Article ANTIQUITY OF FREEMASONRY. ← Page 3 of 3 Article Jottings from Masonic Journals. Page 1 of 1 Article Jottings from Masonic Journals. Page 1 of 1 Article Jottings from Masonic Journals. Page 1 of 1 Article THE ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER OF IMPROVEMENT. Page 1 of 1 Article CONSECRATION OF A NEW LODGE AT WALTHAM NEW TOWN, HERTS. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Antiquity Of Freemasonry.
that say that such ever occurred before , produce the necessary documentary evidence . Mere tradition aud legends can be produced to prove thc greatest absurdities and the most palpable lies in the creation . " Ingivingthebenefitof italics to this last eloquent sentence , I follow Bro . Buchan , who adds ,
in his usual pleasant style , " I have no doubt but that these remarks will be highly appreciated by Bro . Paton , and he will also be vary grateful to me for quoting them . " I hope I do appreciate them according to their merit , and that I appreciate Bro .
Buchan ' s pleasantries likewise . I have not completed my examination of Bro . Buchan ' s first instalment of his long communication , and what remains to be said concerning the first part will be included in my next . C To be continued . )
Jottings From Masonic Journals.
Jottings from Masonic Journals .
—*—THE New York Dispatch of September 4 th is to hand ; the editor of its Masonic department is M . AV . Bro . John AV . Simons , P . G . M . andG . Treasurer , a working Mason of great celebrity , and withal an ornament to Masonic literature . Apropos of a projected' Masonic picnic in New \ ork , our brother , who can make and
appreciate a joke , unburdens his heart as follows : — "It has been proposed that at the great Masonic pic-nic there should be a wheelbarrow race betwen the Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer . AVe don ' t object , provided that the Grand Secretary will have a reef taken in his legs , so as to reduce them to the same length as ours . Those who want to see this exciting contest will do well to secure tickets at the earliest possible moment . Liberty or death . "
THE Lodge " Des Amis Philanthropes , " of Brussels , has issued an address to all Masons in France and Germany respecting the present war . It is an ably written manifesto , but touches too closely upon the confines of politics to please the taste of English Masons . Among the signataries are , Bros . Auspach , burgomaster and representative of Brussels , Ven . of the lodge , G . Jottrand , S . AV ., also a representative of Brussels , and E . Dubub , Lieutenant of Engineers , the Secretary .
We have great pleasure in publishing the following address of M . E . Comp . Harington from the Gavel , of Orillia , Ontario , and with reference to the recognition of the Grand Mark Lodge of England by the Grand Chapter of Canada , we may say to the Grand Chapter of Scotland— " Go thou and do likewise " : —
Companions , —So smooth has been the path of Capitular Masonry in and throughout thc Dominion since we last assembled together , that I have no little difficulty to so prepare the usual annual address as to make it all interesting . I can , however , at all events repeat what I said at our last convocation , that I feel happy in once more meeting you , and I pray in all sincerity that we
may be allowed for many a future year to assemble in harmony and good fellowship—that no cloud may rise in our Masonic sky threatening to mar the symmetry of our hig h and honourable branch of Freemasonry , and that our future may be as sunshiny as our past has been prosperous ; and so I greet you all well , my companions . And now for a few facts and some brief statistics . AA e
number thirty-nine subordinate chapters . I have issued dispensations in favour of four new chapters , and I hope Grand Chapter will , if all is found to be satisfactory otherwise , grant the necessary warrants of confirmation . The names , and the places where held , are as follows : Seymour Chapter , Bradford ; Botsford Chapter , Moncto , N . B .: Guclph Chapter , Guelph ; Harris Chapter ,
Ingersoll . One , you will observe , belongs to New Brunswick , thus adding cement to our common bond of union . ' I am glad to state to Grand Chapter that one of our oldest subordinates , St . Andrew ' s Chapter , Toronto , is most fully revived , and working worthy its ancient fame . I am also happy to add that St . John ' s Chapter , on the registry of Scotland , has surrendered its warrant , and
