by nearly all who
were present at the afternoon s meeting . The tables were adorned by a large number of the choicest plants , kindly sent by Bro . J . Meredith , 1182 , ot the celebrated " Vineyard , " Garston . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given during the evening in a very hearty nnd pointed manner , and very cordially received by the brethren .
IVY LODOK ( NO . 1441 . )—It was a bold thing on the part of Bro . C . Sui'th , W . M ., of this very young , and consequently not yet numerically strong lodge , to call an emergency meeting at a time of year when the calorific element is so exhaustingly in the ascendant ; but the result fully
justified his judgment , as all will readily allow when informed that five initiations , three passings and a raising took place at this meeting . The lodge was called at six o ' clock on Tuesday evening , 2 ist ult ., at the Windsor Castle Tavern , Southwark Bridge Road . The W . M . and all
his officers were present with laudable punctuality , but the candidates were either very devoid of attention to their summonses , or unfortunate in their engagements , and the proceedings did not commence for nearly an hour , which prevented the lodge from being closed until eleven o ' clock , and must have rendered thc Worshipful
Master ' s duties , in such an atmosphere , and he labouring under severe hoarseness , very exhausting . We have , on several former occasions , recorded the pleasure with which we have witnessed the admirabl . working of the W . M . of the Ivy Lodge and his excellent stall of officers , and can only again slate that the three ceremonies were rendered in a manner never to be
forgotten by the recipients ol the detM-ces . Nothing could be better ( lone . The five initiates wero Messrs . VV . G . Silcck , G . Cook , J . Bmvick ,