amalgamated with St , Andrew ' s , and , in accordance with the desire of the companion members of both , I sanctioned a change of name . The amalgamated Chapter is now called " St . Andrew and St . John Chapter , No . 4 , Registry of Canada . " 1 have granted several dispensations for the election of principals ; all in my opinion being absolutely necessary
for thc welfare and existence of the respective chapters interested , owing to the paucity of candidates , otherwise qualified under our Constitution . I have also confirmed many of the by-laws of our subordinate bodies . Since our last annual convocation , the Grand Chapter of Nova Scotia has been formally organised , and although I could not help thinking thc action somewhat premature ,
considering the small inumber of cliapters existing in that province , yet , acting on my conviction that where there is a Grand Lodge a Grand Chapter may of right follow , I had no hesitation about acknowledging the Grand Chapter of Nova Scotia , and wishing that body all success and prosperity . The Grand Mark Lodge of England also claimed recognition , and an interchange of brotherly courtesies , and
as the Mark degree is one of those sanctioned by this Grand Chapter , I saw nothing opposed lo the allowance of that claim , and the Grand Scribe E . wrote to thc authorities in England accordingly by my desire conveying the recognition and good wishes of Grand Chapter . Our own subordinate chapters , I have reason lo believe , are prospering , and our members arc increasing in number , and preserving the good name and honour of our
Jottings From Masonic Journals.
Order ; concerning which the several reports of the Grand Superintendents of districts will give you more full information than I can . So also will the statements and accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Grand Scribe E . put you in complete possession of the financial conditions of Grand Chapter . I have caused all the accounts to be paid , as sanctioned by you , and the vouchers will come
regularly before your notice . The report on " Foreign Correspondence" will , as usual , be submitted by the able Chairman of that Committee , and you will there see how zealously and faithfully the interests of Capitular Masonry are guarded and looked after , by other Sovereign Bodies , with all of whom we are , I have pleasure in stating , in close fellowship ,
and neighbourly relationship , who are flourishing , and who all manifest a very kindly interest in the welfare of " Grand Chapter of Canada . " You will observe on the proceedings of last year , a notice of motion for an amendment to clause No . 4 , " of proposing members , " in our Book of Constitutions , which , if it becomes law , will specificially add to the dispensing
power of your Grand First Principal . I deem it my duty to invite your attention to this , as it will be an alteration affecting an important clause . Another , and a most serious matter I submit also for the due consideration of Grand Chapter , is our proposed authorised Ritual . The committee have attended to this very carefully and anxiously ; a report is prepared , the
work is in readiness for exemplification , and the result will be submitted to your wisdom and for your determination . And while on this topic , I have to suggest to Grand Chapter to consider the necessity and propriety of working the Degrees of " Royal and Select Masters , " as practised in the United States of America , and known as "Cryptic " Masonry . These degrees would seem to be proper
appendages to Grand Chapter and Royal Arch Masonry , and are interesting , ii not absolutely necessary . The Province of New Brunswick has a recognised Grand Council controlling these degrees , and I have been appointed Inspector in and for Quebec and Ontario . But it would obviously be preferable for Grand Chapter at once to assume the government , and grant AA ' arrants , which action ,
when three or more subordinate Councils spring into life , will result in the regular organisation of a Grand Council for Quebec and Ontario , and thus place the degrees on a correct and prosperous footing . The only remaining subject to which I invite your notice is the retirement of the Most Excellent Companion , the Earl of Zetland , from the high office of Grand Z . of the Grand Chapter of England , which , all of you know , he has
worthily held for more than a quarter of a century , and now vacates owing to ill-health , to the great regret and sorrow of all over whom he has ruled for so long and arduous a period . I think the Grand Chapter would honour ourselves by sending home to England a complimentary address to that courteous and kind-hearted nobleman and Companion , expressive of our high esteem and good wishes for his restoration to health and future comfort .
Before concluding , I cannot help making reference to an existing unfortunate condition of affairs in the Province of Quebec . I do not know officially as your presiding officer what has occurred there in relation to Craft Masonry , and therefore I have -nothing officially to submit to Grand Chapter . But we are none of us blind to the plain fact that there is in that province division in
our ranks , and an unhappy state of things , attended with much personal bitterness , which actually precludes brotherly recognition of many most estimable members of our Institution , and which ought not to exist amongst Freemasons . I am sure Grand Chapter will , with me , truly regret all these untoward circumstances , and pray for a harmonious and brotherly arrangement of matters
that have caused so damaging a shock to our otherwise perfect structure . You all know to what my present allusions point . Let us not , however , permit discord if possible to arise out of those events , in our high branch of thc Order . Let ns hope and trust that all our difficulties will shortly disappear , or be removed . Let us work for that end ! and let us bear in mind that as we have hitherto
steered clear of personal differences , so there need be no future ill-will or angry feeling—and Grand Chapter can remain , as now , in a condition to look on calmly—and cpiietly accept any result—always desiring prosperity and Godspeed to all ; ever looking to thc good of our Institution ; and aiding to establish and perpetuate general harmony , Masonic union , and brotherly charity and
goodwill ! Such should be thc true sentiments of every member of our Order . Added to which should be devoted loyalty to our sovereign and our country . This should be one of our beacons and watchwords ! Since we last met thc Dominion has been threatened—I will not call it invaded—b y another Fenian horde . They went back faster than they came , and let it be a fair
subject of pride to us that their earliest opponent is a Freemason ! I allude to Bro . Lieut .-Colonel Chamberliii , who hurried to the defence of the frontier , and was so fortunate as to command the first of our brave fellows , who made the worthless scoundrels regularly holt out of Canada ! So also was our Most AVoishi pful Grand Master , Bro . Stevenson , one of the foremost in proceeding
with his battery to meet thc Fenian vagabonds , who had once more insulted thc territory of our glorious and beloved Queen ! And , companions , you will find Freemasons arc ever read y to be in thc van on such occasionsand so ihey ought ; and they should remember their peculiar tic , and bear and forbear , and drive away discord , even as the Fenians Merc sent to the right about ! I am
sure that wc all think alike . And now , in conclusion , let me thank you for your many kindnesses to , and the honours you have conferred upon , me . I find I have been elected to preside over Grand Chapter for the past seven years continuousl y , and also during 1859 and 1 S 60 . I now ask you to relieve me from the duties of my high office . I have endeavoured ,
Jottings From Masonic Journals.
to the best of my ability , to promote your interests , and I hope I have not failed . You have many able companions who are willing—nay , anxious—to succeed me to the highest gift you can bestow , and their ambition is laudable and not to be despised . I feel I should give way
—and so I finish by wishing Grand Chapter unceasing prosperity , and praying heartily that the Great Architect of the Universe—AVhose omniscience , omnipotence , and omnipresence are so largely dwelt upon in this the " Capestone " degree of Freemasonry—will bless and protect us all . So mote it be .
T . DOUGLAS HARINGTON , 33 , Grand Z ., Grand Chapter of Canada Quebec , loth August , 1870 .
The Royal Arch Chapter Of Improvement.
A large and influential meeting of Royal Arch Masons was held on Saturday , the 24 th ultimo , at the Caledonian Hotel , Adelphi-terrace , Strand , for the purpose of completing the arrangements for opening and constituting a Chapter of Instruction at Freemasons' Hall . E . Comp . John Hervey , Grand Scribe E , was unanimously voted to
the chair , Comp . Major E . Hamilton Finney to the vicechair , and Comp . R . Wentworth Little acted as Secretary to the meeting . After a short address by the chairman , the companions proceeded to business , and the following resolutions were carried : — "That the chapter be held under the sanction of the
Chapter of Prudent Brethren , No . 145 , at Freemasons Hall , every Thursday evening from October to May , at seven o ' clock precisely . "That Comp . Brett be the first President , Comp . Hervey the first Treasurer , and Comp . Little the first Scribe E . "
Comp . J . Boyd , Z . 145 and P . Z . 534 ., was elected first Chairman of the Permanent Committee ; Comp . G . S . States , P . Z ., Deputy-Chairman ; and Comps . Major E . II . Finney , R . S . AA ' arrington , and J . L . Thomas were chosen as committee-men . The proposed by-laws were read seriatim , ami approved
with a few alterations , and about 100 companions then enrolled their names as founders . AVith a cordial vote of thanks to the chairman , the proceedings terminated . The new Chapter of Instruction will be consecrated at Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , the 6 th inst ., at 7 p . m .,
when a very large muster is expected . As no signature list of those present was kept , we are unable to furnish thc names of all present ; but , in addition to the officers and members of the committee already named , we noticed Comps . George Powell , George
Cowell , A . A . Richards , Dr . C . Parker AA ard , H . Massey , F . AValters , F . J . Cox , F . Avrillon , J . R . Foulger , E . IL Thiellay , J . G . Manby , J . Holbrook , J . Selfc , T . AV . AVhite , J . E . AValford , G . A . Chudleigh , AA' . Ashby , E . Grant , and George AA ' ood .
Consecration Of A New Lodge At Waltham New Town, Herts.
The consecration of the King Harold Lodge , No . 1327 , took p lace at the Britannia Hotel , AA ' altham New Town , on Tuesday . Amongst the brethren present were * . Bros . James Terry , P . M . 228 , 1196 , V 27 S , P . G S . B . for Herts , P . Z . 975 and Z . 174 ; li . AVest , P . M . 1076 ; J . R . Cocks , P . M . 403 , P . P . G . J . AV . Herts ; C . Drummond , AV . M . 403 , P . P . G . S . B . Herts ; T . S . Carter , J . D . 403
449 ; C . P . AVyman , S . and O . 403 ; C . Smith , P . M . 403 ; J . Glass , P . M . 453 , P . G . S . B . Essex ; J . J . AVilson , AV . M . 1237 and P . G . Officer , Middlesex ; R . Bruce , AA . M . S 69 and P . G . D . Herts ; C . B . Payne , P . M . 27 and Grand Tyler ; J . Henderson , P . M . 13 , 700 , 829 ; A . AV . Page , P . M . 1076 ; A . A . Finch , P . M . 217 , S 98 ; J . Saunders , S 98 ; S . AVatkins , P . M . 212 , 1076 ; G . Park ,
1076 ; T . A . Hoare , P . M . 60 S ; AV . Grant , 55 ; II . G . Lisley , AA ' . M . 1076 ; G . Bilbey , P . M . and O . S 6 i ; J . Linzell , 1237 ; AV . Pincomc , J . AA ' . 1076 ; AA ' . Holmes , 1076 ; AV . Allison , 13 ; J . Fisher , 1224 ; J . Portland , 473 ; AA ' . II . Etherington , 869 ; E . Parker , 1073 ; AA' . C . Barnes , junior ; J . K , A ' oung , 1076 ; J . AA . Evans , 1076 ; Thomas Rcilly , AV . Gilbert , 1076 ; G . Harwich ,
1076 ; and C . Blake . The ceremony of consecration was efficiently performed by the presiding officer , Bro . Terry , assisted by his AVardens , pro tent ., Bros . Cocks and Bruce . The lodge having been resumed in the second degree , the AV . M ., Bro . R . AVest , was then installed by Bro . Terry , after which he was saluted according to ancient
custom , and appointed his officers as follows : viz ., Bros , li . Parker ( 1073 ) , S . AV . ; AA ' . C . Barnes , junior , J . AV . ; J . K . Young ( 1076 ) , S . D . ; J . AV . Evans ( 1076 ) J . D . ; AV . Gilbert ( 1076 ) , I . G . ; and C . Blake , Tyler . A vote of thanks was unanimously awarded to Bro . Terry for the very able and impressive manner in which he went through the various ceremonies , and he was appointed an honorary member of the new lodge . The lodge was
then closed down , when several propositions for new members were made . The brethren retired to a sumplous banquet , provided by brother the host of the Britannia . AVe must say that the way in which everything was carried out reflects the highest credit on all concerned , and augurs well for thc success of the King Harold Lodge . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . Bilby , P . M . and O . 861 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Antiquity Of Freemasonry.
that say that such ever occurred before , produce the necessary documentary evidence . Mere tradition aud legends can be produced to prove thc greatest absurdities and the most palpable lies in the creation . " Ingivingthebenefitof italics to this last eloquent sentence , I follow Bro . Buchan , who adds ,
in his usual pleasant style , " I have no doubt but that these remarks will be highly appreciated by Bro . Paton , and he will also be vary grateful to me for quoting them . " I hope I do appreciate them according to their merit , and that I appreciate Bro .
Buchan ' s pleasantries likewise . I have not completed my examination of Bro . Buchan ' s first instalment of his long communication , and what remains to be said concerning the first part will be included in my next . C To be continued . )
Jottings From Masonic Journals.
Jottings from Masonic Journals .
—*—THE New York Dispatch of September 4 th is to hand ; the editor of its Masonic department is M . AV . Bro . John AV . Simons , P . G . M . andG . Treasurer , a working Mason of great celebrity , and withal an ornament to Masonic literature . Apropos of a projected' Masonic picnic in New \ ork , our brother , who can make and
appreciate a joke , unburdens his heart as follows : — "It has been proposed that at the great Masonic pic-nic there should be a wheelbarrow race betwen the Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer . AVe don ' t object , provided that the Grand Secretary will have a reef taken in his legs , so as to reduce them to the same length as ours . Those who want to see this exciting contest will do well to secure tickets at the earliest possible moment . Liberty or death . "
THE Lodge " Des Amis Philanthropes , " of Brussels , has issued an address to all Masons in France and Germany respecting the present war . It is an ably written manifesto , but touches too closely upon the confines of politics to please the taste of English Masons . Among the signataries are , Bros . Auspach , burgomaster and representative of Brussels , Ven . of the lodge , G . Jottrand , S . AV ., also a representative of Brussels , and E . Dubub , Lieutenant of Engineers , the Secretary .
We have great pleasure in publishing the following address of M . E . Comp . Harington from the Gavel , of Orillia , Ontario , and with reference to the recognition of the Grand Mark Lodge of England by the Grand Chapter of Canada , we may say to the Grand Chapter of Scotland— " Go thou and do likewise " : —
Companions , —So smooth has been the path of Capitular Masonry in and throughout thc Dominion since we last assembled together , that I have no little difficulty to so prepare the usual annual address as to make it all interesting . I can , however , at all events repeat what I said at our last convocation , that I feel happy in once more meeting you , and I pray in all sincerity that we
may be allowed for many a future year to assemble in harmony and good fellowship—that no cloud may rise in our Masonic sky threatening to mar the symmetry of our hig h and honourable branch of Freemasonry , and that our future may be as sunshiny as our past has been prosperous ; and so I greet you all well , my companions . And now for a few facts and some brief statistics . AA e
number thirty-nine subordinate chapters . I have issued dispensations in favour of four new chapters , and I hope Grand Chapter will , if all is found to be satisfactory otherwise , grant the necessary warrants of confirmation . The names , and the places where held , are as follows : Seymour Chapter , Bradford ; Botsford Chapter , Moncto , N . B .: Guclph Chapter , Guelph ; Harris Chapter ,
Ingersoll . One , you will observe , belongs to New Brunswick , thus adding cement to our common bond of union . ' I am glad to state to Grand Chapter that one of our oldest subordinates , St . Andrew ' s Chapter , Toronto , is most fully revived , and working worthy its ancient fame . I am also happy to add that St . John ' s Chapter , on the registry of Scotland , has surrendered its warrant , and
amalgamated with St , Andrew ' s , and , in accordance with the desire of the companion members of both , I sanctioned a change of name . The amalgamated Chapter is now called " St . Andrew and St . John Chapter , No . 4 , Registry of Canada . " 1 have granted several dispensations for the election of principals ; all in my opinion being absolutely necessary
for thc welfare and existence of the respective chapters interested , owing to the paucity of candidates , otherwise qualified under our Constitution . I have also confirmed many of the by-laws of our subordinate bodies . Since our last annual convocation , the Grand Chapter of Nova Scotia has been formally organised , and although I could not help thinking thc action somewhat premature ,
considering the small inumber of cliapters existing in that province , yet , acting on my conviction that where there is a Grand Lodge a Grand Chapter may of right follow , I had no hesitation about acknowledging the Grand Chapter of Nova Scotia , and wishing that body all success and prosperity . The Grand Mark Lodge of England also claimed recognition , and an interchange of brotherly courtesies , and
as the Mark degree is one of those sanctioned by this Grand Chapter , I saw nothing opposed lo the allowance of that claim , and the Grand Scribe E . wrote to thc authorities in England accordingly by my desire conveying the recognition and good wishes of Grand Chapter . Our own subordinate chapters , I have reason lo believe , are prospering , and our members arc increasing in number , and preserving the good name and honour of our
Jottings From Masonic Journals.
Order ; concerning which the several reports of the Grand Superintendents of districts will give you more full information than I can . So also will the statements and accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Grand Scribe E . put you in complete possession of the financial conditions of Grand Chapter . I have caused all the accounts to be paid , as sanctioned by you , and the vouchers will come
regularly before your notice . The report on " Foreign Correspondence" will , as usual , be submitted by the able Chairman of that Committee , and you will there see how zealously and faithfully the interests of Capitular Masonry are guarded and looked after , by other Sovereign Bodies , with all of whom we are , I have pleasure in stating , in close fellowship ,
and neighbourly relationship , who are flourishing , and who all manifest a very kindly interest in the welfare of " Grand Chapter of Canada . " You will observe on the proceedings of last year , a notice of motion for an amendment to clause No . 4 , " of proposing members , " in our Book of Constitutions , which , if it becomes law , will specificially add to the dispensing
power of your Grand First Principal . I deem it my duty to invite your attention to this , as it will be an alteration affecting an important clause . Another , and a most serious matter I submit also for the due consideration of Grand Chapter , is our proposed authorised Ritual . The committee have attended to this very carefully and anxiously ; a report is prepared , the
work is in readiness for exemplification , and the result will be submitted to your wisdom and for your determination . And while on this topic , I have to suggest to Grand Chapter to consider the necessity and propriety of working the Degrees of " Royal and Select Masters , " as practised in the United States of America , and known as "Cryptic " Masonry . These degrees would seem to be proper
appendages to Grand Chapter and Royal Arch Masonry , and are interesting , ii not absolutely necessary . The Province of New Brunswick has a recognised Grand Council controlling these degrees , and I have been appointed Inspector in and for Quebec and Ontario . But it would obviously be preferable for Grand Chapter at once to assume the government , and grant AA ' arrants , which action ,
when three or more subordinate Councils spring into life , will result in the regular organisation of a Grand Council for Quebec and Ontario , and thus place the degrees on a correct and prosperous footing . The only remaining subject to which I invite your notice is the retirement of the Most Excellent Companion , the Earl of Zetland , from the high office of Grand Z . of the Grand Chapter of England , which , all of you know , he has
worthily held for more than a quarter of a century , and now vacates owing to ill-health , to the great regret and sorrow of all over whom he has ruled for so long and arduous a period . I think the Grand Chapter would honour ourselves by sending home to England a complimentary address to that courteous and kind-hearted nobleman and Companion , expressive of our high esteem and good wishes for his restoration to health and future comfort .
Before concluding , I cannot help making reference to an existing unfortunate condition of affairs in the Province of Quebec . I do not know officially as your presiding officer what has occurred there in relation to Craft Masonry , and therefore I have -nothing officially to submit to Grand Chapter . But we are none of us blind to the plain fact that there is in that province division in
our ranks , and an unhappy state of things , attended with much personal bitterness , which actually precludes brotherly recognition of many most estimable members of our Institution , and which ought not to exist amongst Freemasons . I am sure Grand Chapter will , with me , truly regret all these untoward circumstances , and pray for a harmonious and brotherly arrangement of matters
that have caused so damaging a shock to our otherwise perfect structure . You all know to what my present allusions point . Let us not , however , permit discord if possible to arise out of those events , in our high branch of thc Order . Let ns hope and trust that all our difficulties will shortly disappear , or be removed . Let us work for that end ! and let us bear in mind that as we have hitherto
steered clear of personal differences , so there need be no future ill-will or angry feeling—and Grand Chapter can remain , as now , in a condition to look on calmly—and cpiietly accept any result—always desiring prosperity and Godspeed to all ; ever looking to thc good of our Institution ; and aiding to establish and perpetuate general harmony , Masonic union , and brotherly charity and
goodwill ! Such should be thc true sentiments of every member of our Order . Added to which should be devoted loyalty to our sovereign and our country . This should be one of our beacons and watchwords ! Since we last met thc Dominion has been threatened—I will not call it invaded—b y another Fenian horde . They went back faster than they came , and let it be a fair
subject of pride to us that their earliest opponent is a Freemason ! I allude to Bro . Lieut .-Colonel Chamberliii , who hurried to the defence of the frontier , and was so fortunate as to command the first of our brave fellows , who made the worthless scoundrels regularly holt out of Canada ! So also was our Most AVoishi pful Grand Master , Bro . Stevenson , one of the foremost in proceeding
with his battery to meet thc Fenian vagabonds , who had once more insulted thc territory of our glorious and beloved Queen ! And , companions , you will find Freemasons arc ever read y to be in thc van on such occasionsand so ihey ought ; and they should remember their peculiar tic , and bear and forbear , and drive away discord , even as the Fenians Merc sent to the right about ! I am
sure that wc all think alike . And now , in conclusion , let me thank you for your many kindnesses to , and the honours you have conferred upon , me . I find I have been elected to preside over Grand Chapter for the past seven years continuousl y , and also during 1859 and 1 S 60 . I now ask you to relieve me from the duties of my high office . I have endeavoured ,
Jottings From Masonic Journals.
to the best of my ability , to promote your interests , and I hope I have not failed . You have many able companions who are willing—nay , anxious—to succeed me to the highest gift you can bestow , and their ambition is laudable and not to be despised . I feel I should give way
—and so I finish by wishing Grand Chapter unceasing prosperity , and praying heartily that the Great Architect of the Universe—AVhose omniscience , omnipotence , and omnipresence are so largely dwelt upon in this the " Capestone " degree of Freemasonry—will bless and protect us all . So mote it be .
T . DOUGLAS HARINGTON , 33 , Grand Z ., Grand Chapter of Canada Quebec , loth August , 1870 .
The Royal Arch Chapter Of Improvement.
A large and influential meeting of Royal Arch Masons was held on Saturday , the 24 th ultimo , at the Caledonian Hotel , Adelphi-terrace , Strand , for the purpose of completing the arrangements for opening and constituting a Chapter of Instruction at Freemasons' Hall . E . Comp . John Hervey , Grand Scribe E , was unanimously voted to
the chair , Comp . Major E . Hamilton Finney to the vicechair , and Comp . R . Wentworth Little acted as Secretary to the meeting . After a short address by the chairman , the companions proceeded to business , and the following resolutions were carried : — "That the chapter be held under the sanction of the
Chapter of Prudent Brethren , No . 145 , at Freemasons Hall , every Thursday evening from October to May , at seven o ' clock precisely . "That Comp . Brett be the first President , Comp . Hervey the first Treasurer , and Comp . Little the first Scribe E . "
Comp . J . Boyd , Z . 145 and P . Z . 534 ., was elected first Chairman of the Permanent Committee ; Comp . G . S . States , P . Z ., Deputy-Chairman ; and Comps . Major E . II . Finney , R . S . AA ' arrington , and J . L . Thomas were chosen as committee-men . The proposed by-laws were read seriatim , ami approved
with a few alterations , and about 100 companions then enrolled their names as founders . AVith a cordial vote of thanks to the chairman , the proceedings terminated . The new Chapter of Instruction will be consecrated at Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , the 6 th inst ., at 7 p . m .,
when a very large muster is expected . As no signature list of those present was kept , we are unable to furnish thc names of all present ; but , in addition to the officers and members of the committee already named , we noticed Comps . George Powell , George
Cowell , A . A . Richards , Dr . C . Parker AA ard , H . Massey , F . AValters , F . J . Cox , F . Avrillon , J . R . Foulger , E . IL Thiellay , J . G . Manby , J . Holbrook , J . Selfc , T . AV . AVhite , J . E . AValford , G . A . Chudleigh , AA' . Ashby , E . Grant , and George AA ' ood .
Consecration Of A New Lodge At Waltham New Town, Herts.
The consecration of the King Harold Lodge , No . 1327 , took p lace at the Britannia Hotel , AA ' altham New Town , on Tuesday . Amongst the brethren present were * . Bros . James Terry , P . M . 228 , 1196 , V 27 S , P . G S . B . for Herts , P . Z . 975 and Z . 174 ; li . AVest , P . M . 1076 ; J . R . Cocks , P . M . 403 , P . P . G . J . AV . Herts ; C . Drummond , AV . M . 403 , P . P . G . S . B . Herts ; T . S . Carter , J . D . 403
449 ; C . P . AVyman , S . and O . 403 ; C . Smith , P . M . 403 ; J . Glass , P . M . 453 , P . G . S . B . Essex ; J . J . AVilson , AV . M . 1237 and P . G . Officer , Middlesex ; R . Bruce , AA . M . S 69 and P . G . D . Herts ; C . B . Payne , P . M . 27 and Grand Tyler ; J . Henderson , P . M . 13 , 700 , 829 ; A . AV . Page , P . M . 1076 ; A . A . Finch , P . M . 217 , S 98 ; J . Saunders , S 98 ; S . AVatkins , P . M . 212 , 1076 ; G . Park ,
1076 ; T . A . Hoare , P . M . 60 S ; AV . Grant , 55 ; II . G . Lisley , AA ' . M . 1076 ; G . Bilbey , P . M . and O . S 6 i ; J . Linzell , 1237 ; AV . Pincomc , J . AA ' . 1076 ; AA ' . Holmes , 1076 ; AV . Allison , 13 ; J . Fisher , 1224 ; J . Portland , 473 ; AA ' . II . Etherington , 869 ; E . Parker , 1073 ; AA' . C . Barnes , junior ; J . K , A ' oung , 1076 ; J . AA . Evans , 1076 ; Thomas Rcilly , AV . Gilbert , 1076 ; G . Harwich ,
1076 ; and C . Blake . The ceremony of consecration was efficiently performed by the presiding officer , Bro . Terry , assisted by his AVardens , pro tent ., Bros . Cocks and Bruce . The lodge having been resumed in the second degree , the AV . M ., Bro . R . AVest , was then installed by Bro . Terry , after which he was saluted according to ancient
custom , and appointed his officers as follows : viz ., Bros , li . Parker ( 1073 ) , S . AV . ; AA ' . C . Barnes , junior , J . AV . ; J . K . Young ( 1076 ) , S . D . ; J . AV . Evans ( 1076 ) J . D . ; AV . Gilbert ( 1076 ) , I . G . ; and C . Blake , Tyler . A vote of thanks was unanimously awarded to Bro . Terry for the very able and impressive manner in which he went through the various ceremonies , and he was appointed an honorary member of the new lodge . The lodge was
then closed down , when several propositions for new members were made . The brethren retired to a sumplous banquet , provided by brother the host of the Britannia . AVe must say that the way in which everything was carried out reflects the highest credit on all concerned , and augurs well for thc success of the King Harold Lodge . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . Bilby , P . M . and O . 861 .